Lisa stories. She takes me on an adventure.

I’ve posted this on the gentlefemdom sub, among others, before. I’m not sure if this sort of thing is popular here. Let me know.

I came home from work coughing, which isn’t unusual, because of allergies. Lisa looked at me. “Are you sick?”

“Of course not. Just the normal.” 

“I’m going to have to take your temperature. I was able to buy a thermometer today.”

“Sure.” It sounded good to me because I was worried I’d maybe been infected. Masks had only become available a few days earlier.

“Go ahead and shower.” That was something I did every day before and after work. I didn’t want to get Lisa sick.

After I showered I came out of the bathroom naked. She was sitting on the couch and patted her lap. “Lie down here.”

I laughed and said, “Yeah, sure.  Where’d you put my clothes?”

“You can dress later. First I’m going to take your temperature.” 

I laughed again. “What, you bought a rectal thermometer? Right …”

“It’s all they had. Lie over my lap.”

I looked at her, trying to get the joke. Her face was absolutely serious. “What’s going on here?”

“You’re going to lie across my lap and have your temperature taken. Come on.” She patted her lap again.

I don’t know why I obeyed. Something about her demeanor and I think I wanted to be a good sport. I walked to the couch slowly and said, “You really want me to do this?”

“I told you what to do. Stop resisting.”

I thought about that and then did what she ordered me to do. I started to lie down with my face toward her right side but she told me to face towards her left. So I did. After settling myself  over her lap I felt different. I felt very submissive. It was confusing. It was such a strange feeling I rejected it.

“I can’t do this. Let me up.” I tried to stand up but she held me by the hips and said “Be still. I’m in charge now.” 

I was kind of in shock. I didn’t really know what was going on but, my emotions were going crazy. “What are we doing here?” My voice wasn’t completely under control.

“I love you but you don’t take care of yourself. From now on I’m going to take care of you. You’re important to me and it’s something I have to be able to do if we’re going to be together.”

Bent over her lap, ass up and exposed, I wasn’t thinking really straight, but I loved her and wanted her to be happy. And, to be honest, something about being taken care of by a strong woman made any resistance I might have felt go away. 

“Ok baby. You can take care of me.”

She laughed, maybe from relief that I was willing to play along? I heard something being opened. Maybe a jar of Vaseline or maybe Crisco. She dabbed a large amount of something cool between my cheeks, and then spread my cheeks and put a large glob on my asshole. 

 My writing skills aren’t up to explaining how I felt. Humiliated, exposed, vulnerable … loved and cared for. Unless you’ve felt this way you probably won’t understand it. 

She got the thermometer and started working it around my anus, spreading the grease around. She did that for a long time, and then she started poking it into my ass. Moving it in and out.

“Do you really need to fuck me with it?” I was still trying to act like everything was normal. 

“Be quiet. I’m in charge.”

Eventually she put the thermometer all the way into my ass. There was no pain, but I felt it as a greasy intrusion. I kind of moaned. She spanked me and said ” be still.”

This is hard to explain. I wanted to please her and make her happy, but I was mortified over my position. At the same time, I wanted her to own me. I’m still confused about this. While I lay there she kept twirling the thermometer, which I could feel because of the old fashioned irregular shape of it. I began to get an erection, which she noticed even before I did.

“You’re not hating this. That’s good for both of us.” She did something with her legs and my erection slid between her thighs, which she then closed, trapping my penis. “Now I’ve got you.” I heard her smile.

“I don’t know what’s happening here …” My voice was shaky.

“I know. This is something new. You’ll learn.”

I relaxed and put my head down, all the while with her probing my bottom with the thermometer. It went on for some time. Eventually she pulled it out and I waited for the verdict. “You don’t have a temperature,” she finally said.

I started to get up but she grabbed me and held me down by the small of my back. “We’re not done yet.”

I groaned. “Jesus, what are you doing to me?”

“I want you to remember this. I’m going to make sure you don’t ever forget.”

