Escape Part 3 of 3

(comments always welcomed)

Almost a week passed without hearing from her. She was constantly on my mind. Each night I would be online for hours hoping that she would sign on.

The thought of how uninhibited this woman had been and had allowed me to be wouldn’t go away. I was thoroughly infatuated with her and I didn’t know what to do about it. Would she want to meet me? Would she worry that I was still some kind of psycho?

On the fifth day after I received an email: one line.

“Where do you live? Red Hott”

I replied with the city and state. I worried that sending her my street address might seem overeager.

The next day, I received another email.

“O’Malley’s: 9:00 p.m. Saturday. Your Red Hott will be the one in red, head to foot. My Hard Rider should be in black, with a black cowboy hat. Red Hott”

Saturday! Jesus! How did she know about O’Malley’s? I was scared shitless, but excited like a kid on Christmas Eve. What presents would I receive on Saturday?

The three days until Saturday dragged. I went out and found a black hat. Not being something I normally wear, it was a chore to find one that I thought didn’t look stupid. New black jeans, boots, and shirt: her Hard Rider would be ready to ride.

Finally, Saturday arrived. I was at O’Malley’s at about eight, always early. I felt a little silly, dressed like a cowboy in an Irish Pub, but no one seemed to mind too much. I nursed a beer and watched the door from the back of the bar.

Promptly at nine, a woman in red entered. Her hair was bright, strawberry, and the very short sleeveless dress she wore was the color of blood. I could tell that her stockings and shoes were red also. The one thing I couldn’t make out was her face, except for the bright red lipstick that she wore.

I saw her speaking to the bartender, obviously asking if a dark cowboy was in the bar. I saw him point in my direction. She looked over, saw me in the shadows, and started walking my direction, a swing in her hips that drew looks from the other patrons.

I slid my hat down a little over my eyes and slouched in the best Marlboro Man impersonation I could and waited for her. I heard her heels click across the floor and stop near me. I heard a sexy voice say: “Hi, Hard Rider”

My eyes flew wide open and my head snapped back, causing my hat to fall off. I knew that voice!

I looked up and saw the surprise in her eyes. “You?” she said, staring unbelievably down at me.

“You’re Red Hott?” I gaped.

For standing in front of me was my girlfriend. We just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

Suddenly, she broke out laughing, falling into my arms, and kissing my face.

“If I had only known what a little dirty talk could do to you, I’d have done it a long time ago”

So, we’re back together. We are a lot freer with our fantasies and our sex life is better than ever.

And sometimes, Red Hott and Hard Rider ride again…


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