Another time that I [m] waited on the couch for her [f]. Long and Detailed.

My last story was about the first time I ever purposefully let a girl walk in on me while I was edging, this story is about the second time that this happened. It was the same girl that walked in on me in my other story and it took place a couple months after the first story. To give a little more context I’ll describe her a little bit. For the purpose of the story I will call her Amanda. She was about 22 or 23, about 5’6″, a little on the heavier side with the benefit of huge boobs and a giant ass. She was very curvy with brown hair and some of the sexiest lips that I have ever seen. She also had huge brown eyes that made blowjobs even sexier. She was just as horny as I was at all times and had very few limits.

Now on to the story…

After the first story Amanda and I hooked up a few more times but then just kinda fizzled out and stopped talking for a while. A few months later I was on a trip with a couple family members for almost a week. Of course I was posting pictures of my trip to my Instagram story every now and then, and after a couple comments on them from Amanda we started up an innocent conversation. A day or two of chatting and the conversation got a little flirtier and eventually just down right dirty. The night before I flew back home she had sent me a couple nude photos of her at home and I was struggling with how worked up I was. I had been sharing hotel rooms for a couple days and just never had much time to masturbate so it had been about five days since I had cum. When I explained the struggling she was contributing to she absolutely loved it and offered to help relieve me the next day when I got home. Of course I agreed.

As we started to plan out the next day we realized that I would finally be home about 2 hours before she got off work. I made the comment that I hope she doesn’t get stuck at work too long or she would miss out on everything. That’s when she told me that she actually wants me to get started when I get home because she loved the experience of walking in on me the last time. We agreed that I would do whatever I wanted when I got home but I just couldn’t cum. It seemed like a good idea at the time. We spent the entire next day of me traveling sexting back and forth and I was getting into practically a frenzy by the time I got on the plane. The closer I got to home the hornier and hornier I got, made worse by her continued comments and pictures being sent my way. The two hour plane ride was VERY difficult. I couldn’t think of anything else but finally getting some relief. I can say confidently that it was in the top five horniest days of my entire life. The Uber ride home from the airport was almost as bad since I knew that as soon as it got to my apartment I could get started, I was hard the entire 20 minute drive.

I got into my apartment with about an hour and a half before she would be off work and making the drive to my apartment. I used the first couple minutes to clean up my apartment and then shave while taking a shower. I vividly remember being absolutely rock hard while trimming around my dick. With about an hour before she could leave work I was FINALLY on my couch in my boxers with the door unlocked, some porn on the tv, and a few supplies on the table next to the couch. I had gotten out a couple different cock-rings and rolled a couple joints, one of which I started to smoke on. I was wearing dark grey boxers that already had a pre-cum wet spot on by the time I sat down. Amanda and I continued to text each other while she was at work, I was giving her updates on what I was doing pretty much the whole time.

Over the next hour I teased myself pretty slowly, knowing full well that I could make myself cum in well under a minute if I hadn’t already promised to wait. As time went on I got a little more stoned and had myself in a state of mind that could not think of anything else but getting myself some relief. It got more and more intense the longer I waited and teased. In that time I had a couple close calls on getting myself to the edge of cumming, getting to the point where a few more light strokes would be all I needed. Finally she texted me that she was walking out of work and that she would be there in 20 minutes, making it a point to tell me that I was going to be getting no more texts so I wouldn’t know any more updates on when she would arrive. My heart rate went nuts at this point knowing that I was so close and ready to cum but still had to wait. I specifically remember putting my phone down after that text and taking note that I had 20 minutes but was already steadily leaking precum and could get myself to the edge almost too easily.

The first couple minutes went by so slowly since I wanted her to get there so fucking bad, but around the 10 minute mark something changed. I then realized that we were about to the point where any car I heard outside could be hers, and any noise could realistically could be her footsteps on my porch or her turning the door knob. I sent her one random and mildly incoherent text about how I was going absolutely nuts waiting for her. (She later made fun of me because of how broken the message was, I blamed it on being high and horny out of my fucking mind). I consider the time between that text and her getting there to be one long drawn out single instance of holding myself on the edge. I am normally a pretty vocal guy when playing but I remember thinking that there is no way that my neighbors don’t hear my panting and whimpering, I also could not have cared any less at that point.

Then I FINALLY heard what I thought had to be her car, and then the unmistakable sound of footsteps coming towards my door. I had to take my hands off of my dick at this point because if I didn’t I would have erupted right then and there. I was wearing a cock ring around my entire package at this point and I was still dripping precum. There was a brief moment after I got my hands off of myself where I was listening to her turn the door and I felt my whole body almost quivering. I truly thought I was about to cum without having touched myself for about 15 seconds. (I managed to not cum but that feeling did open the door to some other stories down the road in the search for a hands-free orgasm).

Amanda finally walked into the room and took her time putting her purse down and getting over to me on the couch. Instead of touching me right away like last time she leaned herself against the arm of the couch sitting a bit away from me. She then made a few comments about how I looked, how much she liked how desperately horny I obviously was. Then a couple more questions came from her about how I felt and what I wanted. After what seemed like forever she finally scooted closer to me and started rubbing my chest and legs, but not my dick. She knew that it wouldn’t take long once she actually touched it.

She teased me with her hands for a good long while, giving me little strokes along the bottom of my dick every now and then while making comments about how intense everything looked. Finally she agreed that it was about time for me to cum and started giving my the slowest handjob I have ever gotten in my entire life. The orgasm that followed is in contention with the longest, most powerful, loudest, messiest, and most intense orgasms I have had in my entire life. I couldn’t tell you how long it lasted but I know that when it was done I was drenched in my own cum, with a fair amount on the couch next to me, and her hand covered as well. As I calmed down I realized how incredibly loud I had been and how much I had been shaking and bucking. I was in a daze for several minutes while she rubbed my legs and chest some more. Eventually we smoked another joint while discussing what had just happened. Some more fun happened after that, including 3 more orgasms from me over the next 6 hours or so.

I had not intended this story to get so incredibly long but I don’t want to cut any of it out. If you want to know more about what happened after this or have any other comments or questions, feel free to comment or DM me.
