Networking In The Industry [M/F, mild Mdom]

She was only with us for two years.

I can still remember the day she started. I was sitting at my desk losing my mind trying to make sense of the figures when David knocked on my door and introduced her as the new girl. There was an instant after I first looked at her and before I managed to control my expression; I was certain she’d seen it, that she’d known in that moment just how intensely the primal part of my brain forced its way to the front and roared its approval. Only an instant, though, and my face was back to carefully moderated professionalism. I managed to hold it even as David explained that thanks to a change in reporting lines, she’d be working for me.

For two years I maintained that blankly polite exterior around her. Two years in which she went from being barely one rung above an intern to being the strongest performer on the floor. Two years in which I rigorously avoided admiring her curves, or her smile, or her eyes; the last thing she needed was anyone thinking her success was a result of her manager having the hots for her, and she deserved better than to have to deal with a horny boss trying to get into her pants. So for two years I was polite and professional, and never once gave the slightest hint that I found her attractive, much less that I felt sexually drawn to her in a way I’d never before felt with anyone.

And then one day I came back from my vacation, to find that she’d given her notice and left. I told myself it was probably for the best, that at least now I could work without my own libido screaming at me all day long. And it was; even without her contribution, we did extremely well, thanks in no small part to my renewed focus. My Christmas bonus was generous, even by the company’s standards.

January brought its own questionable pleasures; as the head of the best-performing team in the company, I headed to the big industry conference. The Friday night icebreaker was infamous, and I was looking forward to blowing off some steam. I checked in, changed, and headed down to the bar, waving hello to an old college acquaintance who’d been working for a rival company ever since we graduated. He insisted on paying for my first drink, and told me I should meet his new hire, that he remembered my type and that this new chick was a bit fat for him but right up my street. I nodded politely, remembering both why I’d never liked him very much and that I needed to remain in professional Work mode as long as I was around people in my industry, and turned around as soon as I could to network with people I didn’t already know and who were almost certainly better company. A few minutes later, a tap on my shoulder, and I turned to face Mr No Fat Chicks and – well, shit.

Once again, I was certain there’d been an instant of realisation in her eyes. Once again, I returned to careful politeness almost immediately. He was a pig, but he was absolutely correct about my type; she was still every bit as gorgeous as she’d been the day she arrived in my office. I realised that this meant there’d be no blowing off steam; the last thing I could trust myself to do was get drunk in her presence. I switched quietly to non-alcoholic beer, had a perfectly pleasant evening of networking and shop talk, and headed to bed at an insultingly sensible hour.

The next morning, I was wide awake at 6am, and consulted the conference program. No events till noon – no wonder the Friday night was infamous. I changed into gym gear and headed down to at least get a good hard interval session done before starting the day.

I walked into an empty gym and got started on one of the stationary bikes. I was still warming up when I saw her walk in, looking incredible in a skintight outfit. I prayed silently that she’d work out as far from me as possible, so that I’d be able to focus. Instead she picked the bike right next to mine, and explained that she was trying to get stronger as part of her new year resolutions. She asked could she follow along with what I was doing; I told her that I’d be doing intervals, and that she’d need to do exactly as I said. She smiled – a smile I’d call coquettish, but there was nothing innocent about it – and promised to obey.

I almost fell off the bike for a moment.

In a few minutes, we’d reached the first high-intensity interval. I barked at her to GO, and hammered the pedals on my own bike as hard as I could. Ten seconds passed, twenty, thirty, forty. I could hear her breathing harder even as I kept my eyes straight ahead. Fifty seconds, fifty-five. Now only three seconds to go. Two. One. RELAX, I barked, and heard her exhale long and hard. I asked whether she was okay.

“I’ll tell you if it’s too much. You’re in charge.”

Before long, it was time for the next interval. I barked at her to GO, listened as she breathed hard, smelled fresh sweat in the air, barked at her to RELAX. Another breather, another round of me trying not to lose my focus. GO. RELAX. GO. RELAX. For thirty minutes I commanded her, and she obeyed me without question. I had to keep reminding myself that this was a training session, not foreplay; that barring a smile, I had no indication from her that she was doing anything except getting a challenging training session done with some help from an old colleague. Eventually we were done, heat radiating off our bodies, chests rising and falling with heavy breaths. She turned away for a moment, and in that moment in an empty gym I allowed myself to drink in just how obscenely sexy I found her. Then she turned back, smiling, and thanked me. I said it was no problem, that it was good to have company for training. And like that, she was gone again.

