Summer Break – Part 2 [MF] [Incest]

Thank you for the love on the first chapter! Hope you’ll have a nice one with this.

[Part 1](

Sunlight hit Elliot’s eyes and he roused himself awake. The hangover was right here on schedule. He wasn’t sure if last night’s events were real until he turned on his side to see the dirty pile of slacks. Another groan.

There was a knock on the door. “Dad, you up?”

Speak of the devil. He quickly covered his naked self with the duvet. “Yeah sweetie. Come in.”

Vanessa came in with a breakfast tray and her signature beaming smile. As much as how good the stack of pancakes with dripping butter looked, Elliot’s gaze didn’t stray from her womanly curves in a tight sleeping crop top and awfully short pastel pink frilly shorts.

“Good morning! Thought I’d make you a thank you breakfast. You still working late nights, huh?”

He scratched his cheek with a sheepish smile and leaned on the headboard.

“Bad habit. This looks great, Vanny. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome! I don’t know how to use your fancy French press so that’s on you.” Vanessa pressed on his shins and pushed them aside to sit in between his legs. She leaned forward to pour maple syrup.

Elliot straightened himself and stared. In a fantasy world, he’d already be pouring it all over her and licking it off slow… He pressed one hand on his crotch area to stop it from going any further. This whole situation’s completely inappropriate.

“Um, I can manage sweetie. Thank you again.”

“No problem! I gotta trade something for the free rent, don’t I?” She winked and kissed his bearded cheek.

Elliot coughed a little and weakly smiled. His expression immediately changed to alarm when Vanessa picked up the stained slacks on the floor.

“Oh Dad, don’t leave clothes lying around. You taught me better than that.”

“Van, I-“

Thankfully, she was unaware of whatever mess that was on them and dropped them in the hamper. She wiggled her fingers goodbye and closed the door.

Vanessa whistled a fun tune while coming down the stairs. Her dad was in the kitchen washing his breakfast plates while waiting for his French press coffee. She never understood the fancy press. Packet coffee was good enough.

“Breakfast was great, sweetie.” Elliot turned and gave her a soapy thumbs up.

She grinned and responded with a finger gun before sitting at the kitchen island.

“Busy today?”

“A little. Gotta catch up with some coursework.” She opened her Macbook and the screen prompted for her Touch ID and pressed her finger on it.

“I’m your little whore, Daddy!”

Vanessa could have screamed. She closed the browser with extreme speed and guiltily looked up. The sink tap was loud. Dad was still washing the plates with the squeaky sponge.

“Um.. Dad, do we have any fruit left?” She prayed to anything up there that he heard nothing.

“Hmm… I think we’re only left with peaches. I can get more later, if you need?”

“Yeah, that’ll be great! Thanks!” Vanessa’s face was pure fluster.

Elliot dried his hands and walked past her while sipping on his coffee. He noticed nothing.

“I’ll be busy working today. Leave me a list if you want anything else, okay?” He ruffled the top of her head and left.

Vanessa felt like disintegrating into thin air. How could she forget to close the video that she was watching? She sighed and slumped her body on the island.

Like that wasn’t embarrassing enough… after her little session last night, Vanessa was getting ready for bed and noticed that her door was more than slightly ajar. She poked her head out to the corridor and heard shuffling noises from her dad’s room, probably going to bed too.

She winced, knowing that her dad might have heard her. Now this!

Vanessa had recently broke up with her boyfriend of two years. She was horny! Her dad too was extremely good looking and kind of.. her type. Who could blame her?

It didn’t help either that Christian was quite similar to Elliot with his rugged looks, humorous personality and even the giant arms that used to bear hug her and pin her down in bed. Vanessa even remembered how even her aunts were low-key flirting with him during Thanksgiving. Mom didn’t give a shit and by then, their marriage was going to crap.

Vanessa sat up with a deep breath. She started to think about how her dad would have already been on a few dates since then. She wondered if they came back home with him and got completely ravished with those calloused hands & thick arms, probably thick c…

*Okay, nope. Wrong zone! Time to get busy.*

Vanessa’s stomach growled and it made her look up from her work. She missed dinner. Her dad hadn’t made a peep since lunchtime so she guessed that he did too. Just as she was about to call out for him, she heard the office door slide open with ringing keys and Elliot appeared in front of her.

