The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 1, Part 3 – Therese [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [Dubcon] [Humiliation]


When I tried to imagine, there´s nobody here, I was lonely. When I looked at those around, I felt trapped, not very comforted by others in a similar predicament. Granted, this day actually started peacefully for me and from what I´ve heard, I was more lucky than many of us. Excercise can refresh you in a splendid way and it mostly did for me, cutie Barbara and countless others when we were taken into gym. First aerobic lesson, than instruments pumped our blood, the only thing distracting being now shouting of FASTER!. I was grateful there were not male wardens for now, but I didn´t realize how short-lived this luck was meant to be today.

I always understood that you can sense the God through His creation alone, but the heart points towards Him especially when we are desperate. I was truly feeling something, when I was sending prayers silently, just not the utter liberation, far from it. His test was just beginning.

I know that I started to choking on shame during that awful examination of my intimate body. Doctor had to wipe my tears several times in order I could see the view screen and I was sobbing back in my white bra and panties as I returned with Barbara to the room, where we sat on my bed.

“You mustn´t broke,” whispered the girl to me. “Maybe we´ll get our lives and dreams back.”

“I was living only for one dream, Barbara. For my nunnery.” Barbara seemed to be flabbergasted. „Oh yes, if the things were running as they should, I would have taken my vows by now…. But someone taken me instead. Someone, who claimed that good looking, nice and fertile wenches belong to the whole society.” I tried to make at least sad laugh, but I just screamed a little again.

“Well, my parents wanted me to be a musician, I wanted to work in fashion.” said Barbara, sounding embarrassed. “Now, like if what we were never existed. But that doesn´t mean we will be not once again deciding what we´ll become.”

I was discussing with my source of vain hope only a little longer when came wardens with Zita and Mrs. Thompson and the joy was ending. Younger girls had they first regular education lesson, leaving us alone with six wardens and their robust leader.

“Thompson, Kelly, strip down and stand to attention!“, she shouted. Two small and one big piece of underwear ended on the sheets behind us and we offered our naked figures, from my extremely skinny calves to slightly sagged breasts of Mrs. Thompson. Wardens were taking our pictures, with me having probably pretty red face now – just like the pieces of our prescribed attire we were given immediately afterwards. The dress for Art of Lovemaking was actually looking a lot of like Mrs. Thompson´s discarded clothing, covering much of front body, but revealing most of backs. Peculiar about them was their consistence. They were made up from long rags connected to each other by fasteners. Between our legs we had the large metal badge with a sign. On mine it read “You are the source of my wetness”, while Mrs. Thompson had there “Just dig deep, my flesh needs it”. Wearing this, I felt cold on the skin even on covered parts and not just because of all the metal parts. “I´m married, you won´t prostitute me!”, shouted Mrs. Thompson loudly. “The marriage is unspoiled, if you are in the hands of only female tutors,” answered the warden. “And you along with your husband should be grateful, if we are trying to improve your marriage skills.”

The next circle of hell could be a nickname for the room we reached after mere fifteen minutes in the wing we have never been before. Barely registering shelves full of books, we joined the group of women in the wide range of ages from their 20´s to 40´s in the same vulgare clothes, but each with uniquely vulgar sign, shivering and looking in front of themselves where podium stood underneath two middle aged ladies in suits and one younger one dressed just like us, each with cold, uncaring look. This was the place where I could very well have my leg chewed of by the metal teeth and going inside of myself did me no good.

Pitying each other and afraid of the guards, a lot of us was simply staring on the podium. Brunette with a hawkish nose behind a microphone had our full attention and started to talk with a lot of confidence.

“Babies and our partner´s pleasure. I don´t have to tell you how is it both connected with the physical act of love. Before we can be mothers, we must be joyful whores, in our case limited to one man, giving him constant satisfaction, like if our very life depended on it.” She took a purse and then went more dramatic. “The society of tomorrow will put away the shame that was unjustly given prostitutes and strippers. Many of them are here with us and once they´ll learn about family life at home and they will lose the last illusions about female independence, we might have some of the best companions.”

This sounded to me like terribly dirty take on Christian forgiveness.

The speaker pulled out something from her pocket. It looked like a reproduction of a statue, small black figure in a frame with a silver ring attached.

