1. The debauchery of an Indian girl [FM] during quarantine.

I wanted to write this down before I start forgetting the finer details. The following events happened during the recent 3 day weekend, and I will post it as a 3 part story for you, and for me. This will probably be long, and like a personal journal entry than an erotic poetry. Skip to ***Scene 1*** for the content.

**The prologue.**

I turned 26 on last Thursday, April 30th. Since India is on a lockdown, and we all have been WFH for the past few weeks, there was no big party or celebration of any kind organized for/by my friends. My roommate and I have been exploring new dishes to cook during this isolation period, and she suggested to invite my senior colleague and workout partner for dinner and movies that day. She wanted to try something new and elaborate.

I have had this long standing crush on this guy – who I will call Mathew for the sake of the story – ever since I started my current job around 2 years ago. He was the one who trained me and got me started on the projects we were working on at that time. We both not from the current city, and live in separate apartments – me with my roommate, closer to the office. He has his own rented place a little further away from office. We became real good friends over the time and around one year or so ago, he took me to his gym and got me started there. In return, I taught him swimming. My roommate knows all this because we exchange our romantic experiences, cheesy dreams and imaginary stories with each other.

Anyway, so, on Thursday, he comes in with some flowers, some fizzy drinks, whiskey and few bottles of beer for all of us. I was in a sundress and smiling from ear to ear. We put on some music and all three of us moved to the kitchen to chat/cook and drink. We have had such get-togethers all the time and this was no different or special except that it was my birthday that day. We then had dinner and my roommate crashed in her bed bidding us a good night. She probably wanted to be naughty with her bf over video call !!! ;)

Mathew and me stayed up chatting in the living room, some random movie playing in the TV and sipping the whiskey he got for us. We already know each other peripherally – how many siblings, what were parents doing, college etc… but on Thursday, the conversation slowly moved from our past birthdays and big celebrations to personal relations and past love life. Mathew has had a past relationship that lasted quite a while but ended on a sour note. I have had a *‘boyfriend’* during my college days and we broke off pretty soon after. I said boyfriend in quotes because, in reality, we just kept each other just to fit into the peer group. We never really had any connection and we did stuff only to be able to tell others that we did it. Stupid teen brain. He used to feel me up and I have felt his cock, but we had never been naked in front of each other – partly because of my conservative upbringing. Coming our of college, my perspective of life changed. My roommate helped me explore myself and start living a free life. Being far far away from parents also helped. Partied a bit, hung out more often, not-serious-flings that never led to anything, travelled etc etc…

So, back to Mathew, I described all these and he took it all in without the slightest hint of judgement. I had already trusted this guy, and I felt myself giving into him more. He however, chose his words carefully when describing his old relationship and I understood that he is past it and held no hard feelings for anyone involved. I then told him that I had a big crush on him for some time now, and I saw that apart from his looks, he is indeed a nice person which a charming personality. I admitted that I joined his gym because I was envious of his physique and wanted it for myself, and that I loved that he agreed to let me teach him swimming in return.

To my extreme delight, he told me that he felt the same and was reluctant to step forward considering our religion and culture. He also told me that having a workout partner has earned him some kind of ‘bro respect’ with his mates at the gym we frequent. We laughed at the thought and the connotation.

Late night, when the night was winding down, I asked him whether he wanted to spend the night. He asked where could he sleep? because the couch was not wide enough for his length. I then joked that if he kept his pants on, and hands to my sides, he can sleep with me.. He laughed and gave an enthusiastic yes !!!

That naughty boy did keep his pants on, but his hands did wander away from my hips and cup things that are usually kept covered !!! ;) :) :0

**Scene 1**

Woke up late in the morning feeling ecstatic to him looking at me and smiling. What a nice sight !!! I already love the beginning of the day. I made coffee for both of us and were pondering what to do next. He didn’t have a change of clothes.. So, he said, why not I pack a bag for the weekend and come and stay with him.

