The Wrong Neighbourhood [BDSM] [Bondage] [Rape] [Blowjob] [Anal]

You wake up, holding your head. You look around, you vision blurred, your brain rattling around inside your head. You’d been for a drink with some friends,
“Where the fuck am I?” you think to yourself. Slowly coming to your senses, you look around. A narrow alleyway, the backs of two rows of tall buildings no more than 30 or so feet apart. Your eyes focus in the darkness. You see three shapes coming towards you. 3 men. One majestically tall, the others impressive in their own right.
“Er, hi guys” you say, your speech slurring slightly “C-can you guys tell me where I am?” They say nothing. Suddenly one pushes a gun to the back of your head, ordering you to pull the his dick out from within his jeans. You hesitate, before the gun being slammed hard into the back of your skull speeds you. He forces your head down over his throbbing cock, causing you to gag. You desperately try to cough and splutter around the large dick in your mouth, your lips forced apart wide by the sheer size of it. Drool runs down your chin, pooling in the cracked concrete beneath you. Another guy grabs your arms, tying them tight behind your back. He pushes you onto all fours, riding your skirt up and your panties down, pushing his rock hard cock against you. He pushes into you, causing you to let out a scream as best you can around the dick in your mouth.The man fucking you from behind pulls out, letting a cool breeze hit your soaking pussy. He pushes your head forward, shoving the cock as far down your throat as possible. As you struggle to breath, you feel a warm trickle run between your ass cheeks, across your hole, before a gentle pushing against your asshole. You desperately try to scream, to pull away, but nothing can stop the man pushing past your resistance, burying himself deep inside your ass.
You feel yourself start to go limp, your eyes rolling back in your head as the cock in your mouth blocks you airway. Before you pass out completely, he pulls out, allowing you time to gasp, before your head is shoved onto the floor by the guy fucking your ass. You let out loud cries with each rhythmical slap into you. They echo off the walls of the small alleyway, the only other sounds the cheering and berating of the 3 men surrounding you. You try to look up at them, but a large black boot stands on the side of your head, roughly pinning you down.
“you ready to taste your ass, bitch?” the guy behind you grunts. The boot lifts, and you are yanked roughly by your hair onto your knees. Two hands grasp either side of your gave, holding you still as the guy who had been fucking your ass stands in front of you, his cock glistening with your wetness, pushing against your firmly closed lips. One of the guys grabs your left nipple, sharply twisting it, causing you to gaps, allowing the dirty cock into your mouth.
You gag as the taste of your ass hits your tongue, gasping as one of the guys continues to torture your nipple, taking it in between his teeth, gently biting down, twisting, assaulting it with his tongue.
“Grab the rope” a voice orders. You feel your wrists become unbound briefly, before two rough hands grab them tightly. You feel coarse rope wrap around you elbows, before feeling them being pinch tightly together, the rough twine cutting into your skin. More rope loops around your chest, between your breasts, lifting, separating, cutting tightly. You look down past the cock still fucking your lips at the oddly intricate ropework holding you in its bondage. The man assaulting your face let’s out a sharp grunt, pulling his cock from your mouth and letting thick globs of cum drench your face, hitting above your eye, dripping down onto your bound tits. You drop to the floor, gasping and sobbing.
“Oh we ain’t done with you yet…”
A coarse hand grips you around your throat, gripping tightly, forcing you to stand up. You look up into the eyes of your attacker. He is huge, at least 6 and a half feet tall, his eyes dark green and bloodshot. He lifts you by your throat up to his eye level, your legs dangle beneath you, kicking wildly at the air. You feel rope loop around your left ankle, you knee being bent back so your heel touches your ass, and more rope looped around your thigh, the same repeated on your right. He lowers you onto your knees, releasing your throat, letting you breathe again.
“Please… Stop….” you gasp, looking desperately up at the tallest guy. He places his boot on your chest and kicks you down onto your back, your bound legs leaving you exposed to the night. He climbs between your legs, pushing them apart, pressing his massive cock against your opening. As he drives into your, he leans over, his lips pressing against yours, his tongue lashing around inside your mouth, muffle your yells. He replaces his mouth with three of his fingers, shoving them into your mouth, your saliva coating his fingers as you gag. He wipes the sum from your face, caring his fingers and then forcing you to lick them clean, the saltiness hitting your tongue as you start to moan, the deep penetration slowly becoming pleasurable. “N-no…” you gasp, as he grabs your hips to ensure he can pound into you as deep as possible. Your body begins to let go, an orgasm starts to wash over you, your juice coating his dick, soaking the floor. As you spasm, he forces fully into you, letting his seed gush deeply inside you. He pulls out, cum dropping to the floor. He slides into your mouth “Clean me” he grunts, his hand on the back of your head making you swallow his huge cock. Your lips close around, your tongue trying it’s best to lick your juice and his seed. He stands over your sweaty body, leaning down, spitting on your face. He lifts you up, and a guy climbs beneath you. You feel yourself lowered down onto him, his cock pressing at your anus. You try to buck your hips away, but another guy leans atop you, pressing his member into your pussy. You head rolls back in pain as both cocks slide into you at once, rhythmically pounding at both of your holes. You let out a loud scream, only to have your mouth filled with the giant cock that had raped you before.