“Sorry sweetie. I got so caught up with work calls and client changes, I didn’t realise we missed dinner. I can get you some take-out? I’m heading to the grocery store too.”

The dark circles under his eyes looked bad especially with his schoolteacher glasses. She always loved that her dad looked so cute with them on.

“Aw, no problem Dad. I was busy with coursework too. You get something, I’ll scrounge up whatever’s in the fridge.” Workaholics indeed. Like father, like daughter?

“Nonsense. I’ll be back in 40 minutes top.” He waved at her.

Vanessa watched him disappear into the road with his Tesla. She knew Dad cared for her more than Mom ever did since young. As she walked back to the kitchen, a notification dinged indicating low battery.

Shoot. She’d been meaning to purchase a new charger but kept forgetting. Vanessa swiped her Macbook up & knew her dad had one. She slid his office doors open and huffed at the sight.

Whenever Elliot worked, he left the biggest mess akin to a war zone. It was the main reason he needed an office – when he first started working in the living room, his preliminary sketches took up at least 80% of the space. Anyone touching them would be barked at.

Vanessa tip toed to his desk, trying not to step on any of the delicate-looking sketch papers on the floor. She plopped herself on his comfy work chair. His Macbook was open with a dark screen & the green light was at full charge. As she pulled the socket out, his screen lit up. She squinted at the bright screen.

“Wow. No wonder Dad’s been up late.” The intricate digital blueprint looked to be for a huge property.

Vanessa decided to snoop for a bit to admire her dad’s work. She noticed a folder on the main screen titled ‘Old’ and she clicked on it, assuming for it to be past work.

There were a few sub-folders with documents on the divorce and old financial records. Vanessa didn’t feel like looking through this. She didn’t need to know who won what. Before she closed the folder, there were also two video files with a blank preview screen. The titles were their generic date and time. It seemed to have been taken 6 months ago. What were these?

Thank god the sound wasn’t on full blast. When Vanessa clicked on the first, the black screen faded out to a medium close up of a brunette woman being choked and fucked.

She was moaning in ecstasy, looking directly in the camera. The unmistakeable voice of her dad followed shortly.

“Whose pussy is this?” His almost guttural voice made goosebumps appear on Vanessa’s skin.

The hand in the video eased up and the woman breathed for a little before answering.

“Yours, Daddy!”

Vanessa turned red. Holy shit. It was a video her dad made.

He gripped the woman’s chin and she gasped when the slapping noise got louder. She was obviously getting fucked harder.

“Don’t you fucking forget it.”

Vanessa’s face was getting hotter. She meant to close the video but accidentally pressed the right button, changing it the second video. This time, she had a full view of the woman getting fucked from the back. She could see her dad’s hand reaching out to pull her pigtails. This made the woman turn to face him, mouth open still.

“Look at the little slut with her hair pulled back.” Elliot’s hoarse voice sent chills down Vanessa’s spine. She pressed her thighs together and bit her lower lip.

“Thank you Daddy, please don’t stop fucking me!” The woman almost yelled at the camera.

The hand let go and landed a firm smack on the woman’s left asscheek. She moaned louder.

Vanessa abruptly closed the window and pushed herself away from the desk. That was unbelievably hot… it was her dad fucking someone. The one thing she also noticed was that the woman’s features were almost alike to her. Petite brunette with some daddy issues. Definitely like father, like daughter.

It felt wrong but she couldn’t help sliding her hand into her shorts. Vanessa snaked the other hand up to pinch a nipple while rubbing her clit, getting wetter by the second. She let out a low moan, going faster. She wanted to get fucked in the same way. Maybe by someone whose scent was everywhere in this office.

Coming to her senses, she had completely forgotten about what she wanted to do. She sat up in the chair and put the Macbook back to the original state. Dad would be home soon. Vanessa exited the office and ran up to her room, locking the door this time.

She rummaged through a suitcase and found her favourite purple dildo.

Screw dinner. Time for a long shower.



  1. I like the way you right after this is over you should do more incest. Great work

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