A chubby bunny’s adventure to piggy paradise [Weight Gain, Stuffing, MF, Sex]

This will be a mixture of some erotic fantasy literature, mixed with some truthful tones and hopefully plenty of good content! First time writing here so feedback is welcomed.

Do you ever have those moments where you feel that fate is on your side? This is how Kyle felt when he stumbled across an old school friend, Jess, 8 years after they had last seen each other. Kyle and Jess were always quite close throughout their schooling, and would take multiple classes together throughout their youth. Naturally, as both departed school for University, they grew apart and hardly made contact with each other.

A few years after finishing University, Kyle moved back home to the area, to take up a new job. He regularly exercised, and was a frequent gym goer, so would often do this in his spare time. He had been going to the gym multiple times per week, whenever he could fit it in. While there, he would keep himself to himself, and simply get on with his workouts before going home.

One summer afternoon, he decided to do some extra sets, as he wasn’t feeling particularly tired. As he lifted the weights above his head, while observing himself in the mirror, his eyes glanced over to the cross trainers, where a particular person caught his eye. She had long blonde hair, with lashes of pink thrown in; she was wearing tight fitting maroon leggings, matched with a maroon t-shirt, which was fairly baggy, and a grey sports bra. While she didn’t appear much different from the average gym user, something was different about her. Was it her large, round ass that was bouncing with every movement on the cross trainer? Was it her silky smooth hair? Was it her delicately soft skin? Kyle continued to observe her as he continued his sets, before watching her move over to the arm press. As she turned round, he noticed a slender look about her face, slightly chubby cheeks, and large, round, pink lips that resembled those of his old school friend, Jess, whom he hadn’t seen in years.

Kyle began to feel a heartbeat that he’d barely ever experienced, and the feeling began to take over his thoughts. He lost count of his reps, he accidentally spilt water down him as he took a sip, he began to feel both energised and exhausted at the same time.

“Could that actually BE Jess?” He pondered, as he stumbled his way through his final reps. Anxiously, he decided to follow his heart’s instincts and attempt to find out this lovely girl’s name. As he attempted to stroll over with confidence, he made eye contact with her as she continued her workout, but Kyle quickly diverted his gaze and continued to walk, but acting as if he was browsing for some equipment to use. As he got closer, he could feel the burn of this girl’s gaze, as he tried to remain ignorant to the fact he was walking straight towards her. His heart racing, his legs began to tremble as the anxiety built up inside him, his breath shortening. As he reached the machine, he nervously attempted to introduce himself.

“Ummm h-“


It took her a few glances to recognise him, but as he got closer to her, Kyle was instantly recognised. He was largely the same as when they were in school together, except Kyle had grown a short but well maintained beard, his shoulders had broadened and his arms had grown in size. Other than that, his overall look remained the same; a tight fitting sports top, relatively baggy shorts, and a pair of running shoes, similar to the ones he would wear all the time outside of school.

As soon as she said his name, Kyle began to feel at ease again and was able to continue the conversation effortlessly. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t recognise her instantly, but after all it appeared she had gained weight since the last time they saw each other. As Kyle noticed the additional curves and fullness to Jess’ figure, he began to feel butterflies in his stomach, which he thought was peculiar, as they used to be so close, so he had never pictured in any way other than a friend. But then again, that was when she was thinner. As he gazed into her soft, hazel eyes as she spoke, he began to ponder what those soft lips had touched to make her grow like she had.

As they reminisced on a couple of old memories, Kyle plucked up the courage to ask Jess if she wants to go for a meal to catch up sometime.

“Yes, I’m free this Thursday if you like?”

The date was set and they agree to meet on Thursday. As Kyle left the gym, he began to reminisce about the old times with Jess, and also he couldn’t get away from how much she had grown, from her petite cute self, but he wouldn’t dare say this to her.


At the Italian restaurant, both Kyle and Jess are talking away and have nearly finished their food, when they get the bill.

“Say, this has been really fun Jess, do you want to carry on this conversation at my place?” Kyle asked nervously as his heart began to race.

“Yeah that would be lovely” replied Jess, as she twirls her fingers through her blonde and pink hair, licking her soft, luscious lips as she finishes off her glass of wine.

