Daisy in the Dirt, A Punk Rock Sex Story [MF] [Oral] [PunkAF]

“Bro, you heading over to Geezer’s later?”

“Yeah man, haven’t seen The Dirt Stars in a minute.”

“Bro, that chick singer though. Daaaaaaamn.”

“Haha! Yes, she’s attractive, but I mean, they’re a good band regardless of the singer’s physical attractiveness.”

“Haha, whatever bro, you know you want that!”

“Alright Bret, calm down, man.” I said with a chuckle.

There was about an hour left of work. Me and Bret work in technical support at the same office, and also hang out in the same circles. He’s kind of a douche on the surface, but what can I say, the guy knows how to have fun. We were supposed to be working, but we spent the last hour shooting the shit and watching YouTube videos. It was a slow week, and the support calls weren’t coming in. Summer Fridays are pretty sweet sometimes.

The Dirt Stars are a local punk band. They’ve been around for a few years, and I know a couple of the guys in the band, plus Daisy, the lead singer. I was in a band with their bass player and drummer. We were called The Moldy Takeout Containers. We were good, but we broke up pretty quickly over creative differences. Things were amicable though, and we still hung out from time to time.

The lead singer of The Dirt Stars is a girl who goes by Daisy Dirt (I don’t know what her real last name is). I think her real first name is Alison, or something. Whatever. Anyway, she is SUPER hot. Guys want to bang her. Girls want to bang her, and they want to be like her. She’s also a fantastic frontwoman. She works the crowd into a frenzy and has amazing stage presence. I don’t want to take away from the other band members, they are really talented, the band is tight, but without Daisy, they’d probably have to quit.

Six o’clock finally rolled around and it was time to GTFO. I logged out of my work computer and headed out.

“See you at Geezer’s!”

“Alright Bret, see you there.”

I stopped at home to freshen up. It had been three months since I left my girlfriend of two years. Jen was really great, but we just had very different ideas of what we wanted our future to be like. Our breakup was heartbreaking and I was still getting over it.

I took a nap, got myself together and headed to Geezer’s.

I parked the car and started to head to the door. I could see Danny, the bouncer, standing at the door.

“Heyoooo! Danny Boy!”

“Heyyyy! How ya doin’! Dirt Stars are on in 5, so get your drink!”

I headed in and ordered a gin and tonic from Dawn, the bartender.

“Hey, good to see ya! Nice shirt, by the way!”

“Thanks, Dawn! Looking forward to the show!”

I’ve been a part of the local scene for a while, so I knew most of the people at Geezer’s. It was a home away from home, of sorts. Reliably, there would always be people I knew hanging out there. It’s a pretty divey, no frills establishment. The bar always smells of old, spilled beer, and we like it that way. Dart boards and Lite Beer signs adorn the walls. I have no idea who Geezer is. “Does anybody even know?” I wondered.

I walked up to Bret and a couple of the guys, and we started making small talk and hanging out, drinking our drinks. The house lights went down, stage lights came on.

“That’s our cue!”

I don’t mosh anymore, but I didn’t want to get caught in the pit, so I backed up until a circle had formed.


Daisy and the band had come onto the stage. The guitars were feeding back. The drummer counted off: “one two three four!”

The Dirt Stars blasted into their first song, “Support Your Local Drug Dealer”. The pit filled with moshers, bodies flying around everywhere, fists and feet flying. The vibe was palpable. The air began to smell of sweat and body odor. Someone in the crowd lit up a joint. People on the outside of the pit were singing along. Good start!

The show progressed on as Daisy owned the stage, her face adorned with her signature red eyeshadow and black eyeliner, whipping her long black hair back and forth, visible rips showing in her fishnet stockings, taunting people in the audience, daring them to stage-dive.

The band ripped through the set at light speed, and the crowd went insane.

The set was now over.


I walked up to the stage where the Dirt Stars were packing their gear.

“Yooo Mike! Good set! You guys killed it!” (Mike is my former bassist from the MTOC)

Daisy walked over.

“Daisy! You killed it!”

“Thanks! And thanks for supporting!”

“Hey, if you guys are playing anywhere, I’ll be there!”

