A Day at the Beach

A Day at the Beach – Rewrite (mf) (cnc) (public)

My Dom and I made a new account and decided to rewrite one of the stories we had posted with our previous account. We think this version is a lot more fun, and a lot better written. We hope you like it!

**I feel the sun against my face, the gritty beach sand between my toes, an interesting enough book in my hand. Lying face down beside me is my girlfriend, Aliyah, that lovely girl I met on the [metro]( https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/glquzi/a_meeting_on_the_metro_mf_public_rough/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I smile, admiring her hourglass hips in that red bikini I love so much.**

**I continue reading, but let my fingers absentmindedly trace patterns on her leg. She gives a soft moan and wiggles closer to me so that we’re touching. I smile. Her clinginess wasn’t expected, but I love every moment of it.**

**I wonder if she’s enjoying the beach of my childhood as much as I am. Even hidden away by the trees that surround it there are a ton of people here. The sound of the waves softly rolling in is relaxing and calming in a meditative way. The heat of the sun is perfectly balanced by the light breeze against my face that takes its edge off. Kids laugh and play around us. Parents talk amongst themselves.**

**When I told her that I’d love to take her here she was immediately excited. The first beach day of the summer and she’d get to spend it with her new boyfriend. What I didn’t tell her was that the trees were interspersed by small clearings with picnic benches. Knowing how that filthy mind worked I wanted it to be a complete surprise. It worked. She had nothing on her mind but soaking in the sun, playing in the water, and having her skin traced by my soft fingers.**

**“Stand up. I want to show you something.”**

*I’m curious. I wonder what’s going inside Dante’s mind. It’s usually something filthy. My intuition is confirmed when I gaze into his deep, black eyes. I see an ocean of desire and decadent sex.*

*We started walking for the trees and at that moment I realized exactly what was going to happen. Cheeks flushed, heart pumping, I start resisting. I dig my feet into the ground and bring us to a halt. I’m excited, but a little bit nervous.*

*He pulls me in and hugs me tightly. Anyone watching sees a young couple sharing an affectionate moment on such a beautiful summer day. But I feel the vibration of his growl against my chest. Both of our bodies are tense. Responding to the obvious sexual tension in the air. I take a big breath in, delighted by the turn of events. Ever so slightly I feel him curl his fingers, scratching my back, “your holes belong to me little baby. You really think you could wear something so sexy and I wouldn’t want to use you? You’ve been asking for it since you slipped that bikini over your ass.”*

*“That’s not true!” I hiss.*

*His arrogant smirk deepens as he looks deeply into my eyes, his nails– no, his claws– digging in deeper, “you think I don’t know how much of a slut you are? How wet you’re getting at the thought of me dragging you into those trees by the hair?” The laughter and chatter of families is all around us. “We’re going to those trees.” He grips my hand and starts walking toward them.*

*I try to resist, but he’s too strong. No matter what I do, how much I squirm or try to go limp, he inexorably brings me closer and closer to the trees.*

*“No, Daddy,” I whine.*

**A woman turns her head slightly toward us, unsure if she heard right. What once looked like a young couple playing around with one another, now looks…different. Oblivious, I continue pulling my baby girl forward, her pleas urging me on. She knows exactly how I feel about the word no, and that thought makes my blood begin to rise.**

**At the edge of the beach we round the corner of the tree line and enter a small clearing. A single tree in the center reaches high above the surrounding trees, surely planted years before to give shade to the old picnic bench at its side. I pull her further. She’s beginning to fight harder now, doing everything in her power to stop me from pulling her deeper into the trees.**

**“Daddy seriously, I said no. I don’t like this,” the obvious panic in her voice becomes intoxicating.**

**I begin to see in tunnel vision as my heart hammers inside my chest. My grip painfully squeezes her hand. The trees surrounding the clearing swallow us as we go deeper, their tall branches blocking out the heat and light of the sun. The furious chirping of birds greets us as we violate their home. I turn and pull her into me, one arm diagonal up from her lower back, the other squeezing her ass firmly.**

