My girlfriend told me to date my old female coworker [FMF] [LONG]

I’ve had a completely platonic friendship with my old coworker Iris for years. We talked every other day with short updates on life. We’ve both gone our separate ways with jobs, but being at the same university it was often easy to cross paths. Iris is 5’0, Latina and has brown hair and somewhat a hippyish outlook on life. Iris is someone I trusted immensely and knew parts of my life not even my closest friends know. I never thought much would ever occur between us, but it was clearly obvious we had a chemistry. We understood each other, and that’s what makes our friendship work.

My girlfriend Kate and I have been together 4.5 years. She’s 21 and I am 22. She’s 5’8, white, and blonde. She’s Incredibly smart (way to smart for me) and incredibly beautiful. I am 6’1, Hispanic, and black hair, above average looking. We have been together since junior year of high school and now are seniors in university.  We have had a great relationship and have never had any issues.

Kate and I often talked about having a threesome or even inviting someone into our relationship. We’ve had people in the past that we’ve debated and got pretty close to, but ultimately decided not to go through with anything. Iris was one person we debated heavily, but I decided I valued my friendship with her opposed to having a one-off thing.  

On the day of my birthday everything felt a little bit different. I met up with Iris and she gave me a little gift of all my favorite things, which came as a shock to me because I didn’t know she knew so much about me. Kate is not a jealous person and isn’t to this day, but seeing what Iris got me and the conversations we had about her changed Kates’s perspective on her. That night Kate and I changed our relationship and to this day it is still changed.

“I think you should just date Iris”
“Wait, what? What do you mean date Iris”
“I mean take her out, and see what happens. You’ve said it before, she’s different.”

*Is this a trap, what do I say here? What does any guy say here? Am I a horrible person for even debating this?*

“Honestly, I am not sure. The last thing I want to do is ruin us, and everything we built”
“ Like you’ve said before ‘why not now’ in five months we will graduate and go our separate ways from this place and from our friends. I think you should try and pursue something with Iris, we’ve always been good at communicating and working through everything and in five months you’ll have a clean break from her.”
“Yeah, I guess you are right. I can try and talk to her I guess and see what to do”

Kate and I have had conversations in the past about this. They were all hypothetical, but I knew this one would change how we acted toward each other. I knew that going down this path would change our relationship forever and to this day I can’t say that it’s changed us mostly for the positive or the negative.

After a few days of talking with Iris we went out. We drove around, we listened to music, we talked. It was different. The hypothetical of doing this was not longer there, it was happening.

She looked at me with a soft look in her eye and I went for it. We kissed. It was short, nothing less than a middle schooler giving a hug to a girl he liked.

*What the hell did I just do? Did Iris even want me to kiss her?  Did I just ruin Kate and I? Fuck.*

“That was unexpected”
“I am so sorry Iris, I didn’t mean to make a move and make this awkward between us”
“No, it’s fine! I wanted you to kiss me, I just didn’t know if you ever would or not”
“I am just glad you did’t push me away or anything”
We continued to talked up until the moment I dropped her off.

*Fuck, what do I tell Kate? How do I tell her? Say it slowly and wait for a moment? Yes, that’s what I will do. I’l wait for the best time and just say it”

“Hey hun, how was it?”
“I kissed Iris”
“Oh, that was quick”

*So much for waiting and slowing saying it*

“It just happened, I didn’t expect to kiss her so soon.”
“It’s fine, I knew it would eventually happen. I can’t say I am surprised.”

This along with many other reasons is why I love Kate. She didn’t make me feel like I made a bad choice in kissing Iris, and exploring what is possibly between us.
After talking about it with Kate we got back to the same page, I knew everything would work out.

Kate and I had some of the greatest sex we’ve ever had that night. It was passionate, it was emotionally tense and in that moment everything felt right. It wasn’t until the next morning the effect of my night with Iris would actually register with Kate.

