*This is a direct continuation from part 1, which can be read here:*
Through your panting, you muster something quiet that I can’t quite hear. I look at you puzzled and ask what you said. You take a deep breath and compose yourself as best you can considering, and repeat yourself louder. “I want to try something… but… you have to promise… not to do anything I don’t tell you” you say, still breathing heavily.
My mind is dizzy, and I lay back, placing my arms behind my neck. I am confused, but something in me pushes me to pursue this intriguing itch. “Ok” is the only word my mind can even comprehend at this moment.
You lift yourself off me slowly, moaning as it reaches its tip. With one small movement, my damp still solid member slips out, slapping my abdomen as you let out an almost inaudible whine. I see your naked figure skate across the cold floor, as you move toward the bathroom. I can see the light turn on inside, and you disappear. I roll to my side, finally catching my breath. I pick up the precipitating green bottle and pour yet another glass of champagne, gulping it down and attempting to quench my insatiable thirst.
Through the frosted glass, I can barely make out your location within the room, but can hear the quiet shuffling and moving of objects. Suddenly it stops. I have no idea what you are doing but if my curiosity hadn’t been piqued before, it absolutely is now. After a few minutes, you turn off the light from within and emerge. Stepping out, your smooth alabaster skin glows as your burning red hair flows with each step. You walk to the door, flicking off the remaining lights, shrouding the room in darkness and cautiously glide to the sofa.
You sit on the edge of the couch next to my pelvis, I scuttle further into the rear cushions to give you more room. You take the bottle of champagne, allowing a few drops to sputter to the ground. You pour a full glass, and after a long-winded breath, quaff it all down in one go.
You gradually lay next to me, spooning, as your soft skin touches my body. Our legs intertwine, and I put my arm around you. You clutch my hand and place it under your chin. I trace my thumb down your jawline, as you close your eyes. After a minute of me holding you tightly, not wanting to ever let you go, you finally speak. “I know… we don’t know each other, at all. I don’t even know your name right now.”
I want to speak but resist the urge as deep within I truly want to hear what you have to say. Your ferocious confident self has now melted, and your soft-spoken voice is now one of honesty and subtle insecurity.
You pause hesitantly, pushing away the dopamine inducing thoughts that brought us here to the intimate moment at hand. You refocus and speak with a more assured voice. “I won’t ask any questions, and tonight, I don’t want you to ask any either. I just… if tonight is our one night together, I want to have one unique experience to remember you by.”
I am still unsure what you are speaking of. Despite your objections, I truly want to tell you everything there is about me; to learn every detail about you and fulfill every curious aspect I have of you. For a moment, we share this raw emotional moment, and I hold back the building urge to let my emotions get the best of me. This isn’t about me. This is about you, and if this is your request then I willingly oblige.
After a moment of silence, laying in the dark, I muster myself to finally speak. “I… I hope tonight isn’t our only night, but understand if it is. Regardless, I will always remember tonight and… can only hope that you will too”.
I can sense my words delve to your very core, and you pull my hand to your lips, pressing them softly against it. You move your body and tell me to pull the cover down over us. I do so, as if we are wrapping ourselves into a fluffy cocoon. You roll and face me head on. You avoid the gaze you’ve maintained the entire night, but stare at my lips instead. Your hands graze my smooth face, pulling me in for a soft kiss. Your smooth legs graze my own, and we share this uniquely dear moment together. Our soft kisses continue.
At first, you nibble my bottom lip. Next a soft graze of your tongue. I hold all my inhibitions to kiss you deeply, passionately, and move at the speed you set. After several minutes, my patience is rewarded as you begin to kiss me deeper. Your soft almost meek kisses have begun to return to your primitive state. You begin pulling me in, your tongue twisting and dancing with my own. Your hands move down under the blankets to where our bodies squirm further heating the enclosed space.
I feel your cold wet hands grasp me and am somewhat confused. I see the wet champagne bottle and table and assume this to be the culprit. You begin to use both hands, lusciously and sleekly stroking every inch of me, making sure to rub into every fold. I am now fully rigid once again but maintain my promise. You roll over pulling my hand to your breast and massaging it into the pillowy mound. You pull my other hand below and around you. With your back to me, you continue to roll my hand on your breast. You clasp the other one and bring it to your mouth, nibbling, biting and licking the tip of my thumb.
