Those Big Green Eyes Part 2

Their I sit staring at her big green eyes after expelling what felt like half my body weight in cum. I’m tired and confused but most of all scared. “Holy shit, holy fucking shit what do I do?!?!” I say to myself as I attempt to stand and pull my pants up over my erection that still hasn’t gone away even after shooting cum all over the bathroom wall. Finally I say “Lilly I’m sorr-” she runs back to Tara’s room. “Fuck this is it. This is the end of me.” “My dream job in I.T. gone. Me being the President of The Churches Fund-Raising Committee definitely gone.” I close and LOCK the bathroom door and grab a handful of toilet paper and begin to clean up the mess I made on the wall. This all wouldn’t of happened if your wife would just have had sex with you I thought. This could have been prevented this is all her fault. “Yes” I hear.

It’s the voice in my head. The one that said all those sick things when I was masturbating to the thought of Lilly. “Look at all this delicious cum you spewed out of your neglected daddy dick. All from just thinking about your daughters friends little mouth” the voice says. That’s not true! I say to myself. “Oh, it isn’t? Well I have never seen you cum so much with your wife” the voice says adamantly. I was just excited I say to myself. “Yes…….excited, excited to fill her with that cum you wasted on your bathroom wall!” the voice says maniacally. “Shut up! and get out of my head! I say out loud. *Knock *knock. “Marty it’s Claire are you all right” Yes, y-y-y-yes honey, be right out.” “Okay Marty” she says as I hear her foots steps grow further from the door. I finish cleaning up and look at myself in the mirror. I say to my reflection. “This is bad, this is very bad.”
I turn off the bathroom light and head to bed. I lay down dreading what tomorrow will bring but some how manage to go to sleep.

“Marty!……Marty! get down here now!” My eyes shoot open, fuck this is it. Lilly told Claire about last night. I’m screwed. The cops are probably there with her waiting to hand cuff me. I get out of bed and put my slippers on and head down stairs to meet my fate. “Marty are you just gonna sleep all day? It’s Saturday and we have stuff to do” she says in an annoyed tone. Staring at me with those big angry green eyes of hers. “Where is Lilly?” I ask. “She is in the dinning room with Tara eating breakfast. Why don’t you sit down and talk to her. That was very rude of you to get up and leave in the middle of dinner like that last night you know?” she says in a disappointed tone. “Yeah I suppose you’re right” I say as i head toward the dinning room.

“Morning Dad” Tara says cheerfully. Morning sweet heart I say as I sit down at the head of the table. Lilly says nothing. She isn’t looking at me anymore with those big green eyes of hers. Well this is good I say to myself. “Yeah maybe you should get caught blowing loads out of that big dick of yours more often” the voice from last night says. Jesus Christ not you again I think to myself. “You think that little angel has ever seen a dick before? Even if, I doubt one as big as yours. You probably scarred her for life from the sight of that monster in your pants” the voice says with a wicked tone. “Please don’t do this. Not now” I say to myself. “How wet do you think she got from catching you secretly stroking that fat delicious cock of yours last night?” the voice says adamantly. As I am about to respond to the sick voice in my head, Lilly speaks snapping me out of my mental fog. “I’m gonna head home Tara.” “Okay Lilly thanks for coming over” Tara says. Lilly’s eyes look up to meet mine. “Goodbye Marty” she says with a smile. Goodbye Lilly I say as Claire comes in with my breakfast.

“Oh you’re leaving?” Claire says disappointed. “Yeah I gotta get home” Lilly says as she makes her way to the door. “Thanks for stopping by!” Claire says as she sits down next to me. “What a good kid. Don’t yeah think Marty?” Yeah I say and start to eat my breakfast. A couple hours pass and I am on the couch watching tv trying not to think about the events that transpired last night. “Local sex offender caught. More at eleven” the news broadcaster says. Is that what I am a sex offender? I say to myself. I mean it’s not like I did it on purpose. I thought the door was locked! I think to myself as I flip through tv channels trying not to let what the tv broadcaster said get to my head. “You’re not a sex offender. Just a dad with a big hard cock that wants to stretch out Lilly’s holes” the voice from last night says. Not you again I say to myself.

“You think she is at home right now trying to stretch out her little Highschool pussy for the day you finally fuck her?” the voice says. Jesus fucking Christ I am not having sex with my daughters friend I say to myself. “Well those big balls of yours are gonna fill up again and you are gonna need to find someone or something to empty all that thick hot cum into” the voice says. “Oh my god you’re right” I say to the voice in my head. “Really!?!?!” the voice says. No, you asshole! Now get the fuck out of my head! “Fine! have it your way. But I am not going anywhere the voice says in a defiant tone. Just as I am about to respond Claire walks into the living room.

