The Massage Goddess (FF) (sensual)

Name: Jane

Age: 34 years old

Race: White

Occupation: Office Administrator

Marital Status: Divorced

Children: 1

Service Requested: Massage and Bodywork

Problem Areas: Shoulders, hips, calves

Other notes: Stressed, need to relax

It’s a snowy April afternoon in the Rockies. The sun is bright, and the snow sticks to the evergreens. I pull up to the modern, rustic minimall. It’s built on a slope, giving the effect of blending into the scenery. I take a final nervous breath, then walk up to my destination. “Full Circle Bodywork and Energy Healing,” the sign above the door reads, in a white, flowy, zen-like script.

I walk in and my eyes immediately rest. I hadn’t realized how bright the sun and snow were outside. The place is covered in earth tones, from the walls, to tapestries hanging, to the displays of artwork. It smells like a divine concoction of natural oils, though none are distinct enough to name. It’s dimly lit with amber colored lamps. The space looks textured with all kinds of materials. A figure then appears through bamboo drapery.

“Hello, you must be Jane,” the figure says. Her voice is soft and comforting. It has a sweetness to it that puts me instantly at ease.

“Yes, I’m here for my 1:00 appointment?” I reply.

“Of course. Please, have a seat.” She directs me to the side of the lobby, with two wicker chairs. There’s a table between them, holding all sorts of items, from candles, to oils, to tarot cards. “I’m Dani,” she says.

She moves like the wind, the loose garments adorning her body flow behind her. Once seated, I’m able to see her face. Her smile is warm and inviting. Dani’s hair is wild, yet tamed at the same time. There are braids and beads and feathers, yet it all looks like it belongs. She has strands of blonde, brunette and black, creating a tapestry of textures and colors.

Her eyes are blue. Pale blue. She has some freckles under her eyes and on her nose. Her features are sharp, her face has more straight lines than rounded edges. An assortment of piercings are scattered across her face. She’s quite attractive. I’m not typically very attracted to women, but Dani is very pleasing to the eye.

She has a clipboard in her hands, I’m assuming with my intake sheet I filled out online. Her hands look majestic, like the rest of her. They look soft and strong, and are decorated with rings and bracelets. She scans the paper for a moment. “What brings you here today, Jane?”

I’m not sure if she’s asking in a literal way, like what part of my body I want worked, or an existential way, like what my purpose is, here and everywhere. A wave of comfort and ease wash over me, and I feel my thoughts and feelings open to her. “I am so stressed,” I begin. “My divorce was finalized a month ago, my job pays well, but I don’t feel fulfilled there.”

She looks up with her crystal blue eyes, nodding, taking in every syllable I share with her. I’m not typically an overly-sharing person, but I continue anyways. “I store most of my stress in my body, especially my shoulders and hips. My calves tighten up, too. My body feels so tight all the time.”

“What is it that you need, Jane?” The mystic woman asks.

I nearly well up with tears, but manage to hold them back. “I don’t know,” I sigh, exhaling harshly. I consider the question further. “I need to let go. Just for a little while. No divorce, no work, no daily grind. I need my body and mind to release all of it. To just give me a break.” I feel a little surprised at how much I share with her. “I guess that’s where I’m at.”

Dani shows a soft smile and nods, “Mmhmm. I believe I understand. Now, have you had any energy work performed on you before?” She asks.

“No, just a few massages at the chain massage places,” I reply.

“I see. Just so you are aware, energy healing is a bit different than the massages you may have experienced before. You will still receive the hands on, muscular tension relief you’re familiar with, but I will also assess your chakras, and help realign your energies. This realignment can take different forms. Sometimes, it is purely energetic, and requires no touch from me. Other times, I may have to physically relax a part of the body for your energy to repair. My body work is influenced by many philosophies and approaches, from western massage, to tantra, to kundalini, I draw from influences all over the world for whatever will fit you best.”

She pauses, to make sure I’m following, then continues. “Often, I find that many people need repair with their sacral chakra. This is the energy source that houses our emotions, our relationships, creativity. And sexuality. All of these parts of our lives are easily dampened by our modern way of living. A mis-aligned sacral chakra often leads to anxiety, depression, turbulence in our relationships, and sometimes even sexual dysfunction.” She pauses again, and gives a slightly embarrassed smile. “Sorry, I’m very passionate about this. Sometimes, I rant a little too much.”

