The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 1, Part 1 – Stacey [Maledom] [Male supremacy]


I want to make one thing clear. Nobody fucks with Stacey Hamilton. Unless he is very handsome and she is on the top, that is. And while the darkness isn´t exactly my good friend, my adjusting eyes felt better now in a night. The fat girl slept and maybe even the silent one. Other two I wasn´t sure. After we did our striptease we were in peace, even getting to know each other a little, after our humiliation continued, first by visit of male warden, who started admiring us. The bloody politician, imagine that, happened to wear body underwear, so she showed the least of skin. Lucky bastards they are, even in captivity. I, on the other hand, had to be endowed with provocative airships on my chest that earned me position of the main attraction. Shortly after the visit, we get our new clothes. Giant skirt and blouse could be cute for Halloween or something, but my hands were shaking when I saw collar, strap harness for the whole figure and some red abomination. The whole process was complete when we were told that dining room wasn´t ready, so we get… Well, dog dishes with our stuck names, so we were made absolutely certain that training for “The Art of Holy Submission” actually began. Of course it was made kinda worse by the fact that we actually liked the food.

Now we were supposed to sleep, but I couldn´t, because there was no time to waste. Even before coming here I considered myself a dog, just not the domesticated one. My dad was policeman and my mom… She was mostly connecting the calls at the station, but that still made her close to the fight against crime, right? Plus, she supposedly read many mystery novels when she was expecting me. So, no surprise, I´ve founded my own detective agency. Proud of my nose, my stealth and sometimes my black belt, I always provided. But it seems that for these fuckers it was too much of an independent life. No matter, I am not submitting. We have a lot of things in the room, from the fridge to some Japanese talking vacuum cleaner. But there wasn´t TV, radio or telephone that would reach the outside world. I mean, I know it sucks major ass right now, but I would use contact who is both free and my ally. I must try to get to a single accessible computer, but… Maybe.. hamster.. won´t fit into my car…..


Me, silly cow, had to sleep so soon anyway. Looking around from under the quilt, I saw our half-mute is sill deeply under it. Senator on the other hand, was already eating breakfasts from her dog dish, as was our residual fatty. Woodroof girl, as usual, had eyes full of fear. She´s gonna be perfect their obedient doll, nothing more… My dish was still somewhere under my legs, but I must say I wasn´t hungry. I was simply interested to what perversion they will drag us first.

Senator was the first to talk.

“They might not know it, but this place wouldn´t survive serious strike. We just must discover way to carry it out..”

“Are you so naive to think that we can talk?” I muttered quietly.

“And what will they do? Beat up everyone who speaks against them?”

“No, they will probably beat up everyone who speaks about “strike” I suppose.”

“I agree with Stacey, they will not let us plan anything,” whispered Barbara.

“Let them hear me, so they now, I´m not silenced!,” proclaimed the damned Thompson. Foolishly, because true resistance begins precisely protected by my silence.

Awaiting our predicament, we´ve eaten last drops from our dishes and in total, it wasn´t longer than hour and half after my awakening that we heard steps on the corridor. Quite a lot of separate steps and none of them very hard. Two wardens (bloody traitors) then entered our room, one holding the large plastic bag.

“We´re going to pretty intensive exercise, ladies,” one of them said. “And more, of course. Since yours re-education begins today, both start and finish of the day should be glorious. Tell me, can you swim?”

We all just nodded.

She looked at Thompson. “You´ll definitely go outside.” Then on me. “And you…” As the last one she has chosen the Woodroof girl. “These two”, she pointed out to lethargic Therese and Barbara, “will go to the gymnasium. I don´t think they would put much of the show. Each of you will now wear this outfit, your current underwear stays here.”

Great! We have some sport attire as well. So much clothes! I wonder if they invented some kinky burqa too!

Once again, there was healthy dose of humiliation. Sport bra covered our jugs by the pattern of soccer balls and the shortest shorts ever were decorated by the image of corresponding gate. Ha, ha, ha! I´m not going to counting insults, since this place was just build on insult… We three were added to group of five unfortunate souls, mostly good looking, except one mousy timid secretary-like type. White, except some paki beauty. Second group for the gymnasium was much larger. On the way for the corridor, four other women were added to our selected team, so the dozen seemed to be the final collection for God knows what.

