The Landlord Dilemma

***This is my first time writing something like this so I know its not going to be perfect but I appreciate any helpful criticism or if anyone enjoys these types of stories. If you like the story let me know and maybe I’ll post more.***
Tracy: Honey what are we going to do?

Jim: look, we’re not behind on the mortgage payment and I’m not going to start now

Tracy: Then what do you suggest we do? Because we’re 1 week away from not being able to pay the utilities around here.

Jim: I don’t know honey but I know we will figure it out. I mean with airbnb or us just renting out the spare room. We could easily afford our bills and even be able to finally start saving.

Tracy: well I guess that could work but I don’t know how I feel about some random stranger living with us or even having a roommate for that matter. I mean we’re not college kids anymore.

Jim: well the way I see it. If we have someone rent out the guest room we can pay off the mortgage within 5 months and we won’t have another incident like this.

Tracy: Fine, but let’s make sure we vet these people and hopefully we can get a women. Last thing I want is some pervy guy living with us.

Over the next week we had some tough luck trying to find a female roommate in less than a week.

It was around midnight 2 days before we needed to make the mortgage payment. We had a young guy who was still in college but was willing to pay an extra $200 on top of what the rent was. This means we could have the mortgage paid off even sooner. The only catch was he said he’s paying more because he works from home. I didn’t think it was too wierd until I went to meet him before bringing him by the house to meet my wife.

When I got to the coffee shop we agreed to meet at he seemed like a nerd. It kinda took me by surprise.

Jim: Hey I’m Jim, its nice to meet you.

Gill: Hey I’m Gill, short for Gilbert. I know its an old man’s name haha

Jim: its alright I was almost named Howard.

Gill: better than Gilbert haha

Jim: Hahaha, so if you don’t mind me asking what do you do for a living?

Gill: I imagine you’ve probably heard of it. It’s called streaming. Well I get paid to stream video games by a company called twitch.

Jim: my buddies kid is crazy about watching streamers. Whats your streaming handle?

Gill: I play a very specific genre of games so he might not be able to find me. Its Mr Python

Jim: ok well that makes sense but why did you want to pay an extra 200.

Gill: umm well sometimes my streams can get a bit crazy and loud. Also once in awhile I do it outside so I might need to use your backyard but its usually just to shoot some videos for my onlyfans, I mean patreon.

Jim: whats that?

Gill: what patreon? Its just subscription service for people to see exclusive content you have.

Jim: and what’s onlyfans?

Gill: did I say onlyfans?

Jim: yeah at least thats what I thought I heard.

Gill: that’s just another service similar to patreon but I don’t use it (as he said that with a nervous look)

Jim: Well all this is good news to hear. I was worried you were doing porn or something. My wife wanted a women to be our new roommate but its mostly guys looking right now and we need the money. You also seem like a good guy and your making your own business work. Its always nice to see young people being successful

Gill: thats great! So does this mean I can move in? I can have my stuffed moved in by tomorrow and I’ll have first and last covered already plus extra.

Jim: absolutely! But the only catch is that I need to run this by my wife first.

Gill: I completely understand, just give me a call and let me know what you guys decide.

Jim: thats sounds great gill, thanks for understanding

With that we finished our coffee and went on our ways. He seemed like a great guy and I don’t see why Tracy wouldn’t like him. When I got home my wife was in the basement working out. She looked so good in her workout gear. Those tight lululemon shorts hugging that amazing ass of hers and that sports bra barely holding back those 32DDD tits.

She’s so hot and I’m plenty aware of the effect she can have on other men. This why I understand her fears of having some perv live with us. Last thing I want is some guy trying to fuck my wife while I’m not around. Anyways I walked up to Tracy to let her know that we found someone, hopefully she doesn’t mind its Gill.

Jim: hey honey, how’s the workout going?

Tracy: (heavy breathing) ugh hey babe, how did the meeting with the new tennant go? is it a girl?

Jim: yeah about that….. I found someone and they are willing to pay 200 over the rent price. This means we can pay off the rent before 5 months. This also means we don’t have to rent as long.

Tracy: that’s amazing! I can’t wait to meet her!

