Some Help Please!!!

So I have recently started writing stories in Fanfiction.Can someone please give me some advise to improve it?

**Fandom** – Avengers

**Rating** – M

**Title** – Spiderman In The End

**Genre** – Romance/Adventure

**Tags** – Lemons/Incest

**Notes** – I am new to writing and would welcome any advise, criticism and counsel about this story.

**Excerpt** –

Whose lips touched whose first? It wasn’t what either of them intended when going in, but *passion* was running wild.

Both were under so much stress; they could not fight what was transpiring between them.

Peter’s sensible side screamed at him to stop this before he did something that he – and no doubt, Aunt May – would regret in just a few moments. That part of him needed to shut up. He needed this, if only to forget his worries and reveal how deeply he felt for his beautiful aunt.

Normally the voice of reason, she now was giving into pure lust. She was Peter’s aunt as his mom’s sister; the same blood ran through both of their veins, yet she did not attempt to stop this. She had not felt this way about anyone but Ben Parker; now she was probing her nephew’s lips for access. Such a shy boy; it took quite a bit of insistence before he allowed her to taste the lingering flavour of his after-lunch chocolate snack.

A smile passes over Peter’s face and he kisses May on the lips. She returns the kiss, ramming her tongue into her nephew’s throat.

He wondered if she could also detect the slight bit of apple flavoured lip-gloss. Liz had left during a kiss that did not hit its mark. When aunt and nephew broke apart, they were breathless. Peter felt his heart fluttering in a way that was only matched by when he was with his girlfriend. .

Stuttering, he stood up in front of the elder woman, setting his hands on either of her shoulders. His eyes looked pleadingly into hers so that she may be strong enough to take charge and put an end to this impetuous and taboo act. “Aunt May, I think… We shouldn’t…”


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