[MF] Handjob on the Train

I have a bit of a sordid sexual history so if this story works out I’ll be sure to post more.

It was late on a Fall Friday evening when I stumbled into the train station. I live in a large metropolitan city in Northern California, I’ll let you put the rest of that puzzle together on your own. I took a seat on one of the large, round benches next to a young lady with short, dyed red hair tied up in a blue bandana.

She looked over at me an gave me a polite smile. “Heading home so early?” I asked.

“Yeah. Pretty lame night.” She said in a tone that anyone overhearing would have implied we were old friends.

“Ugh.” I replied in mock exasperation. “Fuck lame guys.”

She laughed. “I don’t, that’s why I’m heading home.”

“East?” I asked.

“Unfortunately.” Came her response.

It was at that moment near another bench about 20 feet away I spotted a mouse scurrying across the platform towards a bench with an unsuspecting man sitting on it.

“Holy shit that’s a big mouse.” I said causing her to look.

“Oh my God I hope it scares that guy.” She said with eager anticipation.

“I mean, you could saddle that thing and ride it into battle.” I remarked as it headed closer and closer to the bench.

It disappeared underneath the bench and out of our view just as a train pulled up to the platform. “I think our ride is here.” I said disappointed as we stood up and headed towards the opening doors on the train.

I walked in front of her as we entered the train and looked back to look over the blue and white sundress she wore underneath her tweet jacket.

“Kind of a shame, I wanted to see how the rat story ended.” She said as I took my seat in the last row of the car with her sitting next to me. The car consisted of four seats across with an isle splitting the seats two-and-two. The car was mostly empty, maybe 4 or 5 other people on and no one in our row. I sat next to the wall of the train and she sat in the isle. I hadn’t expected her to sit next to me but the company was nice, plus she was very cute so it didn’t hurt either.

The doors of the train closed and we started to move. “What’s your……?” I began as she suddenly put her left hand (the one closest to me) on my thigh. My eyes went wide as she looked into them with a devious smile on her face. Her hand started moving up and soon was rubbing my crotch. I could feel my cock beginning to grow at the unexpected but welcome turn of events as she rubbed me over my jeans.

“*****sium.” She replied as her fingers fished out my zipper and tugged it down before slipping her hand inside to fish my cock out of my jockey shorts. I stifled a moan as I quickly unzipped my hoody and removed it throwing it over my lap as she pulled my 8 inch cock from my jeans.

Once it was out she took her hand off of my cock and pulled it up to her mouth to spit on it before slipping it back under my hoody to grip my throbbing member and going to work. If her being willing to grab the cock of a complete stranger on an extremely public train wasn’t indicator enough, the expert way in which she moved her hand up and down my cock let me know it wasn’t her first time.

I stared into her face and let out a small groan trying not to let the other people on the car know what was going on. She just smiled back and continued to work. I places my right hand on the inside of her thigh in an attempt to return the favor but she grabbed it with her free hand and took it off shaking her “no”.

The train stopped again but she didn’t, she just kept rubbing my cock under that hoody. The hoody was hiding my bare cock with her hand around it but anyone who would have passed by would have known what was happening underneath which added to the excitement of the situation.

She worked my cock for a few more stops and into the tunnel, it was in said tunnel that I took another shot and leaned my head towards hers, a movement that she matched and soon our lips met. As our lips parted and tongues danced I let out a deep moan causing our hand to work faster.

Her eager tongue and expert fingers plus the extremely risky nature of what was going on pushed me to the edge far faster than I would normally arrive in such an intoxicated state. “I’m….” I said into her lips causing her to pull her head back and watch me with that devious smile. I leaned my turned my body forward, leaned my head back and closed my eyes as my orgasm washed over me and I came into my hoody. She stroked my cock through the whole thing and as soon as I was done depositing the content of my balls into my favorite jacket she gave my cock a couple of squeezes as the base before pulling her hand out from underneath the hoody.

She used the hoody to dry what she had on her hand off as I sat panting and contemplating what the Hell had just happened. I started laughing causing her to giggle with me. We sat in silence for another stop before the doors opened at hers. She leaned over, gave me a peck on the cheek and said “Maybe I’ll see you around.” Before getting up and heading towards the door.

“Hopefully.” I called after her.

She didn’t even look back as the doors closed and the train pulled off.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gcgy81/mf_handjob_on_the_train