[MF] Scored a phone # and some mild pics at work

I’ll start by saying this isn’t like my other posts. Majority of the posts that I’ve been putting up are from my college years, that’s because a huge chunk of my wilder sexual experiences happened during that time. I graduated from college a few years ago now, but I wanted to post about something that happened to me last week. It’s not really a gone wild story, more of a gone mild story, but still cool.

A little bit of context about what I look like since I haven’t said much about what I look like in my other posts. I’m almost full Hispanic, but I’m extremely white looking. Most people tend to think I’m either Italian or Portuguese. And I’ve been told many times that I look like John Travolta in his early career, like Grease or Saturday Night Fever. I also have colored eyes, which people always compliment me on. I keep my hair pretty short these days, because of that and the way I’m built, people always think I was or am military.

I’ve done alot to maintain shape since college. See after college, I worked in office jobs for a few years. But then decided to completely change careers and now I work in a trade union as an apprentice. It’s completely different work and way more physical, but I enjoy it. To stay in shape, I do intermittent fasting, I eat a lower carb diet, I drink a protein shake a day, I lift weights 2 to 3 times a week and calisthenic exercises everyday on top of my job, which can be pretty physical itself.

Anyways, last week me and a co-worker were called to do some repairs at a grocery store. We’re working near the entrance and at some point I noticed this girl standing in the parking lot, smoking a cigarette. I’m not usually into girls that smoke, but she was really cute. She was really petite and Asian looking. She looked like she was going to a nightclub, she was wearing a tan strap top and a short black skirt. I kept looking over at her, but then got nervous because she was looking back at me and I thought that she was picking up that I was checking her out. Once she finished her cigarette, she went inside the grocery store. But she made a point to say hi to me and smiled at me on the way in.

After we were done with repairs, my co-worker left and I went inside to use the bathroom and look for a speaker I’ve been wanting. It just happened that the girl from outside earlier, worked there, in that section. It took me a second to realize it was her because she’d switched into her work clothes. After a bit of looking around in that section, I realize she was checking me out too. She came over asked me if she could help me with anything at least 4 times with this smile and every time I looked over at her, she was looking at me. I almost chickened out and started to walk away, but then decided to come back and ask her if they had some back up cell phone batteries. I waited for a couple minutes, until there was basically no one in that section. I approached her by the register and said “You were the girl from outside right?”. She said yeah, smiled and asked if we were all done with repairs.

I quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching. I said don’t take this offensively, and if you’re not interested or you have a boyfriend, you don’t need to take my number. She said nope, I don’t have a boyfriend. I quickly gave her my cell phone number and she texted me right there and I said it was nice to meet her and I’d text her later.

I texted her the next couple hours at work and we had a really nice conversation, even sent a couple of mild pics. She was really gorgeous and petite, she was only 4’10. Sadly there’s no great conclusion to this story. Not long after sending me a pic or 2 in her panties, she completely stop talking to me. Before you ask, I did not send any unwanted dick pics. And I don’t know if I said something that offended her or what. I even texted the next day saying I never heard back from her and apologized if I had said something that offended her. Even though nothing came out of it other than a couple mild pics and some flirting hi, I’m a glass half full kind of guy and am glad to know that I still got it haha

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ga3wlt/mf_scored_a_phone_and_some_mild_pics_at_work