“Kiss, my neck. Softly…” you whisper. We are alone in this darkness together and your whisper cuts through the silence. I place my lips to just below your ear, where your rose colored hair gives way to your snowy smooth skin. I plant just the softest kiss imaginable, my chin brushing your shoulder as I do so. I follow it up with another, slightly lower than the last as you close your eyes.
Your breathing becomes heavier and I can feel your heart just starting to race. Our inhales and exhales slowly become in sync and soon, much like our dancing that came previously, we seem united in all our movements.
I am nearing the base of your neck now, still the almost ticklish kisses continue. Through my lips, I can feel the goosebumps form as they send shivers down your body. “My ear, harder, but not too hard…”, your whisper gives hints of your voice now, no longer just wispy and quiet.
I move to the bottom most point, parting my lips ever so slightly and I press them onto it. I open once again, allowing the very slightest tip to brush you. Rolling slightly and then back again, you press yourself further into me. You scrape your teeth against my thumb, releasing my hand from yours.
“Keep kissing me, but don’t move”, you warn me with impatience. I continue to focus solely on my mouth’s tender actions and refrain from moving and an inch of my body further. I feel you slide your hand below, grabbing me. You move slightly forward granting you enough room to place things exactly where you want. You handle me like a lever, moving me right into place. I can feel myself now between your thighs. The tip brushes between your folds. You rock back and forth, using your hand to press me against your sensitive pearl. Little sighs now escape your mouth, your world is beginning to twirl. After a minute or so, the rocking has become intense. You are building your pleasure, enticing me and driving me wild. I want to grab you and do all the worst things imaginable, but I clench my teeth and bare with unending fortitude.
You sway your hips and the tip enters you ever so slightly. You gyrate, spinning me in your warm embrace not delving any deeper than this. I groan in anticipation. It is here where you move me out and make the readjustment you’ve been planning in your mind. Slightly back you move me as you press at the entrance. You pull air through your wide-open mouth, filling your lungs and holding it with all you can. Between your own juices and something other slick substance I gradually slip into the crevice.
I pause, stunned silence shutting every inch of me. Your grasp me more tightly than anything I’d ever felt as you linger in this infinite moment paused in time. A whimper escapes you, and the fear that I may be causing even the slightest ounce of pain enters my mind. But I follow your directions to the t, not questioning, not speaking, not moving.
Your eyes are wide staring into the darkness of the room. It is unimaginable and nigh unbearable, yet something in you persists. Something in you craves this. You latch onto that feeling and slowly begin to accommodate your desire. The pressure in your lungs begin to become intolerable and you release calmly. Doing so pushes an inescapable moan out of you, the likes of which you’d not known before this moment. It reassures all my concerns and I continue my statuesque presence.
Your craving from within begins to overtake you, telling you to proceed. Your momentum downward is haltingly gentle, and you eventually begin your descent. Time has ceased to exist for us, and all I can do is remain fortitudinous. Despite the pressure building within me, I restrain myself and allow the scorching satin to encompass my yearning appetite.
Inside, your frenzied greed tells you to succumb to itself. Through careful poise and control over your lust, you achieve your goal, finally having pressed yourself against my body fully. The feeling is incredible yet indescribable. The connection between us is nigh ethereal. You pause once again, melting into the lustful hunger you so desire.
You begin your ascension, every nerve now sending bolts of pleasure throughout. I am biting my tongue so severely at this moment to stifle my urge that the concern I may go too far enters my mind. This new sensation fills your most intimate longing, scratching an itch you never knew existed. You are lost in the moment entirely as you begin to move once more. What was a snail’s pace has now edged into a crawl. Your other sensations begin to bleed back into existence as you begin using my hands to knead your chest.
Mumbles to an unknown deity escape your mouth as own releases it’s most primitive sounds. With every plunge, you pull as much of the cool air into your lungs as possible and release sultry carnality with every escalation.
Something is building, charging further and further with each passing moment to some unknown destination. You know not where this will take you but rush toward it with reckless abandon. You are forcing my hands to pull and compress your buttons, sending us both further into hysteria. Minutes pass like the second hand on a clock.
You wring my hand further down into the depths and rub. Your nectar trickles out of you, dampening where we lay. You push two of my fingers along yourself, pirouetting them into a lewd waltz. I am beginning to lose control and finally begin to break your rule. I dig my teeth into your collar and taking control once more of my hand. Inside, a rolling boil has now seeped into dangerous territory and it is here we finally arrive at true madness.
