The Work Trip Predicament [M/F] – Part 2

Part 1 [here](

Finding her head nestled into Mike’s chest, a pleasant calm greeted Alina as she awoke softly to the obnoxious trill of an unfamiliar phone alarm. She blinked focus into her vision and lifted her head wearily to see the source of the sound, a heap of their clothes and bags returned to the room. They had been placed opposite the bathroom, as if someone had slyly snuck in the front door and pushed the items inside before slinking off. The memories of the night before soaked into her mind and the shame of it twisted her stomach. It was a unique blend of embarrassment, disgust and anger. Running over it made her ill, and she had to be away from Mike. She pushed off him, but his arm was wrapped around her and it was too heavy to push off when her muscles still hadn’t awoken yet. Her small fingers pressed lightly into his shoulder.

“Mike, wake up…” she spoke softly.

He stirred and met her gaze, surprised to see her so close to him, and realising he was holding her there with one of his arms. He flinched and released her in one motion, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. She knew he was contemplating what she had moments before, the events that had gotten them here. She too shuffled away from him, last night she had reasoned that she was too exhausted, and without clothes for either of them and no room key she had no choice but to sleep here with Mike. Waking up with him now, she knew she had done something wrong in going to bed with him. It somehow felt like a more intimate sin than the one they had committed in the shower..

Mike quickly moved out of bed to turn off the alarm, “It’s 8:30,” he noted. “They must have fucked with our alarm.”

Alina nodded in acknowledgment, seeing him stood naked with his erection at full attention. She couldn’t help from following it with her eyes. She could hardly believe she had taken it all inside her. She was that girl that slept with men on their team, another sickening thought. She didn’t feel like herself.

“All our clothes are here!” He pointed out, flicking through the messages he had missed. He looked up at her and was taken aback by her staring at him. She averted her eyes from his groin, bringing herself back to reality and stretching in her lying position, pushing the covers off her with an outstretched leg. It pulled her slim body taut, drawing attention to her thin waist, round breasts and long legs. She looked so sexy amid the white sheets, begging to be taken again. He drew a slow breath, admiring her form with hungry eyes.

A sudden knock at the door shocked him back to normal, “Housekeeping!” Came a voice.

“Not right now!” Mike shot back, hearing the maid roll their cart elsewhere.The pause made Mike feel wrong for contemplating having Alina again, now that they weren’t being forced to. This was a coworker, he made a rule about doing this sort of thing. Too complicated. Besides the fact she wasn’t single.

“What kind of hotel is this!?” Alina asked, trying to think of anything other than sex.

“I dunno, it had great reviews… It’s four stars!” Mike replied, suddenly he felt awkward. Alina padded over to him, and for a moment he thought she was approaching for a kiss, but instead she retrieved her clothes from a neat pile by their bags.

“Uh, I’ll get dressed in here.” She said, going into the bathroom and closing the door. It seemed peculiar given they had already seen each other fully naked, and woke up in the same bed, but Mike understood what this meant. It meant that despite a bizarre predicament, things hadn’t changed between them, and once she came out of that bathroom fully dressed, they were colleagues, so he dressed quickly as well. He had taken a moment to inspect her underwear atop the clothes pile before Alina had taken it. The bra and panties were a matching set, dark green. It also went with her nail polish colour. The fabric was lacy and looked expensive, he was surprised that she would wear something so alluring, but he sensed that Alina had expensive taste. The idea of her in that underwear was somehow even sexier than she was naked.

“We should talk about last night.” Said Alina, as she came out of the bathroom wearing form-fitting black work trousers and a white blouse.

“Yeah.” Mike agreed, “Okay.” He had no idea where to begin. They stood awkwardly as she put on her earrings, an uncomfortable silence forming.

“We shouldn’t have…” Alina started, but she didn’t mean it, and couldn’t finish it. Before either of them could add any more, the room phone rang. Mike groaned and picked up the receiver.

