I [M] Watched My Buddies Cum on My Girlfriend [MFM] (Part 1)

Hi guys. first time poster here.

Due to the lockdown, my girlfriend and I are looking for ways to spice things up. We found a lot of good stuff in this sub. She then encouraged me to pen down what happened during our most recent trip. This is an excellent way for us to relive the moments, and to share them with you.

The following story took place right before the pandemic hit. Now, we really wonder if there will be a next chapter to this story soon.

Due to the length of the story, I have decided to split it into 2 parts. I’ll link the second part here when it is up. Hope you like the story. Please give us your feedback and comments. Meanwhile, stay safe and enjoy!


I 29M have been together with Rachel 26F for more than 2 years. Our sex life is great and we kept our bodies in shape as we were into fitness. I am 6 feet tall with a muscular body; Rachel is 5 feet tall with an amazing peachy ass and well-framed B cup boobs. I am into girlfriend sharing and often fantasize about sharing her with other guys. On the other hand, Rachel is a bit of a closet exhibitionist and likes light BDSM. We often share our fantasies with each other by watching porn together, but never did anything beyond that as she is quite shy in nature.

We have a bunch of common good friends who we drink together most of the time. Let’s call them David and Matt, both 30M and slightly below 6 feet. David has a lean body. He is a sporty person and practiced ballet since he was a kid. Matt on the other hand was bulky but not fat. He lost weight and got fit through boxing after his girlfriend broke up with him about a year ago.

During one of the drinking sessions, we were lamenting about work life and David suggested that we go to a resort together. The 4 of us had previously travelled to Bangkok together and it was an amazing trip. This time round, we will completely disconnect from work and simply hangout in the villa. It was a much needed break for all of us. We found a good deal online and off we go a month later for a 2 night staycation.

Rachel and I were very excited for this trip. Even though we did not manage to fulfill any of our fantasies in Bangkok, I did dare her to get some water from the kitchen in her birthday suit while David and Matt were fast asleep in the living room. This simple gesture turned us on so much, we had mindblowing sex right after. I really hoped this resort could open up more opportunities for us.

We knew that the villa comes with a private pool, so we all brought our swimming costumes. In addition, I also packed an extra sexy bikini for Rachel. This will be my surprise gift for her when we reach the villa.

On the day of check in, we met David and Matt at the resort lobby. Soon we were escorted to our villa. The villa was huge and gorgeous. On the first floor was the living room which has sliding floor to ceiling glass panels overlooking the ocean. Right outside was a patio area and a private infinity pool. There were high walls surrounding the two sides of the pool so we had total privacy from our neighbours. Upstairs, there were 2 bedrooms, 1 for myself and Rachel, and the other shared by David and Matt.

We spent the afternoon hanging out in the living room and enjoying the view. After that, we went to the restaurant at the beach for some seafood dinner. The dinner was decent, and we started the night with some beer.

After dinner, we went back to the villa to continue drinking. Each of us has brought a bottle of hard liquor. Which means over the next 2 nights, we have to finish 2 bottles of whiskey and 2 bottles of gin. Our target on the first night was 1 whiskey and 1 gin.

We called in some ice buckets, and went into the pool. All the guys were in their swimming trunks and Rachel wore a modest one piece. Although there was not a lot of cleavage shown, the tight swimsuit barely contained her B cup boobs which were spilling out from the side and her nipples were visible when they were erect. The swimsuit accentuated her hourglass body and she got a lot of compliments from the guys.

The first night was fun but uneventful. We spent most of the time getting drunk and chit chatting in the pool. We finished the 2 bottles at 3am and went to bed after washing up.

The next day went around normally. The afternoon sun was blazing. After lunch, we all went back to the hotel to relax. The guys were hanging out in the pool while Rachel and I were cooped up in the air conditioned room.

“Hey Babe, I’ve got something for you,” I presented my surprise gift to Rachel. It was a triangle bikini top that is made from mesh material, with a strip of fabric in the middle of each triangle to cover the nipples. The fabric was thin, and will become sheer when wet. Rachel was elated and quickly tried it on. She looked amazing, but she was afraid that it might be too revealing. I told her it is not a big deal as we are in a private villa. She did not look convinced but we were interrupted by David knocking on our door.

“Yo Rachel, we gotta go,” said David from the other side of the door.

Earlier that day, they pre-booked a massage session each. Matt and I opted out because we felt too tired to enjoy it anyway.