Jim: ……..its a guy…….

Tracey: are you serious? You mean we might have some perv living here?

Jim: honey relax he’s a video game streamer. He’s paying extra so we over look some of the noises and to be left alone when he films his content for his patreon or onlyfans. I can’t remember what it was called. Either way we have someone who can pay the bill and we can make some money off them. He’s going to be gaming mostly which means he’s almost never leaving his room except for food and using the bathroom. We couldn’t ask for a better roommate. We can be have our privacy and we don’t need to worry about someone coming and going. I know it might be wierd with both of you working from home but I think this is the best we could have ever asked for.

Tracey: Fine, but one wierd thing and I swear ill throw his ass out.

Jim: I LOVE YOU! you won’t regret this honey.

I called Gill and he said he would be at our place by tomorrow. When I woke up the next morning I could hear the doorbell ringing and it was Gill. He had all his stuff in a Uhaul truck ready to go. He had his whole room setup within like 3 hours, it was amazing. He even installed pads on the wall to help sound proof the room, you could still hear some noise but once the door was closed it mostly sounded like mumbles.

After the first week together everything was going amazing. Gill was usually up late and the noises coming from his room weren’t that loud. Sometimes it sounded like someone was having sex but the guy could have been watching porn. Tracey hadn’t said a word about him other than that it smells like weed coming from his room. It wasn’t a big deal. We smoked as well my wife just didn’t appreciate it in the house.

Saturday rolled around and everything seemed Iike a dream. All week we had hardly seen Gill he was working streaming all week doing some 24 hour streams or something. He came down to eat some breakfast and was wearing some short silky robe looked almost a little to small for him and a wierd necklace that looked like a tiny go pro bedazzled. He grabbed some coffee and turned around to start talking to us.

Gill: good morning roomies! How are you guys on this lovely morning.

Jim: Pretty good Gill, how’s the coffee? Also whats with the necklace

Gill: great nice and full bodied like my women haha that was a bad joke…. as for the necklace. Its body cam for when I’m gaming to show reactions, it makes a few extra viewers.

Jim: makes sense, I saw something like that once. Also don’t worry about the joke I got friends who are worse.

Gill: people online are pretty bad as well. comment sections are usually a cess pool for racism and extremely aggressive comments

Tracey: hahahahaha yeah I’ve seen some of the ones on YouTube.

Gill: they are the worst. Anyways I’m going to hit the showers haha

Gill reached up and stretched out and his robe rose up with him and came undone. His cock popped out and was just swinging like a small third arm. The guy had a huge cock.

Tracey: woah, holy shit!

Gill: oh my God!!!!! I’m so sorry! I didn’t think that was going to happen. I need to get a new robe, I’ve had this thing since I was 14.

Gills cock popped out and looked fucking massive. It happened so quick but it looked hard. His cock looked fucking massive. I looked over and saw Tracey with a shocked look on her face. Her eyes were peeled on to gill as he left the room. I could see her nipples poking through her silk robe. Probably just spooked her is all.

Jim: well that was a freak accident.

Tracey: yeah talk about freak! That thing looked like a baseball bat I’ve never seen something like that.

Jim: hahaha you’re telling me YOU of all people have never seen a big cock.

Tracey: as much as you like to think I was a little slut back in the day I’ve only been with you and 2 other guys and you were the biggest.

Jim: i thought you said you had been with a bunch of guys before you dated me?

Tracey: I just used to say that because I have a man whore of husband and needed to tip the scales haha but now that we’re older who cares.

Jim: in any other case that would be mean but I find it to be a compliment haha

Tracey: man whore haha

Jim: well at least your not some size queen most girls with your body type love big dicks

Tracey: you need to stop watching porn when i go on business trips haha

Jim: you haven’t seen blacked or bang bros hahahs

Tracey: you’re ridiculous I’m going to go shower, hopefully gill is done.

I sat downstairs and finished my coffee. I thought I heard Tracey gasp like she was scared. It was probably just the shower so I thought nothing of it. I finished my coffee and went upstairs to get changed to go workout downstairs and I saw my wife naked just checking herself out in the mirror. The door was just wide open though which I thought was wierd. I walked in and grabbed my gym shorts and changed. I reminded her to keep the door closed since we have a new roommate. She said she completely forgot, I thought nothing of it.

