Tales of Erodale – Chapter 7 – [Fantasy, Futa, Rough, Creampie, Domination, Throatfuck]

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Rose strode forth through Ariela’s castle with full power and full confidence. She could not wait to fight Ariela, free Belind and bring an end to the darkness that threatened Erodale. After hours of exploring the wicked castle, she finally opened up a heavy iron door and found her target. Seated in a simplistic throne in another dungeon room was Ariela. Flanking both sides of the dark queen were two hulking guards in black and gold armor with raven motifs, similar to the armor the Raven Queen wore.

“This should be entertaining. Try not to ruin her face too much. I want to be able to display her proudly to anyone else with a trace of treason in their body.” Ariela said in a carefree manner that sounded like each word was a treat she was delivering to her guards.

The first guard hefted his sword from his shoulder and charged in towards Rose. He led his offensive with a wide swing at her shoulder that Rose easily rolled under. By then, the second guard and his flailing mace were in position. Folding her arms, Rose cast a fire shield that not only bounced the mace back towards the guard, but also superheated the metal of the weapon. The horned sphere smashed back into the guard, piercing and burning his flesh while Rose wheeled around to fend off her initial attacker. Anger flared in the guard’s motions and his sword flashed forward once again. The blade moved swiftly and clipped Rose’s shoulder. Steel cut flesh and the force of the attack sent Rose turning. The skilled sorceress let her body bend into the motion and then she dropped to her knee and struck out both her hands with the edge of her palms connecting. As her flesh joined, she curled her fingers to focus the incredible power manifesting through her body.

Blazing fire suddenly emerged out of the thin air mere centimeters from Rose’s flesh. The fire was not red, but blue and more powerful than even the most fearsome inferno. Rose cast out the stream of blue fire and watched with satisfaction as it smashed into the guard with the sword. The man was cooked in his own armor. To Rose’s surprise, he didn’t let out a scream but quickly did fall back as the flames seared steal and flesh. Ariela looked at both of her defeated guards in disgust.

“I will have to condition my guards even more if these two were defeated so easily.” Ariela said before she her throne and took a step forward. Rose watched her enemy with a sharp gaze.

“It’s over Ariela. Justice and truth are on my side. Give me Belind, and I promise you will be locked away instead of killed for your crimes.” Rose said boldly while keeping a spell ready for Ariela.

“Hah, is it a crime for the strong to rule the weak? I am sure there are dozens out there in Belind’s kingdom who rejoice because they have me. I am the stronger choice and will lead Erodale with strength far beyond that weakling. Not that it matters. Once I am done with you, I’ll strap you up and parade you around the capitol. Once the people see you, naked, exposed and defeated, no one will dare oppose my rule.” With her victory near, speaking about such a sight was more delicious to Ariela than a meal prepared by her finest chefs.

“Where is Belind?” Rose replied curtly.

“Why do you persist Rose? Surely you can see that there is enough of Erodale for us to share. Do not tell me you’ve never thought about it. Serve under me, I’ll even give you Belind, he’s quite boring in most aspects. With your powers you would provide an adequate subordinate.” Ariela said as her dark form stood close to Rose.

Rose kept her gold eyes on Ariela but unfortunately, with everything that she had gone through to rescue Belind, her mind did ponder the possibilities. Belind had the proper claim and while Ariela was evil, perhaps, with Rose and her power beside her, Rose could wheel Ariela towards using her powers to improve Erodale.

Of course, the instant that Rose was even slightly distracted, Ariela burst into action. Suddenly a cloud of dark ravens appeared in between the two. The murder of sharp-beaked birds raced in towards Rose. She expended the spell she had prepared for Ariela on the first set of dark birds but where two or three fell it felt like dozens more took their place. When they struck her body, their talons and beaks cut and slashed across her skin and clothes. Pain blossomed throughout her body, but Rose managed to concentrate and created a shield that deflected the remaining featherbrains attacking her. Too late, she saw Ariela racing forward to follow her initial attack. The Raven Queen lunged in at Rose with a dark black blade with a shiny purple hilt. Ariela’s first strike glanced off Rose’s shield and then she turned around and swiftly kicked the younger woman in the chest.

