The Quest Part 1[Fantasy][monster girls][msub][noncon]

The jungle was thick and overgrown, with no discernable path to follow. Dane hacked his way through the heavy brush, the hanging vines and the thorny bramble that blocked his way. He had always wanted to be an adventurer, to travel to exotic lands and explore the untouched forests and jungles that held exotic secrets and treasures that others weren’t brave or foolish enough to search for. His first quest was just beginning, but the harsh environment was more difficult to traverse than he had originally estimated. Never-the-less, Dane chopped through the thick roots and vines that strung across his path, and after several hours of muddy and strenuous travel, he made his way to a more open area in the jungle.

The clearing wasn’t man made, but the greenery was spread out and slightly less substantial. Dane continued to walk for a few more hours before deciding to set up camp. He found a dry area of ground that had plenty of room for his bedroll and a small campfire, and he settled in for a much needed rest. The sun was setting over the heavy canopy of treetops, and as the day turned to night, and the darkness came, so came the noises of a dangerous jungle surrounding him as he drifted to sleep. Distant roars of wild cats and howls of baboons echoed through the chilled night air, and subtle cracking twigs and hissing snakes brought Dane in and out of a restless sleep. He tried to ignore the unsettling sounds, to get the sleep that he needed to continue his journey at first light.

After a couple of hours of uninterrupted sleep, Dane awoke to the deep drumming and high pitched wails that travelled through the air. The sounds of tribal music, excited whooping, and feminine wails filled Dane’s ears and he let his curiosity get the better of him. He slipped out of his bedding, making sure to snuff out that last pitiful flames of his campfire before he snuck through the leafy bushes and ferns toward the strange hubbub. He crawled forward on his hands and knees for a few minutes, carefully avoiding anything that would create unneeded noise and alert the subjects of his investigation to his presence. The commotion grew louder and louder, until he reached a collection of thick shrubbery that separated him from the source of the clamour. He knelt down low, cautiously working his fingers through the long strands of greenery, and separating them just enough to create a hole through which he could peer.

The sight on the other side of the brush was like nothing Dale had ever witnessed. A great bonfire raged in the center of a large clearing, the flames dancing and licking up toward the sky at least fifteen feet. Behind the roaring fire, the tall mouth of a cave was barely visible, draped with vines and leaves which almost appeared to naturally grow from the rocky mountainside. Hand carved torches stuck out from the soft dirt in a circle around the fire, surrounding the clearing and lighting the area around the strange camp.

Dane marvelled at the beings that danced around the flames, the odd movements and strange bodies that swayed and squirmed to the sound of the drum beats causing his jaw to drop. Five figures moved around the fire, the light flickering against their moist skin. Dane could make out the curvaceous form of female bodies, with round breasts and wide hips, but they did not seem to be human. One figure danced around the fire facing him, her flesh the colour of green olives, fading to a pale sage around her stomach, arms and chest. Her back was speckled with forest green spots, and her entire body seemed to be slick with moisture. Her eyes were higher on her face than they should be, and seemed to be wide and staring at nothing in particular. Her beige lips were strangely large and full, almost too big for her face, and her tongue lolled from her mouth as she frolicked around the flickering flames.

As she made her way around the burning brush, another figure crept from behind the flames. She looked very similar to the first, but instead of legs, her curvaceous hips ended in a slimy slug-like tail. Dane watched in horror as these monsters paraded around their fire, whooping and screaming enthusiastically as if they were performing some sort of ritual. He shook his head, confused and afraid at the sight before him. He could barely tear his gaze from the commotion around the fire, but knew that he needed to get away from these creatures as fast as he could.

Dane turned quickly away from the grotesque scene, ready to dart back to his campsite and make his way to safety, but when he turned away and looked up, he was not alone. There, hovering over him as he crouched in the dirt, were two of the slimy, slug-tailed creatures. He swallowed hard, his hands trembling and his eyes wide as two humanoid hands grasped him by his coat and picked him up off the ground.