“Adrien, What the fuck do you expect from me?”
“Kate, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to end this”

<Goodmorning Sunshine! I had so much fun with you last night, I hope we can do it again.>

“No Adrien, I don’t want you to end it because of me, I want you to end it because it isn’t working for you guys”

*End of part 1*

*Part 2*

When you look back on your life, you can find significant moments that completely alter what may be in store for your future. This is often referred to as the butterfly effect. Kate told me to date Iris, and now here I am with Iris looking at me while her mouth is around my cock.

The fight between Kate and I a few weeks back no longer lingered in the air like a giant ballon. Kate and I were strong, stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Neither of us looked in the mirror confused at who we saw looking back at us.

Growth was prevalent in this situation, growth with Kate, growth with Iris, and lastly, growth with myself.
Iris was becoming more apart of our regular routine, we all knew how to handle the situation that we made for ourselves. We even adapted to the point to all is us hanging out together and talking. We brought Iris around more often to make my roommates not think anything of it when they saw us together alone or with Kate.

When time passed long enough for no-one to bat an eye at Iris and I hanging out alone, that’s when my situation with Iris started to become more real and this night would a butterfly moment that neither Kate, Iris or myself could go back on.

“Iris, are you sure you want to do this?”
With no hesitation not even a quiver in her voice she looked at me and said “Yes, no please just kiss me”

My hands explored her body, moving up and down as clothes slowly started to disappear.
As I felt up and down her body, the realization that she only had underwear on came across my mind.
I kissed her down her neck, hearing soft moans as I my tongue slowly met her pussy. I started to slowly lick her vagina as I knew it had been awhile since another person has given her pleasure. My body was trying to find the rhythm she liked, figuring she would react to me tasting her. My face was buried between her legs, feeling her breathes starting to become shaky. I placed my hands on her breasts and rubbed them and traced my hands around her body all while rolling my tongue over her clit and exploring my former coworker as best as I could.

The breathing started to fasten, the legs were started to shake.

“Adrien, please fuck me. I want to feel you inside me.”

I stayed buried between her thighs focusing on the places that made her the most weak. She pushed me away as I noticed her breathing was starting to slow, the legs were no longer shaking the bed. I stood up and and began to ask her if I made her orgasm, but before I could even finish the sentence Iris had already wrapped my cock around her mouth. I went from her begging for my cock inside her pussy to her now deepthroating my dick inside her mouth. She started to lick around my balls and licking my cock like a lollipop.

“Where do you want me to cum?”
She looked at me with a lustful look “Spitters are quitters”

I took her head and pushed her onto my cock. Controlling the pace at which she was going to receive my cum. I slowly the pace at which her head was moving and made her gag on my cum.

When we finished we went back to talking like nothing happened and a little while later I was back with Kate.

Kate knew that things were going to progress with Iris that night, but as my relationship with Iris was growing, so was my relationship with Kate.

I opened the door and Kate was laying there with a mixture of lustful and loving gaze. I sat down and she got on her knees and started to undue my pants.

“Did Iris blow you today?”“Yes, She did.”

My cock was now back out and Kate was moving it around slowly.
“Did she make you cum?”

“Yes, She did.”

In that moment Kate started to suck my dick. She was tasting the split of Iris, but that just made her more horny for me. She liked knowing another female wanted me as badly as she did. She liked knowing she was going to feel me inside her tonight.

I told Kate to stand up, and she did we started to kiss passionately. I started to unhook her pants and pushing them down. My hands made their way to her pussy and I began to rub it graciously.
My lustful side started to kick in and I pushed her onto the bed and spread her legs. My cock slowly went inside her pussy.

“Do you like tasting her on my dick?”

“Do you like knowing Iris wants me just as bad as you do?”

I continued to fuck her and I pushed my cock deep inside her pussy all while asking her how she felt about Iris wanting my cock just as badly as she did.
The moans from Kate started to drown out the sound of everything else. My cock throasting inside her and her begging for it set me over the top. Whatever cum I had left was used to paint her stomach.

At the end of the night we showered and talked about the night that just transpired throughout the course of a few hours. All we knew is whatever was happening was working.