“Coming!” Rachel put away the bikini and off she went as I napped the rest of the afternoon away.

In the evening, we all gathered at the other restaurant in the resort for dinner and alcohol started to flow again. After that, we decided to go back to the villa and use the rooftop balcony. We changed to a much more comfortable attire and went up the stairs with our drinks. We had a good time drinking and chatting under the stars, but the weather was hot and there was no breeze.

The guys then suggested that we go to the pool again. No doubt they wanted to see Rachel’s sideboobs I thought. We all scurried down to the pool but I was still feeling tired. “I think I will just hang out at the patio while you guys chill in the pool”

“Come on. Don’t be a party pooper. Join in!”

“Yeah, it will not be fun without you.”

Rachel then ushered me to the room so that I could change into the swimming trunks.

“I will join only if you put on the bikini I bought you.”

“In that case, I will see you downstairs.”

I guess the alcohol must have boosted her confidence. She then untied her bathrobe and I could not believe my eyes when she showed me that she was wearing the bikini underneath. It was certainly a sight to behold. The bikini cupped her tits perfectly, and the strip could barely cover her areolas. To match her sexy white top, she had a simple black rio bottom which enhanced the look of her bubble butt.

She must have changed into the bikini when she freshened up before we went up to the villa rooftop. I looked at her sexy body for 10 seconds, my dick getting erect at the same time. Then I gave her a tight hug, grabbing her ass and gave her a kiss. “Love you babe. See you downstairs”

I then went into the bathroom to grab my trunks while she went down to join them in the pool. My girlfriend is going to wear a skimpy sheer bikini in front of our good friends. I could barely contain my excitement. It took me a while to change as I was still high from the alcohol and my erect cock was getting in the way.

As I opened the sliding panel, I saw that Rachel had already disrobed. David and Matt were standing in front of her with their drinks in hand, and eyes on her boobs. She was showing them the rashes on her chest. Rachel gets mild rashes if she consumes certain types of alcohol.

“It must be the whiskey,” explained Rachel while caressing her chest.

But the boys paid no attention to her words as they were fixated by the incredible view in front of them. Even under the dim lights, her assets were clearly showing as the night wind blew. Her nipples were poking and her dark areolas were slightly visible under the thin white fabric.

It left nothing to imagination, or so they thought.

I joined them for a toast before we all jumped into the pool.

Now we were all standing around in the pool, talking about everything under the moon just like the previous night. The only difference was that Rachel’s boobs were totally showing. The fabric was sheer when wet. As soon as she hit the pool, I knew exactly what would happen.

The guys could clearly see her tits under the bikini, but pretended that everything was normal. Rachel did not seem to care that her boobs were visible to 2 of our good friends. We continued our drinking and talking. The topic soon came back to alcohol and rashes. 30 minutes have passed and her rashes have subsided.

“Hey, your rashes are less visible now,” said David who is looking at her boobs.

Rachel stood up and her chest is now above the water. Fully aware that her tits are visible to David, she pulled the top slightly to the side with both hands although still covering her modesty.

“Yeah, I think it is getting better now.”

What a tease. This also caught the attention of Matt who was talking to me.

Another 30 minutes went by. David would swim around and Matt was practicing yoga moves in the water. We continued our drinks and the whole time I could see that David and Matt were always trying to get close to Rachel and catch a glimpse of her boobs. Maybe they were trying to be subtle, or maybe they thought I would mind. Little did they know, I had other plans.

I called for a toast. After gulping down our drinks, we continued our chit chat. We were standing in a circle in the water. Rachel was on my right while the guys were directly in front of us.

I was very aroused by the fact that my girlfriend is sexually teasing our buddies. I wanted to see if she shares the same sentiment. I grabbed Rachel’s butt with my right hand. She did not stop me. So I went lower and started rubbing her pussy from the back.

“Babe, you look so hot in this bikini.”

“I know, Matt and David have been giving me a lot of compliments.”

“How do you feel?” as I continued rubbing her pussy underwater.

“I feel sexy and naughty.”

“Babe, I think David and Matt have been looking at your boobs the whole night.”

“Yeah…” she moaned.

“Why don’t you remove your top and let them enjoy?” I whispered into her ear.

“But babe, I am shy”

“This bikini top already left nothing to imagination. Besides, you have always wanted to go to a nude resort right?”

“Yes, but not in front of our friends.”

I got closer to her ear “Do it for me babe. I am sure they would appreciate a good show.”

The pussy rubbing and whispering must have sent her over the edge.

