Last days 4 shit out of luck

Alice left the gym 30 minutes later in a dream, the thrum of her pussy nearly muted after being railed by Barrowman on the gym floor.

She had only just managed to grab a small bowl of chilli for a quick lunch before practically tripping through the door into science, quickly yanking down her skirt before taking her seat At the back of the lab

Her brain was still swirling as she sat at her seat, her bare ass pressing lightly against the cold wooden chair.

Before she could even open her book, miss Tylers wheeled in an outdated VCR system to the classes noticeable appreciation.

“A movie day” Alice thought to herself smiling as she closed her book, but as she settled down to zone out for the next hour her stomach growled noisily before her bare ass let out a small hiss and returning to silence.

She thought nothing of it as she returned her gaze to the screen thinking that it was probably her little ping pong show for Barrowman that’d fucked with her ass.

Miss Tylers flicked a switch on the wall and the room was soon engulfed in darkness.
The movie on the screen was about the do’s and donts of proper sex, she chuckled to herself thinking back to Barrowman’s thick dick as he split her ass on the blue gym mat, her red hair splayed everywhere.

before she could get into hotter fantasies, her stomach grumbled again before she felt something hot rushing towards her asshole that made her freeze solid.

In one second she had clamped her ass shut with every ounce of focus on keeping her ring closed.

The movie seemed to crawl on and on as her shit pushed more and more against her rapidly relaxing ass.

As if summoned from hell itself, miss Tylers appeared right next to her, nearly scaring the literal shit out of her.

“Alice are you ok, you look white as a sheet?” She whispered calmly

Seeing her chance she nodded towards her stomach before bolting from the room, miss Tylers close on her heels, she only
Made it near the girls changing rooms before hunching over near the wall, miss Tylers appearing behind her looking concerned.

“Alice what’s wrong?” She asked slightly alarmed.

Before she could stop it, she bent over and felt her ass open as hot shit sprayed out hitting miss Tylers in the chest like a shotgun blast and covering Alice’s skirt as well.

After what felt like an eternity of release, Alice looked up to see miss Tylers staring at her with a mixture of shock and pity before breaking her silence grabbing Alice by the shirt and shoving her into the changing room, locking the door behind her

“I’m so sorry miss I didn’t me-“ in a big rush scared of getting expelled for shitting on a teacher.

“Stop” Tylers said holding up a shit covered hand.

“Where the hell did ???? come from” she asked still slightly shocked.

It must have been the chilli at lunch-“ she said before she was silenced again

“Get undressed and get in the shower” she ordered after a long moment as she began taking off her yellow cardigan and tights, Alice looking shocked before another stare from her teacher made her whip her clothes off as well.

after a moment they were both completely naked next to each other still covered in Alice’s shit.

Without saying a word, Tylers started the shower and started scrubbing the shit from her skin, Alice staring at her teachers lean wet body, her teachers pussy covered in black trimmed hair, the sight making her pussy throb badly.

As she closed her eyes to wash off her own shit, she felt something suddenly prob her folds, her eyes snapping open to see Tylers looking down at her, two fingers already inside Alice’s pussy.

Moving at the exact same time their lips locked together the hot shower water flowing between them.