She started spanking me. My face was already burning from the embarrassment of everything she’d done already but now my emotions were out of control. “Please Baby…”

” Shh.” She continued spanking.

I started writing this three days ago, but stalled trying to describe what I was experiencing at  this point. I’ve given up. I’ll just mention a couple of things that occurred. As she spanked me the pain became intense, and I realised that I was going to cry. I rolled my head to the side and caught sight of us in the mirror. The tableaux of me over her lap, my red ass in the air, and the determination on her face was the most unreal scene I’ve ever witnessed. I sobbed with a rush of emotion and the tears started.

She immediately pulled me up and held me to her chest. She rubbed my hair while I cried. “Shh Baby. I’m here. You’re a good boy and you were very brave.”

It feels like my whole life has been redefined.

So … that’s all I have time to write about this moment. There’s more to tell but I’m not  sure anyone would be interested. I can try to explain how things have change if I ever figure it out.

I came home from work not coughing. I was taking allergy medicine now, at Lisa’s suggestion. She was on the couch and gave me a bright smile. “Let’s take a bath together, sweetie.”

That meant sex. I’m almost always ready for that. “That sounds good.” I smiled but … something was off. Tension in her face …

Easier to talk after a good bath and sex. “I’ll start the water.” I walked into the master bathroom and turned on the water. I undressed and climbed into the tub. The porcelain of the tub was cold, and the water level was low. I like the contrast. I knew Lisa would wait for it to fill.

She came into the bathroom when I turned off the water. She was wearing sexy underwear, which I’m not describing for readers. Just trust me.

She pulled off her bra slowly, and wasn’t meeting my eye. Then she straightened up as if gathering her courage, and looked right at me. She very slowly removed her panties. I’m not sure if she did it in a sexy manner. I haven’t been to many strip clubs lately. I did get hard though.

Our tub is big and my penis wasn’t in her line of sight. Still, she knew my state and walked over to the tub. She looked down, smiled, and lowered herself in.

We washed each other intimately. It’s always been a favorite of ours. Afterwards I lowered the water level until her pubis was just in the air, then I lathered the area up and shaved it. She liked to be smooth, though I wasn’t certain that wasn’t because she just wanted to keep me smooth. We shaved each other, front and back.

I ran some more hot water in to fix the temperature and water level. I loved, just loved, going down on her after the intimacy of washing and shaving. Which I did. 

She’s gonna read this. She read the last one. She’s not going to be fond of too much detail. Weird things happened, and if I get punished for that, I’ll share what they were lol

After she’d come a few times, she pulled my head up. That was a move that indicated transition into vaginal intercourse, which I was ready for. Except I was wrong. I started sliding up her body, basically planning to align our genitals, but she stopped me at her chest. She wrapped her arms around my head and held it to her breasts.

“I want to ask you something. Do you remember me taking your temperature?”

“And spanking me? Until I cried?” I felt her kind of jerk, and held her tight.

“How did you like me taking your temperature?” 

“And spanking me until I cried?”

She gasped and squirmed, and I held her harder. “I’m not mad about that …”

“Did you like  it though? I want to do more things …”

I was aware that my answer was of significance and was going to affect things from now on. “Um … I’m … why are you asking me? You’ve never asked about trying new things before?”

“When you posted before I read the comments. Some people said I took advantage of you.” She paused. “Did you think I took advantage of you? I wanted to take charge, and maybe control you. So you couldn’t say no. I’m sorry.”

With my head resting between her breasts and her arms wrapped around me, I didn’t have any secrets. “It’s hard for me to tell. I understand why consent and negotiation is an important rule. We didn’t do that. But our relationship … I’m not sure it was necessary, at least as far as we went. It’s complicated, and I’m inexperienced. But I never asked permission to spank you. I’ve been thinking I should have now. I just always assumed you’d have me stop if you didn’t want me to … But one comment mentioned ‘subspace’ and how someone there can’t make proper decisions, so …”

She kind of sighed. “I’ve been worried that I’ve hurt our relationship. I don’t want to do that, ever.” She paused before asking “You’ll tell me if I start to do that?”

