What’s My Job? 1 [affair]

It was the end of June; she had lost her teaching job and still couldn’t find work, even outside teaching. A colleague had resigned last minute so she applied for it. She knew he wouldn’t look at it but she figured it was worth a shot. A few days later, she got a phone call from the principal.

“Olivia?” asked the principal.

“This is she,” said Olivia.

“I saw you put your application in and I wanted you to come in and discuss some things,” said the principal.

“Sure,” said Olivia, knowing full well what he would say. “When would you like me?”
“Whenever works for you,” said the principal. 

“I’ll come this afternoon then,” said Olivia. She hung up and got herself dressed. Something professional but not too professional. Something that said “I’m a professional, but I can have fun too.”

She walked to the school and knocked on his door.

“Come in,” he said, getting up to close the door. Olivia sat at the chair by his desk as he returned to his chair. “So, I saw you applied for Katie’s position.”

“I did,” said Olivia. The principal looked at her. “Just cut the crap, Bill. We both know why you asked me here, so just say it.”

“What do you mean?” asked the principal, shocked at her abruptness.

“You asked me in to ask me why I applied and that you can’t give me the job and yada yada.”

Bill looked at her and asked, “Why did you apply?”

“Because I’m a good teacher,” Olivia said. “And I love these kids and I love my co-workers. You letting me go was a mistake.”

“You know I can’t hire you,” said Bill. “You resigned and if you hadn’t I would have put in a non-renewal.”

“Why?” asked Olivia. “I don’t even think you know the reasoning behind your decision.”

Olivia leaned on Bill’s desk, hugging her elbows.

“The least you could do is own up to it,” she said. “Did I make some mistakes? Yes. Were they something that should have cost me my job? No.”

“You haven’t found another job?” asked Bill. Olivia scoffed, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed.

“Would I be applying for this job if I had?” she asked. Bill nodded. “I’m having no luck. Teaching and non-teaching.”
“So what’s your plan?” asked Bill.

“Subbing, I guess,” said Olivia. “But don’t act like you actually care. If you did, you wouldn’t have let me go in the first place.”

Bill sat silently.

‘Damn, she is full of fire,’ he thought. His eyes drifted to her chest, but he caught himself and returned to her eyes.

“Anything else?” asked Olivia. Bill sighed, looking down at his desk. He looked back up at her and shook his head. Olivia left.

‘Ugh. The nerve. What even was the point of that?’ Olivia thought as she walked back.

The summer passed and Olivia did as she said. She would sub since she had not other job options. Because Kensington was closest, she would choose those subbing jobs before others. And she wanted Bill to feel bad for letting her go, so the more he saw her, the more she hoped it would dig in.

After a month of seeing her on almost a daily basis, Bill asked her to his office one day after school. 

“Have a seat,” he said, motioning to the chair in front of his desk. He sat down. “Still no luck?”

“Clearly,” said Olivia.

“I would watch the attitude,” Bill said calmly.

“Or? You’ll tell me I can’t sub?” said Olivia, sass oozing from her mouth. “I don’t need this job. I have plenty of other subbing opportunities. You need me, more than I need you.”

“You seem confident,” said Bill. Olivia looked at him.

“May I go?” she asked. Bill nodded. She left. 

‘I’ll show him he needs me more than I need him,’ she thought. 

For the next month, Olivia did not sub at Kensington. Bill had to do more subbing to fill in for teachers. One day, at the end of October, Olivia finally came in to sub last minute for someone. She couldn’t sub during the last hour so Bill had to come relieve her.

“Can you come back later?” he whispered in her ear. She nodded and held up 5 fingers. Bill nodded.

Olivia went to her appointment and then came back to the school at 5. She called Bill to let her in and they went to his office.

“What’d you need?” she asked, lacking her usual sass.

“To talk,” said Bill, sitting at his desk. 

Olivia took her usual spot, bending forward a bit. Bill noticed her shirt was unbuttoned a bit more. Her arms were crossed, pushing her breasts up. Bill could feel his pulse increase. He swallowed. Olivia raised her eyebrows. She smiled as she realised where his eyes were and saw the pink in his ears. She leaned forward, resting her breasts on his desk, hugging her elbows.

“Really?” she said, looking in his eyes. “Is that what you really want?”

Bill felt a stirring in his pants. Olivia knew she was having an affect on him. She bit her lip and unbuttoned another button.

“Olivia,” Bill barely whispered. Olivia got up and sat on the corner of his desk near him. He couldn’t help himself. He gazed at her creamy legs.

“That’s what I thought,” said Olivia and she got up to leave. Bill quickly got up, pushing her against the door so she couldn’t leave. Olivia smiled. “You realize I could end your career right now.”

Bill turned her around to face him, keeping her pinned to the door.

“But you don’t think I will,” said Olivia, looking into his cool, blue eyes. “Be very careful with your next words.”

“I haven’t had sex in years,” said Bill. “And you…are so….beautiful, sexy, attractive.”

Olivia smiled. Bill let go of her. She kept looking in his eyes as she gently caressed his member through his pants.

“And what do you want to do about that?” she asked. Bill rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.

“I want you,” he said. Olivia smirked and stopped rubbing him.

“That’s too bad,” she said. Bill’s eyes shot open and his heart pounded.

‘Shit,’ he thought. He stood back from her.

“I’m not so easy,” she said. “You’re going to have to work for it.”

She patted one cheek and kissed the other. Olivia buttoned up her shirt and left. Bill stood at his door, in a daze.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gjth7k/whats_my_job_1_affair

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