A short walk later, they arrive at Kyle’s apartment complex. A few flights of stairs later, they arrive at her apartment. Jess gets comfortable on the couch while Kyle pours them both another glass of wine each. As Kyle returns, he can now fully appreciate the bulging belly that is attempting to push out of Jess’ dress. The restaurant was fairly dimly lit so he wasn’t able to see properly, but now she was in a better light and without her jacket on, her belly began to really accentuate itself. Kyle’s heart began racing and he started to shake as he noticed.

‘What does this mean?’ He thought to himself. Just as he reaches the couch where Jess is sitting, he accidentally spills a bit of wine on the table as he goes to place the drinks.

“I’m sorry!” He exclaims, before running back to the kitchen to retrieve some kitchen roll.

“Are you okay Kyle?” Jess replies, a wry smirk on her face as she watches him nervously bumble around.

“Yeah fine, just a bit shakey for some reason.”

“Why? Have I done anything wrong?”

At this moment, Kyle has realised exactly WHY he is shaking and so nervous. He never knew it before, but he is turned on by the extra curves that Jess has gained.

“No not at all, I’m fine. Just feeling a little bit nervous for some reason.” He chuckles as he tries to laugh off his awkwardness.

“Why Kyle? Haven’t you had many girls back at your flat before?” Jess jokes, as she takes a sip of wine. “But seriously though, why do you feel nervous around me after all this time? After all, we were so close in school.”

“I…uh…” Kyle is lost for words as he deliberately tries to divert his eyes from Jess’ protruding gut, which Jess begins to notice.

“Oh I see what’s happening here” Jess tuts as she rolls her eyes.

“What?” Kyle replies, panicked, as to suggest he has done something wrong.

Jess fights to hide the smirk from her face. “You can’t believe how much weight I’ve gained can you?” Kyle begins to go red and his palms begin to sweat. He lets out a gentle sigh. “It’s fine, you wouldn’t be the first person from school who still thinks of me as this super thin fitness freak. But the truth is, I just love food too much.” As soon as she says this, the tightness in Kyle’s chest begins to subside, and his shaking calms down.

“I…I think I prefer you now to when I did back then. I think that’s why I’ve been shaking and feeling weird.” As he says this, Jess’ eyes light up. She has been searching for someone who really understands her needs, could this be the one?

As she ponders this thought, Kyle moves in to kiss her. As he feels her soft lips against his, his whole body begins to heighten in sensitivity. Her hand on his neck causes his hairs to stand on end, and his cock begins to harden. The more that he gets turned on, the more passionately he kisses her round, thick, pink lips, as their tongues meet repeatedly. He moves his hand from her shoulder, down her body and towards her thigh, brushing past her belly in the process. As he moves further down, Jess moves his hand onto her belly, and forces him to squeeze her fat, juicy belly. At this moment, he stops kissing her, and his jaw falls to the floor in amazement as he fights back a huge smile.

“Wow” he exclaims. “There is so much there to grab”

“You should feel it when it’s full” Jess teases.

“You mean it isn’t full?” Replies Kyle, mildly bewildered but also intrigued. At this moment, Jess’ belly begins to rumble delicately.

“Definitely not Kyle. That was just a starter for me, want me to show you how much this belly can really pack away?” Kyle nods with excitement.

After browsing through her phone for the nearest takeaways, she begins to order. Kyle watches in amazement, as she adds item after item. Soon enough, she has racked up a very hefty bill, ordering everything she can find; burgers, pizza, chicken strips, fries (multiple portions), a large soda and a tub of ice cream for dessert.

“No way can you eat all that”

“Try me. If I do, then you can pay for the next one”


A very short while later, the delivery driver hands over the endless amounts of takeaway food. “Enjoy it guys” he says as he walks away.

“Oh I will” Jess smugly responds, as she walks back to the couch. They open it all up and see endless amounts of food, thousands of calories worth. Jess tucks into her first burger, alternating between burger and fries, occasionally taking sips from her soda. Kyle watches in amazement as this girl packs away pound after pound of fatty food. One burger, a whole set of fries, multiple slices of pizza, numerous chicken strips, multiple slurps of soda, a few more slices of pizza. Jess continues to munch her way through every ounce of food in front of her, occasionally coming up for breaths of air.

