Craigslist causal encounter yields me [m] a hot woman’s panties [f] and later more

About 10 years or so years ago I posted an ad on a popular site in a section called “Casual Encounters.” I really did not expect anyone to reply to my ad and I had no expectations of anything. My ad, of course, was the product of my high sex drive and perhaps the hopes of thrill. It read: “I want your panties. Young, white, professional male has a thing for beautiful, natural women. Let me buy your used panties from you.” I submitted the ad and thought little more of it. But about an hour later I received an email with the title “I think you want my panties.” The email included a photo of, yes, you guessed it, a hairy pussy and a short description: “27 year old woman growing her hair out for the winter is willing to sell you her panties.” The email was signed “xxxo, Carrie.” Yup- triple x o. I was floored but at the same time highly skeptical. I thought for sure that ‘Carrie’ must be a creepy old guy. But, what the heck, I responded that I was interested and once again, much to my surprise, I received a response from Carrie. We agreed to meet at a public place the following Monday that was relatively close to my office. I was to bring some money and Carrie was to bring her panties. I asked her to be very discreet and to make sure the panties were in a bag and not visible to the general public.

On Monday I went to work and really did not know whether I would actually go through with meeting Carrie. I was concerned that she was a man and probably a serial killer. But I was relatively comforted by the fact that we were meeting in public. So I went through with it. Carrie had told me the color of her coat and that she would be wearing a pink headband. I set out to the coffee shop. I arrived a few minutes after our agreed time. When I walked in the shop, to my great surprise, there was a beautiful girl sitting at a table in a pink headband. My heart raced as I approached her, “Carrie?” She greeted me as I sat down across from her. I was nervous and shocked that a beautiful woman was sitting across from me ready to sell me her wet panties. We exchange pleasantries for a minute or two and then she brought out a black plastic bag and put it on the table. I pulled out an envelope with a more-than-agreed-upon amount of money and handed it to Carrie. As we stood up she said, “Let me know how you enjoy them.” I placed the panties back in my briefcase and walked back to my office. I couldn’t believe what just happened. And yet I had to wait another couple of hours to go home and enjoy the intimate item that Carrie had so kindly given to me. The suspense was killing me.

Finally the day came to an end and I made my way home. I ripped off my clothes as soon as I got home and took out the package from my briefcase. I opened the package and saw a pair of her black lacy panties and a note- “Check your e-mail. XXXO, Carrie.” I grabbed my computer and found an email from Carrie. It contained about a dozen pictures of her, sans face, masturbating while wearing the panties that were currently in my hands. WOW- I was absolutely floored. The text of the email asked me to document how much I loved her panties. I took that to mean that she wanted photographic evidence of my enjoyment. My cock was so hard I couldn’t stand it. I brought her panties to my nose and smelled her pussy and took my lubed cock in my hand to stroke it. In no time at all my cock was throbbing ropes of cum onto the crotch of her panties.

Not wanting to disappoint my new friend, I took a couple of photos of my hard cock and her now cum-covered panties and emailed them to her. “Thank you so much for the panties and the photos. As you can see, I loved them. Perhaps if you’re willing to meet again we could do another exchange.” Carrie responded the next day. She said that she really enjoyed herself and believed what we were doing was ‘sex positive.’ She also said that she was shocked at how attractive I was–that she was not expecting a young guy in a suit with lots of hair, but an old creepy man with no hair. She said that she would love to meet again and this time suggested that we share a cocktail. I met Carrie three more times.

Perhaps if the reception to this story is positive I’ll write about our subsequent encounters. The next few were much more intense…



  1. Interesting story. I have a few of my own I could share. There are times I miss that section of craigslist.

  2. This reminded me of one of my casual encounters, where this petite blonde met me at a little wine bar after work, took off her panties at the bar and handed them to me. I bought her drinks and her panties.

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