The apology cake (part 1) [MF]

I enjoy writing up my escapades, but this is the first time I have put myself out there. Constructive feedback would be appreciated. If people like it, I’m put up part 2, which (no spoilers) has a MFF.

I was a fairly late developer in terms of sexual activity. Into my early 20s my idea of kinky sex was sex with the lights on in a position other than missionary. Blow Jobs were special occasions, going down on the girls I met was not encouraged, despite my enjoying doing it.

Then I met Katie. We met in a pub, and I don’t know how, but she saw something in me. We bonded instantly, and she started to bring me out of my shell and, quite quickly introduced me to interesting sex, kink and all that good stuff. I couldn’t quite believe my luck. Katie was my physical ideal, small and waif-like, with long dark hair and big almond-shaped eyes. I, on the other hand, look like a melted gremlin! She was also clever and funny as fuck.

We tried all sorts of things, some more successful than others, but one thing Katie really loved was group sex. I felt lucky I was fucking one girl, let alone adding someone else into the mix. She was also bisexual, and floated the idea of us first having a threesome with another girl. After I picked my chin up off the floor, I told her I was up for it – after all isn’t this every guy’s fantasy!? Inside though I was pretty nervous – how the hell was I going to satisfy two women, when Katie could fuck me to a standstill and still be fresh as a daisy? Her sexual appetite was enormous, she had a habit of asking me about my day ahead then sending me nudes when she knew I would be in a meeting and scrolling my phone to make sure I was revevd up ready when I got home, also to torture me! I started wearing suits to the office, not because the dress code demanded it, but because Katie loved it, and my welcome home from her would be Katie naked on her knees asking if I would fuck her mouth as an amuse bouche.

Before meeting me, Katie had been to a sex party in our city, which was held in a very nice flat in the centre of town. I was very nervous, but we went and met a load of really nice people. We did play, but not with others, and I found us a bed in the corner and we fucked. It was pretty vanilla compared to what we did at home, and I stared either at her or at the wall while we were playing. Katie, on the other hand was almost a different person – she sucked cock even more enthusiastically, she got wetter and her orgasms came faster and she seemed to come harder. She rode me harder and faster and her talk was filthier, begging me loudly to fuck her harder, to come on her face so that the others could see, and how much she was enjoying the fact that people were watching us fuck. I didn’t look to see if people really were watching, but I liked the idea of people seeing me with this gorgeous woman, wishing they were me. She wouldn’t let me rest, as soon as I came, she sat on my face, letting me eat her out while she impatiently waited for me to get hard again. After 3 rounds, a record for me in such a short period of time, I begged for mercy.

After we played, we walked back upstairs to where the chill out space and bar was, and Katie seemed to freeze. “What about her?” she said. I looked, and saw Imogen. This was where I found out what Katie’s preference in women was. Where Katie was an ex-dancer, slim and lithe, with small and perky tits, Imogen was a gym bunny, with toned limbs and a beautiful round, tight arse. Where Katie was pale, Imogen was the colour of amber. It was too late in the day to do anything then (and I was dead on my feet!), but Katie introduced herself and me to Imogen and we had a nice chat about nothing, but Katie made sure she found out that Imogen was coming along to the party the next month.

It felt like the whole of the next month was spent with Katie running through scenarios of how to get Imogen to have a threesome with us. It was actually quite funny. She practiced lines, obsessed about what she was going to wear, made sure she was plucked and groomed and shaved to perfection. Talked to her friends to see if she could figure out who Imogen was so she could get some more intelligence. I on the other hand, was doing research into what to do in a threesome, and trying not to get too nervous. Our sex life was even better – Katie fantasised constantly about what we were going to do, and just whispering in her ear about how much I wanted to watch her eat another girl out as I fucked her was enough to push her over the edge into orgasm. The next month rolled around, and we headed out to play, Katie looking amazing, and me really excited about playing in public and determined that I would look at other people when we played!

And so ends part 1, let me know if you want to read part 2 and the conclusion explainign why a cake was necessary!