You know the feeling in the gut when you know what is about to happen next is life changing – well, I had that kind of butterflies in my stomach. I knew we would have sex in a few hours, and I knew I am going to enjoy it.. Without my voice showing what I was feeling inside, I said, ‘Let’s go’

Now that I have not mowed my lawn in a while, I popped into the bathroom, brushed, and quickly shaped up my front lawn to a runway and cleaned up my backyard with some hair removal cream. My pussy was sloppy wet with my thoughts and it was SO hard for me to restrain my self from rubbing and cumming. Quickly packed few essentials and couple of loungewear when I realized – I do not own any lingerie. No point worrying now, I zipped up my bag and ran to my roommate to whisper in her ear – “I am going to get laid..” She was not shocked as I expected but, was beaming and wished me luck with a wicked eye.

We reached Mathews place in 20 and got brunch from the local bakery on the way. His place was far nicer than mine and I settled in quite comfortably. We ate the food we brought and moved to the balcony sipping yet another coffee. Without the blaring horns and traffic noise of the city, it was peaceful lounging in the balcony enjoying the cityscape. We continued out discussion from he previous night for a while with him talking this time. It was then that I realized, lust aside, I like this person. But was not sure whether I want to try making a relation out of it. Anyway.. By lunchtime, we were closer than ever emotionally, and we both felt really nice in each others company. My mind wandered off in and out thinking about what will happen at night and I started daydreaming different scenarios.

Suddenly, he announces.. he is gong to take a shower.. and asks – “Wanna join?” My heart stopped. I blushed real hard that I could feel it. My pussy gushed and I instinctively crossed my legs. Sensing my hesitation in replying, my blush, he said, “No pressure. Just asking.” I then spoke up – “Are we at that stage?” upon which he told me that this felt right for the moment.. We can figure out where we stand later, and that if I wanted to have some fun, let’s. I anyway had not taken a shower myself yet. The man made a point that I could not refuse. Off I went.

I jumped up and took his hand while he led me to the bathroom next to his bedroom. He stood in front of the mirror and was brushing his teeth while I slowly started to get him undress. By the time he finished brushing, he was in his underwear and I was just starting to undress myself peeling my jeans down… He came closer and lifted my t-shirt off and kissed me while undoing my bra. I stuck my fingers under his waistband and was caressing his beautiful ass while slowly sliding down his underwear. My bare breasts pressing against his chest, he slowly brought his hand up kneading my boobs.. I was in heaven and I can feel my panties getting slimy.

I never knew I craved his cock so much that the moment it was out of his underwear, i instinctively bent down and took him in my mouth. For the first time in my life, a cock in my mouth. It had a funny taste which I ignored and slurped up like a lollypop while slowly going down onto my knees. After a few slurps, he pulled me up and pushed us under the shower which was warm by then. He then peeled my panties down and slid up with his tongue sliding all over my body. We lathered each other up and washed each other.. I was having fun fondling his cock and balls. He was running his hands all over me.. and even into my buttcrack. He seemed more comfortable with my body than me with his.. Anyway, finished the shower in a short time and moved to his bedroom. He threw me down onto his bed on my tummy, and jumped down to bury his face between my cheeks. I was totally not expecting that and I flinched and slithered up and out of his arms.

I told him lets take it slow. Although I wanted it, I just need some time to process all this.. He was totally game and told me not to worry, lets take it slow and asked me to lead him where I want to go. We then went back to kissing and pretty soon, I found myself going down on him. His cock was rock hard. So hard that, as they say, I could have bent a steel rod around the pole. He was un-circumcised unlike my ex-bf, which was not surprising. The veins popped out and the cock felt very warm even after the shower. I pulled down the foreskin and the head was a beautiful pink shade. I was loving every second of this and visually devoured his dick.