I went to go workout and when I came back up tracey was outback in the garden just cleaning up the backyard. Gill was just in his room for the rest of the morning. Something wierd happened around 3pm tracey was still outback. I had been in my office doing some work when I decided to go see how Tracey was doing in the backyard.

When i came downstairs and looked out back she was wearing just her bikini. I could see she took her shorts and shirt off because it was hot I just didn’t think she would wear a bikini with Gill around. See the thing about the guest room is that it backs on to the backyard and has full glass windows the length of the second story room. Its wierd but its part of an open concept home to make it all look nice. I stepped outside and watched as she was squating over this one weed she was trying to pull. She looked so hot.
I asked if she wanted some help and she said she was fine doing it plus it would give her a nice tan and a workout. I think she forgot that the guest room can see her. I personally don’t mind but I imagine Tracey wouldn’t like it. Well as long as she doesn’t know then I imagine it’s fine. I decided to check the news on my phone while I watched Tracey garden. I could partially see the window from where I was sitting but was out of view of the window. It looked like he had the blinds closed so I figured gill wasn’t paying attention, which was a relief. I decided to see if I could find a Gills streamer profile to see what he games. When I typed Mr Python I couldn’t find anything just some guy with a huge cock, showing no face and was just showing off his cock in so many different videos.

There’s a section called exhibition but its like $50 a month to see the content. I’m assuming it’s not him but some of the pics look like our guest room. Definitely got a cock like him after what we saw this morning. Either way there’s no way that its the same guy I’m probably just looking in the wrong area. Gill did say he was doing a form or niche streaming so it makes sense.

I looked up and Tracey was putting away the gardening supplies and grabbing her shorts and shirt to head back in. We had dinner that night and Gill was still in his room streaming from the sounds we could hear.

Tracey: Hey Jim I have something to tell you.

Jim: what is it honey?

Tracey: I’m just going to come out with it this morning when I went to go shower Gill was still in there but he had the door wide open and all I could see was him naked.

Jim: so thats why I heard a loud gasp this morning. I thought it was just the shower or something.

Tracey: yeah I was shocked when I saw it his thing is fucking huge, it was hard to miss. If he does more of it I’m going to say something.

Jim: I’m sure it was just an accident honey id leave it alone. Its not like he was starring at you Jerking off.

Tracey: it doesn’t matter he needs to be aware that other people live here.

Jim: ok well if anything happens just let me know and I’ll talk to him

Tracey: alright but if it gets out of hand I’m talking to him myself

We finished dinner and headed to bed that night. It was ridiculously hot that night and we were trying to save money on AC so we had all the windows and doors open. I woke up later that night around 3am I could hear my wife getting up. I figured she was just changing into something lighter because I was in my boxers and already sweating. When I looked over at my wife she was just standing there naked breathing heavily. It looked like she was starring at something in the hallway. Then she started walking slowly down the hallway towards the stairs she stopped near Gills room. I could see his door was open and the light was on. I don’t know what was going on but she was just starring into his door and then continued downstairs. She came back up with a glass of water 5 minutes later and she starred right into his room again. She was just naked standing there looking in his room. After she was done starring at whatever it was she came back to bed and layed down. She was just laying there breathing heavy and then she went to sleep. I passed out shortly after.

The next morning I woke up with Tracey and went down to get coffee and Gills door was closed. Tracey was wearing just bra and panties this morning. I thought she might have wore something less revealing since her bra was almost see through but it was still stupidly hot. Soon enough Gill came downstairs in the same thing he was wearing the last morning that dumb necklace and that small robe of his.
He had his headset on talking to some people on the mic. It was almost obnoxious how loud he was being but I don’t think he realised he didn’t tie his robe tight enough. His cock was almost sticking out. Kept moving around and his robe kept flowing open a bit. If you were sitting to the side of him you could see his cock. He was standing next to Tracey when he got into this long conversation about some game they were playing. I was checking my phone when I looked over at tracey she was trying not to stare at his cock. I think it was growing because you could see it poking put the bottom. He just kept talking about his game. He turned away from me and looked out the back window but you could see his cock in the reflection of the sliding glass door. My wife was just looking out the back I think checking out the garden because she hadn’t finished the weeding. She turned her chair to face the back door. Gill just kept talking to his friends on his headset. I could see in the reflection his cock was growing it looked like it was standing straight up. And now pushing the robe aside.

