The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 1, Part 4 – Jenine [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [Humiliation]


The spirit of those, who don´t let themselves tyrannized, is always free! Therefore you must put a fight and you must feel pain as an evidence that tyrants noticed you. So I hesitated only a very little before turning room 35, the supposed site of love unholy in every way, into battlefield.

I was expected there by two sluts in their 20´s. Totally nude one was eating some hot rice at the table, the other one was just lying, decorated with giant shiny strap on. The great expectations.

Nobody had to remind us that we are supposed to obey, or we´ll be sorry and sore. I´ve counted on that, since somebody has to lead by example. None of us three said a word. I just went to that dull face filled up with food and after my best frowning I simply gave her slap with open palm, polluting the table and the carpet with the white muck. I lifted up the slut and then threw her on the floor, her nude figure now showing bent leg, paralysed in shock and also slightly twisted back, covered by brown hair. The events unfolding went quickly with me not daring to care. The slut with a strap on turned around simple switch on a wall just above the pillows and jumped nervously to the other side with the arms spread out, which made a short comical sight. The door opened after buzzing. Well, I wouldn´t think the bullies would be far…Trio of female wardens had obvious picture to behold. Straponed slut was now covering behind them, the other was crawling under the table.

“I´m sorry, I hate it when teachers procrastinate in the class”, I said in a tone that was anything but fearful. Wardens lifted up their truncheons – demonstratively. “You will go with us to defiance report, inmate!”

The lack of beating seemed ominous.

Just about two steps behind the door stood warden officer, that laughing imbecile I remembered from the morning pool. She snapped her fingers and gave her subordinates the satisfied look. “She stayed as long as we thought. We shall present her to Vicky together.”

Elevator brought us to the bottom and we crossed the courtyard towards the grey-to-white building object wedged between the living zone of inmates. Actually not looking so ugly, as was the smell of dogs and voices of the humans there. It had narrow corridors, eventually leading into section of several hugely decorated doors. I was taken to the middle one and was ordered to sit in the small office of strong older lady watching me from the other side of the desk.

“Thanks, Dorothy, I understand.”

“I´m sure we will have a lot of them in just few minutes”, answered the commander. “I knew you would want to see the first catch of the day.”

“So, inmate Jenine Thompson, do you confess to defiance?”

“Of course, I confess! I will be always defiant to inhuman laws and I will never agree to single line of any text describing The New Androcentrism, as I don´t consider it a democratic philosophy!”

“OK, sign the Confession card.”

She gave me a pen and I proudly wrote my name on a simple document with about four lines of entries. This “Vicky” person lacked the joy of Dorothy, but I had no doubt they were match in the sadism, watching for prey to offer itself. I handed her the card.

“Do your worst!”

Vicky shrugged. “Usually, during the Lovemaking lessons we would give the thrashing as a warning with possibility of repentance. Not that anyone would be spared further punishment. But with you, Thompson, we just needed the first moment of resistance to order your disgrace. You will stay in solitary confinement until the evening. Then you will get the special treatment during the opening ceremony.”

“We are here against our will, I don´t think we are in mood to celebrate.”

“Who wants to celebrate are definitely two members of Brotherhood´s Advisory council. Even to have them here is worthy of our praise, especially since we are just starting the school year.”

“I see! You were definitely that kind of kid who was wetting her panties when holidays ended and you could take your pink bag. I mean, I´m sure most of you girls have no more than elementary at best, but what a part of life!”

“Just throw this bitch to the guys!!!” Dorothy was shouting out of her lungs. Vicky stayed cold.

“Specifically prohibited… And words of inmate means nothing, painful lesson for stupid politician who mostly just talks…. Girls, she is one of the harder ones, we have a protocol also because of them. She must now think alone.”

The strong grab. I strucked a nerve of the dumb ones. Must use time to gain influence and respect. For now, I was taken to the underground floor with a lot of SHU units. They opened one for me, practically kicked me in and gave me smaller bottle of cold coffee. I managed to sit on the miniscule bench before they shut the door, leaving me in the dark so total, I might have been maybe in my mother´s womb again. Well, I was told to think. Only that would turn me against them even more. Should I ever expect they will reunite me with Joseph in holy matrimony? Of course not! They hated me and will make sure of that I am going to die here. So, it´s either takeover, escape or dying unbroken.

I had to sipping the coffee slowly. I don´t have much of it and it will make me pee in the uncomfortable situation anyway. I was reminding myself the day I became the senator. Not about the following rich dinners or even banquets, let alone about enjoying the power and control. Just nourishing myself in the feeling of success long gone. I made new friend almost every day and when the Brotherhood appeared, I even chitchatted regularly with their members. They were so much better gentlemen than your everyday partisan statesmen. In this swallowing dark, I was censoring them out of happy memories.

When the worst part of the life appeared, not so long ago, I started over and time became even more nebulous – in a room where it didn´t have much meaning anyway. I was sometimes drinking, other times serving nature in an undignified ways and stretching myself from neck to feet more and more often. Then finally I heard the keys and a little of light came in. There were again four gua- Good Lord, male guards. I stood up and saw one of them is holding my normal body underwear. I reached out for it.

“Oh no”, said the guard spitefully. “You are going to change in front of us.” ¨

“Then just strip me yourselves, pigs!”

“Terrific order!”

Two of them pulled me out of the SHU and started to undoing each and every one of the fasteners. As my skin was becoming more and more visible I was assured that they are all milf lovers. Fully naked, I wasn´t letting have fun of my fear and took the underwear slowly.