“Shit,” He said, “The cab is here.” They realised suddenly that if they didn’t leave soon, they would be late for their meeting. Together they scrambled to get their bags and belongings together, Alina hurriedly brushed her hair whilst Mike rummaged through his stuff to find cufflinks and his watch. As he joined Alina in the bathroom, they exchanged glances in the mirror. He realised how long it had been since he had woken up with someone, and how nice it felt. He had been single a while now, the occasional midnight fling to satisfy his cravings, but rarely liked any of them enough to stay the night. He’d had a dry spell of late, as he fell out of fondness with the casual cycle of meeting new girls.

They darted out the hotel room door, still rummaging through bags as they hopped in the car. After last night, Mike felt he should be talking to someone in the hotel. A manager or something, but their work priorities hadn’t changed. This client meeting was extremely important, and he could come back to the hotel later. They dashed out the door into the taxi, and were whisked off to the client site. In the back of the car, Alina was fighting with the movement of the car to add the little makeup she usually adorned for work, some lipstick and a little mascara to emphasise her eyelashes. As if her wide glimmering blue eyes needed any help to draw more attention.

They arrived only a minute or so late, and with all the rushing they had hardly said a word to one another until the morning workshop was over. As Mike explained the context of what they were there to do, and the purpose of the session, everyone in the room looked to him, but Alina felt like she was staring. In his crisp blue shirt the only feature of his muscular body that was really visible was the broadness of his shoulders. Her eyes traced down the edges of his sleeves and noted how well his arms filled the fabric, it felt naughty to know what he looked like underneath. She shifted in her seat and forced her mind back to the task, trying to listen to what he was saying. She found herself just watching his mouth move, the shoe hanging off the toes of her foot as she gently swung it back and forth. She couldn’t get the thought of him taking her out of her head, and she could feel herself getting wet. The way he had held her, pushed her against the glass and taken her roughly until she squealed with pleasure. Her skin felt hot. She never had thoughts like this, what had come over her? She jolted a little as her phone buzzed, a text from her boyfriend. She quickly flipped the phone over, as she noticed the people next to her glancing at the source of the sound. She felt a pang of guilt and shame roll through her. He would know something was off, she hadn’t messaged him for nearly twelve hours.

“…after our sessions today, we then have some follow-up calls with IT tomorrow. Hope that all makes sense, Alina do you want to take us through the deck?” Mike finished, and though Alina had only tuned in at the mention of her name, despite not listening she was prepared enough to know what she needed to say next.

The rest of the workshop went smoothly, Mike marvelled at watching Alina work. She was relentlessly impressive, he hadn’t met anyone who matched her ability to ingest information quickly. He could keep the client happy, paint the big-picture that got people invested to ensure collaboration from all the right parties, but Alina was all across the details. She had memorised the names and roles of everyone in the room, she referenced detailed notes of their requirements and had an encyclopaedic knowledge of all their current projects and timelines. She was efficient and precise, and when juxtaposed with the floundering unprepared members of the client in the room, it was all the more striking. Despite their best efforts, the meeting overran, though it was largely successful. Alina and Mike found themselves rushing to get to their next workshop in another room across the office. They still found it complicated to navigate this place, only exacerbated by all the files, cables and bags they had to bring with them.

By the time it had gotten to 6pm, they had hardly spoken a word to each other directly outside of presentations. As the attendees filed out of the room, thanking them for a smoothly run session, Alina looked over to Mike and they shared a look of exhaustion, followed by sighs of relief.

“We did it.” Alina chuckled.

Mike noticed her whole demeanor change, she was more personable and relaxed, though still in professional-mode. Her eyes shifted away from his quickly, as she started to collate files. As she bent down to collect some of the cables they needed, her trousers were pulled tight, revealing her peachy behind. Mike had to force himself to look away. Before last night he’d let his eyes linger, considering what she might look like naked. Now he knew, but his eyes still lingered. He almost felt like he’d forgotten it, and longed to see it again. He hadn’t committed it to memory the way he should have. He replayed the image of her stretching on the bed over soft sheets, only able to recall some of the details he had appreciated.

She had noticed him staring.