As the three men fuck your holes, you lose all sense of time. Was it a minute? 10? More? The ropes cut into your milky flesh, you ass stings from the friction of the savage raping. Your pussy spasms as another orgasm is wrenched from you without permission. Sweat pours from you, your body becoming weak. As yet another orgasm passes, all three men pull out. Without support you drop to the floor, gasping for breath. Your panties are wiped across your dripping pussy, before being forced into you mouth. One of the guys wraps rope around your head, passing it between your lips repeatedly, before being tied off tightly behind your head. They sit you up against a wall, before all three splatter their cum onto your face, into your matted hair, across your lips and onto your throbbing tits. One pulls out a $20 bill and shoves it into your pussy
“Keep the change whore” he laughs, before the group walk off, leaving you sobbing in the alleyway

An hour or so passes, your body too weak to properly move, the bindings restricting any movement in your limbs. You hear voices. Getting nearer. You perk up, looking down the alleyway.
“H-Help! Help me!” you yell with what little energy you have. As they close on you, you heart sinks. It’s the same three guys. With 3 more.
“Hey, you’re right, she’s still here!” one says. Another bends over you
“Want to go for a ride?” he sneers. The largest picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder and walking towards a van…
The back door of the van are opened, and they bundle you onto the bare steel floor. Your arms are wrenched upwards, your bound elbows sending waves of agony through your body. A pair of cold metal handcuffs are clamped over your wrists, and then your are hoisted upwards, the cuffs hung over a hook hanging from the ceiling of the van. You swing slightly as the van sets off, the two men holding onto you struggling for balance. You look starlight ahead to see a man filming you with his phone.
“And this is tonight’s slut. Say your name for the camera” he laughs. You shout all manner of expletives at him, but the panties bound into your mouth made any words gibberish.
“Okay, we’ll get her name later” A hand grabs you around your throat from behind, as the two men holding you let go, your weight suddenly being taken by just the handcuffs and the hand on your throat. You let out a loud muffled yelp of pain, followed by another as the guy behind you roughly forces his cock between your ass cheeks into your anus. Your head rocks back as he squeezes your neck, not too tight as to block your airway, bit enough to make breathing uncomfortable. The momentum of the van causes you to swing and sway as it twists and turns, putting stress on your sore wrists. The other 4 men in the van all cheer and laugh loudly, groping your tits, slapping them, pulling at them, molesting them. One looks you close in the eyes, running his hand between your legs, sliding one, two, three fingers inside. He bends down. A fourth, then his thumb, all inside you, stretching, penetrating.
You wince with a mix of pain and pleasure as the fist inside you gets forced deeper with each anal thrust from behind. He drives in and out of you like a piston, your juices drenching his hand and wrist. The heat builds up inside you again, your body being pushed to another orgasm that you barely have the strength to stay conscious through. As you cum, the man in your ass holds you close, his hand still gripping your neck, his other wrapped around your waist, pinning himself deep inside you. You feel the heat of his seed being emptied into you, then running out from your stretched hole, down the back of your leg. Both men withdraw, leaving you hang limp, swing with the rhythm of the van, the metal cuffs digging aggressively I to your wrists. Tears fill your eyes, flowing down your cum streaked cheeks
“Jeez, what did you guys do to her before?” The man filming chuckles. He is interrupted by a sharp slapping noise, as the biggest man slaps you cross the cheek. He grabs a nipple and twist sharply “Stop crying bitch. The viewers, they don’t like the tears. You do as we say and maybe you end up back home in your own bed by the morning” You can’t help but sob quietly to yourself, a sobbing that stops as you feel something cold against the lips of your pussy. You look down to see a large wand with a round steel head pushed between your legs. The a vibration. One that rockets through your most intimate area with a furious rumble. A sensation like you’ve never felt before. An enormous pleasure building within your very soul. You can feel another one building. You try to fight it but can’t. You let out one more almighty scream, your bound legs twitching, bucking, flailing beneath you before you black out, your head lolling forward onto your chest.
