Space…The Final FUCKtier Part 8

Willingham woke up with the hairs on his arms standing up, goosebumps riddling his body as his eyes slowly adjusted to waking up from his deep, long sleep. He felt his body move slightly, pleasurable feelings spreading through his body was Lucy was riding his erect cock, face screwed up with her eyes tightly shut, seething with pain as she moved her hips trying to take him as he woke from his sleep. She noticed him once she felt his hands press onto her legs, looking down she smiled, chomping on her bottom lip as she tried to take him deeper.

“Thought I would get some practice in, more I take it the less it’ll hurt the next time right?” She muttered, gasping as she felt his shaft throb inside her tight pussy. Will recalled last night down to every little detail. Once they were towed back from their mission they made a straight walk to the elevator to his apartment; taking no time at all to strip each others sweat covered clothing down and moving straight to his bedroom. She tried to take him inside her, but thanks to her small frame and mostly untouched vagina she couldn’t take too much, the pain overwhelmed her lust for the feeling of his dick inside her.

Still, it didn’t stop her from practicing on his morning wood…running her fingers through her tied back red hair she threw her head back and gyrated her hips halfway down his shaft. That was all she dared take, the sting was fueling her pleasure, but any deeper and it would be a different story. Will leaned his head back against his soft pillow, exhaling out a soft moan as he felt her walls wrap tightly around his shaft. He was just about to feel his orgasm erupt when they both heard a loud clang on the door. They both stopped what they were doing and stared at each other with a slight sign of worry.

“Don’t worry I’ll get rid of them, stay here and don’t come out for anything.” He said moving from his laying position which forced Lucy to push her body up and off his meaty obelisk of a cock. She felt a shiver emanating from her raw lips as she sat on the middle of the bed; almost as if it was thanking the rest of her body for the break from riding him. She watched as he slipped on a robe, tightly wrapping it over her body, pushing his dick up against his stomach he made sure that it wasn’t visible to whomever was on the other side of his door. Turning to leave he shut the door to his bedroom, keeping Lucy in there in case they were caught, which would mean curtains for their careers.

The front door slid open and Mckayla stood there in a casual outfit, a tight fitting vest which strained over her heavy chest, and bright white yoga pants which clung to every crevice of her legs. Immediately Will sighed with relief as Mckayla would never report his misdeeds, given that they were not in the same Tier when they started their casual relationship. In her hands Mckayla held a peculiar device which whirred and beeped softly. Looking up into his eyes she smiled and started to tap her foot on the floor impatiently.

“Mckayla, what are you doing here so early?”

“It’s actually way past 10 Will. You’re lucky its an off duty weekend otherwise I think Angela or Rays would come down here themselves and screw your head off from your body…speaking of which hun can you cover up? I need to get on and seeing your chest is making me go weak at the knees…” She blushed and pushed herself into the room, darting her eyes between his legs quickly noticing the long thick 10 inch bulge pressed up on his stomach… Morning Wood, she assumed to herself. Will pulled the upper part of his robe together, covering his exposed chest and letting the door slide shut behind him.

“If its a off duty weekend does this mean your visit here is one for pleasure or something more serious?”

“You would know if this was a booty call baby. I don’t get off duty ever, I have a job to do.” She pointed at the device which beeped a little stronger and began to glow blue from its many light bulbs.

“So what is it you’re doing to make you barge into my room?”

“You recall that Slime sample I…misplaced? I’m sure I told you a few weeks ago after we took that bath together.” She hummed softly, training her eyes up and down his body. That was quite the special evening. So much oil and those sweet smelling soaps they lathered onto each others naked bodies, those special massages they gave each other with their hands; It made her shiver just thinking about it.

“Yeah I remember, you said you thought it got off station somehow?”

“Yes I indeed said that could have been the case, however last night I found a dubious pile of bright blue slime left in one of the backstreets of the city. I know it was left by that creature, all I needed to do was collect a small sample and put it into this…Its a DNA tracker.”

“DNA Tracker? Guessing that traces the host of the sample you insert and gives you a trail to the source?” Mckayla gave an impressed reaction, smiling softly as she moved her body in an arc which caused the machine to beep slower and slower.