“Jesus, of course I will. You’re as important to me as I am to you.”

“Even if you’re in ‘subspace?'”

I pulled my head up, against some resistance from her arms. I think she didn’t want me to see her face. “Are you planning to take me there?” She looked uncomfortable and I let her pull my face back into her breasts.

“Yes. I’ve been wanting to do that. Take charge and control you.”

“By doing what?”

“I’m not entirely sure but I have some ideas. Do you need to know beforehand? Because … it would be better for me if I didn’t tell you. Do you trust me? You never answered my question about whether you liked it.”

“Are we negotiating consent right now?” I asked because I’m a smartass.

“Yes. Now answer my question.”

Now I was glad she couldn’t see my face. She kept rubbing my hair.

“I liked it a lot.” I paused. “I was really embarrassed. I couldn’t believe what you were doing. But … I felt really taken care of.” I could feel my face burning.

She exhaled and pulled me up into a kiss, then reached down and put me into her. “Such a good boy!”

I did feel good. Maybe a little apprehensive, too.

I woke up late because I didn’t go to work. I might have slept longer, except Lisa was sucking on my nipple. She saw I was awake, and when I turned my head her eyes were smiling though her mouth was otherwise occupied.

She reached down and took me into her hand, gently, and became less aggressive on my nipple. She rolled her head into my stomach but kept sucking. I held her head.

She pushed my hands over my head and moved up to kiss my neck. Straddling me, she started delivering hickies starting from my left shoulder and moving downward from left to right. Later I realised she was marking me in ways that wouldn’t show when I was wearing clothes.

She moved down my body, sucking my skin in a track that crossed my chest and stomach, towards my groin. It was painful but incredibly erotic. I squirmed and moaned, but kept my arms raised where she’d positioned them.

She left hickies on both sides of my penis, though she avoided direct contact. She moved down my thighs while I sort of quivered. Reaching my knees she nudged me with her own knee. 

“Roll over baby.”

I obeyed and she squirmed up my body to where she could pull my hair. She bit the back of my neck, using her tongue, gently and sensuously. My mind whirled. 

She began a repeat of the hickey trail she’d left down the front on my body. Back and forth, moving down. When she reached my buttocks she spread them a bit and left marks on the inside of my cheeks, and moved down my thighs. All of this left me immobile, my senses overwhelmed.

“Go shower baby. Use the toilet if you need to.”

I did as she told me, without a word. I wasn’t capable of coherent speech.

When I returned I saw that she’d positioned pillows in the middle of the bed. More significantly, she was wearing a strapon. It was flesh colored and realistic with a large head. 

I had thought we might wind up here ever since she took my temperature rectally, and I was open minded about trying this, but it really looked too big. 

“Baby … that’s too much.”

“It’s gonna be fine. I’ll go slow. Lie down over the pillows.” Her face had an intensity of emotion I’d never seen before. 

I’ve never trusted anyone more than her. Up to and including my mother. I did as she asked, or maybe ordered.

She rearranged my position. “Scooch forward a bit.” I did so, which resulted in my ass pointing directly upward. “Oh God. So beautiful …” Her voice was breathy.

She threw herself onto my back and hugged me. I arched into her, but couldn’t fail to feel her artificial penis resting on me. I’ve been an alpha male my whole life, and I was very aware that things were changing.

“Baby … be careful…” I thought about what I’d said and added, “Please.”

She turned my head and kissed my cheek. “I’m going to take good care of you, my Love.”

When she released my head I went limp. I surrendered to whatever she wanted to do. She slid down and straddled my thighs, which were slightly open. She pushed her legs inward and said, “Put your legs together for me.” I did.

She lay over me. Her breasts were resting on my back. She rubbed my hair and kissed me, breathing hard. “Oh my God …”

Then she sat up and reached for something, which I recognised as our lube when she squeezed it out and it made that fart sound it sometimes makes. She spread it on her strap on. I thought I heard her panting.

Then she spread my cheeks and squirted it on my anus. She worked one, then two fingers into me. I tried to relax.

