Teacher’s Pet: Chapter 1

This is part one of a longer story I’ve got planned. Mostly backstory here, but I hope you’ll enjoy nonetheless! Let me know your thoughts in the comments.


Although it was his first years teaching at Rock Valley High School, Paul Daniels (Mr. D. to his students) was well liked. He attributed his popularity to his classroom philosophy of mutual respect: “I’m going to treat you like adults,” he always told his students on the first day of class, “and, in return, I hope that you’ll act like adults.”

Most of his students reacted very well to this attitude. The school was in a wealthy area, and most students were micromanaged by their parents at every step of their lives. He knew the respect he gave them was appreciated. However, he would be ignorant to believe that was the only reason for his popularity. At only 30 years old, Paul was the youngest male teacher on staff. He also kept in decent shape, spending most evenings blowing off steam at the gym, and weekends playing soccer. This was partially to keep in shape…but also to get him some space from his wife. Things had been…strained lately. He knew he had a reputation among the students as the “hot teacher,” and he didn’t necessarily hate that label.

One thing about Rock Valley High that shocked Paul was the dress code (or lack thereof) of the female students. His previous school had been extremely strict on the dress code, routinely sending girls to the office to be given baggy school sweatshirts to cover up. But Rock Valley had no such policy.

Girls wore tight shorts that barely covered their ass cheeks, tight tank tops showing off cleavage, dresses that wouldn’t be out of place in a nightclub, and (beyond belief) even wore the classic “schoolgirl outfit” of short plaid skirts and tight white button ups to class. Paul commented on the lack of dress code to his colleagues in the English department one day at lunch, and was given the explanation that, as this was a very wealthy school, parents were quick to complain if they felt like their children’s rights were being infringed upon. It was easier just to ignore it as best as you could.

And Paul tried to ignore it…he really did. Some days were just more difficult than others. And, to be honest, some students.

One girl in particular, Lexi, was also the impossible to ignore. She was a senior in his last block English 12 class, and was impossibly beautiful. Her smooth skin, toned, athletic body, adorable smile, striking blue eyes, beautiful blonde hair…it was like she had walked out of a fantasy and right into Paul’s life. In addition to being outwardly beautiful, she had a personality to match. Warm and affectionate, she was one of the most popular girls in school. And she was a delight to have in the classroom. She always did her work, participated in classroom discussions, eagerly engaged with the lessons. It’s an old rule that teacher’s shouldn’t have favorite students…but she was easily Paul’s favorite nonetheless.

And, like the rest of the female students at the school, she had a habit of breaking the dress code. Paul managed to ignore her short skirts, her tight tops, as much as she could. However, one day, that all changed.

The night before at home had been particularly rough. Paul and his wife got into another argument about something petty, and Paul was forced to sleep on the couch again. His sleep was uncomfortable and restless. Eventually, around 5 in the morning, he decided to head out and get an early morning workout in at the school weight room, which teachers were allowed access to.

The school was mostly empty as Paul parked and headed inside. Once he got to the weight room, he put on his headphones, cued up his playlist, and started to work. Once the blood got flowing, he got in the zone. His stress melted away as he worked through his routine.

During his last exercise, the bench press, he was pumping more weight than usual. When he finally finished his last rep, he set the weight bar on the rack, and was stunned when he sat up to see that he wasn’t alone anymore.

Lexi was standing in the corner of the room, her arms crossed, smiling coyly at him. “How long has she been there?” He wondered to himself.

“Hi Mr. D!” she explained, “I hope I didn’t startle you! I was just impressed! I don’t think there are many boys in school who could keep up with you!”

It took him a moment to gather his thoughts enough to respond. She had on a tight black pair of spandex shorts that barely came down an inch down her thighs. She had a loose tank top that didn’t do much to hide the black Nike sports bra she wore. He cleared his throat and responded.

“You didn’t startle me Lexi,” he laughed, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel, “I just didn’t realize that I wasn’t alone anymore…I was sort of in the zone.”

“I totally get that way too,” she said, taking a step off the wall she had been leaning against and walking closer to him. “When I get in the zone and the blood starts pumping…” she closed her eyes and let out a satisfied moan, “well, there’s nothing like it.”

Paul took a swig of water to hide his flushed face. “I couldn’t agree more. What are you doing here this early? Getting an early morning workout in too?”

“You know it!” She replied. She put out her arm and grabbed hold of a resistance machine to steady herself, and started stretching her quads. Paul tried his best to stop his eyes from tracing an outline of her legs. “I don’t think I’ll have time to after school, so I wanted to get an early start….today is a special day for me, after all…” she released her leg and switched sides.

Paul started gathering his things, trying to be as nonchalant as he could. “Oh, special day? Why is that?”

Lexi giggled as she mounted a treadmill, turning it on and started at a slow jog. “Because,” she said, her breath getting a bit heavier as she increased the speed, “it’s my birthday! I’m finally 18!”

She winked at him. Actually winked. Paul was flustered, and he knew his face must show it. “Well, that’s a cause for celebration! Happy birthday!”

“Thanks Mr. D!” She replied cheerfully.

Paul didn’t realize he was staring, watching her tight teenage body as she bounced up and down, settling into a rhythm on the treadmill. Suddenly, he snapped out of it, and brought his gaze to her face. She was eying him suspiciously (but not unfriendly) in the mirror with a slight smile on her face.

