Losing my virginity

He was 29 and I was 17. Yes, I was that young.? We knew each other because he lived in the neighborhood. I didn’t really like him because he was probably too popular. I think you know that kind of guy who is known by everybody, everybody likes him but actually, you don’t have any idea what kind of person he is. So, that was Joe.

One day, I was on the way home from school and I had had a horrible day. I don’t quite remember why, but I know I was very sad. It was wintertime, it was cold, it was dark, I felt miserable. Then suddenly a car stopped next to me. It was Joe and he offered me a ride back home. I accepted it, got into his car and he dropped me home. The following days roughly the same place he just came from nowhere and picked me up and took me home. I found out he was quite nice, funny and we talked a lot. From my school back home there were two different roads. One was straight through the town. Usually, it took a long time because of the traffic. The other was a little bit longer by distance, but there was no traffic. That one left the town, drove across a hill with sinuous roads, and then turned out the other end of the town where I lived. During the wintertime, this road wasn’t really used because of snow or ice. Although it was risky, he often chose this way to drop me off, and sometimes he even went to some sideroads to the woods and stopped there to talk.

It was cool. I mean I was 17 and a real, handsome man drove me back home and he actually wanted to meet with me day by day. One evening he stopped again one of the sideroads and we started to talk. He laughed at my jokes and he also teased me. Then he kissed me. That was my first kiss! I was a little bit puzzled but also excited. Come on, a handsome man, not a boy, a real man was kissing me! It was a strange feeling when his tongue was in my mouth. I tasted smoke (he was smoking a lot). I had no idea how to kiss, so I just copied his technique. It was good but I had imagined someway different a real kiss. Don’t ask me how! Probably I expected some more feelings? I don’t know.

One evening he tried to find his way under my pullover. As I said, it was winter, so I had a winter coat on, a pullover, a t-shirt, a vest, and my bra.  OK, at first I was a little bit shocked by his trying. A kiss was different, but he actually wanted to touch me! Somehow and with my little bit hesitant help, he managed it, and that was something extraordinary when he squeezed my boobs. His long fingers caressed my tits and played with my nipples which turned really hard. After this evening, I tried to dress more practically, like just a pullover and bra, so he easily dragged my clothes off, and then he reached my boobs. When he started to bit and lick them, I was over the moon.

After a while, every day I was waiting for these meetings with him. And one evening when he found the way under my clothes, his hand moved down. He opened my zip on my trousers very slowly when he was kissing me. Then – without leaving my mouth – tried to get into my knickers. I had tights on, so he had to manage to get into my trousers, then my tights and then my knickers. When he started to caress my pussy through the knickers… Oh, my… That was sooo good!

“I want you”, that was all I said when he finally stopped kissing. “Are you sure?”, he asked. To be honest, I wasn’t sure, but I nodded. Then he got into my knickers. He had long fingers. Very generous and very experienced. He knew exactly where he had to touch me. He caressed my pussy for a while. I know, I tried to somehow get rid of my trousers, tights, and knickers because I wanted him all over me. Then he gently pushed one of his fingers into my pussy. I think I stopped breathing for a moment because it was such an intense feeling. His finger was inside me! He slowly started to move in and out, in and out… I had no idea what I had to do. Actually, I couldn’t do anything because I couldn’t handle this new feeling. It was growing and growing inside me until…

He pulled his finger out of my pussy. It was sticky because of my blood. “You were a virgin.” He was surprised, I was confused. Why did he pull out his finger? I wanted more. I told him. “Are you sure?” Oh, yes I didn’t want to end this evening like this. If he wanted to take my virginity, he had to do it in the proper way. He told me to climb to the backseat.

Just a little interruption. Do you know Opel Corsa? With the three doors one? Joe had that type of car. It was tiny. It was perfect to go from A to B but not for making love! So, these romantic stories/movies to making love on the backseat – nonsense. It is uncomfortable and there is no room to do such a thing very easily.

Anyway, I climbed to the backseat. Somehow I managed to pull down my trousers, tights, knickers. The leather seat was freezing cold under my butt. He climbed back too. I have no idea how he could fit there. I am 175 cm, he was closer to 190. Anyway, he pulled down his zip, but he couldn’t reach me because my clothes weren’t down enough so I couldn’t spread my legs very widely. Well, it wasn’t the most memorable moment, when he tried to free me. Finally, he pulled down my boot from my right feet, dragged down my trousers, tights, and knickers. All of them were hanging on my other ankle but finally, my right foot was completely free. He got between my legs, pushed up my right foot (I kicked the roof of the car – another not really romantic moment ?) and he started to lick my pussy.

To tell you the truth, at that stage by choice I just wanted to stop everything. My butt was freezing, my pussy was freezing. I was halfway up, halfway down on the seat and I laid a very strange angle. However, his tongue changed my mind. At first, it was quite a weird thing – he was licking and eating my pussy! “You are very hairy.” Of course, I had no idea it could be shaved! Then he found the right spot and I forget my freezing butt. I had never ever felt something like that before. I didn’t even know there was this spot which was so special, so sensitive.

All of a sudden he stopped and I wanted to protest because he couldn’t just leave me like that! He took out something from his pocket, opened it, and put it on. Condom. He was very well prepared, don’t you think? He entered very slowly. “You are so tight!” He didn’t really force itself into my pussy but with every movement, he was deeper on me and I had that feeling that he just split my pussy. It wasn’t good at all. Finally, he was completely in and he started to move. It was worse but I didn’t complain. I wanted to lose my virginity in a proper way not just by his finger! I didn’t know again what I had to do. Move? Stay? What about my hands? So, I was just laying there in that strange, uncomfortable angle with my pain and was listening to that funny noise that my body made. I think that was my butt how it slid on the leather seat. I felt a little bit dizzy because the car was rocking under me with the same rhythm as to Joe’s movement. I tried to guess how long this whole thing last. It can’t be really long, can it? A couple of minutes or more? 10, 15? Or 20???!!! He moved faster and faster and I closed my eyes and mouth very tight because I wanted to scream to stop it because it was painful. Suddenly he stopped. “Oh, yes, yes…” And he pulled out. That was a relief. “Was it good, wasn’t it?” “Oh, yes!” I lied and I tried to find my way back to my clothes.

Back home I had to wash my knickers because it was covered with my blood. I washed my pussy very carefully because it hurt. Although my pain, I was happy to lose my virginity. I wasn’t popular in my class, lots of girls thought I am a geek and some of them even made some bad jokes or comments because I was more interested in my studies than boys or clothes. Now what? Who is the one who lost her virginity before any of these beauty queens? Me, the less popular one, the grey sparrow. I felt somehow different. I am not a virgin anymore. Not because of some sucker boys, a real man took my virginity. Twice in a row! Once with his finger and once with his dick. Although, I was happy to be the first in something in my class, I was worried a bit because – yes, silly me! -, I thought people could see my change. But the next days were similar to the previous ones, nobody noticed anything.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gb2560/losing_my_virginity


  1. Did you guys have sex again? Was it in a proper bed? How was your first orgasm?

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