“You were great,” He commented, “I’m glad you were up to speed with the project plan because I hadn’t reviewed it yet.”

“Yeah well, that Deepesh guy loves you so, with the head of IT onside I think you could have gotten away with blagging the details.”

“We did good.” Mike summarised, collating some printouts from the table to be out in confidential waste.

Alina checked her phone, her boyfriend had left so many messages and she tried to avoid letting her panic show. A silence floated in the air for a few moments, “So… we’re done here, right?”

“Yeah, yeah I think so.” Mike looked around, the room was tidy enough, with their used coffee cups from the day placed on a tray to one side, along with the dregs of food platters from lunch.. “I uh, I think we should go back to the hotel.” He suggested, Alina giving a look of shock, bringing her hand lightly to her stomach. “No not for s… not for that. I mean to talk to the manager or something.”

Alina’s expression shifted to a different type of surprise. She dashed over to pull the door fully closed, “What? Why!?”

“What happened last night, they orchestrated that. You don’t want to say something about it?” He asked

“What are you even going to say? ‘Hey what’s the deal with the shower sex-prison in room 411?’ and ask for a refund?” She said in a whispered shout. She walked over to him to avoid having to talk too loudly.

“What, so you just want to leave it?”

“I don’t know. This is insane… maybe we should report it to the police?” She said, a tone of irritation in her voice, she couldn’t stand the idea of going back to the hotel.

“Oh,” He was surprised, he hadn’t even considered that. “What’s the crime? I mean, is it… kidnapping?”

“I don’t know, it’s something. They locked us up against our will.” She said, her tone softening, “I just don’t know if anyone would believe us. I hardly believe it myself.”

“We don’t have any evidence.” Mike added.

They paused for a moment, caught in indecision. Alina felt tired just thinking about it, she just wanted to go home at this point. Her phone buzzed, and she peered down with the expectant dread of another message from her boyfriend, she genuinely hadn’t had a moment to call him all day, but she should have messaged. Looking at the screen, she was surprised to see it was actually an email notification. She opened it, and even more dread began to seep into her. “Shit, Mike have you seen this email?”

He was already reading it from his laptop, it was from a senior at the client, “They want us to do the meetings tomorrow in-person instead of calls.” Mike said aloud, “He’s worried that the IT guys won’t engage otherwise. It’s a good point, but a bit last minute…”

“Mike, I’m not staying here another night!” Alina told him, in another shouted whisper.

He hadn’t even considered that it would mean another hotel stay, his eyes widened as he processed what this meant. He couldn’t ignore the request from a senior stakeholder at the client, but he didn’t like the idea of it anymore than she did. “Oh. Uh, right yeah.”

“Sorry, I’m not trying to…”

“No no, I should have thought of that.” Said Mike, they were talking over each other awkwardly. “Well, we both need to be there. I mean, we’d get a different hotel. We could stay in separate places.”

“Wait, just slow down.” Alina said, she felt like she couldn’t breathe, her mind was running through too much too fast. “I mean, okay so the meetings need to be on-site tomorrow, I get that, but I need time to process what… happened yesterday. I need to go home.”

“Yeah I-I get that.” Mike said, “Maybe I can run the workshops without you tomorrow?”

“Or, I could dial in?” Alina offered, she knew there was no way he would be able to run the session without her knowledge, but she also knew it would be hard to run over the phone.

“I don’t think we can have anyone dial in if the client has specifically asked for it to be in person.” Mike replied apologetically, “I’d probably have to say you were off sick.”

It was a sensible suggestion, but she didn’t like the idea of lying to the client. Alina knew he was right, she didn’t want to piss off someone senior, the politics of their work could be sensitive. She was so prepared for the sessions tomorrow that it upset her that she would miss something so important, this work was important for her career and she wanted to take a leading role. She also knew that Mike would have to scramble to do it without her, it might not go very well. Putting her own disappointment aside, it was sweet that he was willing to do this for her. Looking from him to the barrage of texts on her phone it felt like she was in a lose-lose situation, and she had been ignoring her boyfriend for too long. “I want to be there, I just… I can’t.”