“Okay babe,” she said softly.

I poured everyone another drink and Rachel quickly took a big sip. Then, I gave her butt a quick squeeze and whispered “Do me proud”.

She then unhooked the clasp and threw her top onto the patio while she covered her tits with her other arm. This move totally caught Matt and David by surprise. We have seen each other in various states of drunkenness, but never in any state of undress.

“Please control your woman!” exclaimed David

“Yeah, we can see her tits!” said Matt as he tried to cover his eyes while peeking through his fingers.

“Whatever happens in the resort, stays in the resort,” I gave them my approval.

“If you say so,” David shrugged.

“Your boobs are amazing by the way,” added Matt.

“See, it wasn’t so bad,” I pecked Rachel on the cheek.

Her cheeks blushed, but she enjoyed the attention very much. Anyway, she can’t be covering her tits with one arm the entire night right? As our conversations continued, she slowly let her guard down. Before we know it, Rachel stopped covering up, but hid her tits below water most of the time.

The 4 of us continued the night topless in the pool. Rachel is getting more comfortable showing her body to the guys. Everytime she emerged from the water, the guys would steal a glance at her glistening breasts. But the atmosphere was still more casual than sexual. It was just like 4 bros getting wasted and talking about life. We were having a good time, with the occasional physical contact with her boobs which she didn’t mind but I am sure the guys enjoyed the teasing.

As we finished the bottle of Gin, Matt suggested that we go back to the living room as we have been soaking for 2 hours.

“Let’s go,” said David as he climbed out of the pool. The fabric of his trunks pressed against his dick and it was fairly big. Perhaps he was having a chubby the whole time seeing Rachel topless.

Matt and I followed, but Rachel was struggling as the alcohol got her.

“Give me a hand please,” asked Rachel in a sultry voice.

Without hesitation, Matt turned around and helped her out. But luck was on his side as Rachel lost her footing and fell into his arms. Her bare breasts are now touching his chest.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah I am good. Thanks”

“Hey, your rashes are gone,” Matt pointed at her chest.

“Oh yes, it is usually gone in an hour,” as Rachel wiped the water off her chest and presented her tits clearly in Matt’s view. He must be resisting very hard trying not to cop a feel.

We dried ourselves and lounged at the sofa as I filled up the cups. At this point, Rachel did not even bother to put her top back on. Matt on the other hand simply took off his trunks and was chilling with only his wet undies on. We can clearly see the outline of his penis which is decently sized, but his balls were large in comparison.

“Why don’t we play some games?” I tried to bring everyone together in the living room.

Everyone agreed and we proceeded to play some cards. We all get 5 cards each, and the player with the lowest combination has to drink. We all had our fair share of losses and the bottle of whiskey was going down quickly.

“Not again!” sighed Rachel as she got her third bad hand in a row.

“You only have to drink if you lose,” said Matt

“But I think I am already at my limit.”

“Well you can perform other penalties if you prefer,” said David.

I knew where David was going, but I kept quiet to see what Rachel had to say.

“Let’s continue and decide later,” Rachel showed her hand.

We all followed but Matt had the worst hand so he took a shot.

The next hand, Rachel seemed very confident. “Hey David, if you lose you have to run outside naked.”

“What if you lose?”

“What do you want?”

“If you lose, you let me lick your tits,” grinned David.

My heart skipped a beat and I expected Rachel to reject the deal. Seems like all the teasing got David eager to taste the forbidden fruit.

“Hold up, dude. Her boyfriend is just right beside her!” Matt seemed bothered.

But I was not about to let this perfect opportunity go to waste. “Hey, she can do whatever she wants with her tits. We are all just having fun. Right babe?”

It did not take too much convincing. She must have been very confident with her hand or the alcohol was messing with her.

“Ok deal! Show me your hand,” Rachel confidently showed her aces full of eights.

David flipped over his four of a kind sevens, and made a fist pump in the air.

“Fuck!” Rachel exclaimed, but I was anxious if she would proceed with the penalty.

All of us were cheering and Rachel punched my thigh.

“You made the deal, not me,” I added nonchalantly.

The living room is now filled with suspense. Rachel has always been quite reserved and that going topless in front of David and Matt was already a huge step out of her comfort zone. But knowing her, she does not back down from a challenge easily. On top of that, all the teasing she gave must have turned her on too.

“Alright then, come on before I change my mind. You have 10 seconds,” Rachel laid herself down across the sofa and swept her hair to the side to get it out of the way.