“Not just a pretty face and a horse dick…thats exactly what it does. I’ve been all over the station and have had small traces. It seems its somewhere in the vents but I’ve yet to find its exit point. There’s a vent in here yes?” She says looking toward the small grate in the top corner of the room. Smiling to herself she strutted over and pointed the machine toward it. There was a loud beeping and the lights began to strobe flashing like a camera flash. Humming Mckayla lowered the device and sighed defeated.

“Nope, its been here as recently as a few hours ago, probably settled here for a few days given your absence from your mission. Was most likely in the vent when you got back…” A shiver went up Willinghams spine, the thought of a slime creature watching him and Lucy have sex was unsettling. Shrugging to herself Mckayla walked back past him and took in his natural scent, a dash of red brushed over her face as she did.

“Listen, I feel like a prissy little girl saying this but I kinda missed you for all that time you were gone…Wanna hang out sometime tomorrow? I can put that prototype body suit on again which you stained.” She nibbled her lip and pressed her body onto his side, both heavy tits sandwiching his arm. He looked back to that particular outfit. Very similar to her normal body suit only the nylon fabric was almost completely transparent, exposing every part of her, as well as the suit stripping back the legs so it looked more like a one piece swimsuit. Just thinking about it made his slit leak with pre cum.

“Sounds like a date.” He said with a raised eyebrow. Mckayla smiled and let out a cute giggle, something which she would never had done in public, her stern exterior would have forbidden it.

“Date with your dick more like. Anyway I should get moving, I think the girl in your room is getting jealous.” She winked as the look of shock overcame Will. He always underestimated Mckayla and her intelligence, she like most of the women on the Valentine she wasn’t just a pretty face. Moving out of the room the doors slid shut once she took a step out of the apartment.

A few moments later the bedroom door slid open, Lucy stood there with her arms crossed, body resting on the frame of the door. She was back in her fatigues she wore the night before, the vest still sodden with his cum from that blowjob he received on the scout ship. Will looked over at her wondering what she was thinking.

“Never knew she was such a horny minx…” She muttered looking toward the door. Will shrugged, slipping his hands into the pockets of his robe.

“I’m sorry Lucy I-”

“No, don’t apologize…Look I get it you have a type, big tits and asses who can take a man like you.” Frowning softly she stepped over to him and stroked his cheek.

“But one day I’m going to make it my mission to make sure its me in your bed every night begging for that beast.” She leaned forward on her tip toes to whisper in his ear, sliding her hand between his robe to lightly stroke her fingers from the tip of his shaft down to his heavy ball sack. “And I bet they don’t blow you as good as I do huh?” She lightly nibbled the lobe of his ear and moaned, backing off slowly back onto the balls of her feet. There wasn’t another word spoke between them, Lucy made a straight walk toward the exit and let the door shut behind her. Willingham was left alone, he knew it was true, all three of them had that special something which made him go wild. Hers was that tongue and how she could suck a dick…

The day that followed was rather dull, Will spent most of his writing up his report on the multi-day mission he had spent the last few days off-station to complete. Ever since upgrading he felt his job included a myriad of boring tasks such as writing up long reports of what had happened in the mission and the results they acquired. Knowing the Senior Investigator was most likely the one to read it, Will had contemplated for a few moments to include his steamy encounter with Lucy, knowing that going into detail about her long tongue and her masterful skills with it would make her all hot and bothered in her office.

After writing up and sending off his five page report Will decided that he needed proper rest, one without a girl hugging close to his body with a glaze of sweat around their bodies and the smell of sex strong in the air. But of course, his random luck with the female gender never ceased to prove fruitful, and tonight was going to prove it even further.

Stepping out of the bathroom, steam seeping through the open door after his long and piping hot shower Will was clad in his casual sleepwear: smooth and comfortable cotton pyjamas without a shirt. He rubbed his eyes softly and yawned, moving slowly into his room the doors slid open and allowed him into his room. It was dark, the lights were oddly off, something which was not at all common on the station, especially in a apartment as big as this. Frowning softly he flicked his wrist as to try to alert the lights of his presence. It was almost a full thirty seconds before he realized that he wasn’t alone in the room. He heard a noise, a wet, slimy sound almost as if something was crawling around in his room. Balling his fists tightly he grit his teeth and spoke “Show yourself, I know there’s someone in here.”