“Well…I should get going. Lessons to plan and all that. But I’ll see you in class!”

“See you then Mr. D,” she replied with another smile. Paul gathered up his things and left.

After he changed and settled into his classroom, Paul tried to set his mind straight and to focus on his plans for the day. This was easier said than done. During the day, any time there was a second of free time, any time there was not much to be done, he found his thoughts drifting back to Lexi…back to her adorable smile…back to her captivating blue eyes…back to her tight body in motion on the treadmill…back to her spandex shorts and black push up bra. One time, his thoughts wandered too much, and he felt himself start to get aroused. He had to sit at his desk and focus his thoughts, lest his body give him away.

After what felt like an eternity, last block finally came around. As usual, Paul stood at the doorway and welcomed his students. Most students would say hello back, ask him how he was, ask questions about the plan for the day. Paul answered all of these with his trademark positive attitude. As they filed in, he said hello to each one, until he was unexpectedly face to face with Lexi, less than a foot away from him.

She had changed since he had seen her that morning. His eyes trailed up from the floor, taking in every detail. On her feet, she wore a pair of black high heeled sandals. His eyes continued up, noticing the goosebumps on the pale skin of her athletic thighs. A short pink skirt abruptly appeared several inches above her knees. His eyes continued upwards. Above her skirt, her midriff was exposed. Clearly her early morning gym sessions were paying off. A few inches above her belly button, he saw her tight blank tank top. It’s spaghetti straps didn’t do much to hide the bright pink push up bra she wore, pressing her perky breasts together in a beautiful display of cleavage. He couldn’t help but realize that she was everything his wife wasn’t on a physical level. Finally, he looked at her face, her bright blue eyes locked on his.

“Hello Lexi…” he finally managed to say. “Happy birthday,” he added. She smiled at him, and he felt his heart melt, felt his pants start to get tight. “Thanks a lot Mr. D,” she replied quietly, almost a whisper, as she took her seat.

The lack of concentration he felt earlier in the day was nothing compared to now. He was well aware that he was fumbling his words to the class, not clearly explaining the activities for the day, before he dismissed them to begin their work. As usual, he walked around the class to monitor his student’s work and answer any questions that might come up. He tried to move his gaze around the room…and yet…he found his eyes drawn to Lexi like a magnet. To make matters worse, every time he looked in her direction, found his eyes drinking in her exposed skin, he would notice that she was staring at him. And smiling.

After what felt like an eternity, the final bell of the day rang. Paul dismissed his students by reminding them of their homework, and went to his desk. He gathered up his things, closing out tabs on his laptop, as he sensed his classroom empty. He was shocked when he looked up and found the room empty except for him and Lexi.

She was standing at his desk, her palms flat against its surface. Her tank top was slightly loose, fully exposing her pink push-up bra and her ample teenage cleavage. Paul picked his jaw up off the floor.

“Well hi again, Lexi. I just keep running into you today…is there something I can do for you?”

“I know!” She giggled back at him. “Lucky me!”

Paul felt himself blush.

“Well…I was just wondering…I know this is a bit unorthodox…but I was wondering if I could have your phone number?”

“My…phone number? What for? We generally aren’t supposed to share personal contact information with students…”

“I knowwwww.” As she said this, she stood up straight, pouted, and bounced slightly. Paul’s eyes instinctively latched on to her breasts and they bounced. “It’s just that…well I’m struggling a lot with the novel we are reading, and it’s so much easier to text questions that to email them…”

“I see…” Paul responded. He considered for a moment. Giving out personal contact info was frowned upon…but there was no other student he would be more willing to give it to.

“I supposed I could make an exception…for a standout student like you. As long as you don’t tell anyone…”

“Yay Mr. D!” Lexi clapped and bounced up and down again, beaming at him, “you’re the coolest teacher ever! If you give me your phone I’ll add my number.”

He obliged, sliding his phone over to her. She looked down at it, holding the phone in both hands as she typed. “And don’t worry,” she said as she finished typing and handed his phone back to him, “I can keep a secret.”

As she handed the phone to him, her fingers brushed against his slightly. “I think I can trust you Lexi,” he told her.

“Of course you can! Okay…thanks again, gotta run, lots of birthday plans! Talk to you soon Mr. D!” She smiled again at him as she turned and walked out of the room, her backpack slung over her shoulder. Paul watched her walk away and close the door. He realized he had been holding his breath. His heart was beating fast…and his pants were visibly tight. Shit, he thought, how could he be so careless…hopefully she didn’t notice. He checked his phone and found a new contact: Lexi <3

Gathering his composure and trying to clear his kind of impure thoughts, Paul gathered his things and headed home.

Things between him and his wife continued to be strained that night. She barely said two words to him when she got home from work, just enough to tell him that she was going out with her friends that night. Typical.

Paul poured himself a glass of whiskey and settled into his home office to grade some papers. He was halfway through a stack when his phone went off. “Maybe she’s going to apologize,” he thought, assuming it was his wife.

It wasn’t.

Lexi: hey Mr. D! Lexi here…thanks so much for giving me your number! I was wondering if you have a minute to chat…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g7ko36/teachers_pet_chapter_1


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