*End of part 2*

*Part 3*

Coming back from winter break, we didn’t know what to expect. Before us all leaving we started hanging out together, and now after nearly a month apart from Iris, many questions started creeping back into everyone’s head.

The first night back with Iris in nearly a month and neither of us exactly knew what to expect. We had a rough month apart, we rarely got along during that time. We had so much to digest and work through that at the end of the first night of us being together, I was almost certain our undefined relationship was over.
We didn’t see each other for a few days after that first night.

On a Tuesday night, Kate and I decided to invite Iris over and watch a movie with us. Iris and I were alone at the start, but we had some tension. In that hour that we were alone, Iris had already put her mouth around my cock. She was just getting a taste of what she had missed at that time we were apart.
Kate joined us a bit later and we started up the movie. We were all laying on the bed. Kate on one side, and Iris on the other. Kate was encouraging me that night to touch Iris more than usual, to go for more too.

Iris and I started to make out heavily, but we would only go so far as my hand rubbing the outside of her sweats outlining her pussy and quit. In one instance I quit and used the restroom. I won’t know what was said during this 2-minute intermission, but it changed the course of the night. When I got back, Kate immediately left the room.

Iris looked at me with a devilish smirk and whispered

“I told Kate to join us”

That pushed me over the edge and I lost myself in desire.

Iris and I started kissing each other all over the place until Kate came back into the room.
The tension in the room needed to be cut with a knife.

“Iris told you to join?”

You could tell Kate was a little confused but was willing to do whatever at the moment.

Iris then chimed in
“Whatever I take off, she takes off too”

Iris and I started to make out and I slipped her shirt off. Kate mimicked at the same time.

I then looked at them both and said
“Why don’t you two kiss?”

They looked at one another, both shrugged and started kissing each other.

Their hands both touching up and down their bodies with myself in between them.

I pulled down my pants and started to kiss Kate as Iris worked herself down to my cock.

Kate and I had always wanted a threesome in the time that we were together, but here we were starting one.

Kate then went down to my cock and started to explore it with Iris. I decided to stop them both on this new journey that they were taking together and I moved Iris to the side of the bed.

I took off her sweats and stuck my head between her legs. I was tasting her pussy for the first time in a month. I missed the taste that she had. Kate took off her sweats too during this time and started to kiss Iris as I was tasting her.

After tasting Iris we stopped and had a conversation about what our plan was for the rest of this weird Tuesday night.

“I need to fuck someone”

Kate and Iris both laughed, neither admitting to wanting to have sex.

Kate then looked at Iris and said
“If you don’t have sex with him, I will”

I grabbed a condom at this time, and Kate laid down on the bed with her legs spread open. I told Iris to lay on top of her and they started to kiss each other with lust. I stood on the edge of the bed and stuck my hands down both of their pussies. You could hear the faintest moans as I went in and out of both of their bodies with my middle and index fingers.
They went at one another for quite some time.

I eventually grabbed Iris by the hips and told her to move closer to the end of the bed. Iris had her ass out facing me. She has her head buried into my girlfriend. I could hear Kate enjoying every lick that Iris was giving her. I put the condom on my cock and stuck it into Iris’s pussy. Iris and I had conversations about us potentially having sex, but neither of us actually thought we ever would. It seemed almost far fetched, but here I was. Exploring Iris, while Iris explores Kate.

I kept thrusting in and out of Iris and leaned over to her ear.

“Lick the top her clit, and now take your fingers and put them inside her. Go in and out slowly and you continue to focus on the top of her clit”

I could see Kate losing herself in this feeling. I know when my girl is about to orgasm and Iris had her experiencing it.

I took off my condom and Kate and Iris switched places. I started to fuck my long-time girlfriend, and watch her explore another women’s body. It was enough to drive any man insane.

We all stopped after doing this for a while and laughed. We needed to catch some air. We also switched our layout.

Kate laid flat on her back, Iris sat on her face, and my dick went inside Kate’s pussy. Iris and I kissed while I fucked Kate. I even attempted giving Iris a hickey on her left boob.

