Those Big Green Eyes

I need to get this off my chest. So first I want to say I love my wife and nothing will ever change that. But for this story to make sense I guess I will have to start from the beginning. I met my wife at a Church Fund Raiser when we where both 18. It was love at first sight. She had jet black hair and piercing green eyes and a smile that could melt your soul if you stared too long. To say I was smitten would be an understatement. Well obviously seeing such an attractive girl I knew I needed to go up to her. Even though I was 5′ 4″ and 120 pound shrimp at the time her beauty propelled me forward.

I could feel my heart racing with each step I took towards her. My hands became sweaty and my mouth began to dry up. Now I don’t remember the whole story because I think I had some sort of outer body experience and I could see myself way up high looking down at the event that was about to transpire. But I think I said in a low voice almost a whisper “Hi my names Marty it’s n-n-n-nice too meet you.” She giggled and said her name was Claire. I then asked if she would want to see the new Star Wars movie that just came out. Keep in mind this was the 70’s and that movie was bigger then Jesus at the time but I digress. Too my absolute shock she said yes and after that we where pretty much inseparable then.

Fast forward a few years and where both 25. I went to M.I.T because I’m a nerd. As if taking a girl to see Star Wars didn’t give it away haha. She went on to nursing school. It’s also at this time we got married. Huge wedding all my family and hers are there yaddah yaddah you get the picture. Then two more years pass and I’m working at my local grocery store trying to pay off my student loan debt and she is still in nursing school. These where pretty dark times in my life I was working long hours and barely getting any sleep and was very depressed. But all that changed when my first child was born Marty Jr. Having him lifted me out of my depression but it also made me aware of how distant me and my wife where getting. This distance would grow when my daughter Tara was born 3 years later.

Now to preface me and my wife never really had what you would call an active sex life. Being devote Christians and all we didn’t really get too crazy when we were dating and when married I figured that the sex we had was strictly for having kids not for fun. But every once and a while she would throw a bone my way but that was rare. But after a while sex grinded too a halt. It’s also important to note around this time I was in the best place of my life I had ever been both spiritually and financially. I had a paid off all my student loan debt and got a lucrative job in the now booming tech industry and was President of my Churches Fund-raising Committee. I never felt so much confidence in myself, I felt like I was untouchable. But this confidence had unforeseen consequences.

This new found confidence lit a fire in me which in turn awoke my libido. I started having wet dreams again. Something I hadn’t experienced since I was 15. And random erections at inappropriate times. Like work and church. I was so sexually frustrated. I was just a pent up mess of testosterone. And I would ask my wife if she wanted to make love but their was always some excuse. “Not tonight”, “My Back Hurts” , “Rub my feet first”. Eventually I quit asking. But then it started effecting my performance at work and one night when we where in bed I finally bit the bullet asked why she wouldn’t make love with me.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said sternly. “Your penis is just too big, sex hurts so much. I can’t stand the pain anymore I’m sorry.” I was shocked. All these years I and had no idea this was happening. Thoughts began to race around my head. “How could I have not seen this?” “I have been putting my wife in pain all these years?” “Did I know and just chose to ignore it?” “Am I a monster?” I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. Tears began to swell up in my eyes. “I had no idea. I’m so sorry hunny” I said. We layed down in bed and stared at the ceiling fan casting shadows against the walls of our bedroom. “We won’t have sex anymore if you don’t want too.” “Really!?!?” she said. “Yes never again.” She hugged me tight and gave me a kiss on the cheek and went to sleep.

I stayed up and pondered what I said. “sex isn’t that important” “Maybe I am just too old and it’s time to hang it up” ” My marriage is stronger then sex” I thought of these things as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. It isn’t fair but life isn’t fair and marriage is a sacrifice right?

A few months pass after our sex talk and I couldn’t help wonder if what she was saying was true. Was I really that big? Maybe she was just trying to make me feel better? I need to know the truth. Now before I go any further I know this is going sound dumb like really really dumb but once you have some context I think you will understand. You see I have never watched pornography. Alright I saw a side boob or two on tv sue me. But other then that nothing. My parents would have strung me up and left me out to dry if they found any sort of pornography in their home. So I never had anyone to compare myself too. So one night when my wife and the kids where asleep I snuck into the garage and grabbed a measuring tape from my tool box and headed to the bathroom.