**I ignore her hands on my chest, trying to push me away.**

**“Was that so hard?”**

*As I get more and more turned on, I try to slither my way out of his strong arms. The inner animal part of me awakens. She growls, threatened, but sees a worthy opponent in the other beast in front of her. She feels cornered, trapped, and she needs to get away. So she does.*

*Hissing and growling, I slide out of his grasp. I run away as fast as I can.*

*He groans in frustration and surprise. I know my insolence never ceases to awaken the wolf in him. My resistance makes the hunt so much more delectable. He has to work for the prize. I can hear him chase after me, his footsteps getting closer but never quite catching up to mine. I know he’s letting me get a bit further ahead so I think I can get away. The rabbit doesn’t outrun the wolf. But I’ll still try. Maybe for once, I’ll get there in time. Just as we get into the small picnic area, he picks up his pace and easily grabs my arm. Distracted, I trip on a root and fall to the ground, followed by him. Our momentum carries us forward out of the trees and onto the ground.*

*I yowl and let out the air inside my lungs in a moan. He puts his hand on my mouth and looks around to see if anyone heard me. Unfortunately for me, the kids continue to play in the water, and the adults carry on watching them while chattering lightly. I swear under my breath. I almost did it! I almost fled.*

*He has me pinned to the ground, and there is no hope for me to weave my way out of his powerful grip anymore. Desperate, I look into his eyes, and I know I’m in big, big trouble. I gulp.*

*Low growls escape from deep in his throat with each panting breath. A part of me is disappointed no one heard. I want them to hear everything that he’s about to do to me and knowing him, I’m sure he was hoping the same. He wants them to see his prey at her weakest and most vulnerable. He flips me over onto my back, and then takes his hard cock out of his shorts. I shudder at the sight of it. It never ceases to amaze me, how big and virile his masculinity is. And every time, it barely fits. I feel completely full, as a slut should be. But I’m not done resisting yet.*

*He lets me go for a brief moment to disrobe, and he realizes his mistake only as my now free hand slaps his face. Dazed he moves back, just enough for me to start moving away from him, kicking my legs violently. I see him shake his head clear and growl deeply. He lashes out and grabs my legs by the ankles and pulls me forcefully back toward him.*

**I bite at her legs as I crawl the rest of the way to her, leaving bright red marks all over her thighs. Everything leading up to this moment has brought me to an edge I love so much. I shake with the desire to fuck my whore. To feel that wet hole wrapped snuggly around my cock. Not taking the time to rip off that red bikini I move it just to the side and force myself into her. She gasps as I bury my cock to the hilt. Her eyes wide in arousal and pain, a low desperate moan as she’s taken by every excruciating, exciting inch.**

**Her legs begin to shake uncontrollably and she whines as I slowly slide my dick from deep within her pussy. I thrust gently forward, letting her envelope me again. Then out. Then in. Then out. I thrust hard. She moans loudly in surprise, and puts her hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. I fuck her faster and harder. Each thrust in the wet warmth of my slut’s tight pussy makes me lose myself to the predator within me.**

**I grip her throat and lean over her. My voice deep, and low in her ear, “I could never hurt you baby girl, you’re mine.” Lost in ecstasy she had forgotten to fight back, but now at the feel of my hand on her throat she begins to buck and squirm. My claws rake her thigh and I slap her face. My hand remains there, holding her head affectionately as I look deeply into her glaring eyes. I fuck her aggressively as she tries to punch me and scratch me. I feel her shake against me, her pussy quivering around my cock. I lean in again to kiss her deeply, the fighting stops and we lose ourselves in the tenderness of the kiss and the ruthlessness of the fuck. Soon the pleasure becomes too much and I lose myself to the rhythmic and wild thrusting.**

*Our hips rock in unison, our panting, moaning, and growling synced. We lock eyes as we cum, our pelvises pushing into each other as he fills me with cum. At this moment, I feel like we’re nothing but breeding animals, guided by our bestial instincts and me being used as a fleshlight. That idea makes me cum a second time, shivering and quivering and moaning in his arms. He caresses my hair. We lay for a moment, panting, sweating, holding each other tightly. He kisses and softly bites my neck. I smile and giggle. My neck has always been my sensitive spot, and his stubble is tickling me nicely.*