I looked back over at Mike. “Hey man, you should come to the afterparty!” Daisy added with a grin, “Yeah! Hope to see you there!”

I have to admit, that gave me a quick chill. I hadn’t really had too much interaction with Daisy and had a huge crush on her, so I was a bit nervous. “Note to self: everyone else has a crush on Daisy, too.” It was hard not to. She was stunningly attractive and confident, and super charismatic.

There weren’t too many people at the afterparty, but it was fun enough to stick around, and of course, Daisy was there. Maybe I’d have a chance if I stuck around! So I stuck around and hung with the band and some other folks, laughing and joking, doing shots of cheap whiskey and passing around a joint. Good times all around!

I decided to go out for a smoke and headed to the front porch. Daisy came out a few minutes later as I was looking up at the clear night sky. The temperature was warm, but not hot. There was a nice breeze blowing. The air smelled like trees and barbeque grills from the next block over.

“So, I always see you at our shows and I gotta say, I think you’re cute. Why haven’t we talked before?”

“Well, here we are now!” I said, with a nervous laugh.

She casually walked towards me and looked me in the eyes with a sly grin.

I knew the sign. This is gonna happen. I tried to hide my anticipation.

“So, do you wanna make out?” She smelled of cigarettes, perfume, and a little bit of BO. Honestly, it was kinda hot.

I looked at her and gently raised her chin with my index finger, lightly kissing her on the lips. She responded by pulling me closer and jamming her tongue into my mouth. “Wow! She means business!” I thought to myself. Let’s do this.

We continued to make out as things started to heat up. The kissing became more intense. She put her hand directly on my cock and started to feel me get hard through my jeans. I began to sweat as I grabbed her ass firmly with both hands.

“Hang on,” she said. She opened the front door to yell into the guys. “Hey, I’ll be back in a little bit!”

She put her hands on my shoulders and asked slyly, “So, where’s your car?”

I smiled slyly and kissed her again. “Follow me”. I grabbed her hand and led her out to the street where my Dodge Neon was parked. We made out for a few more minutes before getting in my car.

“Take me to your place”, she said.

“FUCK YES!” I thought to myself. “I can’t believe this is happening. Holy shit.”

I started the car and began to head home.

“I can’t wait to rip your clothes off.”

“The feeling is mutual, goddamn…mmm…”

I got on the highway to head back to my exit. Once we were at highway speed, she began to massage my cock under my pants, getting it nice and hard once again. She then began to unbutton my jeans, pulling the zipper down. She slid her hand below my waistband and grabbed my cock, slowly pulling it out. “You’ve got a nice cock,” she said. As I struggled to maintain focus on the road, she unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over, and slowly took my cock into her mouth. I let out an audible moan as I felt her wet lips against me. “Oh my god this is fucking hot” I said to myself, almost in disbelief. She kept going as I started building towards ecstasy.

“You want to fuck me don’t you?”

“God, yes, I do. I’m so fucking hard for you right now.”

“I’m so fucking wet right now. I want your cock inside me. I want you to fuck me.”

“We should be there soon, I can’t wait.”

I noticed my exit was coming up. “Shit shit! I’m going to miss it!” Daisy looked up at the road.

In a panic, I swerved the car over to try to catch the exit. I hadn’t been looking behind me. As my car was angled towards the exit, another car flew up behind me and slammed into the right rear of the car. The car spun around and hit another car, smashing into it at full force. I lost consciousness.

I woke up a few minutes later in a daze. My vision clouded. I looked up in a panic. “What happened?” And then I remembered Daisy in the passenger’s seat. Oh my god. I looked over, she wasn’t moving and there was blood everywhere.

Holy shit.

Firefighters and paramedics arrived and began to work. “No!!! I can’t believe this is happening!”

I waited outside while the paramedics carefully pulled Daisy from the car and went to work. I watched intently, hoping for any signs of life.

One medic looked at his watch and said, “Time, 1:14 AM”.

Daisy didn’t make it.

And that, my friends, is the story of the worst road head I’ve ever received.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gi3se6/daisy_in_the_dirt_a_punk_rock_sex_story_mf_oral