Dane screamed, crying out for anyone or anything that could hear him, begging for these feminine beasts to release him.

“Please! Let me go, I meant no harm, I was only observing! I am an adventurer!” Dane cried out, fear making his voice crack. “I’m begging you, release me and let me be on my way. I promise you I will leave and never return, I’ll tell nobody of what I saw today, nobody will disturb you or come to this place again. Just, please! Don’t hurt me!”

As he pleaded, the monsters dragged him through the thick shrubbery and into the open area in front of the cave. He was kicking and screaming, trying and failing to fight his way free of the grasp of the towering beings that captured him. Once they had dragged him to the mouth of the cave, they dropped him on the ground and the tribe surrounded him. He realised now just how large they really were, about six feet tall, and the creatures with thick tails were oddly wide. They all leaned over him, admiring the scrawny little creature with the pink skin and head of fur. Their massive lips smacked and their tongues slipped from their oversized mouths and slurped across their faces as if they were about to devour a tasty meal.

“Mmm, what luck!” Cried the slug woman that had dragged him from his hiding place, her bald, scaled scalp glistening in the fire light. “A delicious little dumpling for us to enjoy!”

Dane swallowed hard, his eyes darting back and forth between the group of monsters. He could practically hear his teeth chattering in fear, and the sweat dripped down his temple.

“Wh-what are you all going to do with me? You, uh, you aren’t going to eat me, are you?” He stammered nervously. The tribe chuckled together, staring hungrily at the quivering man.

“Eat you! Oh, no, dear little pink beast. We have no desire to eat a human like yourself, but that doesn’t mean we don’t desire a taste.” The worm woman hissed, tittering and rubbing her slimy hands together.

“Wh-what are you?” Dane queried as each creature either slithered or stepped toward him.

“We are The Tolips, and we have not had a delicious little man arrive here in many years. We love to taste a sweet little pink man and use him as we please until his body and mind are too exhausted to take it any longer. Our beautiful Queen and Princess will want to have you to themselves, to enjoy your tiny body and squeeze every bit of pleasure from you before you must rest. But, before we present you to our royalty, we will have our taste of this fleshy form!”

With that, the circle of Tolips closed in on him. Before he could react, they were on him, groping at his body with their moist, humanoid hands. They felt slippery and scaley, their skin like a swampy amphibian fondling him and pulling the clothing away from his flailing limbs.

“Please! Oh, Lord no! Just let me go, I swear I will never disturb you again!” Dane pleaded.

“Ha! We love being gifted with tasty play things to pleasure us and our royalty, you will be here until you perish!”

Dane shuddered and cringed as the massive lips came toward him. They kissed his face and neck, stripping his clothing off and kissing his bare skin. Soon he was naked, his clothing tossed into the blazing bonfire and his exposed body glazed with a thin layer of slimy saliva. Their oversized mouths pressed sloppily against his face, almost swallowing his head and leaving strings of green ooze dripping down his neck and chest. Dane screamed and cried, trying desperately not to heave for fear of offending the creatures that held him. Just as he was about to vomit, the wails catching in his throat as he cried out for mercy, he heard a voice echo from the depths of the cave.

“Oooh, a new adventurer has crossed through the deadly jungles and graced us with his presence I see.” The voice was smooth and deep with a feminine grace, yet the sound made Dane shivered as it penetrated his mind. “A supple body to satisfy the Queen? Bring him to me”

As if the command triggered some sort of immediate action in their brains, the group of Tolips grabbed Dane by the arms and dragged him through the dirt to the mouth of the cavern. The hanging vines and leaves tickled his face as he entered the cave, the expanse of the jungle slipping away as he was pulled into the dark chasm of the mountainside. Once he was carried deep enough in the cave to lose the light of the bonfire, the tunnel was now lit with torches that clung to the rocky walls. Dane whimpered as he dug his heels into the ground, and soon he was dropped hard onto the hard dirt floor. He rolled over and crawled onto his hands and knees, squinting in the dim light as the tribe of slug women retreated further into the cave depths and out of sight. As he looked up at the cavern opening, he saw a mesmerizing scene.