He turned around with the robe wide open and walked straight upstairs still talking with someone on the other end and being oblivious to it all. I looked over at my wife and she was breathing kinda heavy and wasn’t saying anything. She finished her coffee and went upstairs to go shower. She came back downstairs with nothing but a bikini on she looked at me and said.

Tracey: tanning day!

She was acting really strange but I figured it was just because of how wierd Gill is she probably wanted to be alone. I went upstairs to my office when I could hear Gill for once since his door was open a crack

Gill: Its exhibition time my loving fans! Make sure you click the link on my Twitter for my onlyfans. I’m going to be showing off today. Stay tuned for something fun.

Gill:If you’re new to the stream this is mr python Only the best content on Onlyfans!

Holy shit is he the account I found yesterday? I went on Twitter to find his profile. After some searching I found a Twitter handle mrpyth0n with a zero as the letter O. When I clicked the link in the tab it took me back to the same onlyfans page I found yesterday. He was talking about some event? What is he showing off? I decided to.make a fake account and sign up for is ridiculously priced “exhibition” service. When i finally got signed i couldn’t believe what i saw.

The first post was of him from last night at 3am. It was just him Jerking off in front of the camera the video was titled seduction.

He was just jerking off and you could see the door open with a small bit of light showing some of the hallway. Towards the second half of the video I could see my WIFE! it was when she went to go get water. The first time she glanced in and froze you could see her naked a little bit but then she kept walking downstairs. 5 minutes later I see my wife come back up but this time is standing right in the door just watching him masturbate. I could see her mouth just sitting wide open and she was breathing heavily. I was reading the comments and it just kept talking about how hot it would be if he gets her to cheat. This is when I realised what he has been doing. He’s been trying to show off to my wife in the hopes of getting her to do something. Well this just confirms I need to get rid of this guy.

I realised in the moment that if he decided to fight us kicking him out he could be stuck here for at least a year and he won’t have to pay rent and we will be fucked. I don’t know what the fuck im going to do. I know this perv is going to try to fuck my wife but I know she’s better than that so I shouldn’t be worried.

No matter what I do I’m fucked so I just need to let these next 2 month pass and hopefully nothing happens.

I went back to look at his page and he was starting a show soon. It said in one minute “the fun begins” a minute later his streamed turned on to just him standing by the back window with the camera fixed on my WIFE! IN THE BACKGROUND!

OK I need to relax. Nothing is going to happen. Hes just going to jerk off and then the show will be done.


Jim: Hello

Frank: Jim we got an emergency one of our mechanics is sick and we need someone to fix the machines again.

Jim: alright I’m on my way ill be there in 15 or so.

With that I had to run out the door. I was a mechanic for industrial manufacturing. It was a shit job but it had great pay. I ran out the door before getting a chance to tell Tracey what was going on. I sent her text saying I got called into work and that I would be back.

Once I got to work they told me they fixed the issue and that I could head back home. I was so paranoid about what was going on at home I opened up his onlyfans page on my phone. The stream had ended but he had uploaded the video.

It started with him just watching my wife. She was just tanning face down. But her ass looked so nice and he noticed he was just playing with his cock while starring at my wife. There were about 1000 views on video which made me think this guy is making some serious money. No wonder he’s paying the rent he is.

My wife then flipped over and you could now see her tits that were barely being held by that small bikini she had on. I couldn’t believe she was wearing what she was wearing.

Soon enough he was rock and standing in the window just showing it off to her. My wife then looked up and I could see the look of shock on her face. She was breathing heavy like she was the other night I could see it on her chest. But out of no where she stood up and started undoing her bikini! I couldn’t believe it! She just took everything off and layed there for him to look. The comment section was going crazy saying “she saw!” “She’s getting naked” “holy fuck she wants that cock”. I couldn’t believe any of this. He just kept jerking off until he came all over the window. When he finished the stream ended and I saw my wife stand up and put her bikini back on and go inside.

