‘47 Bonnie & Clyde. [MF]

a dramatised version of true events* (also my first time in writing, lmk what you think!!)


‘47 Bonnie & Clyde.
Growing up, claiming that you were able to feed your family without literally breaking a leg was enough to warrant you a one-way ticket to a mental asylum. The streets of London were cold and unforgiving and, to complement that, so were those who resided there. I’d like to think my father was an accomplished man as he managed to part ways with mother, the world and I all in one motion. His act of cowardice bought shame upon mother with a spillover effect unto my unborn self. Whether mother was successful or not in her struggles was subjective, considering her current, unspeakable state – that’s something i’ll get into later. We lived in a one bedroom apartment in the north of London and, to call it humble was pretentious to say the least. At the time, the only silver lining i was able to lay my eyes upon was the young lady next door – Valerie.

She was beautiful.

I was only 17 when I met her. She was a few months younger than I. A blind man could see that she was proof angels exist. She used to pass time with a man, her boyfriend, Daniel. It was often that i’d find myself lost in thoughts of lust about her which seemed like a double-edged sword considering all it did was distract me from my work and remind me that my thoughts are nothing but.

I was fortunate enough to be allowed to work for Mr. Briggs at his bakery. He paid a decent wage but that decency would crumble when i had to provide for mother as well as for myself. Peak hours at the ‘Finest Breads’ was at around seven in the morning to an hour after when residents were permitted to leave to acquire daily necessities. Despite all other hours being bleak and having practically no visitors apart from soldiers on their lunch breaks and Mr. Briggs’ pet Doberman, we were forced to remain indoors until ‘safety restrictions’ were lifted for an hour, starting at seven in the afternoon. Valerie would fear that mother would get lonely at home whilst I was away so she would often visit her and bear twelve hours with her until restrictions were lifted, although i’m certain that mother had the voices echoing in her head to keep her acquainted. When Valerie did take care of mother, she’d be gone before I returned so i was seldom able to find a window where i was able to talk to her at a place other than the bakery.

Come one rainy day, the city’s sleep was disrupted by an unescapable, wailing siren. We were educated by the soldiers that this would mean one of three things: a natural disaster that posed an imminent threat, a terror-related threat or that the Queen had fallen. I picked up mother and ran toward our zone’s assigned bunker. These bunkers were designed years prior to 1947 so their designs did not take into account the boost in births across the city. The bunker was home to a pungent, sharp odour that grew each time the gates were opened and closed. In the bunker, shoulder to shoulder, our entire zone stood still, waiting for the deafening echoes of silence to be disrupted. We waited for hours.


Reasons for the alarm being sounded were never officially disclosed. It was either the reason unfolded whilst we were in the bunkers and we saw for ourselves when we were let out or the reason was empty and we were left ignorant until the next ‘disaster’. Rarely, a soldier would tell one of the residents, often times a worried family, who’d then tell another and, like a virus, it’d spread.

After a further hour, we were released. My arms aching from carrying mother, i caught glimpse of Valerie talking to Daniel. It didn’t phase me though interaction between residents who are not family is prohibited. I proceeded to walk toward the apartment entrance when Valerie stopped me in my path.

“Hi”, she said.

Her voice was ever so soft. It was always a blessing to hear it, whether at the bakery or not, though I long for the day where her tone is no longer a delicacy to my ears. My mind raced back and fourth at an unbearable pace, trying to capture a reason as to why she’d talk to me.

“How is she?”

Ah, of course. mother. “She’s well” i reply. “She’s usually shaken by the sirens but she seems rather calm today. I’m guessing that you did well with her?” I try to mask any traces of jealousy or fatigue that can be misinterpreted as jealousy in my delivery.
She laughs. “I do my best when I can. Its a shame you’re always working though. You never get to see her throughout the day.”
“I think the shame in working is that i’m never able to thank you for your help.” I instantly regret uttering those words. Am i coming off too strong?

“I’m sure you can find a way around that, Marcus” she says in a beautiful cadence as she gives me a crooked smile and walks away.

The way my name rolled off her tongue sounded like the sweetest song. My little heart fluttered in its place. I see value past biological obligation within my mother.

Exhausted from the day’s seemingly recurring events, i lay mother onto her sofa. I go to remove her pants but she grabs my hand and shakes her fragile head. I take it that Valerie kindly took care of that. I proceed to bathe myself instead as the lingering, signature smell of the bunker and the odour of my sweat mixed in with the sweat of those around me latched onto me ever so tightly. I fall asleep minutes after i dress myself as i succumb to the night calling.

That day, i slept well enough to wake up numb. It sounds worse than it is but i usually awake with a bleeding heart dreaming of what could have been for me. I prepare myself for work, washing my mouth and wearing my attire; a brown shirt with faded jeans – a resident’s default. As I had hoped, I cross paths with Valerie whilst stepping outside for work. She greets me good-morning and i reply with a smile.

“How is she?” she says. Her ability to smile in a world so bleak is riveting.

“She seems well. She’s still asleep.” I suspect that mother is ok.

I make it to ‘Finest Breads’, meeting Mr. Briggs at the back door. From what I know, he sleeps in the store, presumably in the store room. He says its because he needs to be able to maximise operating time whilst in peak hours, but i suspect that it has something to do with his wife and children being missing; from what i hear, they tried running to zone 4 in hope for a better life, but they were caught in the middle. I proceed to help Mr. Briggs set up for the day.

