Boyfriend [M] walked me [F] on a leash and fucked me in public

I’m sitting on the couch in my sweatpants, watching Love is Blind when Boyfriend comes up from behind me. He kisses me on the forehead, then the cheek, then the neck. God I love it when he kisses my neck. He whispers in my ear “Get dressed, we’re going for a walk”.

I knew what he meant. Boyfriend allows me to wear pants around the house, but when we’re together outside I have to look feminine, meaning only skirts and dresses are allowed unless he says otherwise. I ran over to the bedroom took my sweatpants off and put on a [cute mini skater skirt]( I touched up my makeup too, he likes me pretty.

Boyfriend was waiting by the door by the time I came out. I went over there and grabbed a pair of sneakers but he said “No”, and pointed to a pair of stilettos behind me. I turned around, and bent over at the waist to put them on, giving him a view of my ass, of which he took full advantage. While I was putting my shoes on, Boyfriend spanked me a few times, building in intensity. I moaned harder and harder with each smack. My heels were on at this point, but I dared not move until given permission. It soon came when he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up. Standing behind me, Boyfriend again kissed my neck. Then he put my black leather dog collar on (an actual dog collar, he bought it at a pet store, said it was appropriate) and spun me around.

Boyfriend put his left hand out. Looking me in the eye, he calmly said “Panties”. Immediately I got a little wet. I adore how he exerts his dominance over me. I slipped my panties off and handed them to him. Still looking me in the eye, Boyfriend put my panties in his jacket pocket and said “Let’s go”.

We got downstairs and walked around the neighbourhood for at least a couple of hours. First we held hands, then he did that alpha male thing when he puts his arm around me and leans on my shoulder. I love that. We hugged, kissed in public, all the things I love but haven’t experience in a while (thanks a lot virus). It was getting cold, so he gave me his jacket. God I love this man. It was dark out by the time we were on our way back. When we reached the park next to our place he stopped. I asked him what he was doing and he pointed to the sign at the park entrance. It said “Pets must be kept on a leash at all times”.

I looked at boyfriend in shock. Suddenly, his gentle side, the one which held my hand and gave me his jacket was gone, and the alpha male had reappeared, ready to bend me to his will. His look was dominant, his smirk mischievous. “Reach into the right pocket”, he said. I did. Immediately a shiver went down my spine. It was the chain that goes with the collar. “Hand it to me”, he said. His voice changed. It was still calm, but with an undertone of “Or else…”. I know that voice. I love that voice. But I’ve never heard it in public before. I handed him the chain, and he attached it to my collar. He smiled and said “Let’s walk”, as he pulled on my leash and led me into the park.

My legs were frozen, but the force of his pull led me forward and I started walking behind him. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling. Being leashed is one of my favourite things. It always turned me on and today was no exception. But, I had never done it in public. And I was feeling trepidation that someone might see. We did one lap of the park, then another. I begged Boyfriend to take me home but he didn’t even turn around as he kept walking. I had no choice but to follow.

Suddenly I heard some voices. I turned to the right and saw a group of four men on one of the benches we had just passed. I was so embarrassed and humiliated I couldn’t even make out what they were saying. I stopped. Boyfriend turned around. “Take me home please”, I begged him again. Silence. Then I heard one of the men yell “Make the bitch crawl”. Boyfriend leaned in and kissed me. He whispered in my ear “Make daddy proud”, then grabbed my hair and pulled me down to my knees. The men got louder with approval. I felt so humiliated. I looked up at Boyfriend and he looked down at me. There’s that smirk again. He was enjoying this. And seeing him enjoy this made me enjoy it.

Boyfriend pulled on the leash and walked me back the way we came. I was crawling behind him. Humiliated. But I was ready to suffer any humiliation for the gentleman whose jacket I was still wearing while on all fours. As we got closer to the men, Boyfriend stopped me and made me wave at them. I got a better look at them. All were pretty average, in their 40s probably. No match for my rugby playing hunk.

