A memorable threesome- or so I thought [MFF]

I have never told anyone this story in real life, for reasons that will likely become apparent.

So there are a couple of things you need to understand in relation to this story. Number one, my (now) wife- let’s call her Alex- and I started dating when we were in our late teens, and while we had each fooled around with other people before that, we took each other’s virginities. Being each other’s only sexual partner was cool and we always had great sexual chemistry, but I would be lying if I hadn’t thought sometimes about what it would be like with someone else- just to know, right?

The second thing you should know is, that normally Alex is quite reserved sexually, but when she has a few drinks, she can get quite sexually… assertive and much more blunt, if that makes sense. I think that’s true of most people but it’s particularly dramatic with her, and always has been.

So, the summer back when we were 24 or so, Alex and I were at a party. One of my best friends was dating a girl who was in vet college. They often had parties at his acreage with his GF’s vet school friends, many of whom were cute, single girls. We’d drink around the campfire and generally have a good time, and because it was an acreage sometimes we’d stay overnight rather than drive back home.

There was one girl there I’ll call Jenny, around the same age as Alex and I, and about to start her last year of vet school. Jenny got along well with with Alex- it was common for the three of us to be the last ones at the campfire and it was also common for Jenny to lament to us the failings of her dating life. One night, my buddy’s birthday, Jenny, Alex and I had a particularly good time drinking and talking and none of us were in a position to drive home, so my buddy offered up a room in his basement. The only hitch was that there was only one bedroom for the three of us, and he jokingly told us that we’d have to sort out who got the bed before he and his lady went off to sleep.

Now, we had been at the party for a few hours and Alex had been mixing her own drinks, and as we hiked from the campfire towards the house in the dark it was clear she’d had a real good time so far that night- She even suggested we go skinny dipping, but while I thought that would be fun and wouldn’t mind at all seeing Jenny naked, we realized the farm dugout pond nearby was not a good place for a swim.

Jenny was clearly in a good mood too as a result of the drinks. I shepherded the two girls along towards the house while they giggled and were slapping each other’s butts. As we got closer to the house, Jenny snuck up and slapped my ass and I looked and saw Alex, smiling and seemingly egging her on. That was my first hint that something might be going on here.

We got inside, and down to our shared room. When we got there, Alex announced that if she couldn’t go skinny dipping, she was going to at least sleep naked. And before I knew what was happening, she had whipped off her shorts and top, and I watched as she confidently removed her thong and hopped into the room’s lone bed. She then said “well, there’s room enough for all three of us in here, but only if we’re all naked”.

I hesitated for a minute, and looked at Jenny, who looked back, shrugged and removed her own shorts and tank top. At that point I was happy to wait and watch as Jenny removed her own thong and, with a bit of a flourish, her bra.

I’ll try not to dwell on describing the ladies, but safe to say I paid close attention to Jenny’s naked body. Alex had and still has, if I do say so myself, a beautiful slim body with a surprisingly round butt that she is quite proud of. She also has inverted nipples, which I quite enjoy but she feels self-conscious of. Jenny’s body was something quite different from what I was used to- she had a small waist but was otherwise all curves, and in particular big, round breasts that were grabbing my attention.

The whole thing moved incredibly fast from there and I don’t remember taking off my own clothes, or what if any discussion we had. I was laying on the outside of the bed with Alex in between me and Jenny, Alex rubbing my already-hard dick while placing my hand on Jenny’s breasts. Jenny immediately started to moan.

I remember that sometime before, I had seen an episode of a show where partners had threesomes and sometimes things went badly and feelings got hurt, and so I remember thinking if I was ever lucky enough to have a threesome I would be extremely careful to check every action I did with Alex yada yada yada… well, this was nothing like that. It was hot and sweaty from the get go. I didn’t have to worry about asking for permission from her because she was literally putting my hands on Jenny and, soon, telling me what to do to her. And Jenny, it was very clear, was all for what was happening.

I did make sure to start by fingering Alex, and she was insanely turned on when I started and it didn’t take long for her to cum. I don’t remember how the transition went from there, but what I very clearly remember is Alex directing Jenny to suck my dick, which she did, and Alex then staring at me and telling me to fuck Jenny “and fuck her good.” I had a condom- don’t remember who put it on me- but Jenny laid back and Alex lay on her side and watched while she rubbed both of our bodies.

When I first thrust inside Jenny, she took a quick breath and looked up at me and then at Alex- at which point my normally reserved, catholic good-girl Alex said to Jenny: “I know- it’s a lot of fucking dick”. I will remember THAT for as long as I live.

The sex with Jenny was a bit of a blur. It was hot as fuck, thrusting into this beautiful woman- who was vocal as hell- while my girl laid beside me encouraging me the whole time. When I came- which I’m not ashamed to say wasn’t after very long- I offered to finish Jenny off with oral as I was pretty sure she hadn’t come yet. She said no thanks, that it was good but it was “intense”. We all collapsed and there was a bit of small talk and I must have fallen asleep fairly shortly after.

When I woke up in the morning, Jenny was already gone and Alex was still sleeping. I eventually woke her up, and by that time we had to hurry back into the city to pick up our dogs from the friends who were looking after them. Alex seemed happy but tired and hung over, and I decided to wait and let her breach the subject of what had happened the night before, but she never did. She told me when we got home that she felt hungover and ended up sleeping more that afternoon, and I decided to just keep waiting to see if she wanted to say anything.

Eventually days and weeks went by and she never brought it up- this didn’t seem to unusual to me at the time, because when she’d been drinking and done something sexually assertive or new with me before- like the first time she told me to come on her face- the morning after she wouldn’t say anything about it and it would be kind of like nothing had happened. I always figured it was how she dealt with her good girl side vs her wilder side.

Anyway, we saw Jenny a few more times socially that summer but not in person again after school started in the Fall, and then she graduated the next year and moved away. From Facebook I know she’s now married with a few kids. She still looks good.

Anyway, it’s now been more than a decade since this happened and Alex and I had still never talked about it. Then last week, in the midst of quarantine boredom, we tried out a phone app you do with your partner where you say what things you’d like to try sexually- and your partner can indicate if it’s a possibility or is interested etc.

Anyway, there was a question about a threesome, and Alex was ribbing me about how I hadn’t said I wanted to try one and how it was supposed to be something that every guy wanted to try, and it dawned on me for the first time that Alex didn’t remember we had HAD a threesome. I also thought back to a time a few years ago where she’d made a (possibly joking?) comment about how she felt guilty because I would go my whole life having sex with only one woman. I had briefly thought about saying well, other than that one time… but kept my mouth shut.

I still haven’t said anything to Alex- and i don’t know how I would at this point…

And so that is the story of our three some, and the only time I ever had sex with someone other than the woman who became my wife, who was actively cheering me on while I did it- but apparently doesn’t remember a thing.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ggawat/a_memorable_threesome_or_so_i_thought_mff


  1. Awesome story, but the important thing is… what’s the name of that app?

  2. It could go 50/50 by talking about the threesome. Unless you know she’s DTF and spice things up in the bedroom. Good story. Details, not a lot of superfluous dialogue. You did it right. Take note, verbose posters.

  3. Oh man, that does sound like a problem you should discuss with her. When you have a gf for that long, problems of the other becomes your own; drinking is not bad, not remembering what you did is other thing. You should approach, besides you have each other confidence and loyalty, something some people would die for (me for example lol). Best of luck!

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