I measured my penis and it’s 8 inches soft. I thought what is she whinging about? You see what I meant when I said you would think I am dumb. But I’ve never compared myself to other men. I have only seen my fathers penis once when he got out of the shower and my childhood friend billies when he thought it would be a good idea to pee on Mrs.Wilsons fence. So as far as I know 8 inches soft is normal. This makes me think. “How big am I hard?” So I sit on the toilet and begin to stroke myself up and down trying to keep quiet so no one hears me. I measured again and am 11 inches long hard. I let my erection go away and go to the computer to look up what the average penis size is.

They say the average is 6 or something. That really doesn’t peak my interest but was does is when I type in 11 inch penis and all these searches start popping up of people saying how amazing it would be to be with someone with a huge penis and how sex is better with a big penis. I also learn the term “Size Queen” which I never heard before. Then as I am typing away I here “what are you doing?” I practically jump of out my chair. I turn around and it’s Claire “Nothing, Nothing. Just catching up on some work” I say. “Well don’t stay up too late. It’s Tara’s first day of school tomorrow. She is going to be in the sixth grade.” I turn off the computer and head to bed with my wife.

A couple more years pass and Marty Jr. just started his sophomore year of college and Tara is just about to graduate highschool. Life has been kind too me. Not just job wise but age wise as well. I am in my late forties now but I don’t look it other then some grey hair and a thick five o clock shadow. No longer am I the skinny 5′ 4″ shrimp that could barely ask out my wife. Speaking of my wife she is as beautiful as ever but what does that matter since we haven’t had sex since that talk. Yes you heard that right. I am a man of my word and I will go with out…… unfortunately.

Well all that would change when I met “her”. Tara was like me growing up quiet and shy. So when she told me her friend was coming over I was surprised. “You have friends?” I said. Yes dad! Tara replied in a sarcastic but also annoyed tone. “She’ll be here in 15 minutes so don’t act weird or embarrass me okay?” How could I possibly embarrass her I thought. But since this was such a big deal to her I said. “Look if I am really THAT embarrassing I’ll just be in the garage then.” “Great!” she said. So I head off to the garage and 15 minutes later like Tara said she arrives. I hear her walk in from the garage. I hear Claire greeting her and then I hear. “Marty!….Marty! Meet Tara’s new friend!” Tara literally just told me to stay in the garage and now my wife wants me too meet her. I leave the garage and head towards the kitchen. But when I arrive I am shocked by what I see. Tara’s friend looks like the spitting image of my wife when she was 18. Same long jet black hair. Same piercing green eyes. Same everything. This is Lilly my wife says. This is bad I think to myself.

“Hi! Mr. um uhhh.” You can call me Marty I say. Okay Marty she says with a smile I’m Lilly. Alright well I am gonna head back to the garage now. “No stay Marty we just met” Lilly says. Jeez Marty get to know your daughters friends a little my wife says with an attitude. Okay fine I say. Tara then heads up stairs to get her math textbook. And my wife heads to the living room for something. Now it’s just me and Lilly alone. She motions towards one of the chairs in the kitchen and sits down. She stares at me with her big green eyes. I break the silence “so, how did you guys meet?” “We met in Math class, Tara is like super smart and is helping me study for our Math final” Lilly says. Oh that’s nice of her. “Sure is!” Lilly says with a smile. What kind of Cosmic Irony is this? My wife hasn’t touched me in years and now the spitting image of her has walked through my door I say to myself. After another long silence Lilly gets up and says “It was nice meeting you, I am gonna head up stairs and see what Tara is doing.” Sounds good I say.

I walk back to the garage. I look at my hands. They are all sweaty. What is wrong with me? Am I really getting this worked up over a young girl? Am I turning into some old pervert? I think to myself. I’m just gonna stay here in the garage till dinner time I say. Well dinner time comes and I am sitting at the head of the table with Claire sitting next to me. “Lilly seems really sweet don’t yeah think?” Claire says. “Yes she is a nice girl” I say as I hear the thumps of Lilly and Tara running down the stairs. Tara gets to the table first. “Hey Mom hey Dad” Tara says. As I am about to respond Lilly pops out from behind. “Hi Marty!” Hi ummm ugghhh. “Marty are you okay?” Claire says concerned. “Y-y-y-yes I am fine” I say distracted. Am I the only one seeing this? I think to myself. Lilly is wearing a tank top that leaves little the imagination. Her big perky white breasts are practically spilling out of it. And her nipples are poking through because she isn’t wearing a bra.

