First draft of a work with the devil pt.1 [seduction] [satan] [seduction] [domination] [not yet erotic]

The night had sat down in the woods and I was decided that this time I would go through it, till the end. There were no excuses, no delays or “a better time” for doing this.

I was going through the pine trees in a cold path down to the water path, there was no better place than there to bury the sacrifice. The backpack was heavy with the box which withhold the entrance to the big calling.

*A feather, a claw and something to break the law.*

“I have it all” I thought to myself. It needs to work. I have read all the enchantment books and I have tried so many thing till that moment that this was a big opening. I got close to the water and chose a tree to hold on to, my breath was getting more difficult to catch and my mind was racing. I’ve never been so nervous in my life.

*Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub*

*Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer*

Nothing happened. And repeat, once again.

*Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub,*

*Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer.*

The air became chilly, but I could see nothing different. I had to repeat it again and again, because I was not giving up tonight. The night was colder and colder, the wind softly blew over my shoulders, making my face cold and my ears like ice. Still on my knees I hear a voice.

*You are stubborn… you should have not called me mister.*

I turned back and there was a young woman. Red haired, long enough to cover her breasts. Pale skin like snow painted with freckles around the deep green eyes. She stand tall in a silk black dress with a rift uncovering her long legs. She was wearing scarlet red heels. Her hands were resting on her hips and her eyes penetrating me. I have never had seen such beauty in my presence.

*C’mon mister… you called me. You know who I am. Let’s go with it.*

Are you… can’t be… are you a women? Are you the devil?

*Alright mister it does not matter does it? The devil, a monster, a demon, we’re all part of the same aren’t we? Now, let’s go with it.*

I just have imagined you… well… different. How.. how this works? Do I just make a request?

*Well, I am the Devil’s keeper, how do you think how I would look like? Yeah, you say what you want and we take what we want, the most simple transaction on this realm. Now get on with it, I have to get back.*

Well, I want fame, women and I want my suffering to cease to exist. That’s quite simple.

*Alrighty then…*

Wait! Wait! I want my fame to become from my writing. I want to become a famous writer. And I want to get the beautiful women that comes with it.

*Got it. I can read your mind, no problem.*
