Just a Thought (possible part 1?)

The gentle glow filled up my eyes as I shifted out of my sleep. I paused for a moment as the guilt tumbled into my mind, the memory of the dream causing me to wince in my bed, trying to recall why it was so… uncomfortable.

It started with me sat at the sofa, watching the TV when my mum walked in, smiling, and nude. I asked her why, and she simply replied “Exhibitionism is my kink” before sitting down, spreading her legs, and…and…

I shook my head, feeling my pants shift in my underwear at the thought of what I had dreamt.

“Urgh” I gently moaned aloud as I sat up. I hated mornings, especially with a hard on. I went to grab my dressing gown and pull it on tight, then yanked open the door to greet the landing.

I plodded down the stairs, turning into the kitchen and pouring out some cereal.

“Oh, good afternoon!” A voice called out from the room next door.

I rolled my eyes. “Mum, it’s only eleven thirty!” I responded as I picked up the bowl, heading into the living room

“Wow, that’s a new record!” She retorted, staring into my soul as I entered the room where she sat and-

And I couldn’t help but think of her in my dream, sat there, ma-

I shook my head, both to clear it and in response to what she had said. “Why you gotta attack me like this, mum?”

She giggled, readjusting her magazine as she looked back to it. “You’re the one that makes it so easy…”

I sat down on the couch, unsure of how to respond as I dug into my breakfast, my crotch seeming to support the bowl in my lap.

I looked back up to my mum, looking to her magazine. “Watcha reading?”

“Oh, some house keeping magazine,” she smiled, turning the page, “it is very useful.”

I nodded, trying to care when something about her caught my eye. I couldn’t help but stare for a few moments, quick to glance away at the fear of being caught.

My mind instantly shifted to the image of her nude body from my dream, wilfully letting me see her. It took all my will for the sensible side of my brain to push that thought out as fast as possible by distracting myself with the bowl of cereal.

I finished it off, unsuccessful in reducing the blood in my crotch. Standing up, I readjusted my gown to hide my tent as I made my way out. “I’m gonna probably chat with my friends until lunch.” I called to my mum.

“Well, it’s at one if that gives a time frame?”

I simply nodded, my eyes catching the sight again, and my crotch refusing to calm down at the thought of it. I shut the door, putting my bowls in the dishwasher before making my way back to my room, my mind racing.

‘She always wears a bra!’ I thought to myself as I headed up the stairs. ‘Even on hot days or in tank tops, she wears one!’ I kept on thinking as I shut the door behind me, the day certainly not hot.

I wouldn’t be the last to admit my mum was at least somewhat sexy. She had a decent bust, plump hips and a gentle personality, but she never really took advantage of this. She had long flowing brown hair, but she always kept it tied up professionally. I had once peeked at her bra size to see it at a D, but she always worse semi-loose clothes. She never wore tight fitting trousers, preffering a more conservative style in her clothes.

But, as I sat there, my computer booting up, the idea she would skip out on a bra just didn’t seem like something my mother would do.

The sound of the OS activating thankfully pulled my mind away from its lewd thoughts, seeming to quell my shaft from its taboo erection. I pulled open Discord, shifting onto the chat and seeing who was online to talk.

A few were online, so I decided to take my chances with someone joining. I started a voice chat, and simply waited.

After a minute or two, the jingle sounded as another entered the group. “How do you do on this fine Saturday morning, Sash?” I called out, seeing her username pop up.

“I am doing well, Jack! And how about you?” her low and silky female voice responded, emphasising the end of her question in a jokey fashion, leaving me unable to do anything but giggle and respond.

“Oh, you know! Same old, same old.” She laughed at this, the sound of her computer buzzing in the background. I chuckled along with her, our silly greetings out of the way.

We began to chat about how our mornings had been, her asking me what I planned to do with the weekend, me responding aptly. Me asking of any good movies she had watched, her responding with terrible and jokey answers. Us mentioning any good games on sale at the moment. But, given time, the conversation shifted into less small talk and something more personal.

“Well, I mean, Jane down the road has huge breasts!” She called out. “I’m sure you’d love to squeeze them!” She laughed at this, seeming to imagine me as a horny teen despite us both having escaped those teen years.

The topic of hot girls along our road hadn’t been my first thought for the conversation this morning, but it had apparently been Sasha’s. “I have said a hundred times I don’t like huge busts!”