The shield cushioned the blow, but it was strong enough to send the sorceress tumbling. As Rose fell back, Ariela’s armored fingers reached out and grabbed the young woman around her neck. Magic flickered across Rose’ body as plenty of the energy she had gained from earlier was somehow absorbed by Ariela’s better mastery of the mystical arts. Rose crossed her hands and then swept her hands up to break the grip of her enemy. Successful, she drew back and prepared to counter Ariela’s attack. Falling back a few more steps to get some room, Rose sent her hands out once again and instantly sent out a score of missiles brimming with deadly magic. The spears of golden light soared out from her hands before smashing into Ariela’s black and gold armor. Armor fashioned to look like a bird’s wing broke apart and revealed the raven-haired woman’s right breast while the other magic missiles collided with her hip guard and left shoulder.

“You will pay dearly for such damage Rose. Though I must admit I am glad you are at least able to put up a bit of a fight, this ends now!” Very quickly Ariela’s sword flashed once again, much faster than the first time. The sharp edge cut off parts of the newest outfit that Rose had acquired since coming to Ariela’s fortress. Just like her foe, soon parts of Rose’s lovely body were revealed. The redheaded sorceress quickly pulled back to avoid another strike and then prepared her magic for one last attack against the Raven Queen.

“I will not allow you to defeat me!” Rose called out as magical fire gathered at the tips of her fingers. After that, she quickly flew her separate hands in a quick set of intricate patterns. Lines of bright light crisscrossed the area in front of her. Rose was just about to unleash the storm of her angelic power when Ariela leapt forth with her hand close to her blade. Purple energy suddenly burned up the length of the deadly sword and then the queen took the hilt in both hands. With a hissing growl, Ariela smashed the sword down through the spell that Rose was preparing. The golden lines of light shattered into a hundred pieces in front of Rose. Worse, the sword slashed her left forearm and sent her stumbling back.

Crashing back, Rose’s yellow eyes looked angrily towards Ariela. She was slightly angry at herself of course, if she had just been a little quicker, she would have been able to cast the spell and weaken the terrible woman. Rose realized too late she should have found Cadence before tackling such a powerful enemy.

Ariela stood over Rose triumphantly. “You really thought you’d be able to defeat me? I’m almost insulted Rose.” The dark-haired vixen declared before she used her dark magic to make her sword disappear. When the blade vanished, two sets of chains made of pure darkness came down from the ceiling. Under Ariela’s direction, the chains made of dark energy sailed down and latched themselves onto Rose’s hands. They quickly stared pulling up her body until Rose’s arms were suspended above her head while Ariela removed the rest of Rose’s outfit with skillful cuts of her sword. One extra chain of darkness wrapped around the soft flesh of Rose’s neck. The links of black energy didn’t seem designed to choke her, but Rose felt her ability to conjure new spells being blocked by the bonds that Ariela had locked her up in.

“You’re powerful Rose… just not powerful enough to take me down. Hopefully, you will see that your place will always be below me.” Ariela smiled and reached out her hand to stroke against Rose’s chin and cheek. “I think that it is only fair that you receive some punishment before I give you a chance to prove that you might be useful to me. Who knows how many soldiers I’m going to have to replace thanks to you…” Ariela said, her sharp features changing to give Rose a cruel and yet somehow seductive smile as she started removing some of her clothing. When she got to parts of her armor and clothing that had been damaged by Rose’s magical attack, Ariela seemed to take special care as she removed such articles. Soon enough, the Raven Queen stood naked in front of Rose. Like the redheaded sorceress, Ariela’s skin was smooth as silk and her pussy was clean shaven as well… Rose simply just glared towards the dark queen while she awaited her punishment.