I was kind of in shock and didn’t know what to think. I raced home and my wife was just on the couch in a tank top and her lululemon workout shorts.

Jim: hey babe how was everything while I was gone
(Wanted to see what she would say)

Tracey: I saw your text and just kept tanning. I didn’t want to get tan lines so I went naked for a bit but I made sure nobody was looking babe.

That was wierd. It looked like she saw him jerking off. Maybe she was shocked by something else. I know the old guy next door likes to try and look at my wife but that wouldn’t really explain the getting naked.

Jim: be careful babe I think our new roommate might have the hots for you

Tracey: don’t be silly that little nerd could never come close to you honey, even with that giant cock of his.

I couldnt believe she was talking about his cock like that. He was starting to rub off on her and its started to get me worried. I just need to relax and calm down. I trust my wife and she would never cheat on me, I trust her.

Jim: I’m not worried hun, just wanted to give you the heads up.

Tracey: he’s harmless, plus he’s too short for my taste haha

Jim: you’re funny

After we talked I headed up stairs to change out of my work clothes and watch a movie with Tracey. After the movie was done I was feeling kind of horny so I decided to try the moves on my wife. Sure enough tracey was buying it. We headed up to bed and I was doing my usual moves.

Tracey: give that cock to me!

Jim: God you are so hot right now!

I stuck my cock into my wife she immediately started getting into it.

Tracey: shove that cock deep inside me! Ugh stuff me with that thick cock!

She’s never said anything like that before, we haven’t done it in a bit so I get it. I was starting to go a little fast with all the dirty talk and I came so hard I must have lasted 3 minutes maybe. I couldnt believe I came so early I usually last at least 10 minutes.

Jim: I’m so sorry babe!

Tracey: don’t worry about it honey, you had to work a little today so I imagine you’re tired. We can always go again in the morning before work.

I winked at her and we went to bed. It was going to be another hot night so after we had sex we opened all the doors and windows again. Thankfully Gill kept his door closed tonight. I passed out hard after we had sex but something woke me up around 3am again.
I looked over and there was my wife stripping herself naked and walking down the hallway. I think she was going to cool off and get water. I laid their waiting for her to come back but I fell asleep

I woke up again 45 minutes later. I looked over and my wife wasn’t there. I got up and decided to see where she was. When I looked over the railing it looked like she was sleeping on the couch. When I came down closer I could see her sitting on the couch with her legs spread apart. She was masturbating!!! Holy shit I guess she was really horny and didn’t want to wake me. I don’t want to scare her. I’m going to go back to bed and let her finish. I laid down and fell back asleep for about an hour. I woke back up around 4 or 5 am to some loud moaning sounds.

Uggfh that cock is so fucking big! God its so big!

What is going on? I must be hearing shit or still dreaming

Oh God I’m gunna cum so fucking hard!

I got up and decided to take a look. When I walked towards the stairs I could see the light from the TV. When I looked over the railing I couldn’t believe what I saw my wife was masturbating and slapping her ass. She was streaming her phone to the TV and thats when I saw it…. what looked like a massive white cock just destroying some hot women like my wife. In the corner it said BANG BROS.

OK maybe she just found it online and its turning her on. There is nothing wrong with looking at porn. After all I did cum a little quickly so I completely get it. Its just wierd she found that page. I watched as my wife had such an intense orgasm watching this huge cock fuck this hot curvy white girl.


Ok its just porn, relax nothing is going to happen. Just go back to bed before she sees that you were spying on her. I just can’t believe she was into that sort of thing. She was starting to sound like a real size queen. I’m sure everything is fine. I’m just going to go back to bed.

I woke up at 8am and my wife was lying next to me. She was wearing her robe and was under the covers. Did I dream everything that was happening last night? Maybe it was, my wife would never be into that perv. I was kinda tired still from yesterday so maybe it was just a dream but I could have sworn that was real

To be Continued….