Can I speak to you in the kitchen Claire? “Ughhh sure Marty” she says. As we head to the kitchen I can see Lilly staring at me with her big green eyes. “What’s wrong Marty you have been acting so strange ever since Lilly got her.” “What is Lilly wearing?” I say sternly. “A tank top Marty, are you going blind?” No I am not going blind and she isn’t wearing a bra! “Oh the humanity Marty! Tara finally has a friend and all you seem to care about is that you can see her nipples?” You know that is not what I mean! “Well Lilly is sleeping over tonight so you better get used to it” Claire says. Wait. What? No one told me this. “Well sorry Marty I would have asked you but you where too busy being a weirdo in the garage. Now can please just have dinner like a normal family for once. Is that so hard to ask for Marty?” Yes Claire I say. We head back to the dinning room and sit back down. “What was that about?” Tara asks concerned. “Nothing Tara, your Father is just feeling a little under the weather” she says as she looks at me with her big angry green eyes. “Oh no! I’m sorry Marty” Lilly says sympathetically.

Dinner resumes as normal. Tara and Claire start taking about school and what she is planning to do for college. I focus on my food. I look up. Lilly is staring at me again with those big green eyes of hers. Does she even blink? I think to myself. I look back at my dinner plate. Then I feel a light kick to my shin. I don’t look up. The kick gets a little harder. I look up at Lilly. She smiles. “Alright well I think I am gonna head off to bed” I say as a quickly rise from my chair. “No Marty stay!” Lilly says giving me puppy dog eyes. “No I think Marty should go to bed” Claire says motioning her head towards the door. “It was nice meeting you Lilly” I say as I walk out of the dinning room.” ” You too Marty” Lilly says defeated.

I tossed and turned that night. Everytime I close my eyes I would see her big green eyes just staring at me. I can’t do this say to myself as I head the bathroom. I open the medicine cabinet and take out a bottle of melatonin and take one pill and head off back to bed. I close my eyes again. But this time all I can see are her big milky white breasts bouncing up down in that tank top. I begin to feel my penis rise in my pants. “Jesus Christ am I really getting a hard on over Tara’s friend!” I say to myself as I try to focus on my breathing in a futile attempt at getting sleep. But I can’t. All I can see are her big beautiful breasts bouncing up and down. My penis is getting so hard to the point that it hurts. I know what I need to do.

I get up for a second time waking up Claire. “What are you doing Marty?” She says half asleep. Nothing just going to the bathroom I say as I walk quietly down the hall. I reach the bathroom and flip on the light and stare at myself in the mirror. This is so wrong I say to my reflection. I know what I need to do if I want my erection to stop. I pull down my pants and sit on the toilet. I look at my fully erect penis. “No wonder Claire won’t have sex with you? Who could possibly fit this in them?” I say as I begin to stroke it. I close my eyes and try to focus on something other then Lilly. I try to think of Claire when she was Lilly’s age. But when I say Lilly in my mind all I see are her big veiny beautiful tits that I just want to fuck with this big fucking cock of mine! I open my eyes.

What did I just say to myself? I look down at my penis. I see a clear liquid dripping from the tip sliding down the shaft. Is this pre cum? I keep stroking and close my eyes again. I say Lilly in my mind and those big beautiful breasts appear again. I stroke faster and think to myself what it would be like to hold them in my hands. To kiss and suck them. To massage them. My breathing starts to pick up with the pace of my stroking. I want Lilly I say to myself. I’m almost hypnotized by the rhythmic motion of my hand stroking up and down. I open my eyes again and see pre cum is now starting to leak out of my penis at an alarming rate. Dripping down to the floor. I feel the pressure building. I feel like I’m going to cum. I grab the base of the shaft with my other hand as I keep pumping up and down with the other.

I close my eyes again but this time I see her face again and she opens her mouth. Then I hear a voice “Oh my god she wants me to cum in her mouth! This little fucking slut wants her best friends dad to cum in her mouth.” Another voice interjects the first. “This is you daughters friend! Stop jerking off to her you sick fuck!” The first voice snaps back and says “Did you see how she was acting at the dinner table. She was practically begging to get her cute throat fucked by his huge cock.” “This goes against everything you stand for!” the second voice says adamantly. “Well with those big fucking tits of hers hanging out can you blame him? She’s probably finger fucking her self right now thinking about how much she wants that cock inside her.” the first voice says.

Inside her I say out loud as I feel the pressure break and the cum erupt from my dick. Wave after wave of pleasure hits me as thick ropes of cum shoot out one after the other. I open my eyes and try to catch my breath. I turn and see the bathroom door is open. And their Lilly is staring at me with those big……green…….eyes.