She asked, “Are you ok baby?”

I could barely speak. “Yes.” 

She moved a bit and I felt her dildo pressing against my anus. It was ok at first but it began to hurt. The head was too big. “Wait … wait …”

She persisted and it popped in, which was a relief, though it still hurt. “I can’t take this, it’s too big.” I was nearly panicking.

She stayed absolutely still. “Can you take it for me, baby?”

Since we’ve been together, I’ve wanted nothing more than to please her. I lay there, my ass throbbing, her hands spreading me open.  “For you.”

She slowly pushed it into me and I moaned. It seemed to take forever. Eventually I felt her hips against my ass cheeks. She was breathing hard.

“My brave boy. You’re a good boy.” She slowly withdrew and then slowly pushed back in, which made me gasp. She started a rhythm of thrusts, picking up speed. She was moaning with desire.

 At first I just endured it for her, but the experience changed from being entirely painful to being painful but also erotic. I think the fact that she was enjoying it so much helped. From experience I knew she was approaching orgasm, which always makes my own happen too.

And … I’ll be honest. The thought of being fucked by her, having her so turned on by doing it, submitting to her …

She came first but I was right behind her. It seemed like I’d never stop spurting, all the while she kept thrusting into me.

Afterward she lay on top of me. “Thank you for letting me do this, baby. I’ve been wanting to fuck you for a long time.”

I took a deep breath. Her dildo still buried in my ass. “You can do anything you want to me. I love you.”

She said, “I’m gonna hold you to that.

I came home from work and Lisa was sitting on the couch. She had a certain look on her face that literally made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I’ve seen that happen to my dog when he was scared.

“What’s up?”

“Will you come to the grocery with me?” An innocent question that didn’t really match the crafty look on her face. 

“Sure. Should I shower first?”

“I don’t know. Are you dirty?” She had a slight smile.

“Not particularly.”

She reached between the sofa cushions and pulled out the rectal thermometer case. “We’ll need to take your temperature first. Take off your clothes and lie down here.” She patted her lap. 

I think I blushed, remembering the first time she took my temperature that way. I’ve never been so embarrassed and humiliated, but the experience was more complicated and confusing than that.

I took a step, then stopped. “Are you going to spank me again?”

“Not unless you don’t do what I tell you.”

I thought about it. There were things I would do for her, but things I wouldn’t. “I need to ask some questions …”

She smiled brightly. “Good! We’ll have something to talk about while I’m taking your temperature.” She patted her lap again.

I started towards her, and started to remove my shirt. 

“Wait! Leave it on. Just walk here.” She sat forward on the cushion. and pointed to a spot in front of her.

I stopped 3 feet before her and waited. She looked me up and down, then stood in front of me.

“Raise your arms.” I did.

She took hold of my shirt from my left and right hips and began pulling it up. She was holding it in a strange way, so that when she cleared my pants her nails scraped up my sides, making me shiver and cringe. 

“Stay still.” She pulled my shirt over my outstretched arms and inspected me. “Those hickies look nice. Want some more?” 

“If you want to give me some, Lisa.”

She tilted my head back and nibbled on my neck, gently enough not to leave a mark that would be visible in public. As she moved down my chest and stomach, she became less careful. It felt like she was drawing blood.

She unbuckled my belt, opened my pants, and pulled them down, slowly, to my knees. Then she hooked her thumbs around my boxer briefs, slowly sliding them down while using the same nail trick she’d used removing my shirt. I think she scratched me deeper this time. I know it hurt longer. She took me into her mouth. I was already hard and might have come in seconds, but she knew the signs and stopped immediately.

Lisa sat down again. “Ok. Let’s get started.”

I started to step out of my pants and shorts, which were bunched around my knees. “Leave them on. It’s cute! Just get over here.” 

I sort of hobbled to her, and tried to lay across her lap. I managed it, but it was not graceful. She had to help. As I was being positioned she guided my penis between her legs. She was wearing jeans and the inseam stitching treated me roughly.