The cave opened up into a glowing grotto, luminous water trickling from the stone ceiling into a small lagoon. The cavern was surrounded by colourful plants with glittering flowers and golden leaves. There were gold coins, jewels and artifacts lining the walls, and along the back wall, sat two great Tolips sitting on thrones of wood and vines.

On the left, was a slug-like monster with a thick, slimy tail and green, scaley skin. Her human-like breasts were large and round, creating a feminine curve to the upper half of her body. She was bald, with a tiara made of gold that was speckled with tiny jems, and flowers wound around the circlet. Her eyes were an emerald green, so high in her face that they were almost ticking up out of her head.

To her right, sat a larger creature, with human legs and dark green skin flecked with beige scales. Her limbs were long and slender, and her humanoid body was voluptuous with a massive chest and wide hips. She, too, was bald, but her golden crown was tall and curved, with long flowered vines draping back over her head and vibrantly coloured feathers sticking out the very top and front of the headdress. Both beings had lips so large that they took up half of their faces, full and pouty with frightening smiles stretching across their giant mouths.

“So, this is our new toy.” The larger creature on the right observed. “Well, welcome to our island little traveller. I hope you find it to your satisfaction, for you will remain here as our play thing for as long as your human body can maintain. I am Queen Kalara, I am the leader of this tribe, and this,” the Queen gestured to the Tolip in her right “is my darling daughter, second in the royal line, Princess Prudence. You may notice that the exits are blocked, and therefore there is no escape, so I suggest you resign yourself to your fate, for this is your new home”

Dane looked around him, now seeing that the tunnel through which he entered the grotto, was in fact closed over by a heavy layer of stone. The multiple passages that led further into the cave were also blocked, and he was trapped in this luminescent hollow. When he looked back toward the royal figures before him, they had stood from their thrones and were making their way toward him. As they walked and slithered closer, he realised just how large they were compared to the tribe that had captured him. Princess Prudence was at least nine feet tall, and Queen Kalara hovered over him at ten or more feet.

“P-please,” he spluttered, crawling backwards as if he could escape. “What are you going to do to me?”

“Just have a taste.” Queen Kalara taunted, lunging toward him. Like a snake striking and devouring it’s prey, she was on him. Her long, slender fingers wrapped around her upper arms, feeling smooth and clammy as she gripped him. Her massive mouth opened, viscous saliva stringing between her lips as she pulled the adventurer toward her.

“Nooo! God! Don’t eat me, pleeease!!” He shrieked, trying to squirm free of her monstrous grasp. Her mouth opened wide and her lips closed around his head, the sucking sensation tight against his face. Everything went dark, and Dane was sure that these were his final moments on earth, when, suddenly, the lips slid up his neck and over his face, releasing him. He looked up at the face of this playful Queen, eyes wide and breathing in the stale air that he was so grateful for.

“Wh-what…” Dane stuttered, his heart racing. Queen Kalara and Princess Prudence wailed with laughter, relishing in the traveller’s doubt and trepidation.

“Mmm, his terror is yummy! Come, daughter, enjoy him with me.” Queen Kalara hummed. The Princess slithered across the dirt, slowly approaching the trembling visitor and tormenting him with her pouting lips.

“Oh, God, no.” He whispered to himself, watching in horror as the Princess’s enormous lips puckered and smacked, preparing to smooch him all over and cover him in sloppy kisses.

She teased him with her giant, creased mouth, as her fat tail scrunched and slid toward him. When she finally reached him, he was a shaking, whimpering mass with wide eyes and royal saliva matting his hair. The moment she reached him, her lips were oozing with pale green slime and she began to press her mouth to his squirming body. She kissed him all over, her mother joining in until his entire naked body was covered in slippery lip prints.

