James battle with covid 19 part one.

Weeks can stretch in ages. Everyone was suffering in quarantine but James knew he was suffering more than most. His knuckles were raw, his knees ached, his cock caused him crippling pain every time it twitched. He had never been happier.

It wasn’t the release his new mistress provided that made him glow with pleasure. It was a highlight, but it wasn’t the point. It was the service. It was knowing that his service made her happy. It was knowing that slowly he was becoming part of her life. Everything she touched he to had touched. Everything she wore he got to see as she dressed. Every inch of her body he had been allowed to worship and he was proud to have earned that honor.

He glanced up from the granite tiles he was scrubbing. She was leaning over the counter scrolling through something on her phone. He paused to admire her long lean legs. He had seen a lot of those legs over the last month, Julie’s favorite round the house attire was only tight high cut satin panties and a baggy t-shirt. James liked to think she chose those outfits just for him, of course he wasn’t sure if they were her favorites before he entered her life, but either way he admired them.

Hearing James’ scrubbing slow and then falter, Julie glanced over.

“Admiring the view bitch?” She drew that last word long and slow as she ran a finger down the edge of her panties and gently adjusted them, releasing them with a satisfying pop. “You’d better get a move on. The cake will be done in a few minutes and you wouldn’t burn my party cake would you bitch?”

James’ cock twitched repeatedly as she admonished his tardiness. It hardened as much as it could in its tight cage. As he hunched in pain, Julie laughed.” I love seeing that twitch as I ride your face. As you try and catch all my juices on your tongue, I smile knowing those little ridges on the inside of that cage are digging into that pecker. I bet they are now. Are they digging in hard bitch?” As if she needed to, she arched her back pressing her tight ass toward him as she slowly peeled off her shirt.” How much does that hurt bitch? ” she whispered as she turned toward him and softly stroked her pussy through the tight satin.

James struggled to stand. He reached out for the edge of the old wooden table that centered the room. “Mistress it is a pleasure to receive this pain from you.”

“I’m not asking if you like it bitch. I’m asking how much it hurts. Come over here so I can feel my little pervy pee.” James shuffled toward her, acutely aware of his nakedness. “Oh aha.” Julie stifled a cruel giggle. “Ouch. That thing is bent and blue. I bet you never expected this when you arrived here.” she reached down, wrapped her hand around his cage and gave it a quick sharp twist. James grunted as he felt the pain shoot through his balls and into his pelvis. He fell forward leaning against his mistress for support. “Get off of me.” She gently mocked him, smiling as he struggled to right himself. “I’m going for a shower be ready with my towel when I call.”

James gasped, he watched her satin cheeks flex as she slowly walked down the corridor toward her bathroom. She turned and smiled at him before disappearing out of sight.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g8yva0/james_battle_with_covid_19_part_one