“It’s okay,” Mike muttered calmly, “I need to speak to Deepesh’s secretary and see if we can get a room sorted for tomorrow. Can you call us a cab? I’ll drop you at the station and then head to see if I can find a last-minute hotel.”

“Sure,” She said with a small smile, she felt a bit guilty. She felt guilty in every direction.

Mike left her in the room as she scrolled to the contact in her phone for the local taxi, she wasn’t to know that the number had been changed. Meanwhile, Mike found the secretary he was looking for and asked if she could help sort a room for the meeting tomorrow. He knew it was unlikely given that they had been required to book the rooms they had used today nearly a month ago.

“The office is all full, but I can find a local venue nearby?” She offered kindly, “I actually got contacted recently about some availability.”

“Amazing, thanks so much.” Mike said.

“I have access to the calendar invites, so I’ll just update it directly when I find somewhere.”

As Mike thanked her, he saw Alina waiting by the exit and went over to join her. The cab was pulled up outside, and they bundled into it, Alina asking the driver to take them to the station and then a nearby hotel chain they had used once in the past.

“When I get to the hotel I’ll call the client and explain you’re off sick,” Mike said, Alina nodding in response. She made a similar note to call her boyfriend before she got on the train home. Though she had no idea what she would say. The throat felt dry in anticipation of the uncomfortable conversation. Would she lie to him?

“I’ll send you some notes tonight to help you prep to run my sections of the meeting.” She managed, trying to break their awkward silence. They were both too caught up with the worries plaguing their minds to notice the subtle scent in the air. Alina was the first to feel the exhaustion set in, her body drooping to one side as a sudden tiredness took over her. Mike followed a few seconds later.

* * *

A painful fog bellowed over Alina as she awoke to the sound of moaning. She was shocked to realise quickly it was her own. She was naked somewhere familiar, the soft white sheets and velvet buttoned headboard telling her she was back in the hotel. The hotel she swore to purge from her mind, certainly never to go back to willingly, and yet here she was lying alone in an identical room as the night before. She was overcome with confusion and panic, trying desperately to recall her last memory, but she could hardly think between the thumping head pain slowly subsiding, and the persistent vibration between her legs. Stifling another uncontrollable moan, she pulled the plush sheets off of her body and looked down at herself. She was naked from head-to-toe except for some sort of harness around her hips. It was a matte metallic black over a thin layer of soft dark leather, and fitted over her like a pair of panties, between her legs and around her waist. It was locked in place tightly, and a few weak tugs told her it was designed to be immovable; she examined the way it pressed firmly into her supple skin.

She screamed, pulling at the metal at the front and back, and twisting her body to desperately try and get a better look at it from all sides. She found no discernable latch or lock, she was trapped. Whilst it may have seemed like a sort of modern chastity belt, there were two features which suggested an alternate function, the first was an intense vibration centred on her clit, with some sort of soft spherical phallus pressed inside her against her g-spot. The sensation was incredible, set to a delicious pace that exacted a soft-pressure on her sensitive spots, and was just fast enough to pull her steadily up and over the wave of an orgasm, gently dragging her toward another. The second discerning feature was a round metal dial in the front face-plate of the device. It was the same sleek black metal, a circle just larger than the face of a wristwatch with a small indentation for a finger. She pressed her index finger shakily into the depression and turned the dial counter-clockwise, the edges of the circle glowed slightly red and seemed to have no effect. She turned it the other way too, but beyond the red light nothing happened. She fell back in resignation, soon finding herself gripping tightly at the sheets as she fought to resist an orgasm steadily rising in her. It burst through her, leaving her legs trembling for a moment as it washed over her, and another began to slowly approach.