You wake up, your head spinning, trying to come to your senses. As you open your eyes, all you see is blackness. You can feel a stickiness across your face, like being blindfolded by tape. You try to roll over but can’t. you find your arms arm stretched out, each with a leathery cuff keeping them outstretched. You try to kick, but found yourself restrained in the same way. As you let out a cry for help, you realize your mouth is held open by something cold and metallic, as if with some kind of dentists tool. You rage angrily against your restraints, shouting as best you can, your tongue exposed to the cold chill of the air. Then you feel it again. That same vibration, that same fierce energy coursing between your legs and up through your body. You feel saliva running out from under your tongue, down your chin, and the wetness between your legs pooling in the rough sheets beneath you. Between the crescendos of pleasure brought to you by the vibrating tyrant between your thighs, you hear a speaker crackle to life.
“That’s two so far ladies and gentlemen! Can she break the record? Place your bets!” the voice becomes faint as you cum over and over. Your tongue is panting like a dog, your sweat drenching the sheets, your thighs glazed with your own cum.
“EIGHT” you hear, losing all track of reality as another hits, before you pass out once again.

You awaken. This time you can see the room. A small, run down room, with no furniture except the bed. In each corner is a light, and a camera. A door on the far side open. A series of men enter. You count at least 30. All naked. All sizes, from a hulking Adonis of a man, whose physique looks like it was chiseled by Roman gods, to a short man, no more than 5’4″, whose gut hung down over his penis. You look at them all in turn as they stand still, some stroking their dicks, others motionless. A man enters. His voice you recognize as the massive guy who had first raped you in the alleyway. He calls you by your name.
“I know all about you. I know who you are, where you live…..I suggest you play along, otherwise EVERY single person you know will see this little movie we’re about to make. Got it?”
He turns to the men in the room
“You know what to do. Have fun…”
You try to scurry away as the men approach, but your binds prevent it. You notice they all have what appear to be maker pens in the hands. You try to pull away as one begins to write on your leg. Suddenly 30 hands are writing on you. On your face, your tits, your thighs, everywhere. You try to see what, but the sea of arms and hands make it impossible. Once they finish, one of them steps forward and take pictures on a cell phone, He turns them to show you. You read the words they have etched onto you
before you can make any more out, the man with the phone grabs your head, forcing it onto his cock. With your lips held apart, all you can do is try to resist as he bobs you head up and down on him, each time it hits the back of your throat you gag a little. You feel yourself lifted up, someone getting beneath you. Someone climbs atop. You feel two penises, both probing at your pussy before they slide in together, stretching you uncomfortably as you yell around the fleshy intruder in your mouth. They both pound into you with an almost professional rhythm, one after the other. As you feel them slapping into you, you feel something press against your ass. Something large. You let out a squeal as it pushes in, spreading your hole wider and wider, before being almost entirely inside you.
“Butt plugs in” says a voice, as the guy in your mouth pulls out. You brace yourself for the cum, but nothing comes. Instead hes replaced with another dick. This time, the short fat man. He lifts his belly up, pushing his surprisingly large cock into your mouth, before dropping his belly down, smothering the rest of your face, making breathing difficult. You feel the pounding stop, the two men being replaced by two more, each as methodical as the last, forcing more pleasure to be raped from you. Still no cum….men swap around, each relentlessly fucking your holes. You are sore, your mouth pained by the intrusive restraint, you pussy raw from the savage violation. Then everything stops. You catch a breath and look around. All the men are there, erect cock in hand. You look confused. Before you can work out what is going on, you get hit with several loads of cum, as each man unleashes a volley of semen across every inch of. it pools on your face, gluing one of your eyes shut. You struggle to swallow loads that hit your throat. You feel it on your thighs, trickling across your pussy. It hits everywhere. The man with the phone snaps more pictures and shows you the mess they have made of you, before the all leave you lying in a sea of cum, sweat and your own juice.
You lie there for an hour or so. The cum drying and cracking becoming uncomfortable. You see light start to peak from under the door. It swings open. The giant man. The Greek god of a man. And a woman. A huge woman. Shes at least 6 feet tall, her body rippling with muscle. She isn’t feminine in stature, but a most powerful woman. Her face is hidden, glad in a rubber mask, exposing only her eyes, mouth, and a long cascading pony tail from the rear. She wear a tight black corset, and knee high leather boots. Strapped around her crotch is a massive dildo, easily over a foot in length. Thick, rippled, purple in color. Your eyes widen as she approaches you. She releases your binds one at a time, allowing you to sit up for what feels like the first time in ages. She releases the mouth restraint, your aching jaw thankful And she pulls the uncomfortable plug from your ass, the sensation as unpleasant as when it entered. The tall man spoke.