There was a short silence before the slimy noises got louder, it was then he noticed the small pile of slime which pulsated and moved only a few feet away from him. It started to pulse more, moving in place as the noise got louder and louder it began to grow upwards, forming a rough shape as it grew up to a few inches shorter than he.

He noticed its humanoid form, still slimy and without any features it stood like a mannequin, but he knew it was looking at him. “Good evening human.” It spoke in a feminine voice. Will did not reply, waiting for any hostile actions it may take to cause him harm.

“I mean no harm…in fact I have been watching you since you returned here a number of hours ago.” She spoke, her voice echoed into his mind, like it was talking face to face as well as telepathically. It rose one of its arms and attempted to rest it onto him, quick reflexes and the sense that this alien was not speaking the truth regarding its hostility made Will grasp its wrist stopping it. The alien turned its head to its wrist, then back to him.

“I have made it clear I mean no harm human…Willingham. That is your name? First name…oh, your first name is-”

“Why are you here?” He asked angrily, feeling the goopy substance on his hand he wanted to recoil and let go, it felt odd and wrong. Shaking its head the alien easily slipped its arm out from his grasp, lowering it back to its side.

“My slime form can be quite odd for some I agree…” Confused Willingham cocked an eyebrow at it, how did it know he didn’t like holding it? and what more, how did she know his name?

“I can read your thoughts. You were just thinking how I know your name and how I knew you didn’t like touching me in this form…well don’t worry I’m sure I can change into something you’re more inclined to touch.”

It stepped back from him. Blank face staring straight through him. Its slimy consistency started to change, turning into skin, a pale blue shade. It slowly formed over its entire body; face filling out into something resembling human. He noticed the feminine features, bright purple glowing eyes with jet black hair, styled in a bob cut with a fringe. Her lips were dark shade of purple, pouty and full, glazed with a hint of gloss. Smiling she rested her hands on her hips, pausing for a moment.

“The face is perfect…only…” Through her hair, elven ears began to extend out, long and flicking softly as she curled a smile on her face. “I agree elven ears are rather cute…I should wear an elven form more often I think…now for the body.” She stared up into his eyes, a soft sexy chuckle came from her as she raised an eyebrow. “Oh wow…quite the image in your head!”

Her chest started to expand, the blue of her skin forming large DD breasts with nipples a deeper shade of navy. Her stomach toned up, similar to Mckayla’s. Her thighs expanded and thickened, eviscerating any sign of a thigh gap. Her behind adjusted to perfectly suit her legs. Will’s mouth slowly opened as she ran her fingers over her body, smiling and admiring her work. “Very nice human…I think this may be one of my favorite forms.” Her attention turned to his face, the cute expression painted over him as the naked alien stood before him.

“My name is -MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-” Her voice vibrated and clicked as she spoke her name, clearly in a different language than Earth English. He looked back at her with a blank stare as she cleared her throat softly “Apologies, I have yet to fully grasp your Earth English. I believe my name in your language roughly translates to Selena.”

Will’s expression was unchanging, he still was bewildered of the situation he had stumbled upon. He felt his brain start to strain, sending a sharp pain over him which caused him to wince; it was like something was influencing his thoughts.

Selena hummed and looked over his bedroom, taking in every little thing which decorated the room. Holding her wide hips she tutted softly “From inspection of your home I have concluded that this is the most comfortable location, are you ready?” She asked with her pouty lips smiling, bright purple eyes looking up at him. Will cold feel his third leg throb and push against his pyjama trousers, he couldn’t stop thinking about the things he wanted to do with this Selena.

“Ready for what?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, his arms slowly lifted and held onto her thin waist; his brain was screaming for him to stop, but those subconscious thoughts egging him on. He knew that whatever was making him hold her was amplifying his depraved side, the one which every man has when opposite a woman who ticks all their boxes.