She clambered out of the bed, scanning around the room. Her bag was by the door in the same spot as she had found it the day before, though with unfamiliar clothes piled on top of it. Seeing her phone, she snapped it up breathlessly, her hands warm and clammy. Hundreds of notifications of missed calls and texts from friends crowded the screen. They were labelled with names of her flatmates and her boyfriend, but nothing from Mike. It was eight in the morning, she felt like a huge block of time had escaped her. She had to fight to remember anything from the day before. As the pleasure building in her seemed to push the cloudy pain from her mind, she could remember last sitting with Mike in a cab to go home, but nothing else. Her thoughts were interrupted as her phone rang, Mike’s name flashing up on the screen.

“Mike?!” She croaked, “Are you back in the hotel? How did we ge-”

“Yeah, room 318. I just woke up, Do you remember anything? Where are you?”

“I-I don’t know,” She looked over to the back of the door which showed the room she was in, indicated on the fire-exit map, “I’m in a room… I’ve got this…” The vibrations were propelling her towards another orgasm, the pleasure was just about manageable, but as she reached the peak her speech wavered.

“Alina? Alina are you alright?” He asked, concern in his voice. She sounded like she couldn’t breath.

As she recovered soundlessly, she put the phone down and on loudspeaker, pulling on some clothes. “I’m f-fine.” they had left her a black bra, but no panties as it seemed that the hotel had opted for this locked vibrating monstrocity instead. The supplier included a dark blue high-collared dress with light blue buttons down the front over her chest. It flowed out at the bottom, ending in a loose knee-high. It fit her immaculately, and whilst it wouldn’t have been her usual choice, she appreciated the cut and the soft fabric gliding over her skin.

“I’ll come to your room now.” Said Mike over the loudspeaker

“No!” She replied instinctively, though she had given little thought to her game plan beyond putting some clothes on. The vibrations were driving her crazy, and she could think of little else beyond trying to get it off. She was desperate to get out of the hotel, to go home and leave this escalating nightmare, but she knew that she would have to find a way to remove the metal belt first. The idea of having been so close yesterday to going home, now to be trapped in this fresh hell was infuriating. Yet she couldn’t avoid that coming to terms with being trapped with a vibrator forcing her to cum over and over was turning her on, and elicited a thin squeal as she peaked again.

“Alina? Are you alright? You sound like you’re in pain. I think they drugged us”

“There’s this… oh my god,” She shrieked as another orgasm pummeled her body, her knees buckling as she fell to the floor in a heap. If this kept going she knew she was going to pass out. She could feel the edges of her vision beginning to blur.

“Alina what’s going on?” He asked, “Tell me what room you’re in? There’s the workshops, they’re in less than an hour. I don’t know what to do.”

She reeled as the pleasure subsided and rational thought returned. What had he said? He wanted her room number, and had mentioned the workshops. She had forgotten all about the meetings, there was no way they could cancel them now. Could he even run them on his own without having had the night to prepare? Could she leave him to look like an idiot in front of all those senior people? Flashes of panic assaulted her mind as the power of yet another climax approached. Her brain power was being sapped as the intense vibrations demanded all her attention.

“Room 302,” She said, “I-I need your help.”

He hung up, grabbing his bags and tucking in the new shirt he had been provided. He was only half-way ready, carrying his shoes, bag, tie and jacket whilst he scrambled out the door up the hallway. As he reached door 302, he could hear Alina crying out from inside. He knocked hard, Alina tugging the door open for him to push inside. He dropped what he was holding and took hold of her shoulders, his face full of worry as he noticed her shaking.

“What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

“There’s a… vibration.” She whispered, more smokey and seductive than she had intended. She felt delirious, and it took everything in her to keep quiet as the door to the room slowly swung shut. She was holding herself up with one hand on the wall, her other sliding down to her pelvis. The sound of the vibration was hardly audible, but he noticed it between her laboured breaths. “I can’t get it off.”

“What?!” He exclaimed, following her hand down to her waist. He didn’t understand what she was talking about, “Can I see it?”