“Maybe next time we do this you don’t wear jeans? They kinda scraped me up.”

“I’ll wear shorts or a nightie next time. Is that all right with you?”

I couldn’t tell if she was being sarcastic.

Once again I found myself ass up over her lap. Face burning. She rubbed my cheeks gently. “You can’t even understand how much I love this view.” She was taking deep breaths that I could both feel and hear. “Let’s check your temperature.”

I heard her open the thermometer case and squirt lube on the thermometer. Spreading my cheeks with her left hand she rubbed it around my anus. She squirted some more there and then began working the thermometer in and out. 

It was incredibly difficult to talk in that position and with what she was doing. I’m not going to keep mentioning this, but during the whole conversation she was sliding the thermometer in and out of me, twirling it the whole time. My sentences were full of gasps and rapid breathing. 

“What’s going on with us, Lisa?” I was kind of panting and squirming. 

“It’s something new and different. Something I want. Don’t you like it?”

I’d had time to ask myself the same question. “I do so far.” I thought some more, which was difficult with the thermometer going in and out of me. “I’m afraid you’ll want too much.”

“I want what I want, but only if you give it to me. You know that, baby.”

“Are we doing femdom from now on?” After she spanked me I’d done done some research.


“Are you planning to degrade me? Call me your slut and a worthless worm?”

She leaned forward and hugged my back. “Of course not! You know I love you!”

“I can’t just give up total control. I’m not built that way.” I said this with my pants and underwear pulled down to my knees while I lay over a woman’s lap as she took my rectal temperature.

“I only want to dominate you when I’m horny.”

I thought about that. “But you’re horny a lot. And anytime you get horny I get horny too.”

“Something you’ll have to deal with.” We’ve been together long enough that I don’t need to see her face to know when she’s smiling.

“What about chastity? I kinda like being able to come.”

“I love when you come, baby. But I might decide when sometimes.”

“Do you want to tie me up?”

“Yes.” She paused. “Maybe gag you. Spank you until you cry again .”

She took the thermometer out and checked it. “No temperature.”

“Can I get up now?”

“No.” She put a finger into me. “Have you heard of anal training?”

“Yes.” Something I’d read about. Even the name of the process is embarrassing.

“I want to train your ass. I want you to let me.” She moved a bit. “Wait, I forgot about this.” She reached between the cushions and brought something out. I heard her lubing it and after she squirted a dollop on my anus.

I felt a smooth violation. The dildo she’d used when she pegged me had a veinous surface and had been painful when she put it in. This one was smaller and smooth, and just slid in without resistance. 

I breathed in and tried to relax. Then I tried to talk. “You seem to really be into my ass … are we going to be doing a lot of this?”

“Yes. Every day.”

“I’m still kind of sore from the last time though. Every day? I’ll always be sore.”

She laughed and turned the vibrator on. I jerked but she held my hips tightly, and started thrusting in and out, really fast and hard. 

My breathe caught in my throat. “Oh, oh … Lisa …” She angled down and the vibrations hit my prostate.”Oh my God …”

I was about to come when she stopped and withdrew the toy. My asshole was clenching. She spread my cheeks and bent over me. “So nice …” She was purring.

“Ready to go to the store?”

“If I can get dressed.”

“Of course you can get dressed. But I’ve got something for you to wear first.” Again she reached between the cushions and pulled something out. I heard her lubing it and moaned. “What now?”

“Something to wear to the grocery.” She started pressing something into me. It was really big. Too big.


“Stop. Stop! It doesn’t fit!” She pushed harder and it slipped inside. Inside, it wasn’t so big, though I felt filled up. “Oh oh …” I was not coherent.

She rubbed my ass for a bit and then pushed me off. “Pull your pants up and let’s go.”

“With this in me?” I was really confused.

“It’s a butt plug. Part of your training.”

“I don’t know if I can walk with that thing in my ass.”

“Of course you can. People do it all the time. Turn around..”. 

I did as she ordered. She sort of tugged the base of the plug and then shoved it all the way in. She kissed me on both cheeks and pulled up my briefs. Then my shorts.

