[MF] She showed up at my summer job…

There I was, years ago, home from sophomore or junior year of college for the summer, working for a few months at my old high school job at a retail / convenience store. School was about three hours from home. The girl I was seeing, off and on, lived closer to my home than she did to our college, but still about an hour away. And we weren’t in regular daily contact over the summer.

Ok. There I am, stocking shelves in an extremely attractive retail style vest, probably counting the minutes until I could go home. Suddenly I hear footsteps coming down the aisle, I look up and… it’s her. I had no idea she was in town, but she knew where I worked and this wasn’t an accident.

How did I know it wasn’t an accident? Well, she wasn’t in the kind of makeup and clothes she liked to wear out at a bar, but it was also not what you’d put on just for a trip to pick up cotton balls and razors, if you’re following me. Makeup and a nice tan and this tight brown top with a deep v with a ruffle…

So I managed a surprised, “Hey! How are you? What are you d…” before she interrupts, slightly louder than I would have expected, and says, over me, “Excuse me, does this place have a restroom?” (And then her voice lowered just a bit) “With a lock?”

What with me being a little slow on the uptake sometimes, I probably furrowed my forehead and said “Um, yeah? The key is in the back at the counter? But…”

And she said, quieter now, “Great! Would you get the key for me?” So I mumbled, “Sure…” and I’m telling you somehow I still didn’t get what was happening or why she was being weird with me. I’m going to blame youth for not recognizing she was… on the hunt. As it were. By the time I got the key she was outside the door of the bathroom and she took it and looked me dead in the eye and said — and by now she was whispering — “Wait a minute and then come in.”

And THAT’S when my eyes widened and I’m pretty sure I stopped breathing. I can’t remember if she left me the key or if I knocked or what. (I can’t even begin to tell you the extent to which this kind of thing did not and does not happen to me.) Somehow I ended up inside the bathroom with her and she smiled this wide smile, eyes sparkling, and put both hands on my chest and just… I don’t know… *rubbed* for a second. She didn’t have to push hard before I had my back against the wall.

I have no idea how she was this smooth about the whole thing, because she was ordinarily a little bit gawky in a way I found really cute (especially because gawky was something I could relate to) but she must have planned this in detail. She ran her hands down my chest as she dropped down to her knees without breaking eye contact. Not for a second.

I whispered “Wait” and whipped my vest off — I’m sure it was as far from graceful as it’s possible to be — and put it on the ground for her knees, and she just smiled and unzipped me and pulled out my cock. You can guess how little work she had to do to get me ready by then.

My god, she fucking *inhaled* my dick. I don’t know how long I lasted, but it couldn’t have been long, because she was not fucking around. My pants never came off, nothing of hers ever came off, and she was sucking hard from the start. I don’t know what the deal was, she never explained what came over her. It was all I could do not to yell for the whole fucking place to hear as she slobbered and sucked, and then I was shooting my load down her throat in no time.

I started to say something, Lord knows what, but she just shook her head and stood up and kissed me. And left the bathroom.

By the time I cleaned up and got my vest back on and got out to the front she was buying a drink and talking to the cashier. She caught my eye and all she did was wink once before walking out to her car.

It doesn’t even sound real to me as I’m writing it, but then I’m not sure I believed it was happening *as it was happening*, either.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gj3wmt/mf_she_showed_up_at_my_summer_job

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