“Ah! Oh my God, please stop it!” Dane cried out, still struggling in the Queen’s clutches. “I’ll do anything, I’ll give you anything you want! Just let me out of here!”

The kissing didn’t stop, both mother and daughter smooched and smacked and pecked him all over, their frog-like fingers feeling every inch of his squirming body. They tasted his salty sweat, their long, clammy tongues flicking against his face and wrapping around his limbs. Tears welled in his eyes as he tried to stare up at the rocky ceiling and imagine that he was somewhere safe, somewhere back in his home where he had never seen monstrous tribes that held him captive and used his body. He shut his eyes tight and tried to block out everything that was happening to him, but he couldn’t forget the sensation of the enlarged lips that still smothered him.

The Princess slid her foot long tongue past her slobbery lips and slowly licked her way up Dane’s inner thigh until she was tasting his shrivelled, frightened testicles. He bit his lip, disgusted and terrified by the eager tongue that was now in control of his manhood. The Princess’s lips followed her tongue, and soon she was suckling on the adventurer’s flacid member, and swirling her tongue around his crotch.

“This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, this isn’t happening.” Dane whispered to himself over and over as his terrified balls retreated into his body. “This is all just some terrible dream, some disgusting nightmare, and when I open my eyes it will all be over and I will be back at my camp.”

Dane squeezed his eyes shut tightly, then opened them to see the Queen smiling at him with her massive mouth. She set him down on the ground, his moist back pressing against the hard dirt floor of the grotto, Princess Prudence still with her huge lips on his package. Dane, with his arms now free, tried to pull himself away from the Princesses probing mouth, but her weight held him in place as she moved up his body. Her lips travelled up his trembling form, kissing his stomach and chest and finally pressing her lips hard against his face. Her worm-like lower half slithered upward, her slimy flesh draping over his legs and pinning him down with her heavy, scaley, sluggish body.

“Your little human body is going to give your Princess pleasure! Do not fight it!” Princess Prudence exclaimed, wriggling over Dane’s body, leaving only his upper chest, arms, and head uncovered by her gooey figure. He felt her lower body squirming and shifting over him, and soon a moist slit seemed to open along the front of her tail, enveloping his manhood like a strange, monstrous vagina.

“Fuck! No! Let me go, let me out! Don’t touch me, you demon!” Dane screached, clawing at her torso in a feeble attempt to free himself. He felt used, like an inanimate doll being toyed with and misused before being discarded. His body was no longer his, he was an object. His manhood was the property of these massive creatures, and the Princess was taking his innocence for her own twisted pleasure.

“Mmm! Such a small creature, but you fill me enough to please me! Oooh, such a good little play thing!” Princess Prudence squirmed back and forth over Dane’s naked form, raping him with her slimy, monster pussy. Her sluggish lower half seemed to ripple and melt around his involuntary erection, and the tears that filled the travellers eyes now streamed down his dusty, reddened face.

“Help! Anybody, God help me!” Dane cried out in vain. He felt his masculine tool being squeezed and enveloped, already feeling the intense suction of the Princess’s vagina around his pole. He suddenly felt sick to his stomach, knowing that he was a sexual slave for this hideous devil woman. Her giant mouth spread into a sick smile while she looked down at her struggling captive, puckering her lips and blowing slobbery kisses at him while she raped his tender body.

He wept to himself, struggling for air as the weight of the princess crushed his rib cage. She let out a series of high pitched, whining noises. She grinded against Dane’s aching penis, panting like a wild animal as she neared orgasm.

“Your Princess is going to cum all over your little human cock!” She shrieked as she leaned forward and planted a series of wet kisses all over Dane’s flushed face. “Oooh! I am so glad this little rodent climbed into our cave and gifted us with the pleasure of using his tiny body! You have a great honor this evening, giving your new royal Mistresses their pleasure! And, here it comes!” She humped him, slithering over his body until her brobdingnagian frame rippled in delight, and convulsed in ecstasy as her orgasm came to its climax.