Outside we were simply jogging at the start, which is a lesser fun when there are six wanders around you, two of them riding a motorcycles. Still, muscles needed stretching. We were not even aware that there is some direction, only suddenly noticing tall body of obvious stadium, shining with it´s golden color. Some people were still entering the building, clothed in fine suits and sometimes dresses.

“We have a guests?,” asked the senator.

“Oh yes, a lot of Designated heirs. They will watch you today and a lot of them stays here as your tutors for Art of Lovemaking.”

More than we wanted to know.

Suddenly we went right there as well, although we used utterly different entrance and ended up in small changing room, well-lit and TV hanging on the roof. The view screen showed what is going on in the arena under the eyes of spectators, now filling the seats… The circle was almost entirely filled with the water, but there were a lot of floating giant cisterns containing hideous brown-to grey mass. Over the middle of the lake hanged several long ropes with some colorful spots, ending above over the long wooden floor.

“Time to make some kitties,” said a warden with a particularly wide smile. She opened the locker and gave us – shit – cheesy pink thong panties, undoubtebly making great display out of our asses in a just a few moments. On the crotch we had a picture of cat´s paw with claws sticked out. That it isn´t just a pussy joke we understood just after puting them on. Another piece were fury gloves ended with short and twisted imitations of an actual nature´s weapons. We could actually move our fingers more freely than we thought, which didn´t mean they would be comfortable. We saw another warden bringing new package from nearby, although the exact content was undiscernable.

“Listen ladies, I will tell you exactly, what to do. We´ll sail you right under the ropes and you´ll start to climb, just like the other half. It might look like two teams, but make no mistake, since the moment you´ll be on the rope, every other woman is competition. You must not just climb, but also trying to throw down every other person. Once you fall, you´re going to mud platform and – that is important – put a good fight until your opponent yields. At the end of the day, we´ll have definitely the Mud Queen and maybe even Sky Queen.”

“We have never been trained for this!,” objected some tall gal with a ponytail.

“Hehe, the clumsiness can be funny too, it just depends on your execution.” Warden was smiling, giggling and blinking to the point looking like a cheesy toy. Once in the past, somebody would probably say “gay toy”, but I wasn´t going into that. Just no.

“And if we do nothing?”

“Non-compliance is a violation of our basic principles, girl. We can heal fractures quickly, but why to go trough the trouble? Speaking of trouble-making, we must ensure ourselves you will not be shouting anything brave. Open your mouth and wait a moment.”

Final pieces arrived. I saw others how they´ve got ballgags between their teeth and soon the key rattled in the lock on the behind of their head.

“Disgusting,” said the senator. Warden laughed again.

“Not so much as if we had to give ballgag for starvation treatment and you would be dependent on water administered by us trough the hole. So be grateful, while we are nice at you.”

It really was disgusting, though, with my jaws and teeth blocked and tongue tasting the plastic surface. Unfortunaly, it brought me into actual fighting mood. We went to upper level, where we could come aboard a boat stationed on an entrance pool.

The short transition made me honestly panic and I with the other eleven inmates were staring at each other when we caught a gaze of the audience above us. Mostly relaxed men holding… Well, binoculars, what else? We´ve heard a lot of variations on “Dad´s machines will have to pull me out of here! or “Can´t wait till afternoon!, but fortunaly, at least once I´ve heard “My God, they snatched a teenager?!“

We arrived under the ropes at the pretty same moment as the boat from the opposite side. The other team had a bigger variety, I would say, containing even one my possible main rival being creature with very muscular legs, probably professional runner.


Hoooray. Anything will be better than being with you.

“Get on the ropes.”

They were divided by the many wooden rounds, so we automatically stepped on the first one. Even now, touching the material with pawns was suggesting that climbing will be kinda hellish.