A half hour or so into 7 AM, Valerie enters the store. Her upbeat mannerisms contrast the dull surroundings of our zone, making for a rather eerie yet uncanny feeling.

“Hi, again. Can i have a couple cans of beans?” she asks. The canned items are stored in the back as they are rather valuable in comparison to other items we display, so we keep it hidden to provide any trouble.

“Of course. I’ll be right back.” I helplessly try to match her unsettling vibe.

“Wait. What else do you have available?”

I don’t exactly know what we have stored. “I’m not sure. Feel free to follow me and see if you like anything.” She smiles and follows me into the store room.

“Sorry for the mess. It isn’t often I get visitors” I say.

“Get used to it” she replies.

I see the cans of beans she requested at the corner of my room. Only issue was that it was the corner by the ceiling. Despite being taller than my zone’s average height, I was unable to reach the beans. I knew i was unable to reach it because a week ago i had tried grabbing something from the same row and failed… I was not going to embarras myself in-front of a blind man’s angel.

“I need to get the stepladder, I won’t be a second.” As i turn away, she grabs me by the wrist.

“You can lift me up and i can get it. That is if you’re strong enough?” she offers, smiling through her words. I can’t help but feel a rush of blood to my head as she touches me. She’s so warm and soft.

I fight through the emotions, replying “sure” and accepting her hand in help. I reach my hands toward her waist as she stands in-front of me, leaving about six inches or so of space. Her figure was ever so slim and her luscious, dirty-blonde hair elegantly complemented her dirty, white dress. I pick her up, and with ease. She was rather light.

“got them” she says. I put her down and ask if she needs anything else. She shakes her head no, and walks back into the store. I collect the payment and wave her goodbye. She asks if i’m able to take the day off of work and spend it with mother and her. I hesitate to reply as I feel somewhat obligated to help Mr. Briggs. I sometimes feel as if he is a father to me. Mr. Briggs was presumably asleep upstairs so i accept Valerie’s invitation into my home.

We didn’t talk a lot on the way home. I liked it that way because my mind was stuck on what happened in the storeroom and I was afraid i might let it out in my words. As we entered the house, we were greeted with the sounds of Sinatra playing through the vinyl record player that my father had left us. Not through a will, but through just leaving it in the corner of the apartment. Mother’s favourite thing to do was listen to music and sway her head side to side. Valerie kissed mother’s head, despite only being gone for a matter of minutes. Valerie exits the living room and enters the bedroom. “Marcus, can you come in her for a second? I need help”.
I enter the room and find Valerie looking the window with her back facing me, wearing all but a bra and her panties.
“I hope you don’t mind. It’s really hard to undo these things alone.” I thank god that she can’t see my face which i can only assume has lit up red, judging by the gushing feeling. I laugh and say “of course not. After all, i owe you, right?” I proceed to unbuckle her bra. She remains turned away, holding her bra up with her soft hands. I gaze at her body, which captures a truly angelic aesthetic to it. Her perfectly slim figure does not stop at her waist, but carries on until the soles of her feet.

I deserve her. I deserve her body on my mattress.

I run my finger down her spine as i hear her let a gasp out. She seems surprised but also accepting. She looks down and slowly turns around, still holding her bra up. My finger follows her turn, ending up near her belly button. I glance her in the eyes and i slowly skip my finger down and in-between her thighs. She takes a hand and places it on my chest, allowing a breast to slip through hear half-hearted attempt at concealing her pure body. Her breasts are perky with bright, reddish nipples. Her panties are already wet. I play with her as she goes in and we lock lips, eventually going into using tongue.

“I have a man” she says, preserving her soft-spoken voice.

“Then stop” I say. She then reaches inside my pants for my hard dick. She moves it upward so that the tip can be seen through my pants. I can hear her breathing become heavier and more frequent.

I lay her on my mattress.

I use my arms on either side of her to hold myself up. I give her kisses, starting from her neck, through her body, and at the inside of her tender thighs. She begins running her fingers through my hair as i put her panties to the side and push my tongue against her sweet pussy. I flick my tongue, changing speeds and directions often, making for a rather exciting ride. She would grab my hair harder each time i’d go faster.

After a couple of minutes, i stand upright and remove my bottoms. She grabs my dick and softly kissed the tip. Her red lipstick become smudged after our kisses, but it still imprinted on me. She begins kissing the sides until reaching the tip once-more. She then puts it in her mouth. She rolls her tongue around me, making my dick wet and ready for me to fuck her with. She stands up off of her knees and gets onto the mattress. The brings her ass back into me which an arched back, as my dick slides on-top of her pussy. The feeling was indescribable. I then use my hands to slip it in.

First the tip.

I then began stroking in and out, eventually going deep enough that i couldn’t go further. The sounds of Sinatra masked Valerie’s moans. I grabbed her by the waist as i thrusted into her.

I couldn’t keep track of time in my head, but i feel myself about to climax. I pull out, she quickly turns onto her knees, with her tongue out, lightly skipping my tip.

I cum.

I cum onto her partly on her perky little breasts and partly around her mouth.

you want part 2?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/g86ayz/47_bonnie_clyde_mf