“Oh God nooo!” The adventurer screamed, his package being nearly crushed and sucked up into the depths of the Princess’s womanly chasm. As Dane’s member was pulled up into her body, a dense ooze was simultaneously expelled. Dane was drenched from the neck down, his skin absorbing this gelatinous fluid that poured from the opening in the front of Princess Prudence’s tail.

“Yyyyeeeeesss!!” She screeched, her lips still firmly pressed against Dane’s face. Her vaginal liquid and her green saliva covered his entire body, and when her orgasm finally faded, she gave him one last moist kiss before shimmying off of him, leaving him gooey and gasping for breath.

“God, please, help me.” He whimpered to himself, spitting up the viscous spit that was seeping into his mouth. “God, have mercy. Please. Give me strength.”

When the Princess had retreated, catching her breath and relishing in the pleasure that she had received from her terrified victim, Dane had little more than a minute before Queen Kalara came looking for the same pleasure.

“My turn with the little pink creature!” The Queen gazed down at Dane, her emerald green eyes glimmering as she eyed him hungrily. Before he could muster the energy to protest, she was grabbing him and pulling him into a sitting position. He felt her hands on his shoulders and she stood over him, her legs on either side of his torso.

“Wh-what…” the explorer stammered, regaining his composure just as the Queen’s shadow stretched over him. Her clammy thighs began to close around his shoulders and he felt the top of his head being forced into a tight crevice. “Nooo! Fuck, no!”

Dane struggled to escape what he knew was coming, he clawed at the Queen’s slippery legs, digging his heels into the dirt beneath him, but he knew that it was too late. Queen Kalara lowered herself down, squatting over him until she had forced his head into her gargantuan pussy. He gasped for air, the bitter scent seeping into his nostrils and the viscous juices filling his orifices. She pushed herself down further with a series of animalistic grunts, enveloping his shoulders, then his torso, his hands flailing in terror as she shoved him deeper and deeper inside her womb.

The beastly Queen groaned and wailed, shivering as she stuffed herself with this helpless prisoner. She clenched her muscles around him, kneading him with her powerful internal walls. He slid in more and more, his legs being swallowed up to the knees and his desperate feet kicking aimlessly as he was inserted into his captors oozing cunt.

”Oooh,” she shuttered, her insides filled and stimulated by her prisoner’s erratic thrashing. She sat down on the ground, her legs spread and leaning back on her elbows as Dane’s feet wiggled, sticking out of her dripping opening. “He moves inside me, oh the pleasure!”

Dane felt helpless, swallowed whole by this monster’s disgusting female cavern. He was surrounded by darkness, and squeezed on all sides by the fleshy, gooey insides of the green behemoth that devoured him. There was no air, and his bones felt bruised from the crushing suction of her terrible womanhood.

He tried to move, pressing against the clenching, groping womb that squeezed him and suffocated him. He tried to scream, but his mouth filled with the ghastly, feminine fluids that seeped from the Queen’s body. He felt trapped, compressed, and he fought to breath with no luck. He could sense the Queen’s pleasure from his place inside her, feel her writhing around him and even hear her muffled moans of ecstasy vibrate through her inner walls.

“Wriggle, puppy! Wriggle inside your new Queen and please me like a good slave must! Yyyes! Struggle for your life and stimulate your Goddess from the inside like you will do every day of your life from this moment on! Wriggle, child, wriggle your Queen to- Oooh!! Yes yes! Heaven!!” The walls closed in tight around the adventurer as the Queen reached climax with him deep inside her monstrous womb.