You slam down onto me with the force of a dying sun. You are shaking wildly, stars whirling overhead as you erupt. My own summit timing perfectly with your own and cascade a torrent throughout. We are screaming the symphonic cacophony of true lust’s anthem to the silent applause of the night.
Time passes and our breathing resumes its normal tempo. We lay mute, no word is muttered, nor voice spoken. I can sense dusk beckoning you away into its calm cradle and you leave me alone in the gloom of twilight. Despite its allure, I forcibly shove midnight’s loving embrace away long enough to move silently around you as you succumb to your weary mind and body.
I cautiously place my arms under your resting head and slender legs and hoist you up. I move through the pitch-black room with ease. I place you on the cool mattress we never did end up making it and cover you in the down duvet. I position myself in and sneak toward you no as not to disturb your slumber. I place my arm around you one final time, holding you close.
Though I wish not to look away for a moment, the caress of night takes hold. My eyes close and I drift into inertia…
When my mind takes hold again, my recollection of your returns in full. Whatever dreams had been playing just moments ago fade into dark depths as I begin to wake. I can feel light piercing my eyelids, pushing me further awake. I do my best to remain in comfort of the darkness, forcibly keeping my eyes closed. I don’t feel you. I move my arm where you’d previously been in a slight waving fashion, but you are gone. I don’t want to open my eyes.
I can smell your perfume still. It lingers faintly but instantly pulls forth an image of you in my mind. I feel a dent where you’d laid. The twinge of pain hits me again. Despite my hearts best efforts to keep my eyes closed and remain in this memory forever, my brain tells me to open my eyes. The light stings as they open and the only thing I can think is to close them once again. But something inside pushes me, forces me to open and acknowledge the new day. Finally, my eyes open. Immediately, they want only to focus on where you once were.
As reality begins to focus once again, I push myself to sit up. Light pushes through the blinds, illuminating the room and indicating the sunny morn outside. I slowly sway my gaze across the room, hoping that you’ll be there. The silence only further confirms what my eyes see as the room is completely empty. The green bottle and two glasses sit on the table, empty and secluded much like my current sentiments. Though my hopes are fading I look to the bathroom, but yet it too remains dark and vacant.
I breathe a sigh of unfulfilled expectations and move my feet out from under the covers. They sting from the coldness of the concrete. After a long stretch, I move myself into the desolation of the room.
Not more than a few steps in, something catches my eye. A small white piece of folded paper has been fixated to the door.
I throw myself at it, lunging like a careless pup after a new toy. I’m not more than a few short meters away when something stops me in my tracks. Sudden instant pain shoots up my leg as my small toe collides with the foot of the sofa. Instantly, my first instinct is to kick the villainous pole which only manages to succeed further in damaging my already victimized limb. I bite my lip hard, attempting to hold back and subdue the pain. I mutter how much I hate the stupid thing, then refocus back to the task at hand. I limp the last few feet and snatch the paper off the door.
I resist my first urge to immediately open the letter and withhold the excitement growing with me. I open it and surprised to see its contents. A simple seven-digit number with a vivid red imprint of your lips just below. There’s no name, and no other details other than what you’ve provided. I take the note and move to the sofa, sitting in the middle. I grab my trousers and jumble through its pocket’s contents until I grasp my phone.
I swipe the screen and press the green button at the bottom. I enter the numbers and am just about to call, when I stop. I think for a moment contemplating my next course of action. I look at this line of digits and slide my own to the save contacts button. I’m unsure what to save it under with so few actual details that I can provide the little machine.
After a few moments, I end up resigning the contact name to the a few descriptive words that come to mind; Autumn’s embers. I also change your ringtone to something more memorable should conversation’s continue. I flip through the options and settle on foreigner’s urgency and click save. I stare intently at the title and resist all urges to immediately press the contact call button.
I know this game well… I wait…
*Well, hope you enjoyed. Depending on things, I may continue this to see where it plays out. In my mind, their next encounter will be at an upscale restaurant meeting with friends. It would be nice to see how things progress should they find each other again, but who knows… Anyways, take care and thanks for taking the time to have a read. As mentioned before, any and all comments are appreciated.*
*I’d also like to take a final moment to thank the members of R4R30Plus for all the support and a certain Sour individual who nudged my story in the right direction. Much appreciated folks and thank you all for keeping me alive when sleep just wouldn’t come.*
*Take care and hope to see you again soon.*
*With love,*
***D. Montague.***
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g86k2q/mf_an_autumn_eve_of_wintery_fire_part_2
Excellent stories!! I enjoyed them immensely.