The Adventures of an Awkward Obedient Nerd 4: This Time It’s Digital! (PART TWO) [MF]


Seems like most people enjoy both Allie and Taylor in this series. Sadly, Allie is no more…but this is not the end for Taylor! **Taylor will return!!!**

But not right now. Although we continued for many nights, even after Thanksgiving Break, we eventually fell off due to our lives being separate besides the digital bedroom. But I wasn’t going to be alone for long. Because now it’s time for Brooke to enter the picture.

Now Brooke was a heavier girl. But not *bad* heavy. I’m pretty sure the correct term is **thick**. Lol. Well, the best way that I can describe her is [Lena Paul](, but with a little mire chubby of a face. Or possibly [this fine doll, right here!]( She was a cute little slut. Now here’s how it all started…

We met in hell. Well, actually Math class, but what’s the difference? Brayden has the same math class as me, and we were pretty excited about it. Him and I had been friends for a while, but never really had classes together outside of choir. I guess he had been fucking around with Brooke for a couple weeks now. They had a very strange dynamic.

Step One: Fuck each other
Step Two: Spread the word about the Good Fuck
Step Three: Fuck *more* people
Step Four: Fuck each other again to celebrate the previous, other fucking.

I’ve personally never had a partner like that to date, but I debate if this would be fun or not. Well eventually I had to suffer through them flirting all the damn time, and I was practically along for the ride, and not the exciting kind.

One day, Brayden was absent. So, it was just her and I. Brooke was kind of closed off at first, since we were now alone and we didn’t know each other like she knew Brayden. After about a half hour into the period, Brooke asked me to finish a part of the project alone.

“What? Where are you going?”

“No where. Don’t worry about it!”

“Well, I’m not doing this all by myself!”

“Oh, you’re a big boy. You can handle it. Besides, you’re little friend needs some…*material*. You don’t wanna ruin that do you?

“Whatever. If I do this alone I should get some of that “material” then.

“Okay, bet. See ya in a few.”

As she skipped away and out of the class, I just sat there completely dumbfounded. I mean, it’s not like I’m in a situation where I’m so horny and I’m shooting so far above my league that I’m lost. More like, I’m irritated, and now I’m about to get some nudes. Again, I have really odd scenarios I end up in, but I’m not going to complain.

As I’m sitting there, plugging x into y or whatever the everloving fuck the lesson was about, my phone dings. I unlock it and take a glance. There on my brightly lit screen in the middle of math class is a GARGANTUAN pair of mutha-fuckin’ titties. No. Not tiny. Not medium. Not large. Not milkers. I personally would *not* want to lay down and suck on these Gill milk comes out. Instead I’d be terrified if she was bouncing on my cock if one wrong move would lead to a knockout. WAPOW!

Anyways, I instantly pop a chub, and try my best to avoid eye contact with anyone else. Brooke finally arrived back in class. She met my glance, and gave me the whole “yea. I know. You love em.” look. She took her seat back, squeezing her large ass back into her chair.

“So? How was it?”

“How was what?”

“The next part in the project?” She said with a wink.

“Pretty good,” I said, feeling ballsy. “But I think I’ll need your help after school?”

“Can’t. I’ll be busy with my mom. But I’ll call you later?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

It had been a while since my whole fling with Taylor, and man…I missed it. So I figured, if I can’t have her, I’ll take whatever I can get. So there I was, laying in bed at about 1am. My dad was still awake, and I really hoped he didn’t have any plans to burst in my room with a dumb meme (he does that).

Finally, I get my snap. Again, I was greeted by the purple video bubble. I held my thumb from tapping the screen for a moment. I sat there and guessed what I would see when I opened it. The answer was not what I expected. Not only did I have her delicious looking pussy staring at me, but also her [wonderfully spread cheeks](

My cock hardened as the thought of suffocation by thickness played out in my brain. *Now that’s the way to go,* I thought. I immediately whipped my dick out, and was ready to have all the fun I wanted with Brooke. But naturally, she was ready to have her fun with me as well. We started the video call, and continued to masturbate to each other. We said names, we moaned…you know how it is, it was a blast. Then, she said a new word:

“Fuck Daddy.”

…*excuse me what?*…

I had never really had a daddy kink. Hell, despite my “odd” tastes in porn, I’m still not that much into daddy kinks. Really it just depends how far it’s taken. Like if it’s just “oh daddy” or “oh pappi” then okay. But as soon as we step into acknowledging the whole daddy/daughter dynamic, I clock out. But I’m also bias because the whole *find a milf to fuck, sext, or just flirt with* item is still uncrossed on my sexual bucket list (maybe one day…)

But, I didn’t think much of it. I continued to stroke my cock (I was using lubricant this time), and Brooke was practically drooling at the sight of my cock slowly getting harder. Right after she said Daddy, I saw her get up for a moment. I stopped stroking, wondering what she was doing. She then came into frame with a hairbrush, and stuck it inside of her without even hesitating. My balls clenched when I saw all of her delicious womanly cream on the handle, and her entire pussy started to get completely messy like an out of control buffet.

Now I usually went for skinnier girls. A few being exceptions, but this is where I figured out why I like big girls too. As she continued to fuck herself with the hairbrush, her tits bounced with the rhythm, and I could see her jiggling thighs glistening with her fluids. The sight was too much to bare, and I needed to cum, *now*. So, I slowed down so that she would catch up to me, and finally we both were on the same page.

“Oh my fuck Daddy…daddy, I’m…I’m cumming!!!”

“Oh my fuuuck Brooke, FUCK!”

I think I busted out a good 7-8 shots of rope. Then, as I finished I got the last sound of her squirting and creaming all over herself, and I managed to bust out a few more. She proceeded to comment about how good she thinks my cum would taste, and I recall how delicious her pussy looked. Then, after a little bit of digital pillow talk, we fell asleep.

The next morning, we didn’t really talk about it. Then when Brayden walked in, she was very blunt about how much she loved our cocks, and how much she wanted them both inside of her.
Threesome is probably at the top of my current sexual wishlist, and I definitely don’t want it to be 2 guys, 1 girl…
Believe it or not, we actually planned on maybe doing it. But then I decided to get back with good ol’ Susie, and things kinda fell of between the whole triangle. Brayden and I are still friends, but we don’t fuck with Brooke anymore.


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