“This is Belle, statue in Amsterdam, dedicated to all sex workers in the world. I want every each of you to lick it whole and then say: “This day I proudly join the ranks of whores.” Here Ms. Gladstone and inmate Agatha Cabrera are already representatives, so they will lick first.”

I was feeling like fainting out at the very start when the first of the harlots stick it that thing into her mouth almost whole, holding only the ring. Little reproduction of terrible work of art was getting wetter as it traveled along the rows of captives. And hearing those words made my knees weak. Maybe because I was originally supposed to promise exact opposite and something more. Obedience was the only thing my two communities shared. If somebody refused to open the mouth, they make her head bunce of the floor. Those who didn´t want to say the words were usually threatened with loss of tooth and really I have seen one person ending with bloody face after the kicks of two male wardens. I was really decided to become the next one, these people will never be masters of mine!

Still, I took that disgusting thing covered in many layers of saliva and added the mine. Nauseating even before tasting. I accepted it on my tongue, letting one female warden to hold the silver ring in front of my mouth. Afterwards, in the mouth full of slimy taste, I reached my teeth with the tongue. Here comes nothing.

Male warden stood before me, puffing on my face and waiting for my pledge, not saying anything himself. Suddenly he smiled. His colleague was striding towards us, but he stopped him. Contrary to all expectations actually went back to the inmate, who refused before me and squeezed her nose and she start to protest, mouth wide open. With the second hand, the warden took his weapon, using gunstock as a hammer. He held out his arm, when I shouted “This day I proudly join the ranks of whores!” The protests have not continued. I didn´t mean it, I didn´t mean it…

Once we said our required words, Brotherhood spokesperson continued to present this parody of education. “Today´s lesson will take two hours, without being yet formalized, at least not by us. You will be appointed to your tutors and they will give you some instructions that will be adding up. They will become the wisdom in how to please your partner and improve your value.”

We were shaking just more as wardens swarmed or private space and gave us access cards accompanied by small paper square with a name. I was destined for room 216. Group selected for the second floor was marching in long row like a caterpillar, stopping always before the door in the gradual order. As everyone else I had to knock politely and stop for a moment, before hearing semi-mocking “Enter”.

After unlocking the door, I stepped slowly into the room that looked much more hotel-like than our cell. Even as I passed by hanged coat, smell of honey and saffron went into my nostrils and the fluffy carpet was surrounding one of the largest beds I have ever seen, with only one set of pillows, but with space enough for at least five persons.

There was but one lying there at the moment. Young man of slim figure and prominent chin was examining me with a growing satisfaction. He already prepared himself as if this was really evening, drawed the curtains and switched on the lamp. I stopped on a spot when I saw he is going to say something.

“Well, I must thank them! You have both excellent girly face and shy eyes! I hope you fulfill also the last request, we´ll see in the moment… For now, you must go to the door… Girl, what is your name?”

“Therese Kelly, sir.”

“I´ll be just Vincent for you. We are going to fuck, after all. Anyway, Ther, as I said, you´ll go to the door and return back. But now, you´ll wear a seductive smile that will get us both in the right mood. Half way back you´ll start a little striptease. I want you to undo the most important part between your legs and throw it to me. Then do a pirouette and undo your right hip, so I´ll have a nice place to catch you. Finally, uncover your belly and jump right to the bed with a glee. The more practical lesson will follow after that!“

He wasn´t attractive to me one bit and I didn´t like being given to him, but the other option was worse. If I were resisting him, he would simply taken me involuntarily and that would be… No, I didn´t want even the word to enter my mind. It was time for being compliant for a moment and doing one-girl show of… Just born showgirl.

I squinted my eyes when I forced the lips to smile, but I also unconsciously swinged the hips like a seductress of any level. Vincent crawled closer, his own eyes full of lust and I had to open mine wider. I bent the hands going between the thighs. Even without thinking, I was full of shame, my fingers just blocked each other, unable to undo the fastener above my vulva. Vincent liked it so far, if I could judge by his giggling. It might have been more accident how two fingers on my right hand managed to make the thing snapped open. Yes I had to put it away and Vincent whistled.

“Oh right, finally one really furry beaver!”

My beaver was pretty cold, while all the body above was full of heat. I bowed deeply and threw the thing just before the young man. I straighten myself up and turned around on the spot. Quickly, but giving him taste of bared skin and covered, quivering butt. Showing him the hip and belly wasn´t big deal now. My “tutor” was overjoyed and with arms inviting me to the bed. Not exactly flattering. It seemed to me that unlike real strippers who get money for showing how sexy they are, I was blackmailed into showing how vulnerable I am.