“Let’s go.”

It was really hard to walk. It didn’t help that she kept grabbing my butt and pushing the plug further in. Other times she just swatted my behind with much the same effect. At the grocery I felt like my reactions to her treatment made it entirely obvious what was going on. She was laughing the whole time. I felt insecure and vulnerable.

When we got home I was in a bit of a mental haze. She noticed and became concerned. “Was that too much Baby?”

I hugged her, somewhat desperately. “If we do this you’ve got to protect me. Take care of me.” I almost sobbed.

She hugged me back. “I’m going to take care of you from now on.”

Recently I had a sort of emotional crisis. Lisa had spanked me to tears and pegged me, and later told me fantasies she had of tying me up and beating me. That same day she had me wear a butt plug in public. Being out like that, vulnerable and penetrated, after the love of my life had just discussed her desires to torture me left me feeling very fragile.

Which of course, she knew. She treated me very gently the next few days. Cradling my head in her lap and my rubbing my hair while we watched tv. Being the big spoon at night. Making dinner and doing the dishes, chores we normally shared.  When we made love there was an element there that I can’t explain but made me feel so close to her. She was just so very sweet, and demonstrated her love and care in many ways that i needed. 

I was lying on the couch with my head in her lap, watching Rick and Morty. I wasn’t paying attention and was thinking. She was rubbing my hair and turned me to look up, cradling my cheek. “You look like you’re thinking.” I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but she is entirely capable of reading my mind.

“I have been.”

“Are you ready to talk about it? There’s no rush.”

“No.” I thought some more. “Yes.”

“Take your time, baby. We can talk anytime. I’m not going anywhere.”

It was hard to find the right words. “What I don’t understand … what’s hard for me …” I couldn’t finish the sentence. 

“You’re worried that sometimes I want to hurt you.”

“Oh my god, yes.” I didn’t want to meet her eyes and rolled my head to face the tv. She picked up the remote and turned it off. She kept stroking my head.

“I don’t know why. I didn’t feel that way when we met. I mean, I had some generic fantasies, you know, but nothing specific toward you.”

I snorted. “Well, thanks.”

She laughed. “You know what I mean.”

“I think so.”

She took a deep breath. “I mean, part of it is just sex. Who knows where that comes from? I used to spank my teddy bears and stick things in their bottoms. I’d tell them they were bad and need to be punished. After, I’d hug them and tell them they were good boys. I was really young but it would turn me on.”

“Tell me I’m not a teddy bear to you.” I was joking, but her answer was a surprise.

“In a way, you kind of are.”

“Can you explain that?”

“I’m not sure, baby. I kind of projected personalities on them. And relationships between us. How much I loved them, but enjoyed punishing them. That’s pretty much how I feel about you.”

She thought a bit. “The best part is that you let me do those things. You’re blushing and nervous, and sometimes in pain, but you’re so devoted to me that you accept what I’m doing to you.”

She turned my face up and waited for me to meet her eyes. “It’s something I want but I want you more. If you don’t want to let me have that I understand.”

It took me a while to be able to speak, and even then I had to turn my head. “I feel the same way. Maybe I mean the opposite way. I want to give you everything you want.”

She started to say something but I interrupted. “Let me finish, please …”

I tried to find the right words. “It’s not like what we’ve been doing doesn’t turn me on. All I can think about lately is sex.”

She made a soft noise of satisfaction. 

“And … it makes me proud when I obey you like that. I’ve never felt this way before. A year ago I would have laughed if someone said what I’d allow my wife to do to me.” I struggled to find the right words and failed miserably. “I love you enough to take it.” I hesitated and finished, “I want you to do those things to me.” I was blushing again.

“Come here, baby.” She pulled me up and we came face to face. ” I’m proud of you too. Never doubt how much I love you.”

We kissed. My new life began.

When I got home from work the front room was dark, lights off and curtains drawn. It took a bit for my eyes to adjust but I noticed a flickering light coming from the dining room. I walked over, maybe a bit slowly. I’d had a recent emotional episode. Lisa had gentled me through it, but I think I was still a bit fragile.