As Jess begins to slow down, still ample amounts of food left, Kyle smirks. “Good effort, but it looks like I win this one!” Jess raises her eyebrow

“This dress is too tight Kyle, help me take it off please” as she looks to prove a point. “Undo the zip for me, I’ll do the rest.” Kyle duly obliges and unzips the dress, and Jess stands up to take her dress off. Beneath it, she reveals an unbelievable black, lacy corset that cups her boobs perfectly, as they look so full. Lower down, her belly seems to be pressing against the lining of the fabric intensely, while her ass begins to swallow the bottom part of the corset.

Jess lets out another deep sigh “Thanks Kyle, that’s loads better.” She sits back down, aiming to finish the mountain of food that she ordered. As she sits, the straps holding the corset together snap, causing her corset to roll up past her belly button, resulting in her soft, round belly spilling out and resting on her thighs. Kyle’s jaw drops to the floor, and his cock begins to harden even more prominently. Jess lets out another few deep sighs, turns to Kyle and notices his mouth wide open, before she notices his bulge.

“That’s loads better, now let me finish this and I’ll still have room to fit you in” as she stares at Kyle’s bulging cock in his trousers. She devours mouthful after mouthful, closing in on her dessert.

A few mouthfuls later and after some deeper sighs, she asks Kyle to take over and feed her. As he proceeds to without hesitation, she begins to squeeze and rub her belly, exposing roll after roll of fat. She pulls the corset up to her chest, leaving only her breasts unexposed, and continues to rub up and down her whole belly, occasionally grabbing and squeezing her fat while glancing at Kyle. Soon enough, she has devoured all of the fatty foods.

All that remains, is that tub of ice cream.

After the final mouthfuls of soda and letting out further gasps, she grabs the tub and a spoon. “Kyle, keep rubbing my belly for me while I finish this. Oh and grab whatever you want, I know you want to.” With this, Kyle begins to rub and squeeze all around her ever growing belly, feeling it expand with every breath and mouthful of ice cream. She wolfs down the first few mouthfuls, before slowing down to tease Kyle with her next mouthfuls.

Licking her soft, luscious lips gently, she slowly licks this next mouthful off of the spoon. Kyle’s breathing is now rapid. As she seduces him with her ice cream, he becomes more forceful as he grabs her belly. He even begins to slowly slap her belly to make it jiggle, and with every jiggle, Jess has to bite her lip.

“Do you like that?” Asks Kyle. Jess nods as she continues to bite her lip. Kyle then proceeds to kiss and lick her belly, pursing his lips to delicately grab bits of fat as Jess continues to wolf down her ice cream. Jess continues to let out deep sighs of satisfaction, and small, delicate moans as Kyle continues to smother her belly with his hands and mouth.

“You are such a fatty, Jess.” As Kyle says this, Jess lets out a deep moan, nearly letting the ice cream dribble from her mouth.

“Keep going Kyle”

“You’re being so greedy, fatty. I can’t believe how much of a pig you are. Do you realise how big and fat your belly is becoming? It’s no wonder you’ve grown so much since school.” As Kyle continues to tease Jess, she approaches the end of her tub. Only a few more mouthfuls remain. Kyle continues to tease her.

“I can’t believe you might actually eat all this food, fatty. I can’t believe how much you can fit inside that belly of yours, you fat pig.” Jess finishes the ice cream and shows off the empty tub to Kyle. He smiles in amazement.

“Well done piggy”

“Now for you to give me my reward” Jess beams, as she rubs Kyle’s thigh while staring at his bulge, still protruding.

Kyle strips down to just his boxers, as Jess lies back to rub her belly some more. “Follow me piggy” he exclaims as he walks towards his bedroom, leading Jess to his bed. As she sits down, sinking deep into his mattress with her extra weight, her underwear begins to tear around her hips, as her fat gut engulfs them. Kyle delicately peels them off, before kissing and squeezing Jess’ belly some more.

