Carol and James, part 5: Aftercare [MF] [gentlefemdom] [chastity]

[Reposted due to incorrect title]

[Click here for part 1.](

This is a story about a submissive man named James, and his partner Carol – a dominant woman with a gentle touch and an iron will. The story is written from James’s point of view, and takes place over one evening. This is the fifth and final part; in the previous instalment, Carol allowed James the honor of bringing her to orgasm. I hope you enjoy!


Carol’s moans tell you that she’s reaching her peak again; you keep licking until you’re sure you’ve brought her to orgasm, and then pause for breath. Your neck is stiff from holding your position so long, and your tongue and jaw ache from exertion. Your cock feels drained and overused even though you haven’t actually come – it flops against your stomach, half-erect more out of obligation than passion. The sheets beneath you are cold and damp with your sweat.

Carol reaches down and pats your thigh, panting heavily.

“That was… four, darling. Good job…” she says. “One more… to go…”

You make a muffled sound of complaint, and Carol lifts herself off your face slightly so you can speak.

“What’s wrong, darling?” she asks, looking down at you between her thighs. Her face is flushed and her brow shines with sweat.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am. I don’t think I can go any longer. My neck’s really starting to hurt – my tongue, too.”

“Poor thing,” she says kindly. “Can you get up okay?” She climbs off you and offers you her hand.

“Yeah,” you say, sitting up and twisting your head around to loosen your neck.

“There, there,” she soothes, getting behind you and massaging your neck and shoulders. “Does it feel better in this position?”

“Yeah. It’s fine,” you reassure her. “It was just bending it back like that that was tiring.”

“Good, good,” she says. And then, with a cooler tone: “If you’re feeling better, you should be able to call me by my proper title, hmm?”

“Oh, God.” You slap your forehead. “Sorry, Miss Carol. I forgot.”

“Apology noted, James. But that’s the second time this evening, you know,” she reprimands.

“I know. I really am sorry,” you say. “Thank you for letting me please you so much tonight,” you add. “It’s been really wonderful.”

She smiles, and you sense that you’re forgiven. “You’re welcome, darling. You’re doing a great job.” She finishes massaging you and pats your back. “Go kneel at the foot of the bed, now, and you can give me my last orgasm from there. That way you can keep your neck straight.”

“Oh.” You’re taken aback. “I thought we were done, Ma’am.”

“Almost. But you rolled a five, remember?”

“Yes. But–”

“No buts,” she says curtly. “End of the bed.”

You kneel as commanded, and Carol sits on the bed in front of you, legs apart. Your jaw twinges.

“Is it alright if I do it another way, Miss Carol?” you ask tentatively. “My mouth is really tired. I can finger you, or use the–”

“James.” She cuts you off sternly. “Look at me.”

You fall silent and look up at her. Her expression makes it clear that there will be no argument, and no bargaining. Every rebellious thought in your head melts away under her firm, commanding gaze.

“Who’s decision?” she asks.

“Your decision, Miss Carol.” you answer, the well-practiced mantra falling easily from your lips.

“Whose pleasure?”

“Your pleasure, Miss Carol.”

“Why do you exist?”

“I exist to serve you, Miss Carol.”

“Good.” She pauses, still holding your gaze, ensuring the words sink in. “What do you want to do now, James?”

“I want to eat you out, Miss Carol,” you say resignedly. And it’s true – despite your aching tongue and exhausted jaw, you find the only thing you want to do is worship her shrine with your mouth once again.

“And?” she prompts.

“I want to make you orgasm with my mouth, Miss Carol.”

“Beg,” she orders.

“Please, Miss Carol,” you whimper, shutting your eyes and leaning your head on her thigh. “I’m sorry for arguing. I’m sorry for being disobedient. Please let me eat you out?”

“Good boy,” she says. You look up again, and see her face illuminated with a radiant smile. “Permission granted.”

You smile too, your guilt vanishing in an instant; even the sore muscles in your face are numbed by Carol’s praise. She crosses her legs behind your head and pulls it forward until your lips meet her shrine. Full of fresh strength, you begin licking without hesitation.

By the time you finally bring Carol to her fifth orgasm, you’re totally spent. She flops back onto the bed, uttering a string of praise, while you slowly lick up the length of her shrine one last time. She beckons for you to join her on the bed; you crawl over and cuddle up to her, resting your head on her chest and slinging one leg across hers. She pets your hair and you sigh contentedly.

“Good pet. Good boy,” she murmurs. “I knew you could do it.”

You sigh contentedly, soaking up her praise and affection. After about a minute, she nudges you off her and gets up. You make a sound of confusion.

“Just going to the bathroom, pet. Wait here a moment.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” you say, barely above a breath. You stay perfectly still on the bed, your mind drifting peacefully. Some time later, you’re not sure how long exactly, you hear the toilet flush. A couple of minutes after that, Carol comes back into the room holding a blanket, another bottle of water, a pack of wipes, and the parts of your cage. She helps you sit up, and gently wipes the fluids from your chin, stomach, and, with great care, your cock. Then she wraps the blanket around your shoulders and places a soft kiss on your lips.

“Mm,” she sighs. “I can taste myself on your lips, baby. That’s so hot.”

You laugh weakly. “Thank you, Ma’am.”

“Have some water,” she instructs, handing you the bottle.

The two of you share the bottle over the next fifteen minutes, during which you gradually rise out of your submissive trance. By the time it’s empty, you’ve come back to yourself completely.

Once Carol is confident you’re stable, she picks up your cage and base ring off the bed. “Go and get the lube, will you, James?” she says.

“Yes, Miss Carol.” You shrug off the blanket, fetch the bottle from the nightstand and give it to her.

“Sit on the end of the bed. Good boy. Now…” She squeezes the lube carefully around the base ring and, kneeling in front of you, slides it down the length of your shaft and carefully maneuvers your testicles through. Your overworked cock still stirs slightly at the sensation. Carol giggles.

“Being caged turns you on so much, baby,” she teases. “I love it.”

You smile. “Only when it’s you caging me, Ma’am.”

“Oh, stop it, you,” she says, blushing. She waits for your momentary swelling to subside, and then quickly places the cage over your penis until it meets the base. She lifts the key from around her neck, inserts it into the lock, and looks up at you innocently.

“Would you like me to lock up your cock, James?”

“Yes please, Ma’am,” you answer.

She turns the key and the lock clicks shut.

“There you go,” she says, getting to her feet. “Safely locked up.” She takes your hand and pulls you off the bed and into a hug.

“I love you, Miss Carol,” you say softly.

“I love you too, James,” she replies. “Now then…”

She lets go of you and gestures around the room. “There’s a few things for you to clean up now, James. And once you’ve done that, go and fetch our clean nightclothes, won’t you?”

“Right away, Ma’am,” you say, turning round to gather the things from the bed.

“And make sure to change those bedsheets as well. They’re soaked,” she says, giving your ass a playful smack before heading for the door. Your cock twitches in its cage.

“Yes, Miss Carol,” you answer.


That’s the end of the story (for now, at least)! If you’ve read and enjoyed this far, I hope you won’t mind if I ask you to share your thoughts in the comments? What you liked, what you disliked, suggestions for more stories featuring these characters… I’d like to write more, and your feedback helps inspire me to do so.

See you soon :)


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