She sits down next to me and puts her head on my lap. “Marty you have been acting so strange as of late and I am worried about you” she says in a concerned tone. I’ve just been frustrated with things I say while I look down at her, playing with her hair. “Frustrated with what?” Claire says. You remember last night when I got up to go the bathroom twice? “Yes Marty I remember.” Well I was masturbating in there I say as I look deep into her big green eyes. “Really Marty? Is that what all this is about?” Claire says as she gets up from my lap. Oh boy here we go again I think to myself. Tears begin to fall down her face.

“Marty I-I-I-I am so sorry for not making love with you I am a terrible wife!” No, no that’s not true I say adamantly. ” Yes it is Marty. You do so much for this family and now with Marty Jr. being in College and Tara being in Highschool we have more time to make love” she says as she wipes her tears from her face. But you said I’m too big for you. You remember that conversation we had right? I don’t want to hurt you hunny I say as tears begin to fall down my face as well. “Oh forget about that Marty!” she says as she grabs and kisses me.

She straddles herself on top of me and begins to kiss different parts of my body all while saying I’m sorry over and over. I begin to feel my penis rising in my pants. She notices and pulls down my pants and starts feeling it through my boxers. “You know some women would kill to have a husband with a dick as cartoonishly big as yours she says with a wicked smile. I look at her stunned. Who is this woman? I say to myself. But before I can respond she hops off me and says “get up”. I stand and she drops to her knees. “Lets see this thing in all it’s glory” Claire says as she slowly pulls down my boxer.

Her eyes get wide. “Marty have you gotten bigger she says staring at me with her big beautiful green eyes. No, I mean at least I don’t think so I say to her as she hold it up with both hands. “It feels like it weighs as much as a new born baby!” she says with a chuckle. She begins to kiss the head of my penis. “My poor Marty” she says in between kisses getting her red lip stick all over my penis. I let out a little moan. Her eyes dart up to meet mine. “Oh you like that Marty?” she says eagerly. Y-y-y-yes Claire I-I-I-I do I say, stammering my words as she starts kissing the shaft. The pleasure of her kisses make my body sway back and forth. So I put my hands on her head to keep stabilized. “Do you want me to suck your big cock Marty?” Claire says as she starts slowly licking the head of my penis. Making swirling motions around the tip. Please Claire it’s all I wanted these past few years! “Okay” she says as she presses her lips against the head of my dick and her mouth begins to part open as the tip slides further inside. Oh my god this feels amazing Claire! I say out loud. She begins to move her head up and down over my cock. I’m seeing stars at this point. She takes her mouth off my penis to catch her breath. “How could I have neglected this big cock of yours all these years? Claire says before shoving my cock back in her mouth. “Make her go down further” the voice from last night says.

God dammit not you again. Can’t you see I am busy here? I say to myself. “Look at this dumb bitch trying make up for all those years of neglect with a pity blowjob” the voice from last night says in a condescending tone. Hey don’t call my wife a bitch! I say to myself. “Oh I’m sorry. I’m not the one who didn’t fuck you for all these years” the voice says. Well she is making up for it now I say to myself “Is she really though Marty? A poor little girl had to see you spew your man spunk all over the wall. All because your wife couldn’t get up off her fat lazy ass and fuck that big cock of yours. She should be punished Marty” the voice says. Punished? I say to myself. “Yes punished” the voice says in a demonic tone. “Now take your wife by her hair and force that big cock of yours down her throat! Rape her throat Marty!”

What!?!?! I say out loud but as I go to step away from my wife my hands grab my wife’s head and pull her towards me. This isn’t me I’m not doing this! I say to myself. “You’re not I am!” the voice says triumphantly. Let her go! I say to myself. “No Marty! I am tired of watching you waste this huge cock. I am gonna show you what this thing can really do.” My wife completely oblivious to what is going on in my head is enjoying this treatment. She begins too rub herself as I forcefully move my cock in and out of her mouth. “See Marty? She loves it! Look at this dumb whore. Goes to church every Sunday but is sitting here getting throat fucked by your fat cock. She knows her place!” the voice says in a demonic yet excited tone. Fuck you! Your ‘re an abomination! I say to myself. “Watch what you say Marty or Tara is next!” the voice says with pride.