David hesitated and looked at me as if asking for approval. I gave him a nod. He then positioned himself on top of Rachel on the sofa and proceeded to suckle on her right boob while grabbing her left boob.

“Hey, I don’t recall touching being part of the penalty,” moaned Rachel.

“…” David removed his hand.

But Rachel grabbed his hand and put it back on her left tit. David happily obliged and I could see some light nibbling and tongue swirling action that made her twitch and tremble.

I took a sip and commented “Her nipples are her weak spot.”

She was moaning openly as she held David’s head firmly to her breasts with one hand, and grabbed onto his hips with the other hand while gently caressing his erect cock through his trunks with her legs. We can only hear his muffled breaths of excitement.

“I think they are really enjoying it,” added Matt.

Soon, Rachel stopped David “Okay 10 seconds is up.”

It was definitely more than 10 seconds, but I was happy as long as they enjoyed it.

David went back to his spot smiling ear to ear. “That was awesome.”

Next, Rachel won and asked David and Matt to take each other’s bottoms off as revenge. They were reluctant but soon complied as long as they were not touching each other.

Now there are 2 naked men in the living room, while Rachel and I still have our bottoms on. I wonder where this night is going. David’s dick was hard from sucking her boobs. Now we can see it clearly. It was a good 7 inch with decent girth. Matt’s dick was shorter in comparison, maybe slightly below 6. But the thickness of the penis and size of the testes definitely made it above average.

Rachel was curious yet embarrassed to see our buddies’ cocks getting totally erect for her. As soon as I assured her that it is okay to look, she could not take her eyes off of their dicks. Her pussy must be soaking wet by now.

We continued the game and her victory was short-lived as Matt won the next round and asked her to sit on his lap.

“But your dick is out,” Rachel objected.

“It was your idea. Besides, you still have your bottom on.”

“I don’t know if my boyfriend will agree to that,” Rachel looked at me.

“Rules are rules. Whatever happens in the resort stays in the resort right?” I replied.

By now, Rachel must be very horny thanks to David. Getting her boobs sucked always turns her wild.

She scooted over to Matt and hesitated for a moment until he helped her nestle herself comfortably into his lap.

“Oh yeah I am gonna enjoy this,” the alcohol must have gotten to Matt as he is speaking without any barrier now.

He put his hands around her thigh and pulled her closer. “Ohhh..” Rachel was pleasantly surprised to feel the pressure of Matt’s thick cock on her vagina, eager to bust itself in. In response, she wiggled her butt and Matt simply moaned in pleasure.

We continued the game and I lost the next 2 rounds. I chose to drink up while enjoying the sight of my girlfriend teasing the hell out of our 2 good friends.

All this time, Matt’s cock remained hard and pressing against Rachel’s pussy. She could definitely feel it through the fabric of her bottom. Every time she moved, we could see Matt’s pleasurable expression.

But Matt was being a great friend and did not take advantage of the situation at all. He did not try to grope her or anything while she was on his lap. The only thing he got was the grinding of Rachel’s wet pussy on his bare cock. I knew I could count on him.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ggbhql/i_m_watched_my_buddies_cum_on_my_girlfriend_mfm


  1. I know it’s only been nine minutes since you posted this, but I already want part 2. This is really hot

  2. Yo so dam hot bro…and there is nothing better than being that DAM CONFIDENT AND IN CONTROL where you have no problem or concerns with sharing ur girl/wife with your friends….love it. I am a 50 yr old chilled male… Dominate daddy for sure working on wife number 3 whom is a mere 24 yrs old and she is what I refer to her as MY SLUT PUPPET….so she does whatever I demand of her and she has a great roster of loving passionate girlfriends that spend at least one day a week sleeping with us and then there are those nights maybe my boys come over to play cards and my wife is sometimes the naked cocktail waitress ….

  3. Damn this is hot. Your two buddies also seem pretty cool dudes, respectful of you.

  4. I’m a gay guy and this turned me the fuck on! Cant wait for part 2!

  5. > Although there was not a lot of cleavage shown, the tight swimsuit barely contained her B cup boobs which were spilling out from the side and her nipples were visible when they were erect

    Wicked weasel?

  6. NO! I need part 2!! Not sure who’s more a tease, you or her…

  7. This is so hot! Eagerly checking back twice a day for part 2!

  8. This is so hot! I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the story! Also, a shot of that bikini would be nice, with Rachel in it would be even better! ?

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