Visiting Anna – 04 Fireplace drinks with some friends

Part 1: [](

Part 2: [](

Part 3: [](

After our fun, we were in need of a shower. Anna went first as I just wanted to lay in bed and enjoy the moment a little longer. I did not think I would even sleep in this bed tonight, let alone be laying naked in it. I could barely believe what happened. Anna left the door open, and I could hear her hum a tune as the shower washed our mess off of her. With a grin on my face, I thought it was time for me to start getting ready. Apparently, I was going to be meeting Anna’s two friends that she plans on persuading me to sleep with as well. I needed a shower, and definitely needed to brush my teeth.

After cleaning myself off, I took the towel from a rack in the bathroom and tied it around my waist. I still hadn’t unpacked, so all my clothes were still in my suitcase. Anna was in the kitchen putting together a go bag for a fireplace drink/dinner session. She packed meat skewers, sausages, buns, lettuce, tomatoes, and a few other things. Beer and wine were already at the door in their own bag. She stood there facing away from me wearing nothing but a towel over her hair. Her round ass looked too tempting not to slap. Damn she was gorgeous. Her back was slim and toned in a slightly hourglass form. Her thighs were more muscular, but they only accentuated her beauty. I walked up to her and gave her right cheek a solid slap, keeping my hand on it for a squeeze.

Anna turned around to face me. She smiled at me before standing on her tiptoes for a kiss. Looking down, her smile dissipated.

“Well, now that we had sex…” She teased looking back up at me. “I should tell you that clothing in this apartment is optional.”

“Is this a general rule, or only for those that you slept with?” I asked as I reached for my towel. It did not take long to take it off and throw it over my shoulder.

“Ah, now that’s better, isn’t it?” Anna asked, reaching to the side. With a slap on my ass, she giggled and said “It’s a little bit of both actually. Now go unpack and put some actual clothes on. We have 20 minutes till we need to be out the door!”

It took Anna a bit longer than me to get ready. I threw on some fitted black jeans, and a blue polo. Anna did her hair, makeup and put on some leggings, and a light shirt. Once again, she wasn’t wearing a bra, as I could see her breasts sway with each step. We were going to wear jackets, so for now, only the two of us knew.

“I’m still a little buzzed from the wine. How far is this fireplace we are heading to?” I asked as Anna grabbed her jacket. I got mine on as well, and picked up the heavier bag.

“Oh, It’s just around the corner, and down the street.” She said, as we got out the door. “Lana has a garden outside the village, and already has the fire started.” She locked up, and we started to head down the street. It wasn’t that chilly at night, but i was happy that we had our jackets on.

We arrived at the garden, and the fire was in full swing. I could see two shadows blocking the light of the fire as we walked in.

“Lana! Hanna!” Anna shouted at them. The shadows turned around, and stood up.

“Anna. You’re late!” Came the voice of the left shadow.

“Sorry, I needed a shower and put some food together for Chris and I.” Anna explained. “So Chris, this is Lana.” She pointed to the now visible face on the left. “And this is Hanna.” She pointed to the face on the right.

“So, Anna…” I said slowly. “The three of you are… Anna, Lana and Hanna?” Anna nodded while Lana and Hanna started to giggle. I decided to let the similar names go as this was the first time meeting Anna’s friends.

“Yes, people mix us up a lot, and it can lead to some confusion!” Hanna said, realizing I was a little taken back.

“But Let’s eat, and have some wine!” Lana shouted as she came over to give us both a hug.

After some food, and getting to know each other a bit, I took the time to look closer at the three ladies sharing the fire with me. Anna had long brown hair and was quite hot. Lana had blond hair that rested on her shoulders. She had blue eyes, and I would describe her face as quite cute in an attractive way. Hanna had red curly hair, and a very pretty face with freckles. Despite the difference in looks, they seemed quite similar. They were all hot.

“Alright.” Anna blurted as she noticed conversation was dying down a little. “Chris, do you know any drinking games?” She asked with a cheeky smile.

