So my mom has been buying stuff online like crazy and after a while I said I obviously want something so I look up the website she goes on on my phone. After figuring out what I want I tell her but I have to order off her phone cause her information is pretty much automatically put in. She’s laying on the floor and I open her phone to look it up and she has pornhub open. She had Owen Grey’s profile open and when I went back in history it was a bunch of his other ones. I rarely get off to my mom but this might be another time.
I really wish I could have this situation happen with my daddy though. He’s the one I really want. If I could get into his phone, I’d look through every single dirty text he’s sent his gf and all the dirty pictures I know he sends her. I’d look at all the porn he likes to watch and I’d make sure he opens his phone to some daddy daughter porn (unless hopefully that’s what it is already).
Felt like sharing cause I don’t post as often as I would like to.
It’s always great getting that glimpse into what other people are getting off to.