Boyfriend started talking to them, asking them how’d they like to watch him fuck a whore, the whore being me. They were all yelling nasty things like destroy that bitch’s throat. (I still don’t understand why men talk like that but anyway…). Boyfriend turned to me, put his fingers under my chin and made me look up at him. I was ready to cry from how humiliated I was, and I think my eyes showed that. As I looked up, I could see something move in my peripheral vision. I turned left and saw one of the men approaching me. Now I was scared. Like real fear, not the fear that someone might see I had experienced earlier.

Boyfriend must have seen my head turn, because he immediately jumped between me and the approaching man and yelled “Don’t even think about it”. His tone was different again. With me it was calm but firm. Now it felt aggressive. And the other man must have noticed too, since he quickly ran back to his buddies. Boyfriend looked me in the eyes again and asked if I was okay. And now I was. Watching my boyfriend completely dominate this man got me very turned on. The feeling that I was about to cry was gone, and desire had taken over. Boyfriend asked again, in a gentle tone “Are you okay baby. Do you want to go home”?. “Fuck me”, was all I said as I reached up for his cock. He was hard. Whether it was from dominating me or the other man I wasn’t sure, but something got him going.

I took his cock out and slapped my face with it. The spectators were yelling yeah bitch and stuff like that. For the first time, I was enjoying having an audience. I was getting turned on by the feeling that Boyfriend is superior to these men, that I had bagged myself an alpha male, and that all they could do was watch, while Boyfriend used me. I licked the head and shaft, making it as sloppy as I could, before taking him deep in my mouth. I was drooling on my tits as Boyfriend grabbed my hair and took control, violently fucking my mouth. I looked up at him. I know that face. He was ready to cum only a few minutes in. I didn’t want it to end so soon. So I tried pushing him off. He must have felt it, because he let go of my hair. Gasping for air, I repeated “Fuck me”. He spun me around and mounted me. I was on all fours. Getting fucked. In public. And loving every second. I turned right to look at the audience. I could see that one of them had his dick in his hand. That really sent me over the edge, and I could sense my whole body tense up as I came. Boyfriend wasn’t far behind as second later he turned me around again and blew a load all over my face.

He put his cock away, while I just knelt there. He looked at me and said my panties are in the left pocket if I wanted to clean myself up. I totally forgot about that. I didn’t care anyway. I nodded no. I was enjoying being marked as his. The property of this alpha male. My alpha male. He smiled and said let’s go. I handed him the leash. He seemed surprised, I think he meant we should walk home, but I was now enjoying the humiliation. Boyfriend grabbed the leash. He led and I crawled behind him. I heard the men yell something about me being a slut, but I didn’t care. I was happy to be a slut for this man.

I crawled all the way to out apartment. We encountered no one else on the way. But several cars did go past, and all of them slowed down to get a better look. A couple honked and yelled out as well. When we got home I went straight to the shower, my knees were dirty and scraped. I had to put some bandages on after the shower, but it was totally worth it. I put my on sweatpants, sat down on the couch and continued watching Love is Blind. Boyfriend brought me a cappuccino and some wafers, my favourite sweets (yes, I drink cappuccino’s before bed, sue me). He kissed me on the cheek, put his arm around me, and we snuggled up. My gentleman is back. God I love this man.



  1. >But, I had never done it in public.

    Isn’t it wonderful to do in public? I got hooked on it in 8th grade I think (I’m old-ish). My bff (2 1/2 years older) would lead me around fairs, festivals, and stuff just for shits and giggles and attention. I fucking loved it, still love it, and probably always will love it. My now ex Sir always said we’d do that but that was just another broken promise in the bucket. Keep up and enjoy your leashed walks like a good girl.

    Enjoy them a little bit for me too please, quite envious right now.

  2. Wow, incredible. I’ve only recently started to learn about my love for exhibitionism/public fun so this was a HUGE turn on for me. Might have to go out and buy a leash!

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