“It doesn’t matter what you do to me. If you let me live, I will escape and do everything in my power to bring you down.” Rose growled out while she remained suspended by the dark chains hanging from the ceiling of the room. Ariela’s green eyes glowed with dark energy before she moved a hand back down towards the smooth flesh of her pussy. Before Rose’s eyes, she watched as purple magical power started connecting between Ariela’s fingers and her pussy. The flesh of the woman changed and Rose watched with growing nervousness as she saw something elongating while Ariela’s fingers continued moving to drive the magic of her spells.

In a matter of seconds, a prodigious cock hung low from Ariela’s flesh. Rose’s body could not help but be stimulated by the sight. The thrill of pleasure that winked through her pussy was a welcome reprieve from the dull ache of being hung up by her arms. When she felt the pleasure moving through her body, the lovely redhead woman quickly turned her gaze from Ariela’s magically created penis.

“I think I’d prefer to keep you alive. Of course, I must test you out. No sense holding onto a pleasure slave who gives me no pleasure…” Ariela said before she quickly moved in towards Rose’s unguarded form and reached out her hand to squeeze and rub on Rose’s lovely pink nipples. The sorceress’ nipples hardened despite the discomfort she was still feeling. Rose was tired and worn out from exploring the castle and having come so close only to be defeated by Ariela. She knew she couldn’t give into the wicked bitch’s pleasure but as Ariela skillfully stroked her fingers all over Rose’ nipples and the soft flesh of her breasts, it was becoming harder and harder for her to resist.

“Nrrnnnahh… stop this at once. Just kill me. I failed my duty to my friend. There is no point to keeping me around… Nuuwraaahh!!!” Rose cried out as Ariela leaned in and started licking and sucking all over Rose’s exposed nipples and tits. As hard as Rose could fight against the lust growing in her body, she knew that Ariela was only just starting to toy with her.

Ariela smiled each time Rose let out a few words to try to get her to just dispatch the bothersome sorceress. The redhead’s words rolled off her flesh like rain off a roof. She would not be deterred and as she continued pinching and kneading Rose’s hot pink flesh, Ariela could feel the magic of her self-created cock starting to brighten as her own lust built up. Slowly but surely, the already large cock that she had created started to harden like any other man’s cock would in the situation. As her length grew to its full size, the area behind her crown rubbed up against Rose’s pussy while the large crown was wedged in between the sorceress’ legs.

Ariela felt some of her precum drip out and slide down the inside of Rose’s leg while the Raven Queen’s cock throbbed with even more vigor.

Rose licked her lips as her sexual hunger brightened each time she felt the cock throbbing in between her thighs. She no longer spoke out against the dreadful queen as her body continued to warm up. She barely felt the pain in her arms when Ariela gripped her hard meat and started sliding the large tip of her cock against Rose’s wet pink pussy lips. The instant that the hard-warm flesh rubbed up against Rose’s sensitive vaginal opening, her entire body shivered.

“Do your worst Ariela…” Rose growled out before Ariela swiftly leaned her body forward and penetrated Rose’s tight pussy with her giant magical cock. In an instant, Rose felt and watched as the head of Ariela’s cock drilled into the wet pink depths of her pussy.

“Owaaahhhh!!!” Rose cried out as her entire body was lit up by the sudden warm pressure pushing nice and deep inside her pussy. Her mind felt fuzzy at first as her sensitive passageway was widened out all around Ariela’s impressive cock. Rose had been fucked by some larger cocks before, some even inside of Ariela’s castle, yet somehow this one felt different.

The redheaded sorceress figured that it was because the cock was a magical creation of the Raven Queen’s incredible power. Quickly enough, the strain and pleasure became so much that Rose couldn’t think about anything other than the sensation of Ariela’s nice thick cock drilling its way deeper and deeper into Rose’s pink cunny. She was already feeling her willpower leave her in droves and the sorceress fervently wished Cadence might make a surprise entrance and stop Ariela in such an exposed moment, maybe after Rose came of course.