“The paying customers have left for the day. They’ll be back though. Unless you can satisfy us. All three of us”
He picks you up off the bed, forcing you face first against the wall, twisting your arms behind you once more. You feel the stickiness of tape bind them together, the familiar tearing as it peels off the roll. He repeats it over your eyes once more, blinding you to your surroundings, before throwing you back onto the bed. You feel yourself pulled to the edge, your head hanging upside down off the edge, before feeling something at your lips. It’s big, with a rubbery taste. Before you can process it, the entire length is slid down your throat. You gag and splutter, spittle running from the top of your mouth down up your nose, across the tape over your eyes and into your har. The massive toy assaults your throat, throttling your breathing. You feel another sensation between your legs,
“No, not again” you think to yourself as the vibrations kick in, this time accompanied by something else, A cock pushes into you, the toy still pulsing against you too. You wriggle desperately, trying to get away. The you taste something. Not cum, but a similar consistency. The taste is more acrid, almost alcoholic as it pumps down your throat. the toy withdraws, coating your tongue, filling your moth. You cough and splutter, sending it cascading aross your face, its seems never ending, you cant seem to swallow it fast enough.
The fake cum eventually stops. You spit as much out as you can, before swallowing the rest. You gasp loudly as the vibration and fucking bring you to another orgasm. At this point you have no idea how many it’s been. You’re broken, battered, exhausted. The fucking stops, swapped with the strap on cock of the large woman. It probes deeper than any cock that had been through you today. You scream and yell, begging for everything to stop. The large woman picks you up, still ramming her fake dick inside you, while the hunky god of a man sets up behind you. Your ass puts up little resistance as he slides in. Being fucked from both ends, bouncing up and down on two giant dicks. Everything becomes a blur, like the alcohol inside the fake cum is beginning to kick in. For the first time you begin to enjoy your rape, grinding your hips onto the huge fake penis, pushing back onto the dick in your ass
“Y-yes….M-more….” you moan, actively seeking the pleasure. Your screams, once filled with fear and dread, now begin to ring with the sound of joy. Just then, the giant man begins to pour more liquor down your throat. You gag, trying to spit out everything you can, but end up swallowing most of it. The guy in your ass pulls out, signalling the woman to drop you onto the bed. You sit there, your tongue out, waiting for his load. The woman squirts a couple more at you for good measure, making you jump. You wait for what seems an age, before the saltiness hits your tongue. You swallow every drop, wrapping your lips around the tip to ensure nothing is wasted
“Untie me….please” you beg, your tongue still hanging from your mouth. You feel your wrists get freed, and you reach our hands out in front of you, scrambling in the blindness for a cock to service. Your hands grip a shaft, and begin to work it up and down. You bob your head on to it, running your tongue the length of it, servicing its every vein and sinew. The rooms spins around you, your head a total mess. All you want is more,
“Please, fuck me….”
“You heard her!” a female voice echoes through the room. You feel something push you onto your back, then another cock at your pussy. It slides in with easy, the lubrication now almost assumed. Suddenly you feel a weight on your head, as the woman lowers herself onto you
“Make me cum” she demands, forcing her pussy onto your mouth. You oblige, flicking your tongue across her lips, doing everything in your power to pleasure something you cant even see. Whatever you are doing seems to work, as you hear female moans bounce around the room, mixed with the grunts of male ecstasy that violate your pussy still. Suddenly, the woman screams, her pussy suddenly flush with excitement, her cum flooding your mouth. You gratefully lap it up as you too receive another orgasm, followed by a hot gush of cum pounding g into your pussy. Suddenly everything is quiet. No sounds. No movement. Have they left
“No, come back!” you cry, speech slurring. You hear the door squeak briefly, followed by rough hands across your body. Something is shoved between your lips, silencing you. tape twists back around your wrists, and around your ankles. You are thrown onto your front, your ankles hoisted up and bound to your wrists. You buck and squeal through the gag, hoping for release, before something is placed over your nose. It smells strange. Smells like dreams…..

You awake to find yourself back in the alleyway. Your torn clothes sat next you. $20 dollars shoved into your pussy. You look down and see a card. Your wrists are free, you scoop it up.
“Back here. Tonight. 6:30pm. Don’t be late”