“It’s okay,” I reply. “That all makes a lot of sense. I’m not really someone who is in tune with energies and that sort of thing. But, I’m open to learning,” I say. “So how does this work, exactly? I just lay there like a normal massage?”

“For the most part, yes,” Dani says. “Once we’ve decided on a plan, I’ll prepare the room based on your needs and preferences. Then, you’ll lay on the massage table. You may certainly keep underwear on, but it is much easier to work on you if you remove all of your clothing. I keep the room very warm. I will begin with a gentle full body massage. After that, I will follow whatever your body and energy suggests you are needing.”

My brain spins about what she means when she says, “Whatever your body and energy suggests you are needing,” but I try to push those thoughts away. I find myself trying to control things around me far too much, and I am here to let go, to try and break that cycle. She sees my wheels spinning, considering, thinking carefully.

“You should also know that during energy healing, I may touch you in places more intimate than where a typical masseuse would touch you. Of course, if you have any places you require that I stay away from, I will honor that. Or, if you want me to stop at any time, you can tell me. Think of this session as me reading your body for what it needs most, and then I do my best to provide it,” she says.

She pauses to allow me to process everything she’s saying. I feel some jitters in my belly, especially at the thought of being fully unclothed in front of her. She also said that she may touch me in intimate places. What does that mean, exactly? I take a breath, and realize that I have no problem with Dani touching or seeing me. She seems trustworthy. Maybe this is just what I need to break out of my funk.

“Do you have any questions?” She asks. “Or should I go and get your room ready?”

I can think of a million questions, but need to allow them to pass. “No. I’m good. I’m ready,” I respond.

Another smile spreads across her face, this time the largest one yet. “Great. I will let you know when I’m ready. Feel free to use the restroom or help yourself to some water or tea,” she says, motioning to the unisex restroom and a little table with water and tea.

“Thanks,” I reply and smile.

As Dani stands and walks away, her flowy clothing and wild, long hair sways with her. She creates a soft breeze with her departure, which smells sweet and earthy. I watch her body walk away, and her hips move side to side. I feel a subtle tingle in my center, and feel my body’s arousal kicking on. It’s an unfamiliar sensation. I haven’t had any sexual contact since the last time with my ex-husband, which was well-over a year ago. Maybe me relaxing means my libido turns back on, I think to myself.

I did used to have a high sex drive. Between my relationship issues, work, and everything else, I guess it kind of dwindled. I feel it churning now, however, like a dusty engine coming back to life. I’m shocked to feel my wetness between my legs. I haven’t had this feeling in such a long time. Since this is a 90 minute session, I figure I should take advantage of the bathroom opportunity.

As I wash my hands in the small, soothing bathroom, I take a moment to absorb everything. Through the mirror, I can see a candle glowing behind me. The bathroom has the same sweet, earthy scent. I gaze at my reflection, and consider my short, brown hair and rounded features. My body is thicker and curvier than Dani’s. I see the emerging wrinkles by my eyes. Despite my flaws, I can see the attractiveness I still have.

Dani calls me in and I’m immersed in the atmosphere as soon as I enter the room. Again, this room is dim with two lamps, and it’s incredibly warm. My first impression takes in the sound of crashing waves and seagulls. The sounds of the ocean have always calmed me. The audio sounds so organic, not like the looped generic ocean sounds that are readily available. Each wave and seagull sounds unique, and other, indistinguishable sounds are present, too.

The air even smells like the beach. There’s the familiar salty smell, and even taste, lingering in the air. At the same time, the atmosphere is serene and inviting. Floral scents accent the oceanic theme. Dani’s at the back of the room, facing me. She’s concocting what I assume to be massage oil with her assorted ingredients. “Feel free to lay down when you’re ready,” she invites.