Soon enough, Ariela decided that she wanted to change things up a bit. She smiled cruelly and then quickly pulled her cock free of Rose’ spasming pussy. The violent tone of the departure sent the sorceress into a sudden outrage of pain and pleasure. Her body felt empty without the big juicy cock drilling her pussy. She hated how bad her pussy yearned for Ariela’s cock. Rose knew she should have tried turning her body or leaning her form back. Unfortunately, her body was already in dire need of cumming and she desperately wanted Ariela’s cock back inside her pussy.

Ariela was not about to give Rose what she wanted, at least not immediately. With another simple magic command, the black chains moved and were joined by another set that locked themselves around Rose’s ankles. The chains moved her naked form and then Ariela moved her body around so that her giant cock was now positioned at Rose’ mouth. At that moment, Rose was still trembling while her breath came out in half moans and jagged breaths.

Without warning, Ariela grabbed Rose’s neck and head and pulled her forward on the chains until the Raven Queen pressed her thick cock into a new hole on the beautiful redheaded sorceress. The air was completely drawn from Rose’s lungs as the thick cock that had been invading her pussy started driving its way nice and deep into her throat. Rose’s throat was nice and tight for Ariela’s cock and the sorceress ended up using her tongue to play and savor the incredible taste of the cock now drilling along the passage of her horny throat. As the Raven Queen continued savagely throat-fucking Rose, both of the women started getting closer and closer to their release.

When she’d fucked Rose’s throat enough, Ariela swiftly returned to her pussy. With one more adjustment to the magical chains, Rose ended up back on the floor in the position of a bitch in heat as Ariela rammed her hips forward once again. The incredible cock that had sprouted out from Ariela’s flesh was now rubbing against the deepest points of the sorceress’ body.

Rose barely had the energy to moan out and soon some of her sounds were more bestial than human as Ariela’s prick continued shaping Rose’s pussy to perfectly fit its impressive girth.

“Nouwaahhh… nowah… cumm… you’re going to make me cum… cumawaaahhh!!!” Rose cried out as her body suddenly locked in around the cock pumping its way into her most sensitive reach. Her eyes rolled up in her head while Ariela’s sharp fingernails dug into the soft meat of her hips. Ariela let out a hissing moan as Rose’s pussy locked in all around her cock. The magical connection between her body and the cock sent her mind into a ravished state before she started cumming deep within Rose’s core. As the two women came, Ariela moaned out and tightened her rip on Rose’s flesh as she spilled her first few shots of white-hot cum into Rose’s womb. The cruel Raven Queen made Rose gasp as once more she pulled out the long cock and spent a few more of her rounds all over Rose’s back and asscheeks. As Ariela slowly relaxed, Rose was beside herself with sexual pleasure and achiness. Her pussy had been utterly ravished by Ariela and the constant repositioning had her arms feeling like they were about to fall out of their sockets. Still, she did not faint and did her best to enjoy the pleasure and the respite as Ariela laughed over her naked body.

“That was quite invigorating.” Ariela said with an evil smirk. A quick spell and wave of her hand across her naked body cleaned up all the sweat and Rose’s sexual juices that had coated the dark queen’s manifested cock. With a sweep of purple magic, she was clean as a whistle. After moving in front of Rose she used her magic to change the poor sorceress’ position once again. The redheaded beauty was put back into her first place with her arms stretched towards the ceiling, only now her pussy leaked out Ariela’s cum with more of the Raven Queen’s magical seed slowly running along her back.

“I definitely think that I will keep you as one of my slaves Rose. But I had almost forgotten, your foolish mission here didn’t just involve you. Sophia… bring her in.” Ariela declared back towards a heavy door set behind her. The door opened slowly, and Rose’s golden eyes widened as she saw a lovely girl coming in. Beside her in a set of heavy cuffs came Rose’s friend, Cadence…

Next Chapter –


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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gbqv4h/tales_of_erodale_chapter_7_fantasy_futa_rough