“Oh, yeah, you ‘prefer the petite breasts like mine'” she quoted at me,leaving me to silently roll my eyes. “We all know that men only like big breasts!”

I remained silent in objection.

“Well, even if you wouldn’t, I’d love a good squeeze of them.” She said.

A few years back, in the upper years of school, Sasha had come out as bi, along with the fact she had a girlfriend. As a good friend group, we all simply nodded and moved along, not objecting to it but simply accepting it.

“Your mum is another banger!” She called out, interrupting my train of thought.

I was taken aback for a few moments. “W-what?”

“Your mum is sexy!”

“Sasha, stop joking about.”

“I’m not, though!” She retorted. “Your mum is a proper milf!”

“Stop!” I said, my mind picturing my mum sat just downstairs, simply basking in the Sun, her nipples hard.

“With big breasts and some amazing hips. I wouldn’t say no if sh-”

“Sasha, please stop.” I said, my mind quickly wandering beyond my control. It soon got to work at imaging some porn scenario where the two are chatting then start seducing each other, then make out, before lickig each other out, and…and…

I shook my head, trying to keep it clean. It was sad to admit that, despite our amazing friendship, I often thought lewdly of Sasha. She was a petite but firm woman, with short, black hair, and a fine face. She had tiny hips and breasts, but it was the small size that did it for me, my mind unable to stop from imagining her nude body, spreading her pussy as she wanted nothing but me. My fantasies were only helped by the fact she only wore scandalous clothes without bothering with a bra.

And, oh the fantasies. They started out with me seeing nude women online and thinking of Sasha’s face in their place. I never wanted to her, but simply wondered what she looked like nude.

But at a party, it all seemed to just shift.

It was a small birthday party, nothing too excessive. Everyone had come in casual. But Sasha, my friend since before I could write, I had never seen her like she had been in that afternoon. She only wore some sandels, a thin tank top, some short shorts, and nothing else. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I examined her over, seeming the slight curve in her figure, her nipples protruding out of her shirt, and…

My fantasies and wank sessions simply escalated.

As a horny, pubescent boy, my porn searches got out of hand, and I started getting more intricate in my kinks. I started watching exhibitionism and secret sex; corruption hentai and public masturbation. And, over time, I imagined Sasha in these scenarios, in these skimpy outfits, acting like a secret slut without anyone knowing. Images of her masturbating at home as she was so incredibly horny, or sitting on her computer with a vibrator in as she chatted over discord, or going to the shops with a dildo in.

I did feel guilty for always putting my friend in these scenarios, but I was always sure to remove fact from fiction. I knew these were only fantasies, and, thankfully, they never interfered with our friendship.

“I mean, you have admitted to wanting to fuck my mum!”

I snapped back to reality. “I said she was hot, not that I wanted to fuck her.”

“But would…” Sasha paused for a moment as if something had distracted her. “Would you say no if she offered?”

“Well, I mean, no.” I admitted.

“Exactly! So, I propose that s-same concept.” She slightly stuttered, as if her mind wasn’t fully on the conversation.

“Fine, I guess.” I conceded, letting her win.

She breathed a few quick times before giving a little “yes” under her breath, partially obscured by the still gentle buzz of her PC.

I sighed, looking over to see who else was online at that mo-

It suddenly hit me as my eyes glazed over Sasha’s username (‘hoe in disguise’ as she often was the one to steer the conversation to a lewd setting.)

She was on mobile.

I frowned, leaning back. “Are you on your PC, Sash?” I asked.

“What? Nah. Couldn’t b-be bothered to t-turn it on.” She replied, that low drone still just audible.

My mind raked through what that noise could be if it wasn’t the PC. A fan? No, the day isn’t hot enough. Her phone? Maybe, but unlikely.

Then it hit me. My fantasy. My dream.

She couldn’t, could she?



I didn’t know what to say. Could I confront her that easily? We were a fairly open friendship group, mine and Sasha’s being one of the oldest and closest, so one I feared most of collapsing.

Would it be too much to ask her? Would it tear us apart? But she is the one doing it in front of me in the first place…

“J-jack?” She stuttered, her breath shallow.

Fuck it.

“Are you using a vibrator?”


[thank you for getting this far and reading first lewd story. I hope you enjoyed it and any feedback is greatly appreciated!]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/glolac/just_a_thought_possible_part_1