Our New Hobby – A Husband’s Perspective

***My Kink***

*We’ve been married for 14 months. It’s been wonderful. I love her more than I can explain and she loves me even more. But six months ago I found myself wanting to watch her get fucked by another guy. I didn’t understand it then and barely do now, but the feeling was strong and has grown stronger.*

*Michelle has been the love of my life for over three years. We met while I was in my junior year of college and for me it was love at first sight. She was my teaching assistant for an advanced economics class and I won her heart, eventually.*

*Michelle grew up in Oregon on a dairy farm, though not just any dairy farm; her dad is a “Milk Magnate.” He owns about a dozen dairies all along the west coast. Michelle is an only child. Her mother died in childbirth. Her father named Michelle after her mother, Michelle Marie. Her dad raised Michelle with the help of nannies, tutors, coaches and mentors. She walked early, talked early, and was reading by her second birthday.*

*Her dad recognized Michelle as a prodigy and got her started with a tutor early. She was home schooled by some great teachers. The expense was never an issue with her father. Michelle was introduced to various sports at early ages, as well, to develop her physical capacity along with her intellect. Today she is an excellent tennis player and long distance runner.*

*Michelle started college at Oregon State at age 14 accompanied by a full-time chaperone. She graduated 3 years later with a perfect 4.0 GPA and a degree in business. She had no time for romance and was far too young and smart to interest normal college boys.*

*Michelle started graduate business school at Stanford at 17. I met her at Stanford when she was barely 19 and working on her PhD in Finance and Economics. I still can’t digest her doctoral thesis.*

*She is tall, 5 foot 9 inches, blonde, thin and athletic, with fabulous tits and a suburb ass. She played hard to get initially, but I finally won her over. She says it was my sense of humor that made the difference. Many had tried and failed, but I was the lucky one. I wasn’t intimidated by her intelligence like many of her earlier admirers at Stanford.*

*We didn’t have sex until over a year into our relationship. She wanted to be sure I was worthy of her virginity. She kids that she’s still not sure, at least I think she’s kidding.*

*She was 21 with a doctorate and 15 job offers. I was 22 and had one offer. Fortunately she also had an offer from the same firm. She liked the brokerage firm that offered me a job very much and we headed to the east coast together. We were engaged two years after we met and married eight months after moving east.*

*We both work in the financial world. I’m a fledgling financial planner and she’s a senior financial analyst working in the same building. She recommends the stocks I sell to my clients or rather my boss’ clients. So far, she’s been very good, but it’s been a bull market. Some people say a chimp throwing darts would do as well. I doubt it, but we’ll see when things go south. I make my living off commissions, so if a client buys or sells, I make money, albeit a small piece of my boss’ commission, – it really makes no difference to me. I just have to sell the idea.*

*Michelle makes three times what I do and we keep separate accounts, though she shows me all her paychecks and account statements. Her bonus last year was more than my salary. We’re saving for an early retirement and beachfront home in Costa Rica. Really, I guess she’s saving for…*

*Michelle is so sexy and committed to me, I can’t believe what I did. About two weeks ago I confessed to her that I had these crazy feelings; wanting to watch her fuck another guy. No one specifically, though our office has many good candidates.*

*I look at her beautiful body and wonder why would I want to see another man’s cock in her exquisite pussy. I’ve been her only one, as least that’s her story. I don’t know why but I want her to suck his cock, take his load on her face, scoop it up with her fingers, lick them clean and then swallow it all. All while I am watching them, knowing that they know I want it to happen.*

# Read the rest at [https://www.dropbox.com/s/l1q0ppcyn0albld/Our%20New%20Hobby.docx?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/l1q0ppcyn0albld/Our%20New%20Hobby.docx?dl=0)

# I’m looking for ideas for the sequel, which I have started. Please let me know if you have any good ideas.



Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gfvjdi/our_new_hobby_a_husbands_perspective