Looking around the door jam I saw our dining room table had a white tablecloth on it, with a bouquet of flowers that were surrounded by candles. There were empty plates and folded napkins. Lisa was sitting at the head of the table, wearing an absolutely stunning dress that I’ve never seen before. She smiled at me and said, “I’m so glad you made it to our date. I was afraid you might change your mind.” The exact words I’d said the first time we met in person.

I smiled back. “There was no chance I wouldn’t come to meet you. After our texts?” Pretty close to her first words to me.

She looked happy that I’d remembered.”Go shower baby. Put on a suit. This is a nice restaurant.” She paused, and added, “Or you could wear a pretty dress …”

I laughed. “We don’t own a dress that I could fit into.” Because I’m taller than her and have shoulders. And muscles.

“We do now.” Her grin was slightly evil. “Whichever you prefer. The dress is hanging in your closet.”

I showered and opened the closet, and sure enough there was an evening gown that looked to be my size. I chose my pinstriped charcoal suit. Things have recently been escalating, as far as our sex life goes but I wasn’t ready to wear a dress.  “Maybe next time,” I thought, remembering the first Iron Man movie.

When I returned to the dining room she pulled out my chair. “Sit here, sweetheart.” I did. She pushed it in and ruffled my hair. “You’re so cute.”

I had to protest. “There’s no way I was that creepy on our first date.”

She laughed. “You weren’t creepy at all. But I feel like creeping on you.”

“Aw jeez.” She’d been expanding my sexual boundaries since the quarantine, and this was clearly going somewhere.

She served wine and dinner, all the while flirting and touching me on the hands and shoulders. Every now and then she’d touch my face, cradling my cheeks. She kept complimenting me on my appearance, generally taking a masculine role. It was entertaining, though a bit alarming. She’s been surprising me a lot lately, and some of the surprises have been painful. I became a bit tipsy.

When we finished eating she insisted I order dessert. I made a joke about my waistline, and she said, “Your waistline is perfect. I think you’re very sexy.” She handed me a printed menu with several items on it. I ordered the cheesecake. 

After we finished dessert she asked me if I wanted to go to a club. I told her that they were probably closed by now. 

She agreed. “I’ll just take you home then.” She stood and helped me up, then gave me her arm and walked us to the bedroom.

When we got there she stood on the steps that lets our geriatric dog climb into bed. She pulled me into her. The height difference between us was similar to our actual difference, but reversed. With an arm around my waist and one behind my head, she kissed me. I want to say “she kissed me deeply,” because her tongue was exploring my tonsils.

She broke the kiss and put her face into the hollow of my neck. “I want to make love to you, baby.” Her voice was breathy.

“I want you to make love to me too.” I remembered something she’d said on our first date. “Are you going to think I’m a slut?”

“I think you’re wonderful.” She pulled off my coat and flung it towards a corner. “If you’re a slut then I am too. I want you so bad.” I remember saying those very words.

She unbuttoned my shirt slowly, leaning into my chest and breathing heavily. When she got to the bottom button she undid my belt and opened my pants, pulling down my fly. “Put your shoulders back.” She pulled off my shirt and threw it  in the direction of my jacket.

I guess there’s really no point in further describing how she undressed me, but soon I was naked, while she was still fully dressed. She spun me around and pushed me down onto the bed, throwing herself on top of me. She pinned my hands above my head and kissed me. 

She kissed me for a long time. Gently at times and forcefully at others. All the while rubbing my face, chest and hips. I’ve never been kissed like that. I can’t describe how I felt. I was putty in her hands.

Eventually she sat up. I was blinking in confusion. “Let me go get changed. I’ll be right back.”

I just lay there in a haze. The wine and eroticism had me limp. I don’t know how long she was gone but eventually she came back. “You ready baby?

I opened my eyes. She was standing next to the bed, naked except for a dildo harness, containing a dildo. Unlike the one she’d used to peg me the first time, this one was reasonably sized. Almost a copy of my penis.