“For sex of course. I have observed you since you returned, I read your thoughts with that petite girl…Lucy? yes you liked how she got on her knees…and that larger girl, the one with the tight clothing and the figure not too different from mine, reading her mind it was clear you two had been intimate a number of times, so much that even she didn’t know the exact number.”

Will felt her skin begin to glaze over, his hands sliding over her curves as he moved to her heavy yet perky tits, squeezing them like stress balls, it was as if she was entirely coated in massage oil. She even glistened as she cooed softly as he groped her. She looked down and moved her hands to his crotch, softly brushing her hands over his erect length which poked firmly down his leg. Impressed with his strong touch she flicked her elven ears.

“You mind is full of sex, I can barely blame you; having a reproductive organ this large it’s hard to not want to drain it in the first attractive female you lay eyes upon. In fact I was just thinking how similar my race’s mating sessions are to you humans…” She stood on her tiptoes and leaned into him, diving her oiled hands into his loose cotton pyjamas to wrap both hands around his cock. Will moaned and exhaled a soft warm breath into Selena’s face. Pressing her lips onto his he immediately felt his entire body go to jelly, his legs became wobbly, hands trembled as he kept squeezing and sinking his fingers into her formed breasts. Selena quickly pulled his entire length out of his sleepwear and began to softly run her slippery hands up and down his shaft; hiking one thick thigh up and around his waist. Their moans vibrated in their mouths, Will sliding his hands from Selena’s tits to her toned back, feeling her muscles as he worked his way down to her ass.

Selena was making sure to take in every part of this enormous cock in her hands, she was quite impressed, humans she observed were never this large, she knew this would feel good. She broke the kiss and chuckled in the sexy tone, the wet SHLICK sounds of her hand job making him dig his toes into the floor of his room. He felt her huge tits compress onto his body for a moment before she slicked off him and sat on the edge of the bed. she leaned back and threw her legs up in the air, spreading them apart as the bottom of her feet pointed right at the ceiling. Her position fully exposed her swollen pussy lips, glistening and moist as she softly rubbed it with one hand, the other beckoning the stallion over with one finger.

Will took no time to move into the correct position, stepping out of his last piece of clothing. He quickly guided his dick between her pussy lips, rubbing his exposed head on her entrance, she bit her bottom lip and exhaled from her nose as shivers were shot up her spine, he was so solid; unlike all her race his tool wasn’t like a tentacle wet and noodle-like, it was one of the only things she loved in humanity, how good their muscles felt.

She gasped as she felt her pussy get impaled on his dick. With a quick maneuvering of her arms she kept her thick legs up in the air by holding them up with her hands. As Will started to thrust into her she looked up at him and smiled. Willingham moaned as he slid his entire 10 inches balls deep in one thrust. His eyes widened as he suddenly felt her walls tightly wrap around his length; tighter than Lucy, it felt like he was locked in a vice. She must have done something with her body to make it feel better for the both of them. With a wink Selena gasped as he started to fuck her, the tightness made her throw her head back and scream an “Oh fuck yeah!” as he thrust like a piston into her.

She dug her fingers into her oiled thighs, every part of her jiggled wildly as he fucked her with his entire cock, Will felt better than anything. The way her body was made him go wild, the loud clapping of their bodies as he plunged in and out of her loudly rattling out into the entire apartment. It was a few thrusts in when Selena’s eyes glowed a bright purple and came, sliding her purple tongue out and letting it drape over her chin. Will felt her orgasm, as her pussy almost vibrated along with his throbs. Sighing hard Selena expected him to stop for a moment to let her recuperate. However when she still felt her entire body move with his thrusts she grinned and thought how she hit the jackpot with this human. She felt his precum flow out in volumes, knowing that her race cannot breed the way humans do, she was fine with him blasting inside her; maybe she could do something to shock him.

Selena forcefully pressed her palm on his chest, stopping him from continuing. Will, clouded by his influenced brain looked over at the blue beauty and gave her a blank expression. “I want to have a ride.” She spoke in her same echoing voice. Nodding Will pulled out of her, causing her to moan hard, shivers rattling through her as he lack of dick inside her felt unfamiliar. Will re positioned on the bed, laying down with his legs apart, heavy cock pointing up. Selena crawled over him, pressing her legs between his hips and placing her pussy on his leaking head.