Up on the fresh air we merged with gigantic crowd of persons in surprisingly plain clothes. Inmates! Coming now just as they arrived. Except of under aged ones in their uniforms. We were once again supposed to enter the same stadium as for that hideous ropes-and-mud match, except now through the main entrance. Slowed down by another locking up of ball-gags. Once we stepped into the auditorium I saw every inmate is handcuffed on both hands to her chair. Under aged get the lowest row and at the top there were generally young women, usually with dull wide-eyed expression, but in good looking dark suits. Strippers and sluts, no doubt! Irony they are getting the best clothing.

As for where the certain former senator was supposed to sit, for the longest time I had no idea. It turned out that nowhere, because I, along with about 16 other women in underwear (or naked in one case) were driven to the additional platform, placed just on the auditorium´s edge. One of them was already being bound to the first of several giant mechanical wheels. Holding belts for legs were under the surface of water in extremely long glass container. Oh, how thirsty I was!

As much as I hated it, I was now sort of mannequin, unresponsive to everything they desired to do with my body, haven´t even much felt as they tied my ankles in water, but wrists, that was another matter. When I was leaning against the wheel a little cooled by water below, the last sounds of inmates prepared for their fate were dying out. Looking up on the crowd I was imagining all these women how they are overpowering their captors, gaining control over the entire Princess Tower and thus starting the bigger revolt.

In contrast to the infinite crowd of sitting female figures, arena now dried up, was empty except the modest gazebo and orator table. I was able to discern several shadows there that in moment materialized into more solid figures. One of them was probably that spokeswoman from the Lovemaking initiation; the other three were definitely men. Those took their places on the sides of the table and the spokeswoman pushed something. Her voice was now thundering over us all.

“I can say with certainty two things. You were not comfortable when traveling here and you are not comfortable now. But this place was not built to capture you, it was made to transform your souls and make you part of the medicine for the world. The current Earth still needs to solve many issues and we believe your re-education will help to solve the unbalanced society full of stress. Though you may be now restrained, you will once listen to us as free people who accept the best possible course in their lives.”

Except of demagogy, something else happened. Our wheels started to very slowly turn. Oh, what else would they do? In not so distant moment, it will be my head under water instead of legs…

“I am not the most qualified one to fully describe plans of the state in all fascinating ambitions. I think there´s now time and place for Daniel Mayson, principal of this Princess Tower.”

The voice of a young man now replaced hers. “I welcome here every single of you, each inmate. Those who cooperate with us have already plenty of pleasant experiences behind themselves, those who don´t will soon be convinced to behave. You are gems in the making, which don´t have to be here for long, if you study well…”

I started to lose a thread when I was half-drowned in the cold water for the first time since the morning. I bit the ball and shut my eyes, something I unfortunaly couldn´t done with ears and taking small relief when my nose breathed air again and my wet hair was now almost sticked to the wheel as well. Tell me, local boys, do I look more like a hot nymph, or like a corpse?

Brotherhood people were always talkative, but now it took them even longer when they monopolized speeches. Mayson took about two of my turns, before he announced another speaker – second vice chairman of Advisory council Alexander Cao.

His words were both harsher and more informative. “The terms that were used before still do not fully describe your status onward. You were placed under the collective guardianship of the state and if you are worthy to leave this institution, you will be placed under the individual guardianship of either applicant for you or somebody who will pay for this law. And if you prove yourself, you will be returned into status near to what you once were…”

The speech continued and I was listening to every word when I wasn´t submerged – the occasion I, frankly, started to prefer. Even water was getting warmer… Wait, it was getting really warmer, I saw some lights under the container. This was heading into utter unpleasantness. Other women on wheels were now audibly whimpering, skin on face and legs was close to being scalded.

I was grateful that turning suddenly stopped, even if with my head only inch from the surface and soon the steam from it was rising around me, which was fine only as long as it helped me to dry off a bit.

This meant I could hear the fourth speech uninterrupted. The last one talking was supposedly Richard Neumann, Council´s vice chairman for business sector. The most perplexing ideas by far.

“The Old structure has fallen because it wasn´t, in fact, structure at all! What we are doing with you, beginning this day, means to prepare you for the order, where your transformation will result in the peaceful and affluent home in the sense of every separate household, but it will describe our whole country too. Everybody needs some guidance so they will understand their role…”

It went on, but the day was coming to an end, so a lot of illumination around us switched on. My discomfort and the thirst were joined by the hunger and small admission that I have been defeated for today. I might have a better plan tomorrow, it was just obvious what will happen soon. We will be visited by wardens who will ask us, if we will be getting ours Lovemaking lessons from now on and if somebody says no, she might get her head boiled.

The clown´s last words were rewarded by applause from the wardens. We were assured that Cao and Neumann will stay here for a whole week. Super, their spirit will remain with us here forever, I bet. In a moment, much louder than any of the persons, we heard tones of Ode to Joy. The hopeful music mixed itself with triumphal storm of fireworks above. Orange, blue, green, red, many sparks flew around and I could turn around my head only a little. I did it actually only out of curiosity when they started to project some more complicated images in the centre of these fleeting balls of festival flames. Symbols of our courses – Heart, book, oven and collar.

I know and they know what I´m going to do tonight. I´m not letting them execute me yet. This free spirit still needs some body in order to liberate others.