“Tara” I say out loud. I look down and my eyes and Claire’s meet. My hands grip her head firmly and I begin to slowly shove my whole cock down her throat. Claire’s betrayed eyes begin to fill with tears as my cock makes her gag and buck her head in resistance. “Look Marty! Look! I knew your dumb bitch of a wife could take this whole thing!” the voice says. Stop it! she can’t breath I say to myself. “Good! Serves her right for ignoring this beautiful cock of yours all these years!” the voice says unsympathetically. My hips begin to move on their own as the sounds gagging and choking fill the room. Claire’s face starts to turn beet red and her eyes are getting blood shot from all the tears. Veins begins to swell up around her neck and her for head as she struggles to get oxygen. “Look at this whores face! Too bad we don’t have a camera to take a picture of this glorious moment Marty!” the voice says. Claire’s eyes begin to role into the back of her head as I furiously slam my cock in and out of her mouth. Saliva is pouring down her chin and pooling on the floor as bubbles spew out between her lips. Please make it stop! You’re killing her! I say to myself. “Fine you fuckin pussy I will let you cum” the voice says.

Just then I feel the pressure. The same pressure I felt when I was masturbating to Lilly. Oh god I am gonna cum! I say out loud. Claire firmly grasps my ass in anticipation for what is going to happen. My balls begin to shrink as a surge of thick white cum shoots to the surface. I look at Claire’s face and it’s practically purple from all the abuse. What have I done I say to myself? Just then I feel her tongue moving up on down under my shaft. A-a-a-re you swallowing? I say to Claire. She nods.

“See Marty! This church whore isn’t so holy after all” the voice says. Shut the fuck up you sick fuck! After all this is over I am going straight to pastor brian and telling him everything” I say to myself. “Tell gods puppet what ever you like. But it doesn’t change the fact that your wife loves getting her throat raped! the voice says demonically. Her belly begins to expand as more cum empties from my balls going down her throat and into her stomach. “I’m bored, she’s your problem now” the voice says. I snap back to my senses and pull my dick out of her mouth. Claire clasps on the floor. Claire I shout. CLAIRE! as I shake her lifeless body. Her eyes roll back. I can see them again. Those beautiful green eyes. “Marty?” Claire says confused. “Oh my god I am so sorry Claire” I say as I wipe tears from my eyes. Claire looks at me with those big green eyes and says. “T-t-t-that was amazing Marty.”



  1. Your formatting is horrible. I did your job and brought part 1 and 2 into a readable format:


    I need to get this off my chest. So first I want to say I love my wife and nothing will ever change that. But for this story to make sense I guess I will have to start from the beginning. I met my wife at a Church Fund Raiser when we where both 18. It was love at first sight. She had jet black hair and piercing green eyes and a smile that could melt your soul if you stared too long. To say I was smitten would be an understatement. Well obviously seeing such an attractive girl I knew I needed to go up to her. Even though I was 5′ 4″ and 120 pound shrimp at the time her beauty propelled me forward.

    I could feel my heart racing with each step I took towards her. My hands became sweaty and my mouth began to dry up. Now I don’t remember the whole story because I think I had some sort of outer body experience and I could see myself way up high looking down at the event that was about to transpire. But I think I said in a low voice almost a whisper “Hi my names Marty it’s n-n-n-nice too meet you.” She giggled and said her name was Claire. I then asked if she would want to see the new Star Wars movie that just came out. Keep in mind this was the 70’s and that movie was bigger then Jesus at the time but I digress. Too my absolute shock she said yes and after that we where pretty much inseparable then.

    Fast forward a few years and where both 25. I went to M.I.T because I’m a nerd. As if taking a girl to see Star Wars didn’t give it away haha. She went on to nursing school. It’s also at this time we got married. Huge wedding all my family and hers are there yaddah yaddah you get the picture. Then two more years pass and I’m working at my local grocery store trying to pay off my student loan debt and she is still in nursing school. These where pretty dark times in my life I was working long hours and barely getting any sleep and was very depressed. But all that changed when my first child was born Marty Jr. Having him lifted me out of my depression but it also made me aware of how distant me and my wife where getting. This distance would grow when my daughter Tara was born 3 years later.

    Now to preface me and my wife never really had what you would call an active sex life. Being devote Christians and all we didn’t really get too crazy when we were dating and when married I figured that the sex we had was strictly for having kids not for fun. But every once and a while she would throw a bone my way but that was rare. But after a while sex grinded too a halt. It’s also important to note around this time I was in the best place of my life I had ever been both spiritually and financially. I had paid off all my student loan debt and got a lucrative job in the now booming tech industry and was President of my Churches Fund-raising Committee. I never felt so much confidence in myself, I felt like I was untouchable. But this confidence had unforeseen consequences.