She was taken aback by the request, too mortified to go into any more detail, let alone show him the embarrassing predicament she was in. She felt increasingly weak, too weak to talk or protest. Faced with another rising orgasm, she couldn’t bear the thought of him watching her as she was pummelled with relentless pleasure. Timidly, she lifted her skirt, reasoning that he had seen her naked once already. As she held the fabric, she noticed the fingernails on her hand were no longer a dark green, but had been repainted a light blue to match her outfit. She also realised her hair had been cleaned and styled into loose curls. Looking down, she saw her toenails had been changed to blue too, and her legs had been freshly waxed. Someone had groomed her in her sleep, and looking at Mike, it seemed he’d been given a shave too. It suited him, a trim stubble across his strong jawline. She studied his face as he stooped to peer between her legs. Trying not to enjoy his attention on her sex.

The dark metal immediately caught Mike’s attention, but as she shuffled and squirmed, he found it difficult not to be aroused and distracted. She was failing to mask her soft moans, and her toes curled against the carpet intermittently. He focussed, bringing his eyes back to the device. He ran his hands over it, skimming her warm skin as he did.

She stared down at him as he studied between her legs. She couldn’t help but sigh with a contented pleasure as a small orgasm washed over her whilst she stared at his face. It took everything for her not to rake her fingers through his dark soft fluffy hair. As if he had heard her thoughts, his eyes darted up to meet hers. He’d noticed her orgasm. The eye contact surprised her, and brought another harder wave of pleasure crashing over her with a shriek. She covered her mouth as she cried out.

Uncertain of what to do and entirely perplexed, he could see no clear way to remove the metal mechanism from around her waist. He was panicking, partly that he couldn’t help her get out of this trap, and partly that there was a meeting happening soon that they would surely be fired for missing, and he had no idea where it was, or how he would be able to run it without Alina. There must be a way to get her out of this.

“What’s this wheel thingy?” He asked, bringing his finger up to it,

“It doesn’t… d-doesn’t work,” She stuttered, on the brink of another orgasm, more powerful than any of the other so far. Having him between her legs,his hot breath on her thigh was dizzying, she was overcome with lust, practically hallucinating. Visions of Mike taking her in the hotel shower played over and over, and she could feel his thick cock sliding in and out of her. The pleasure was growing and growing, she knew that she would only be able to endure it for a moment before the delicious bliss sent her unconcious, but she yearned for it all the same. She felt his hand between her legs as his finger met the dial, and as he turned it counter-clockwise, the vibrations slowly reduced in speed. She yelped in shock, the edge of orgasm suddenly falling away as the previous thrumming vibration slowed to a light simmer.

“It worked,” he said, turning the dial back as a green hue was emitted from the edges of the circle. It kept turning, but after one rotation the low vibration didn’t turn down any further.

“What… did you do?” she asked, trying to hide her disappointment at being robbed of an enormous orgasm. After the countless she had endured unwillingly, she couldn’t begin to admit that she had greedily sought after another.

“I just turned it,” He said, turning the dial slightly clockwise as she watched it light up green, feeling the speed increase against her clit and g-spot. She gasped at the sudden change, pushing his hand away to turn it down herself, but it had no effect. When she used the dial, she was met with a red-lit ring. “I think, it doesn’t let you change it yourself.” He explained, softly moving her hand away and turning it down himself.

“Thank you!” She sighed, wiping the thin sweat from her brow and flashing a genuine smile of appreciation. She could feel the intense beating of her heart slowing. She was so glad he was here.

He stood, coughing awkwardly, as she released her dress and let it fall to cover her. She had noticed that no tights had been left for her, but some blue heels had been laid out in the corner, matching the colour of her dress impeccably. He went to sit over on the bed, taking a breath to compose himself and think, she moved over to join him, noting as she sat that the vibration was still noticeable, but compared to the speed before, it was entirely manageable.

“What the fuck happened yesterday.” Mike asked, “All I can remember is talking to Deepesh’s secretary about the meetings today.”

“We got a cab, do you remember? I called us one to take me to the station, and for you to find a hotel.”

“Shit, yeah I remember. The cab driver must have drugged us?” It was a statement and a question all at once.

“Mike, this is getting crazier by the minute.”

“We have to go talk to someone in this fucking hotel.”
