The Princesses in the Tower – Prologue [Maledom] [Male supremacy]


My backside was already sore from the bus tour and the thighs weren´t exactly in paradise either. The mind was preoccupied with other troubles. The girl things. The feelings of injustice. The school things. Well, the September was almost here and I was just seventeen. It wasn´t so unbelievable that I rode to boarding school… Except gal sitting jest next to me, looking from the windows with red eyes, was definitely around 40. I´ve seen quite a lot of variations, though not someone who would be much older than her… In a vicinity I saw a four girls around my age, three of them just mortified, the last one was trying to help Asian with a long hair who couldn´t stop crying and was probably 20-something.

More sounds were coming from the above deck of the bus. There was something perverted about it, but I felt some security from the thuds of steps of the wardens above. Not so much from seeing them down here. I wished with all my heart that suddenly some vortex would open before the bus and we would end in some another dimension. But, in a sense, that´s exactly where we were heading. The Logic, you ceased to be.

I cant ‘say for sure which day it was, but I remember the moment when the things around me started to stop making sense. I was barely teen when one of my classmates, a boy I didn’t´ exactly like, but also didn´t dislike, said: “The Patriarchy was a mistake… But The New Androcentrism is a way for the future.” Apart of questioning his sanity and wondering what is “new” or what is difference anyway, I was wondering how many guys would join club, where he heard such nonsense. Unfortunaly, every year there was a more of them. Brotherhood of Brave Hunters always sounded and looked like some Great Depression era sport organisation and really, the leadership consisted primarily out of athleticaly oriented men, who were also valued however for their quick thinking. Soon almost every high school and university had their department and even weaker, less popular guys were joining them. They could never dream about leadership, but they enjoyed the protection of their big brothers and manly camaraderie. Sort of like Freemasonry where every conspiracy theory was true.

Despite the name, we girls could join, but our kind of proposed membership pretty much showed this “New Androcentrism” philosophy, since each of us would be attached to some man and only after being able to pleasing him, even in entirely platonic way, we would be given right to sit in peace or even speak on the assembly. They might talk kindly about us in the public, but I´ve heard a lot whispering about “serving wenches” and even “girl-supplies”. A lot of us were intrigued for a time, though.

Two wardens passed by my seat, middle-aged and young, truncheons of the same size. Walking like a true soldiers and looking at us as if we are laying on our backs, without a single thread to wear. Obviously, when there is no freedom, there is no true protection. I gave them scared look and everything seemed to be alright for now.

Sometimes I wonder how much nerdy people like me, but of opposite gender, influenced The Brotherhood. Their women officially aimed to be “pleasers and companions” which always reminded me of Dr. Who to be honest. As a matter of fact, I don´t watch that show anymore, but I´ve heard that in nowadays culture, the current Time Lord, played by Ghanaian wrestler turned actor Kwabela Baffoe, gave his current Companion already one hand-spanking and once he also pulled her over the knee for hairbrush. Some of the geeks could, however, contribute to making maledom BDSM into one of the Brotherhood´s sacred ways.

I have never joined them, but there were some classmates, this time close friends of mine, who liked the attention of the dominants. One of them was telling me, while giggling: „They say being obeyed is one of their natural human rights, but recently they went into competition if they like kitchen or dungeon more.“

Gradually, we had to take Brotherhood more seriously. Soon, it was enlarged by a group of men who were supposedly corporally punishing their wives with their consent. Ii was incredible, how many of them were… Yes, since then I learned there were a lot of marriages, where wives held the rains and in some households, both members could pay for their transgressions mutually, but nothing could enroll so many excited men like a traditional model. And some of them had a lot of money, now obviously at disposal to Brotherhood. I think this was soon starting strives as these members were pairing many ambitious daughters with dominant sons. Well, heiresses had to stand down eventually and some of them had to repent for their acts of rebellion by serving on the meetings or even being made temporary maids in other members residences. Still preferable to total disinheritance.

Quest for power for such pseudo-Rottary society took another step, when their members among mainstream political parties suddenly left their clubs and formed new political wing almost overnight. The party used to be small, until Brotherhood showed great talent in solving of cascade of food crisis after the tragically timed drought. Cooperation in fact created entire new coalition of countries managed on practical level by approved experts. Brotherhood now cited obscure and never realized state project “North American Technate” as their model. It was also declared that the whole population is now members of Brotherhood of Brave Hunters and will be treated accordingly.

