The Incubus Senator (MF) (oral)

Chapter 1

The dark haired senator slid his hands under her skirt, used his strong hands to firmly grab her ass, and carried her onto her desk, displacing her stacks of papers. She felt weightless as she flew through the air, as if carrying her was effortless for him. He kissed her assertively, one hand behind her head, pulling her closer to him. Her desire burned hotter than it ever had.

The man was Seth deGrom, the junior senator from Wisconsin. He was the cliche image of a perfect man. Tall, dark, handsome; piercing, hypnotic blue eyes, broad shoulders, and a lean, strong physique. His hair was dark as night, and always perfectly in place, like a good politician. His lips were nearly equal to his eyes in their ability to lure in the opposite sex. They were full, plump, and seemed magnetic to the pleasure zones of influential women. Seth’s dark five o’clock shadow felt rough on her delicate skin.

The woman was Kendra Wallace, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Nurses Union. Her mid-30s body was fit and curvy. She had tan, almost olive-toned skin, with rich, chestnut colored hair that flowed easily just past her shoulders. For the campaign rally tonight, she wore a blue skirt and blazer, both professional, but unable to hide her alluring figure.

Her legs open to him, he effortlessly flung her lacy panties to the floor. Her mind was intoxicated with lust, and she had lost all agency to care about her inhibitions. All that was on her mind was the senator lowering himself to place his enticing lips and tongue on her throbbing, desperate clit. Once her thought was completed in her brain, his black head of hair disappeared under her blue skirt, as if on cue. She welcomed him gratefully, running her fingers through his thick, jet-black hair. “Oh, God!” She cried.

His tongue moved like his hands: purposefully, gracefully, charged with sexual tension. Seth moved his tongue around her labia. His touch felt like pure electricity on her bits, unlike anything she had ever felt. He took her swollen clitoris in his mouth, and sucked her hard, exactly as her body craved. His ability to seemingly read her mind was abnormal, supernatural, even, but Kendra was drunk with the most powerful lust imaginable. She did not think twice about his uncanny ability to predict her deepest desires.

Kendra’s naked, dripping bottom half sat on her large, modern desk, in her office at the Union headquarters. She was a young executive, her rise to the top disliked by many. The lovers had not met before tonight, but they appeared on stage together in front of thousands of unionized nurses, advocating for better working conditions and better pay. Seth was barely ahead in the polls for the Democratic nominee, and he needed the support of the healthcare field.

Her long awaited fantasy of an alpha male devouring her pussy in her office was coming true. “Yes, yes that’s the spot!” She screamed, oblivious to the noise she created, and completely submerged in her pleasure. Seth raised his index and middle finger between her legs, and immediately pressed on her G-spot without the need for searching. Kendra was nearing her edge, her clit in his mouth and his fingers tapping her spot were more than her brain or body could process. The electric, stinging sensation was both inside and outside of her, the voltage coursing through her entire body. On cue, Seth hummed from his masculine voice box, and vibrated her core through his mouth. Kendra’s body could take no more. “Ah! Ah! Oh fuck! Yes! Yes! Yes!” She screamed in pure ecstasy, her orgasm ripped through her body like an earthquake. The aftershocks, orgasms on their own, flowed in waves after the initial eruption.

Seth emerged from under her skirt, and helped her down from her desk. She looked at him in wonder, noticing how his face looked dry, as if he had not been covered in her pleasure juices just a second ago. The flood of endorphins caused her to not think twice about the strange observation. “It has been a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Wallace,” Seth said. “I hope that we can be partners moving forward, and that you recognize the common values and goals that the Union and the deGrom campaign share.” He sounded unaffected by the sexual interaction that had completed only seconds ago.

“Yes, yes, of course.” Kendra said, her voice and body still shaky and recovering. “You can count on the nurses to vote deGrom. At the primary in August, and in November.”

“That’s just great, Mrs. deGrom,” he said, his perfect smile spread across his face. Seth shook her hand, firmly, lovingly, the same way he had done so on stage earlier in the night. “Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be on my way. More campaign stops tomorrow, so I better get some rest.”

“Right, yes. You must be very busy with the primary coming up,” Kedra said, slowly returning to her senses. “Thank you, senator, for your support of the Union. I look forward to working with you.”

“As do I,” Seth replied, with seduction in his voice. “My assistant, Shay, will follow up with you in a few days. Have a wonderful night, Mrs. Wallace.” He took the hand he had been shaking, and kissed it gently. The same tingling of electricity transferred to her hand when his lips touched her skin. He smiled once more, and then glided to the door and down the hallway, to his black SUV waiting out front.

Kendra sat in her cushiony rolling desk chair, trying to process what had happened. She looked down at her left hand, which adorned a French-set diamond atop her ring finger. The awareness of her infidelity did not sting with guilt, as it would for most. Kendra was not the cheating type, and she did not process this interaction with the senator as cheating. To her, it was as if her affair with him did not qualify the way it would with any other man. It was okay with the senator. It was different. She gathered her things and drove home to her husband. To Kendra, nothing felt out of place.