The vibrations and contracting muscles grew unbearable, crushing his bones and forcing her pleasure liquids down his throat, and gushing out around his feet. He was sickened knowing that his frantic struggling had provided such pleasure to the hideous creature that had encapsulated him and used him in such a disturbing way. He was disgusted by what he was being used for, horrified by the prospect of living the rest of his life in the clutches of these sluggish demons.

Soon, however, Dane realized that his captive existence may end sooner than he had feared. He had been lacking oxygen for so long, and his lungs now filled with the revolting juices of Queen Kalara’s orgasm. His body was compressed and he was suffocating slowly inside her. The darkness around him turned to colourful spots against a black background, his vision swirling as the lack of air sent him into near unconsciousness.

Just as the acceptance was setting in, and Dane gave up hope and slipped into oblivion, the numbness was penetrated by a stinging, painful sensation in his backside. Something opened up the gap that had closed behind him, letting a tiny bit of light into the dark, airless vagina that held him. Something slid between his legs and penetrated his virgin anus, mercilessly invading his colon and filling him with a nauseating feeling in his innards. He groaned involuntarily, despite having no air in his lungs, and before he could imagine what was happening, the invading, tentacle-like object that seemed to wrap around his insides, gripped him and began to pull him from his stifling prison.

Within seconds, his painful, vomitous rebirth was complete, and he slid from the putrid guts of the Queen and landed in the muddy puddle of vaginal fluids with a sickening thump. The dizziness was almost overwhelming, and Dane coughed up the repugnant ooze that coated his throat and the inside of his nose. After hacking and vomiting, Dane sucked in as much air as he could, breathing deep and fighting for oxygen after his terrifying ordeal.

Just as he caught his breath, satisfied that he was no longer about to suffocate inside the disgusting womb of the slug Queen, he realized that the object inside his anal cavity was still inserted inside him. He could barely move, his intestines crammed with whatever substance that had pulled him from the Queen. He shut his eyes tight, and with another deep breath he looked down. There, protruding from his tender ass, was the long, scaly tongue of Princess Prudence. She smiled up at him from between his legs, her tongue still wriggling inside him, and her massive lips dripping the greenish saliva that now filled his colon.

“Aahhh! Ahahhhhh!!” Dane shrieked, nearly fainting at the sight of his innocent body being violated by the disturbing appendage that lolled from the Princess’s mouth. “Get out! Get the hell out of me!!”

Dane’s panic stricken cries simply made the royal creatures laugh, and before he could strike out with his shaking, clenched fists, the tongue expanded inside him and Princess Prudence was dragging him across the dirt.

“Sweet Christ, please get out of me! This is sick, this is so wrong! Release me, demon creature! GET OUT OF ME FOR GOD’S SAKE!” Dane squealed, clawing at the ground and kicking his legs out maniacally. “I can’t live like this, I can’t be used this way! Just let me out, you’ve had your fun, now let me out of this God damn cave!”

Dane could just barely hear the booming laughter of the Queen and the Princess over his own frenzied screams. Soon, he was dragged into another tunnel, and when he laid still under the darkened stone ceiling, the tongue that invaded him suddenly recoiled and retreated from his insides. His aching, gaping hole was finally free, but he was not. Two hands pulled him into a standing position, and raised his limp arms over his head. His eyelids were heavy, and the aching pain and exhaustion made him weak and helpless to the tribe’s women that now took custody of the explorer. Stiff, scratchy ropes were tied tight around his wrists, and Dane was hoisted up until he dangled by his arms, dripping with saliva, vaginal fluids, and drops of blood.

“P-please…” he murmured, barely conscious. “L-let me out of this place.”

A cacophony of fading laughter filled his ears as the tribe left him, pendulous and helpless in his stone prison. The cave faded away, darkness enveloping him and unconsciousness taking him away from the frightful new existence that threatened his adventurous spirit. Just before he was lost to the world around him, his last image before he fell into pure darkness, was a flash of red, and a sweet, soft voice echoing through the cave.

“Everything will be alright, we’ve come to rescue you.”