She crawled into the bed and lay on top of me, her penis resting on my stomach. She began kissing me again, forcefully. This went on for some time. I held her while she kissed me, with my legs wrapped around her buttocks.

Straddling me she said, “I’m going to fuck you now.” She pulled a small bottle of lube from her harness and coated her dildo with it. 

I wasn’t really thinking straight. “Do you want me to roll over?” When she’d pegged me before I’d been face down.

“Oh no baby. Stay just like you are.” She slid down my body. She grabbed a pillow and pushed it under my hips. It raised my ass very slightly.

She put a wet finger into my ass. Very slowly and gently. Then she lined up the dildo and inserted it.

I won’t say it didn’t hurt. It hurt. But she was very careful and slow. I groaned and turned my head to the side.

She took hold of my head and turned me to look at her. “I want to see your face.”

Eventually she buried her copy of my cock in my ass. Unlike the first time she pegged me, the primary sensation wasn’t pain, though pain was there. This time it was … I don’t know what it was. She was holding me by the back of the head and staring into my eyes, and I was totally hers. I’ve never loved anyone so much.

She plunged in and out, with my penis flopping around. I was moaning and gasping, and kept trying to turn my head, which she didn’t allow. “Look at me, baby.”

I had to look at her. Her face was hard to read. “Do you like this?”

I had to tell the truth. “I’ve never loved you more. I’m yours.”

I was laying with my head in Lisa’s lap watching Picard while she rubbed my head. We’ve both performed lap service to each other but ever since my little freakout she’s been the lap provider, every night.

“How do you feel, baby?”

“I’m ok. Little tired.” I’d been about to doze off, actually.

“We’ve been doing some different things sexually. How do you feel about that?”

I laughed. “You know exactly how I feel. I know you’re reading my posts on Reddit.” I paused. “Maybe not all of my feelings are there …”

“What’s not there?”

I rolled face up to look at her. “This is just so strange for me. When I was 3 I was more masculine than I feel lately. I disobeyed my parents my whole life, and now I just let you do anything you want to me. I used to be an alpha male. What am I now?”

She was smoothing my hair starting from my forehead to the crown of my head. “You’re still my alpha male. It’s why I love this new stuff so much.”

“I don’t really understand that.”

“If you were weak, how would I enjoy being in charge of you? You’re like a giant lion that I’ve successfully hunted.”

“You’d never kill a lion.”

“I’d never kill you either.” 

“Well, that’s good to know. There need to be certain limits.”

She laughed. “But, you’ve enjoyed yourself, right?”

It’s embarrassing to admit submissive feelings for me. I rolled back to face the tv. “Most of it. I had a hard time when you made me wear that butt plug to the grocery store.” Long pause. “That fucking giant butt plug.”

She laughed. “It’s not that big. You’re just not used to things in your behind.”

“No kidding.”

“It was too much too soon. I should have waited. I’ll wait until you’re ready next time.”

I felt a chill down my back. “You’re going to make me do that again?”

She ignored that sentence. “I’ve been very gentle with you since. I was worried about you.”

“You’ve been so sweet. I’ve never felt so much love in my life.” I searched for words and failed miserably. “I love you so much,” was the best I could come up with.

“I feel that way too, baby.” She kept rubbing my hair. “Are you ready for me to be less gentle?”

I kind of jerked but she held my head to her lap. “What, now?” The sudden rush of apprehension was an emotion that I was unused to. I’m a pilot, and once, crossing Lake Ponchartrain inbound to New Orleans Lakefront airport I’d run a fuel tank dry. It only took a few seconds for my engine out procedure to wind up switching to the other wing tank, but during that interval, I’d felt much the same way.

“Not now. After the episode.”

“Oh Jesus.” I trembled a bit.

“I’m kidding, baby. But you’re so cute when you’re scared.”

I felt myself blushing. She kept doing that to me. “Thank you. I think I need time to prepare …”

“Prepare for tomorrow,” she said.

If you like this there will be more … check my profile in case I don’t 