“Well have you heard of 21?” I asked looking around the fireplace.

“Tell us how to play.” Hanna replied.

“Well, we go around and count, raising our hands crossed in front of us for each number. For the first 7, the next person’s turn is the one that the top arm is pointing to. Then we switch, and it is the bottom hand for the next 7, and at 21 the person it lands on gets to make up a new rule! Of Course if someone messes up, they have to drink! And we start again from 1” I explained the rules as the three sat and listened intently.

“Oh the rule sounds fun!” Anna said sneakily. “Let’s do this!”

The girls picked up the game quickly, but at 8 there were a lot of mix ups. This was a great game to get people drunk. It took us 6 tries, but we did end up at 21, and Lana got to make the first rule.

“Every even number has to clap before giving the direction.” She said, pretty proud of herself. It took a few rounds to get this one right as well, but we finally got to 21 again. This time it was Anna’s turn to make a rule.

“Alright!” Anna said giddily. “Whenever someone gets to 21, they have to point to two people…” She continued, but waited till she had our undivided attention. “And those two have to kiss!” Lana, Hanna and I all laughed.

“Well, here is to an interesting rule!” Lana said, raising her glass. We all drank and started the next round.

Everyone seemed a little more focused now. It was a competition to see how fast we could get to 21, and everyone wanted to get there quickly. The quicker speed made us slip up a few times, but we got to the end quite eventually. Anna got the number 20, clapped, and pointed to me. With a grin on my face, I pointed to Hanna and Anna. The two gasped and stared at me in disbelief. Anna got her composure quickly and gave me a wink. She took a sip of her wine and stood up. Leaning over, she placed her hands on Hanna’s knees and bent down for a kiss. Hanna looked up at her and placed her hand behind Anna’s neck. The two did not only kiss, but made out for a few seconds as Lana and I watched. Seeing the woman I just fucked make out with another woman turned me on more than I thought it would. I instantly had a hard on. Anna sat back down and after a quick lick of her lips turned to me.

“So what is your new rule?” She asked, taking my attention back to the game.

“Well, what about…” I tried to buy time as I finalized the rule I was thinking about. “Whoever messes up, has to stand up and let the others slap, or grab their ass.”

“To another great rule!” Hanna shouted as we all took a sip of our drink.

In the next round, Lana messed up at 4. She forgot to clap, and had to stand up to make the round. Hanna gave her a hard slap on her right ass cheek. Anna gave her a hard slap on the left ass cheek. As she came to me, I stood up to face her, and placed both hands on her cheeks, and gave them a tight squeeze. The game turned into one of punishment, where a spanking was almost sought after. The night was getting a little late. Anna made out with Hanna. Hanna made out with Lana twice. And all three made out with me. Their lips tasted the same, a mixture of honey, cherry and strawberry lip balm. However we were almost out of drinks, and we were close to being drunk.

“Alright!” Exclaimed Lana. “We are out of food, and almost out of drink!” She continued. “I say the next winner…” She took a look at each of us before finishing. “… gets to decide where we go next!”

We were all focused now. Or tried to be. I had my ass grabbed by the round twice. Hanna three times. But we finally got to the end. 21 landed on me, so I pointed to myself and Anna. We both stood up and took a step to each other. With our hands on each other’s ass, we made out for a good amount of time. Her lips were soft, and her grab on me was strong. We took so long that Lana had to interrupt us.

“So where are we going?” Lana asked, forcing us to stop. I looked at Anna and whispered so only she could hear.

“You do have the most interesting ‘general’ rule I know.” With that I turned to Lana and Hanna and proudly said. “Off we go. To Anna’s!” Hanna jumped up in excitement, but quickly sat back down.

“Oh, I think I drank a little too much.” She said quietly. With a sad look on her face, she shook her head. “I think I’ll head home.” We packed our things. Put out the fire, and started on our way. Hanna walked in the other direction to get to her place. Lana skipped up to Anna and me. She threw her arms around us for a long hug before whispering.

“Looks like it’s just the three of us tonight!”