Blowjob was not easy the first time. I was trying to lollypop, but he is not really slender and I had wad not natural in taking it in. So, learning was fun. I could at least say he was enjoying it, as I could feel him rising and getting closer to cumming. Obviously, not skilled at identifying the pump, his cum came in spurts and I flinched. He came in buckets and was pulsing for a long time.. When he stopped, I climbed on top of him squishing his cum between him and me.. I then slid up and down his deflating cock and kissed him deeply. We were dirty and sticky and the room smelt funky.. But, we just had our fist sexual encounter.. Such an exhilarating feeling for me.

**Scene 2**

We quickly cleaned up again and spent the rest of the day naked. Lounging in the living room and fondling each other.. I understood that he had a thing for asses as he always stayed behind me and I could feel his lustful eyes following me. I got to see him flaccid, play with him and watch him go full mast again. Such a beautiful and magical organ in the human body. I explored every inch of his bone while not pushing him to climax again. He did the same to me.. He spend a lot of time at the confluence of my legs and pretty quickly figured out I had shaved that day morning and asked me what I was expecting.

I was honest and told that I wanted to have sex with him.

He kissed me everywhere and flipped me over to lick me up between my cheeks. Exploring each other’s body was so so much fun.. We even ate off ice cream from each others body.. Had loads of fun !!!

In the evening, we put on some pants and went down to get some food for the night, milk and most importantly, condoms. I was giggling like a 13 yr old, and probably did embarrass him in front of the cashier lady.. haha.. The anticipation of the impending explosive climax was eating me inside.

Came back, stayed in the clothes and had dinner. I texted my roomie a succinct version of the mornings escapades and we shared few laughs.. She wished me luck again..

After dinner, we settled in front of the TV with some drinks in hand.. We watched few episodes of a sitcom on YT with me laying on him while he was reclined. I could already feel his semi erect dick because he kept grazing my boobs over my shirt.. After a while of sexual arousal, he flipped me over on to his chest and put his hands under my waistband and started groping my ass.. Spreading the cheeks.. His fingers slightly grazing my already wet pussy.. ( Grad that I cleaned myself up there.. !!! I would have been too self conscious to enjoy the mood )

I slid down and pulled down his shorts just to get his cock out. It was already full and engorged. I swallowed him down and he kept thrusting ever so slightly. I did feel the gagging sensation coming up randomly but, he was very gentle and never pushed my head down.. He just kept my hair up in a pony and I enjoyed locking eyes with him while I bobbed up and down.

I was all wet by then and pulled my shorts down to try and initiate vaginal sex for the first time.. I wanted to be on top to be able to control how I went down. I have to say, not fun at all !!! I struggled and he struggled.. We laughed and fun was had. At the end, I just felt deflated. He was disheartened I guess but, understood my predicament as far as I could see.. He then threw me to the side on the the floor, and went down on me !!! What an amazing feel. I was a bit squeamish and shy at first, but, within a minute, I was able to enjoy it and allow him to arouse me.. Pulled up my leg and he ate my full platter up. I was so close to cumming, I had to hold on from releasing.

He lapped me up and softly breathed down my clit and labia.. Although I have a small vibrator that I have inserted, I didn’t want him fingering me yet .. I brought him up and locked up all my juices from his lips, chin and beard.. We laughed and giggled.. He asked me if I was alright .. And we again relaxed on top of each other .. No sex tonight as well !!! And none of us cummed that night !!! I was a bit disappointed at that because I had been overthinking about that during the day and it didn’t go as I thought.

But we had another 2 days ahead of us..

We slept on the couch that day.


*Disclaimers :* I just found reddit while searching for a place to post this experience. If I have broken any rules of the subreddit, please let me know. I know that I have rambled on. I will try to shorten the next two days’. Please comment if you have any similar stories to share. I am just basking in the afterglow of the weekend and would love to hear more. I wrote this up yesterday, but had to wait a day to post in this subreddit. Thanks for reading, and your comments in advance.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gfbaai/1_the_debauchery_of_an_indian_girl_fm_during


  1. I really liked your writing style, super hot! Please continue

  2. Loved your story. I hope your relationship grows and becomes better as time goes on.

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