I have parried myself and when I was slightly higher I swinged the rope forward. First whom I have seen was scared Eastern Asian. I jumped and tried to slash her hip, but she jumped too and actually so handily that we simply switched the ropes. She was now outside of my reach, so I climbed a little higher and try to make sense out of the escalating chaos where a lot of women were shouting in panic and a men at us in excitement. The frightening Runner made the first splash of the day when she forced the Senator fall. Maybe she is the agent? I wanted to took her down for that suspicion alone. She also made second splash of the day out of Woodroof girl. I haven´t seen the details, but it had to be easy if she was like… Well this shivering blonde, barely holding the rope. I have sinked my claws into her upper thigh, making her easily my first prey, doing cute somersault as she fell.

Being suddenly in agreement with the spirit of the crazy game, where inmates were supposed to fight each other, I started breathing deeply with my nose. Several other persons were now down, but I wanted to humiliate those strong legs dangerously close to me. Runner actually sticked them together, stretched out her body and tried to hit women around her. She succeeded at least once. I had to actually go a little lower to protect myself and the actually gave me interesting possibility. Successfully, I jumped on her rope and using the element of surprise, I scratched her belly, which also was possible to punch. Close, but not enough. She still twisted herself above me and tried to kick me. I couldn´t now bite her feet, so I quickly returned to the previous rope and I saw that her back is now pretty inviting target. My arm might ached a little, but she seemed to be in more pain in just a moment and eventually she gave up. Good work, even if it meant others under us will have to deal with her now.

I have threw down at least four more persons with the obvious problem I wasn´t actually advancing up. No, I wasn´t dying to become Sky Queen, I just didn´t know what these sadists might consider as uncompliant or unentertaining, no matter what they were saying. Then again we all had problems with those ridiculous paws. So, as it was possible, I reached another round. Unfortunaly, as I was trying to stabilize myself, I´ve seen another body dangerously close to me and I´ve done something I considered innocent evasive maneuver. Of course I haven´t evaded the clash and also I stroke woman on a third rope. We all fell united.

I was just grateful that for a moment we entered the water pretty afar. For the first time I was also glad I have the ballgag, becoase I wasn´t drinking the pool when unwillingly diving. The fall has taken from me only one of the pawns, which kinda helped during the swimming on the surface. I was more escaping from my unwilling accompaniment, which I really wasn´t sure I managed when I, full of disdain, get on the mud platform. As I looked around I saw I was probably too eager. A lot of women were lying around yielded and defeated prematurely, including the Runner in fact. But I saw some other active ones. On the neighbouring platform, the Woodroof girl, now entirely dirty, managed to knock down someone and almost overlie her.

I have stepped forward, underestimating slippery matter under me. I was immediately on my knees and from behind I felt hands, these other two fallen no doubt, who pushed me, face-straight into greasy layers. Once again, good I had the ball gag, cause I didn´t want to have that what was now rudely defiling my face to poison my mouth as well. As if it wasn´t enough, these two kicked me into butt several times. There was no point in waiting for them to use the paws. I rolled to the side, making myself some new dirty stripes before regaining my feet. And my arms were ready too. Next jump get them around shoulders of one of my tormentors who get unpleasant trip to the floor and the quick slide between two other fighting pairs which sprayed them all. My sight now catching the other chaser, I saw her knees giving up and she fainted as soon as I touched her. Others understood it and used me as an excuse to finish the fight, although I did my best to make it look I´m thrashing them. Obviously, I was almost instantly another dirty boogeyman, which isn´t that bad for temporary action star.

I was good at this performance and the entire platform voluntarily surrendered to me. But now I was convinced it´s my turn and that I must yield on some of the other platforms. Except, when looking left and right, I couldn´t see movement anywhere.

Holy f–

The hooter-like sound made already chattering tribune even more excited, giving it chance to celebrate winner of the event. I saw how on some places giant screens sloped and when they came online, the first thing they showed was my face. Wet hair, blocked mouth, painted in ghoulish colors.

Tone ringed and the image changed. I saw that except of Mud Queen, there´s also Sky Queen to be celebrated. Instead of myself I have seen… That Asian girl I tried to strike at the beginning. I don´t know if this was topical record, because they showed her entire figure and she didn´t look much dignifiedly. She was trying to save shreds of her panties, teared so much they barely held together only by one milimeter…. Jesus, did I do this to her? Well they didn´t last and no matter how she tried, picture of her naked crotch went magnified on screen.

The next time neither of us will be trying.