Most of the scene looks like a typical massage room; the table, the lighting, the general ambiance. However, two things are markedly different: Dani stays in the room, working on her oil, and there is no drapery on the massage table. No towel, no nothing. Typically, I thought, the massage therapist left the room for you to disrobe, then you climb under sheets and they come back in. She notices my hesitation.

“Is something wrong?” Dani asks, concern in her voice.

“No. Uh. No,” I reply. “I guess I’m just used to a more traditional set-up, and…”

“Would you like for me to leave so you can undress?” She offers. “I can also get a towel if you’d like to cover yourself on the table.”

“No, no, it’s okay,” I say. I let out a nervous chuckle. “May just take a little bit to get used to.”

She walks over to face me. “Please, do what is comfortable for you. All bodies are welcome here. No body is shamed or criticized. Only celebrated and nurtured,” she says, and goes back to her mixing.

I feel comfort from her words, and begin disrobing, beginning with my shoes. They’re wet from the snow outside. I notice how cold my feet are when I take off my damp socks. Next is my rain jacket, the brand name, too expensive rain jacket I wear everywhere. Then my hooded sweatshirt. I take my tank top off, leaving my upper half in just my flesh colored, plain bra.

I begin to unbutton my jeans, and slither out of them. I’ve added some padding to my ass as I’ve gotten older, making my jeans a bit difficult to get in and out of. The cat-callers seem to like the extra junk in the trunk, though. I fold my jeans carefully with the rest of my clothes. Now in just bra and panties, I take one final look around, reassuring myself that I want to do this. Dani peeks up from her bottles and a subtle smirk spreads across her face.

I reach back to unhook my bra, and feel the immediate relief of allowing my breasts free. I’ve always been complimented on my tits. They’re plenty to work with, more than a handful. I’ve always liked my nipples. I find my areolas to be nice and round and symmetrical. I think they’re one of my best features. Finally, I pull down my plain, beige panties. I used to maintain my bikini area, but since separating from my ex, I’ve let it grow a little wild. A sense of freedom washes over me, being naked in the presence of another woman. There’s a comfort and a sense of unity, togetherness. Like she gets me.

I climb up on her massage table. I take notice, again, how there is no towel or sheet or any drapery whatsoever. There’s a wedge-shaped pillow in the middle of the table, I’m guessing that’s where the middle of my body goes, and it will lift up my hips. I continue to breathe, feeling more exposed now as I lay on the table, the back of me completely exposed. I slowly fall down onto the wedge, and once my full weight is down, I notice how open and naked my bottom half feels. The position does feel good on my hips and back, however.

I sink in to the warm, soft sheeted table for a few moments, and nearly forget where I am. Then I feel her presence walk up. “How are you feeling?” She asks.

“Good,” I respond, feeling myself relax millimeter by millimeter.

She walks to the end of the table, near my feet. “I’m going to start you off with some warm towels to warm up your feet, okay?” She says. “Then we’ll work our way up from there.”

My mind races to the fact that she’ll be at the bottom of my body overlooking my exposed, spread ass and pussy. Like fireworks, several feelings emerge. I feel excitement, even arousal, that we’re having such an intimate moment. I’m feeling fear; fear that I’ve never been this intimate with a woman before. I also feel some embarrassment, about my body and how I have not maintained myself properly.

“Jane, there is no need to worry,” she says. “Your body is beautiful, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.”

Her words are like honey, musical, even. They provide me with just the reassurance I need to be more present. Her hands wrap around my right calf, and she starts kneading the tense muscles. Then something unexpected happens. Slowly, but deliberately, my consciousness is taken somewhere else, some place familiar.

The place smells and sounds like the ocean, just like in the room with Dani, but it’s different somehow. I see the beach and the white chairs and the people walking and playing. It’s the resort I went to with my ex-husband several years ago. It was the best vacation I’ve ever taken. The place was perfect, and he and I actually got along for that week.

In my mind’s eye, I look over, and I see my ex. Mike? The usual feelings of disdain don’t bubble up. Rather, I can feel the good things I once felt towards him. As soon as he had appeared, the whole scene vanishes, and I’m back in the room with Dani. I look down at the floor through the hole in the massage table, wondering what had just happened.