“I’m quite excited human. Allow me to take charge…” She plunged her body down onto him ass bouncing along with her as she tightened her pussy over him once more. Will rested his hands on her thighs as she bounced on him, once every often diving balls deep onto him and gyrating her hips. With her pouty lips parted breathing out high pitched sweet nothings, eyes flickering open and closed. She leaned forward on top of him, compressing her bust onto his chest; twerking on his dick. Will could fell his orgasm starting to build up, veins pulsing hard on her unbelievably tight walls.

“That’s right stallion let me break on you…Fuck you’re so-” She squealed submissively as she felt his arms tightly wrap around her toned back, forcing her to arch herself to throw her thick booty up. He began to thrust up into her relentlessly, balls pounding hard on her body. Her glowing purple eyes bulged as she let him dominate her, stretching out her pussy even when she morphed it to be as tight as it could be. Her thoughts were whirring around her brain, maybe she was making his lusty subconscious feel a little too liberated.

Finally, after what felt like hours of immense, incomparable euphoria Selena came once more, rolling her purple eyes back into her head as another intense orgasm erupted through her. Will grunted like an animal, plunging balls deep as his stamina showed no signs of wavering; he was pulsing, she could feel the first wave of his cum explode and spray out in an unending stream of cum like a fire hose. His mind wondered how he came in such a way, like a tap filling her up. Selena pressed her face onto the nape of Willinghams neck, moaning as she felt her body fill with thick goo. She knew that if she was human, there was a chance she would have a baby in her by now, this man was not human, he was a beast in a mans body. Her toned stomach was bulging once the endless stream of his cum had subsided, still plugged by his thick cock, Selena could feel his cum begin to seep out of her stretched lips.

Willingham was spent, his cock drained in this alluring alien’s unbelievable body. How she drained him of his stamina so quickly was hard for him to digest. She panted and softly kissed the nape of his neck after every deep gasp of air. Her hips still moved in a circular motion, pressing his cum coated cock between their bodies as she slid over him. He could barely move his body, eyes flickering in and out of consciousness; one thing was still certain though, he had just had sex with an unidentified alien race. One which could influence the deepest desires of anyone she came into contact with and make the host feel like they needed to accomplish said desire. Her eyes glowed, making his rational thinking sound sirens, she was a dangerous being, and he just fucked it.

He wanted to move, to call the most dangerous person he knew…Mckayla could probably deal with Selena in the blink of an eye, but him? He was frozen, still unable to move once he came inside her.

After the post orgasmic bliss began to fade between the two, Selena slowly leaned back up to a straddling position; her body jiggling and bouncing like flowing water as she moved even the slightest inch. “That was fun…I’ve had many mating sessions with my kind; but feeling something so…solid inside felt exhilarating.” Her purple eyes still glowed in the dark room, she was keeping him locked in position with whatever magic this was.

She felt his cream trickle down her thighs, softly scooping it from her legs and massaging it into her already slick and glossy body. “I am sad to say that this is farewell my stallion, I have more important tasks to follow up on, and maybe watch some more humans engage in intimate intercourse…” She slipped off the bed, making sure that Willingham could see what she was doing. Spinning on the balls of her feet her body began to morph, her blue skin changing to a pale white as she swayed her naked hips out the door. She looked behind her shoulder and grinned as Will slowly dropped into a deep, uninterrupted slumber. He was unable to see what she changed her face to, his only thought was how he was beaten by this alien.

Selena’s night was far from over however. Once she let her human be she started to morph a set of clothes onto her body, a uniform identical to the female version of the Valentines mandatory outfit. She began to walk casually out of the apartment, eyes glowing as she mouthed soundless words.

“Brothers and sisters. Infiltration complete. I will give these humans some time before their lives end in a fiery inferno…” she telepathically spoke in her native language to the others in her race. The ones ready with battleships out there in deep dark space.

Part 9 coming tomorrow