Fifteen minutes later, showered and suited, I heard the chime and picked up my phone. One new message, from her number.


I headed straight for her room; the door was ajar, and she was inside lying on the floor, still in her spandex, trying to stretch. It’s my lower back, she said, it’s always causing problems. I took a deep breath, knelt in front of her, and asked if she was happy with me stretching out her back. She nodded. I put a hand on her right shoulder, pinning it to the floor, and pulled her right knee across her body, pushing it down as far as I could. She groaned in relief as I almost chewed off my own tongue in frustration. I released the pressure and switched sides, hearing that guttural moan again as her back muscles loosened.

“I’ll have to be quick to give you time”, I said.

She looked at me, a glint in her eye.

“What do I need time for?”

“Well, you’ll have to change out of this spandex-”

“Make me.”

Three years of control and discipline evaporated in an instant. Before I even realised what I was doing, my tongue was in her mouth, my hands pulling furiously at her spandex shorts. She grabbed my tie and pulled me closer to her; I undid it and pinned her hands above her head, before tying her wrists together. She smiled, a feral grin.

“I’ll tell you if it’s too much. You’re in charge.”

I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled a leg around me, then leaned back and lifted her as I stood up. We were kissing frantically, her arms around my neck and tied together behind my head, her leg hooked loosely around me. I threw her onto the bed and pulled her shorts and underwear completely off, then buried my face between her legs.

She was soaked, and I slid my tongue inside her before sliding upwards to her clit. I ran my hands up her body and fumbled with her sports bra; she twisted her hands around in the knotted tie and pulled it up over her head. I licked and sucked on her clit as I fondled her tits, barely able to believe what was happening. After a minute or so, I ran a hand down and slid two fingers inside her as I kept at her clit; she groaned harder and bucked into my face. I saw stars for a moment, but my brain was fixated on making her come; I’d wanted to make her come since the moment I’d met her. I kept going, speeding up gradually until my jaw was aching and my face was a mess. I’d never been so turned on in my life, until she started to howl. I felt her hands slamming against the back of my head as she jammed my face against her as hard as she could, screaming as the orgasm peaked. For a minute or so, she lay like that, legs spread wide, my face buried in her crotch.

I stood up and removed my jacket and pants. She smiled again. “Oh, I’m too tired now to do any work. Whatever you have in mind, it better involve me lying down.”

I removed my shirt and smiled back at her. “Oh, don’t worry. What I have in mind won’t need you to exert yourself.” I rolled her over onto her belly, before stroking and fondling her ass and thighs. “I’m going to climb on top of you, and I’m going to fuck you from behind while you’re laid out on your belly with your hands tied together. Does that sound good to you?”

She wiggled her ass. “Just promise me you won’t hold back…”

I climbed onto the bed, pulling my cock from my boxers and letting it sit on her ass crack for a moment. Then I pulled back before sliding slowly inside her pussy and shifting my weight so that I was almost pinning her; she moaned and pushed back against me. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and used it to hold her close against me as I started to thrust. Slowly at first, then increasingly quickly, I pushed inside her, feeling her ass compressed against my crotch each time. I kissed her shoulder and her neck, then in an impulsive moment I pulled her head back by her hair to kiss her. For a moment I thought I’d ruined things, but she kissed me fiercely, her tongue pressing hard against mine.

“Where do you want me to come?” I gasped.

She moaned deeply. “Oh fuck, come inside me, I want to belong to you, I want to…oh, god…”

I couldn’t hold back any longer. I groaned as a shuddering orgasm vibrated through me and felt myself coming deep inside her. I held her tight as the thrusts gradually subsided and the last spasms wore off, and lay there on top of her for a moment, my heart still racing, my cock still inside her.

After what felt like an eternity, I rolled off. “I’ve wanted to do that since the day I met you.”

She laughed. “You took your fucking time! I’ve been waiting for you to do it since that day. Now go get that water from the minibar and drink it as fast as you can.”

I looked at her, mystified. “What?”

She turned to look at me. “We still have three hours before the first session starts, and I have at least two other places I want you to put your cock before then, so drink that fucking water so we can start round two.”

I smiled and rolled off the bed and onto my feet.



  1. I liked this! It was a fresh take on the male office superior story – and it was nice that they were both consenting adults but it was still hot. I would the sex would be slower though, after such a long build up I was surprises how aggressive and fast everything went down. Would definitely read more – perhaps with more foreplay.

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