    This new found confidence lit a fire in me which in turn awoke my libido. I started having wet dreams again. Something I hadn’t experienced since I was 15. And random erections at inappropriate times. Like work and church. I was so sexually frustrated. I was just a pent up mess of testosterone. And I would ask my wife if she wanted to make love but their was always some excuse. “Not tonight”, “My Back Hurts” , “Rub my feet first”. Eventually I quit asking. But then it started effecting my performance at work and one night when we where in bed I finally bit the bullet and asked why she wouldn’t make love with me.

    She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said sternly. “Your penis is just too big, sex hurts so much. I can’t stand the pain anymore I’m sorry.” I was shocked. All these years I and had no idea this was happening. Thoughts began to race around my head. “How could I have not seen this?” “I have been putting my wife in pain all these years?” “Did I know and just chose to ignore it?” “Am I a monster?” I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. Tears began to swell up in my eyes. “I had no idea. I’m so sorry hunny” I said. We layed down in bed and stared at the ceiling fan casting shadows against the walls of our bedroom. “We won’t have sex anymore if you don’t want too.” “Really!?!?” she said. “Yes, never again.” She hugged me tight and gave me a kiss on the cheek and went to sleep.

    I stayed up and pondered what I said. “sex isn’t that important” “Maybe I am just too old and it’s time to hang it up” ” My marriage is stronger then sex” I thought of these things as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. It isn’t fair but life isn’t fair and marriage is about sacrifice right?

    A few months pass after our sex talk and I couldn’t help wonder if what she was saying was true. Was I really that big? Maybe she was just trying to make me feel better? I need to know the truth. Now before I go any further I know this is going sound dumb like really really dumb but once you have some context I think you will understand. You see I have never watched pornography. Alright I saw a side boob or two on tv sue me. But other then that nothing. My parents would have strung me up and left me out to dry if they found any sort of pornography in their home. So I never had anyone to compare myself too. So one night when my wife and the kids where asleep I snuck into the garage and grabbed a measuring tape from my tool box and headed to the bathroom.

    I measured my penis and it’s 8 inches soft. I thought what is she whinging about? You see what I meant when I said you would think I am dumb. But I’ve never compared myself to other men. I have only seen my fathers penis once when he got out of the shower and my childhood friend billies when he thought it would be a good idea to pee on Mrs.Wilsons fence. So as far as I know 8 inches soft is normal. This makes me think. “How big am I hard?” So I sit on the toilet and begin to stroke myself up and down trying to keep quiet so no one hears me. I measured again and am 11 inches long hard. I let my erection go away and go to the computer to look up what the average penis size is.

    They say the average is 6 or something. That really doesn’t peak my interest but was does is when I type in 11 inch penis and all these searches start popping up of people saying how amazing it would be to be with someone with a huge penis and how sex is better with a big penis. I also learn the term “Size Queen” which I never heard before. Then as I am typing away I here “what are you doing?” I practically jump of out my chair. I turn around and it’s Claire “Nothing, Nothing. Just catching up on some work” I say. “Well don’t stay up too late. It’s Tara’s first day of school tomorrow. She is going to be in the sixth grade.” I turn off the computer and head to bed with my wife.

    A couple more years pass and Marty Jr. just started his sophomore year of college and Tara is just about to graduate highschool. Life has been kind too me. Not just job wise but age wise as well. I am in my late forties now but I don’t look it other then some grey hair and a thick five o clock shadow. No longer am I the skinny 5′ 4″ shrimp that could barely ask out my wife. Speaking of my wife she is as beautiful as ever but what does that matter since we haven’t had sex since that talk. Yes you heard that right. I am a man of my word and I will go with out…… unfortunately.

    Well all that would change when I met “her”. Tara was like me growing up quiet and shy. So when she told me her friend was coming over I was surprised. “You have friends?” I said. Yes dad! Tara replied in a sarcastic but also annoyed tone. “She’ll be here in 15 minutes so don’t act weird or embarrass me okay?” How could I possibly embarrass her I thought. But since this was such a big deal to her I said. “Look if I am really THAT embarrassing I’ll just be in the garage then.” “Great!” she said. So I head off to the garage and 15 minutes later like Tara said she arrives. I hear her walk in from the garage. I hear Claire greeting her and then I hear. “Marty!….Marty! Meet Tara’s new friend!” Tara literally just told me to stay in the garage and now my wife wants me too meet her. I leave the garage and head towards the kitchen. But when I arrive I am shocked by what I see. Tara’s friend looks like the spitting image of my wife when she was 18. Same long jet black hair. Same piercing green eyes. Same everything. This is Lilly my wife says. This is bad I think to myself.

  2. Thanks man. I am on mobile and not used to writing a lot. So I don’t really know about formating.

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