“Now, it’s my time to eat” Kyle snarls as he kisses down Jess’ belly and to her thighs. His beard brushes her thighs as he kisses them both; before he goes to kiss her delicately soft pussy. To do so, he lifts her fat belly up so that his whole face can fit, before licking up as far as her clit. She lets out a light whimper. As Kyle slowly licks up and down the outside of Jess’ pussy, he also continues to grab, squeeze and jiggle her big, fat belly. Soon enough, he can taste how soaked she is, as a result of all the belly rubs and teasing she has received. He continues to lick her pussy, forcing his tongue deep inside her to taste even more, while Jess lets out further moans of satisfaction. She grabs Kyle’s hands as he continues to grab her belly, squeezing them tighter. As he swirls his tongue around her clit, she really begins to grab tighter and tense up.

“Oh fuck” she exclaims, starting to shake

Kyle continues to lick her clit, swirling in circles with his tongue, gradually applying more pressure. He attempts to look up at Jess’ facial expressions as he continues to eat her pussy, but cannot see her face due to her swollen belly and big, round tits. As he hears her whimpers get louder and more frequent, he then rapidly licks up and down her clit, applying as much pressure as he can with his soft, wet tongue.

“FUUUUUUUCK!!” Jess exclaims as her body tenses up.

“I’m cumming!! Please don’t stop!”

Kyle continues to rub her clit and squeeze her belly hard as she climaxes, Kyle tasting her cum as he continues to lick. Jess’ hands are as tight as ever around Kyle’s, as he grabs the fat on her stuffed belly.

As Jess’ hands loosen, Kyle slows down with her clit, and releases his hands before rubbing her belly. As he kisses her pussy delicately, she lets out another soft whimper. Kyle proceeds to kiss her belly while rubbing it.

“Fuck. Me. That. Was. Incredible.” Jess says, taking breaths between each word.

“Oh I’m not finished yet.” Kyle proceeds to remove his boxers to reveal his thick, long, hard cock. His balls swelling with excitement.

Jess proceeds to lick her lips “now time for you to feed this fatty once more.” Without hesitation, Kyle climbs onto the bed and begins to place his cock by Jess’ face. His cock can easily cover 2/3 of her face, her eyes wide with excitement.

She begins to delicately suck his cock, slowly taking inch after inch into her mouth. As she looks up at him and makes eye contact, she takes it a couple of inches further and holds it there while jiggling her big, soft, round belly. Kyle lets out a large groan as he watches her belly jiggle some more. He grabs Jess’ face softly, running his hand along her cheek, before being more forceful by grabbing her. He proceeds to slowly thrust into her mouth and back out again, as her soft lips tighten their grip around his hard cock. She maintains eye contact, while jiggling her belly constantly.

“Fuck!” Kyle exclaims, as he sharply pulls out of her mouth. “I was so close to cumming then, that was so hot”

“I might be full, but I could do with a drink” Jess smirks.

“Not now piggy, I need to see that fat ass jiggle for me”

Jess rolls over and hauls herself onto her hands and knees, her belly now drooping further and closer to the surface of the bed. Kyle’s eyes widen with excitement. As he slaps her ass, her whole round ass, and thick thighs continue to jiggle for a second.

Kyle places his cock delicately into Jess’ soaking pussy, gradually inserting every inch deep inside her, as she grabs handfuls of Kyle’s duvet.

“Fuuuuuuck” she exclaims, her eyes rolling back into her head.

Kyle proceeds to fuck her slowly to begin with, but quickly picks up the pace. He grabs the remains of the top of her corset with one hand, as if he was riding her like a horse. His other hand continues to spank her ass, one cheek after another, repeatedly. The harder he spanks, the louder she moans and the more she jiggles. As Kyle gets rougher, he fucks her harder and faster, his balls now slapping against her. Jess buries her head into a pillow as she lets out a loud moan, her boobs popping out of her corset and proceeding to bounce up and hit her chin.

Kyle’s body begins to tense up and he starts to shake from head to toe. “FUCK, I’M GONNA CUM!”

Jess lets out her loudest moan as she shakes too. Kyle is pounding her as fast as he can, until he lets out the loudest groan of the night, and cums hard, emptying a hot load of cum deep inside her. They both proceed to collapse in a heap next to each other, breathing heavily.

After a minute, Jess turns her head to Kyle “Well you know what this means”


“You’ll be buying my next takeaway binge”


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed. In case you were wondering, the inspiration for Jess in this story is u/chubbybunxo ?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ging7o/a_chubby_bunnys_adventure_to_piggy_paradise