I jumped in front of him, landing on all four. Maybe on a moment I imagined myself to be some beast that is attacking him. But even that made him horny, it seemed. “Great! There is some spirit in you. We must appreciate girls like you… In the beginning.” He went to a little trance. “Let´s show the bravery, let´s show the strength, she´s not to spare, wild forests gave us her, so let´s tame the mare!” He giggled. “It´s from one of the new books. The ones for the boys. Just stay in this position and lick your lips sometimes, my little creature. It will show your desire is awaken and that is what guy likes!”

Me sticking the tongue and tasting my own mouth must have seem stupid. Might he prefer it that way too?

Vincent opened box of the fridge under the lamp and took there plate with two champagne glasses along with something purple in thin wrapping. “Pill for the later,” explained Vincent, pointing to just that. Of course, babies mustn´t come out of these unions and I felt filthy for not being able to wait before I swallow this thing.

“Drink now”, ordered Vincent. “Try to do it on ex, if possible.”

I tilted my head back, pouring the beverage into me. Slightly spicy bubbles filled the throat, relaxing me for a moment. Vincent actually tasted a very little, quickly putting the glass into the other hand… And stretching the arm towards my chest. Most of fingers were suddenly squeezing the breast from the lower half, still covered by the cloth, while two of them were tender to skin above. Thanks to the pressure, my nipple jumped out and was soon covered by the warmth of Vincent´s palm. OK, now I was aroused a little, with drink blurring my eyesight, with rogue impulse playing with my sensual part. The glass ended in the blanket. Vincent had to put out his own in order to recover it, because the second hand was staying right where he liked it.

“Jesus Christ, you are going to be one awesome slut, Ther! You know what, my fingers want to go on a little inspection. Take them and put them on some nice places. We both know what will be the last stop!” Gently, I used both of my hands to pick up his own. Instinctively, I pushed it towards the clutched breast even further. Eventually, I took the hand to the left and freed the second nipple. I also subtly shaked my chest, hoping it will be appreciated. Vincent´s sounds seemed to suggest that in their intelligibility. No, again, no, I couldn´t let it there to stay! The next stop was my shoulder, at least that wasn´t sensitive place in any sense. Good, he held me firmly… But it couldn´t stay there for a long time either, he wouldn´t be excited. So my bared hip it was. He slapped me there twice. I was running out of places to touch. I used his nails to scratch my belly, giving myself a little pleasant time again. It was obvious I had to finally spread my thighs a little more. One of my last movements, before I let him touch my mound and freezed for now. Vincent turned much more active, playing actually with my pubic hair. He, as I felt, reeled quite a few of them on his finger… And then yanked them all!


“I see you don´t like it, Ther. But anyway, I am not going to stop and in the meantime, try to be more excited for me. I will go inside you pretty quickly.”

Alright than… I must be wet in a moment. My body was still resigned from before. I had to remember the past from a long time ago. When I knew tall George with a wide chest and smile or Rand with his green eyes, Kevin, John and Frank, all those boys I was thinking about when I was pleasing myself. Fortunaly, it worked to an extent and even though I was violently waxed on the outside, I also get a little wet on the inside.

Vincent uncovered his body from under the blanket. I became scared of his giant member that must have been erect for some time. Entering me, he did not care about my expression, he was simply attacking my hymen with all the strength and little patience. God, he is not raping me, he is not raping me! I experienced wave of seizure in the body, I had to release it somehow, so I hugged Vincent´s both shoulders, knocked him down on the back and rolled him on the bed. Truth was, I didn´t want to see him, so I covered my face with a blanket. He stayed joyfully jammed in me. Kept pushing , slowed down a little, maybe actually liked persistence of the hymen. When it tore down, I hissed a lot. Now it was he who rolled my entire body, his thrusts were now faster, but also a little more enjoyable. Kisses on my chest helped me to feel somewhat of an echo of love and when he came inside me I even felt successful, albeit more grateful that the first part is over.

“Excellent ride, Ther! He seemed to be maybe too much satisfied. “I have a three cousins… I mean, two guys, one gal. I will order you for our entire family!”

The first part of an endless fall.