Well, especially the female population was going to be convinced about that… The New Androcentrism was still clumsy, it couldn´t entrap us all at once, but more and more girls and women received their call-up into Princess Tower, fancy name for the net of reeducation schools. There was a lot of fainting, including mine. A lot of shouting, including that of my parents. They knew not a lot of good awaits me, but openly attacking our state philosophy isn´t wise, we have just to choose from part of family being de facto imprisoned somehow and exile for the whole family. As mom stayed at home, she shouldn´t be pestered very much and I might have some sort of work in the future, provided I´ll meet the standards.

I have heard there was some defiance right at the start. One college girl refused to sit, so she was without any warning hanged upside down, one of her ankles cuffed into rim of the baggage compartment. Kicking earned her few licks into immobilized leg, which put stop to her resistance. That and supposedly angry shouting: “Be quiet, or I´ll continue through ass to tits!” And she was much later allowed to sit. I don´t know where she was, there was a lot of wailing and a lot of persons in her age.

Although not sitting next to window, I was trying to enjoy some of the scenery. We were destined to a place amongst the mountains and those green hills would have relaxing effect under the better circumstances. Well, circumstances are pretty important, aren´t they? You might call something “school” or “re-education center”, but under these labels was obviously prison. I felt bigger and bigger shifts in my stomach and the grandest came, when we have seen the giant fence for the first time and soon enough the bus stopped, so the driver could ask for opening the gate. We still rode for some time on the other side, suggesting there were very large grounds around the object, most of it seemed to be cultivated with well-kept road and some hurdles, presumably for exercise between bushes and branches.

I have seen our destination as a whole only for a moment. Tall, crystalline building in a shape a circle, cut above the driveway. I have also seen a lot of blue dots that have soon become human figures. Our bus entered this swarm that showed itself to be crowd of female wardens in the tight uniforms… Well, even they had to look good in front of those few male commanding officers, I guess.

The door opened and we had to go. One at a time, stand where we show you, don´t move a muscle and answer all the questions, talk only when asked. Considering I was in the lower part of the bus, I didn´t have to wait to mine turn for a long time. The fresh air would be quite a consolation normally, if I wasn´t in a row of women who were just a few steps from squeezing. One of the wardens with a long sheet start to asking us and everything what was important, seemed to be the name and the sexual orientation.

“Zita Woodroof, straight as a ruler,” I said. “Well, medics will have to confirm that, sweetie,” answered the warden with a tone that wasn´t hiding slight maliciousness. I was expecting some speeches from headmaster or at least male warden, but that apparently was postponed for a moment. After completing the sheet we were separated into groups of five members, soon making little islands on the circle of grass. In my group there was another girl of my age, chubby creature called Barbara. Then there was Stacey, gal over 30, strangely relaxed and looking around herself with sight potentially dangerous predator. I wasn´t sure about what to think about Therese, age somewhere between us and Stacey, quite a short black hair, still nervously playing with her fingers. She didn´t seem want to talk and we were not going to force her. The last one was definitely a celebrity. We all knew Jenine Thompson from TV. The Brotherhood kicked her out of the Senate. Oldest of us, she had more charisma than good looks and we were afraid she might become local whipping woman because of that. That of course was silly to say when we all were going to be whipping women, that was practically one quarter of the local education…

We could not speak freely now, because we were led by another warden and in the collection of various groups we went into the building and then into our future room. “I will lock your current clothes when we will be on place”, warden announced. “You could take only when we will give you permission, otherwise you are confined into your undies. Or you can be obviously nude, if you prefer that. Soon, you shall be given some replacement panties and bras and primarily clothes for Lessons of Art of Homemaking and Lessons of Art of Holy Submission. Younger ones will get school uniforms, the older ones attire of Art of Lovemaking.”

Yes, I will be among those sentenced for the longest time, because I am not old enough to have a sex with strangers…

Well, now with rooms of our own, we become officially The Princesses in the Tower… Just „Princesses“ for the fans of sarcasm. „Rapunzels“ for the slightly more creative ones. Sea of prisoners between multitude of witches, dragon being now both outside and inside. Scared of what kind of prince we´ll end up with.