*My heart drops as I hear voices coming toward us.*

*”I swear that’s what she said! They went over here and haven’t come back,” the low voices of men, and then, “I don’t care I’m really worried about her!” We leap to our feet, he pulls up his shorts and I fix my bikini. I’m nervous, panicky. Oh my god! What if we get caught? Would we go to prison? Is this legal?*

*Thinking quickly we get into position, facing each other as if in mid-conversation.*

*A woman and two other men round the corner. Concerned she addresses me, “is everything okay here?” I turn toward her as I feel his cum begin dripping from my still wet pussy. I should feel ashamed, but I realize, blushing, that I’m turned on by it.*

*They have no idea what’s going on…*

**“Everything’s fine, we just needed a break from the sun,” I do my best to adopt a confident, yet reassuring tone. There’s nothing going on here, we definitely weren’t just fucking. Did they really hear us from the beach?**
**I realize my mistake quickly enough as the two men cross their arms, glares deepening. The woman’s eyes don’t even flicker toward me as she continues to look at my freshly fucked slut.**
**“Everything okay, honey?”**
**Her tone of voice is surprising. I look between her and the two men, suddenly unsure of the situation. Up to that point my baby girl had been awkwardly standing next to me, doing her best to look nonchalant. She smiles and regains her composure, “Of course! My boyfriend and I were just taking a stroll into the forest and we were about to go back.”**
**I smile at the uncertain frowns of the men as they size me up. Despite the reassurance the woman looks just as uncertain, perhaps even more so.**

**She takes a step forward, “honey if you need help you just have to say so…”**

**Now I’m really confused. My face says as much. I feel my heart begin to beat faster. My palms become slick with sweat.**

**“Wha…what do you think is going on here?”**

**One of the men step forward, doing his best to look intimidating, “we’re not talking to you. She saw you dragging her over here,” he turns back toward Aliyah, “we’re not going to let him hurt you.”**

**Our mouths drop open, realizing now for the first time what the misunderstanding was about. Aliyah steps forward, her hands raised, “no, no, you guys have got this all wrong. I’m fine, we…we were just playing around.”**

**The man to the right, his hard gaze looking us up and down, suddenly turns a deep red. He scratches his head and turns toward the other two, putting his hand on the woman’s shoulder.**

**“Maybe we should leave them alone…I think we uh…misunderstood the situation.”**

**The other man looks at him and then back at us, taking us in as if for the first time. His face goes red as well and he puts his hand over his mouth, “oh my god…yeah Kat, we should leave.”**

**Rather than red, her face turns a sickly white. She quickly turns around without saying a word and stalks off in a huff, clearly frustrated and embarrassed. The two men give each other a laughing look, and with a half-hearted apology they move along after her.**

**My confusion is even deeper than it had been. Dumbstruck, we watch them quickly walk away.**

**Suddenly you let out a cry, “the cum!”**

**Looking down we both see a scene that is far worse than merely cum running down her leg. Lost in the animalistic sex, I had bitten her legs almost all over. Dark red bite marks cover her thighs and stomach.**

**“Oh my god Dante! What the fuck!?”**

**Stifling laughter I manage to say, “we both know whose fault those are.”**

**She glares at me, “obviously yours! I was the one defending myself against your sex crazed biting!”**

**I can see that look of defiance in her eyes, the need to do everything she can to provoke a punishment. I love that electrifying sensation I get when she’s bratty to me, as I know full well she’s feeling the exact same. As much as she might deny it, I know she’s wet at having been caught like this. My baby is a filthy exhibitionist whore. She wants every single person on that beach to see her covered in bite marks.**

**I look deeply into her eyes and smack her ass loudly. She lets out a small whimper, surprised by the shock. Then she laughs, amused, “is that all you got, Daddy?” She says my title with all the condescension and disobedience that only a brat can muster. The embarrassment has been quickly replaced by her coy, seductive voice.**

**“You know full well that’s not all I have. I’m still very curious to find out just how much you can take, so let’s not give me reason to mark that tiny body further.”**

**I pull her closer. Her attitude warms me as much as it frustrates me. What it does right now is excite me for the next opportunity to so firmly put her in her place.**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gmukya/a_day_at_the_beach