(This went poorly and I just left a bruise, and I’m not sure how)

The girls decided to switch places and I put a new condom back on as I was about to go back into Iris.

Kate and I looked at each other as she was sitting on my old coworker. I looked into Kate’s eyes and said.

“Hey, look at us?”

“Who would of thought?”

“Not me.”

*End of Part 3*

*Part 4*

“Damn it Iris, what do you want from me?”

“I want you to want this, lately it just feels like you have been pushing me.”

It had been exactly a week prior that Kate had said the same thing to me. The pressure that I was feeling between maintaining both relationships was starting to weigh heavily on me. Often times I was confused on who I was seeing in the mirror when I woke up in the morning. They had wanted nothing more than to make this work and I wanted nothing more than to make them both happy.

My relationship with Iris was evolving rapidly and the lines we created at the beginning were becoming blurry. She would often stay the night with Kate and I and at times I felt that she wanted Kate more than myself.

Was I the one being forced out? Did I lose them both without even knowing it?

They had their own hobbies that they did together, things that didn’t involve me. I felt that I had lost my bestfriends and I didn’t have a single say in what was transpiring.

<Hey babes, Kate and I are waiting for you at home!>

I locked my phone and thought about what she said.

I didn’t know she was coming by tonight, I wonder what Kate had said to her.

When I opened the door to my apartment I could hear slight moans coming from the bedroom and my thought process was a bit scrambled, all I knew is that Kate and Iris were both about to in trouble.

The door was already cracked open and I could see Kate with her legs spread out and Iris working on making her orgasm.

“Don’t stop baby, keep going”

When I saw Kate’s body tighten up and her legs stop shaking I could see a weight lifted off of her shoulders.

I looked at them both and they looked like they were excited to see me, little did they know they were about to have a different experience than what we normally have.

“How long have you guys been going”

“We started about ten minutes ago”

At the moment, all I had was lust in my body and I needed to let it go. I told both the ladies to bend kneel in front of me, and they both obeyed. I went to the closet and grabbed the chain that we had purchased for Kate. I put it around her neck and sat her down in the long chair that we had. I told her that she could only watch the rest of the session and she looked at me with a devilish look. I also grabbed her vibrator, so she had the ability to orgasm a few times as she watches me punish Iris.

I wanted Kate to feel powerless in the situation, knowing she could do nothing but watch as I fuck Iris and getting involved would only result in me using the collar against her.

Iris sat patiently waiting on my next command for her. I put her doggy style and grabbed the paddle that Kate and I had.

I gripped the paddle and told Iris to be ready.
(ya know warning)
I rubbed both her ass cheeks and hit her. I did it enough to make her ass red.

I took out my cock and slowly pushed it into her pussy. She liked the feeling of me going inside her, and Kate liked seeing Iris take me. Kate liked watching us fuck, she had watched countless times in the last few months and every time she would get more bossy in what we did, but in this moment she stayed quiet like a good girl.

I fucked iris slowly in doggy style and after awhile I grabbed the handcuffs and put them on. This was the first time I made both the ladies feel completely powerless, neither had any option in how they would take it, and I didn’t think they really had a preference, they were enjoying this and truthfully that’s all that mattered.
I told Iris to stand up, and I opened the blinds to the window and opened it. I wanted the neighbors to hear us, I wanted Kate and her vibrator to become the rhythm in which I punished Iris. I grabbed the second vibrator that we had purchased and bent over with my arm around her as I placed the vibrator at the top of her clit.

The moans from Iris were enough to overtake any stadium.

I told Iris to kneel back down, and I told Kate to come next to her. I made both ladies look at me as I cummed on both of them.

*End of part 4*

Authors note:

We all enjoyed our time together and by the end of the 6 months, we were all confused about what we were. We will never know what could have happened if we tried being a triad from the beginning and no matter how I would have written our last chronicles together, nothing would be a good enough in terms of an ending and that’s the best ending of all.


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