Florida Man X El Crocodilo: A Revenge Story Part 2

So as I was saying, it was time to annihilate El Crocodilo’s bloodline. Like the alligator forged in the fires of mount clapass itself that was currently laying before me, I proceeded to go absolute sicko mode on some fuckin croco’s. I turned to midgemong, thinking he would be lubricated axle in between a mexican mans left quadricep easy, however the beast was not easily skewered, as he realeased the primordial ooze from his pouch. After squeezing my double roided triple fist right handed semi sore beating tool tighter than a hydraulic press, I completely obliterated the beast, by dropping 457 lbs of your dead weight onto the animal. My scapula was still torn into the shape of an amsterdam strippers spine, but I had smoten the beast.

So like I was saying I started triple fisting midgemong, El Crocodilo’s youngest, and then out of nowhere that fuckin bitch Barole Baskin leaps into the air and starts doing some weird ritualistic dancing shit so I beat the fuck out of her and feed her to senor gomez who just fucking obliterates her almost as bad as those tigers obliterated her husband. Like I mean HOLY FUCK. My quest to end the bloodline of el crocodilos continued, and it started with his second youngest, Gregorny. I blasted the holy fucking shit out of Gregorny before you know it he started fucking doing this crazy karate clonic and snorting about 35 kilos of ketamine. Now because of the ketamine, he completely ceased to feel pain. He charged at me so I pulled out my .22 plinkster and dumped a mag directly into his left obliquelar. The rounds were completely deflected by by my man Gregorny’s strong core, cause hes been an avid subscriber to 6 minute abs. So I shoved my hand up his ass and pupppeted him.

So essentially after I started violently slurping on Gregorny and subsequently ending his life I moved on to El Crocodilo’s middle child, George. Now, my main man Gregorny had a core stronger than the center of the solar system but as they say “blessed is he who skippeth not the day of legs”.My man george’s leg game was stronger then a Karens persistance to see the manager and look how the turn tables.in our battle George started blasting me. Jesus christ his blastor game is STRONG.But mine was stronger. I threw a triple rounded double shin nerve ending ttiple quadquintile seizure at my man’s thoracolumbarfascia. This was not the end . Joe Exotic recently released from prison saw Barole Caskin after her blasting and started screaming racial obscenities. As Joe dispatched Barole, I swiftly threw my sternum into George’s left Achilles heel. He fell, dying in pain. I the clear dominate alfa male, made george taste my breast milk. He was not smoten, but he was touched by his uncle.

So after I promptly castrated my fated elated crock gregorny, george, and midgemong, I turned to the second eldest, El trabajo extrano. Do trabajo extrano was a bat outta west compton or some shit cause he was Fuckin ROIDED. My mans got an adductor longus two times the width of George’s thoracolumbar fascia. I lept into the arena and trabajo extrano started bleating tons of Nazi propaganda that is really just not appropriate for the children. I jumped on my So Trabajo Extrano’s left adductir magnus. I wrapped around to try and leg my man but he wouldnt stop injecting horse tranqualizer. Not knowing what to do, I threw a vertical upside down thoracombastic intragluteal magnocentrineic extrenuous haymaker at my mans left mentalis. I started to lift up so trabajo extrano in that fake wwe bullshit type move when he thrust himself downward and started to rotate.RAPIDO. To decelerate the crock, I pulled out my 9 and dumped 8 mags into his obliquelars. I then, ate his penis.

So after I dispatched of el trabajo extrano, i moved on to the eldest, mjörñ H éìdb Ë Ç k Ë Ñ. Now his tricep hame is the strongest in West county Virginia. I blasted him eight times, molested his preacher, dumped a mag of 418 into his left ballsack and ate his offspring. It had been done. Howsver my quest was not over. Joe exotic, still spewing racial obscenities, was unable to over power Barole caskin and her millions of dollars in drug money. I formed an alliance with joe, ergo I became his 5th husband, and went to go get that animal rights bitch left obliquelet. We lept into the scene, joe exotic started to blast every non payed cool cat and kitten in the vicinity with a 20 gauge whilst I drop kicked the hole ballsack out of Barole Caskin. She grew claws and sprouted cat ears like some weird furry shit and thats just the scum of the earth. After refreshing myself by drinking my own lactate, I pounced upon Barole and beat her ass

Stay tuned for part 3

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gc11a3/florida_man_x_el_crocodilo_a_revenge_story_part_2