Dani has worked her way up to my thigh, just above my knee. Her strokes are long and gentle. Her oily hand glides from the inside of my knee up to my pubic area. Then she repeats on the outside of my knee, up along my hip. Then up the middle, loosening my hamstring, and not being shy about massaging my glutes. Her touch feels so good I’ve nearly forgotten that my most vulnerable places are on full display.

On her next stroke up my inner thigh, her fingers pause as they graze my labia. She’s sensing, reading my body’s energy for what she should do next. Intuitively, I crave her warm, soft hands to massage me more, to play with my labia and then my clit. I can almost predict what it will feel like and I yearn for it. I feel my hips move toward her, begging her to continue. She flawlessly reads my cues, and takes my pussy lips between her fingers, and slides up and down.

Her flow is still massage-like, although now she’s massaging my lady bits. Her touch begins to scratch an itch I didn’t know I had. After several passes up and down my slit, her magical hands continue to my other leg, traveling all the way back down to my calf, and kneading there just like she did to the right leg.

Then it happens again. My being feels like it’s transported back to Mexico, back to that incredible vacation. This time, it’s dark, and the stars are bright. It’s quieter than it was in the day. We had a villa right on the beach, with huge doors open to the beach. We’d sleep with those doors open, listening to the crashing waves. We also fucked a lot on that trip. By far the best sex we’d ever had. Mike was typically not the most patient lover. Except for this one trip, he never took his time to please me.

One night, with the doors open and the cool breeze and crashing waves, he worked me to multiple orgasms. It was the only time I’d come so many times. The distinguishing factor of that exchange was his patience and use of his hands. He took his time to rub me, allowing me to build up and release.

Despite the warm massage room, my nipples harden at the sensation of a cool ocean breeze. I’m remembering the emotions I felt while he serviced me. I felt seen and recognized and cared for. Those feelings return, along with a slow accumulation of warmth in the center of my body. I feel Dani’s soft, oily fingers glide up my slit from my clit to my ass. It was the same motion Mike had performed all those years ago. Only now it was being done by a professional.

Her hands focus on my glutes, she squeezes and kneads at the tense muscles. I feel some release in my hips. She works up my sides, and to my back. Her palms stumble over the stress knots around my shoulder blades. Then my shoulders, my achy, sore shoulders. Dani pulls and tugs on them, stretching the tendons out. Her grip reaches my neck, where she squeezes and massages.

While her work on my upper half feels good, my lower half is screaming for more attention. My arousal is dripping onto the sheets. As she glides her oily fingers down my back, toward my ass, I hope and pray that she travels straight to my clit, and then my opening. I hear her chuckle above me,”Hm. You are long overdue, aren’t you, dear?” She says.

I scoff. “Yes. My god, yes. So long overdue,” I reply. It feels strange for a moment that we’re casually talking about her fingering me. At the same time, it feels normal, like two girlfriends hanging out. Only one of them has her ass in the air and the other is about to penetrate her with her fingers. “I’m ready,” I say, inviting her in.

Dani has a way of making her touch sensual yet safe, pleasurable, yet profesional. Her fingers trail down the bottom of my back, climb over my tailbone, skim over my asshole, then sink into my wet, aching pussy. “Uurgg,” I groan, feeling so much relief to have this part of me touched. She pulls her two fingers out a bit, then back in. “Ahh. Ohh.”

Dani’s thumb sneaks down to my clit, and she rubs the little nub while she penetrates me with her fingers. My consciousness has landed somewhere between the orgasmic vacation and where I now lay. My body is craving immediate release, which Dani reads perfectly. Her intensity picks up, and she’s fingering me assertively now, coaxing and tempting me to come.

I feel my orgasm roll in quickly, and I cannot hold it back. My body quivers and shakes under her touch, and I feel the walls of my hole constrict around her fingers. She thumbs my clit with accuracy and rhythm, and I feel my wave flowing over. “Hoo! Oo! Aww Fuck. Yes! Huh!” I moan out loud.

My wave passes, and I can feel there are many more stored up. She pulls her fingers out of me and places her hand on the small of my back. She gives me a few minutes to calm and catch my breath. “Would you like to turn over?” She asks.



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