Bank Robbery [MF][Public][Forced]

The last thing I wanted to do today was stop by the bank. It was the end of a long day at work and I just wanted to go back to my apartment and veg. But work had messed up my direct deposit and if I didn’t get that check deposited today it would mess up my bill pay; so here I was, fifth in line at the Wells Fargo. At least the scenery was nice, I thought. The bank was near a college so there were always some nice co-eds to look at while I waited.

“EVERYBODY FREEZE!!!” Oh shit, I thought, as everyone started screaming. Four big men with ski masks on had come through the door yelling and waving guns in the air. It was a takeover robbery, and I was stuck right in the middle. The one at the front had yelled the command, and he seemed to be the one in charge. “If everybody does exactly as we say,” he went on, “everyone will leave here today in one piece. We’re here for everything we can get, and we don’t want anybody hiding things or trying to sneak a phone call to the cops, so I’m going to need you all to take off your clothes.” The bank went silent as everyone gaped at the robber. After a moment of silence, everyone seemed to start talking and protesting at once.

BOOM! The second robber in the group had raised his gun and fired into the air. “That was your warning shot,” he said. “The next one is going into someone’s head. Now I want all of your clothes, jewelry, wallets, phones, and purses in a big pile right here in the middle of the room. Now.” The last word gave me a chill as I knew what would happen if he wasn’t obeyed. As I looked around, I saw that people had started to slowly unbutton their clothes and lift their shirts over their heads, so I started to do the same. Despite my fear and nervousness, I felt a slight thrill of excitement go through my body and I felt my dick twitch a little. When I looked up and noticed the attractive college student in front of me in line was down to her black bra and thong, I felt my dick start to rise, despite my mental protests. I knew I had no choice but to take off my clothes as well, so I pulled my shirt over my head and lowered my pants to the floor, taking my shoes and socks off with them. I was now down to my boxer shorts, with a noticeable bulge in the front. I looked around and saw that most people had gotten to about the same state I had, and were looking at the gunmen hoping that they could stay in their underwear. “Those too,” I heard the second man tell the crowd, and so I slid my boxers down to the floor, leaving me standing naked, in a crowded bank, my dick standing at full attention. I was red from embarrassment, and had my eyes glued to the floor when I heard a soft gasp from the girl next to me. I looked up to see her eyes glued to my cock, and felt it get even harder, which I didn’t think was even possible. I almost gasped myself when I truly saw her because she was perfect. Smooth C-sized breasts with tiny little nipples and a completely shaven pussy were on display a mere feet away from me, and I almost forgot our predicament. Almost.

“Well well well, what do we have here,” the first gunman said, coming over to where I was standing and pointing his gun at my crotch. “It looks like someone’s rather enjoying himself.” I looked around finally, and saw that among the five or six naked men in the room, I was the only one erect. “That’s rather impressive,” he taunted. I never thought my size was something to write home about, but at 7” hard I had never had any complaints.

“No, I…” I stuttered, not knowing exactly what to say. I was still beet red from embarrassment and was back to looking at the floor.

“Leave him alone,” I heard a soft voice say from beside me. “If your dicks were half that long you’d have the decency to go get real jobs.” I was stunned; this gorgeous girl was defending me!

The gunman just sneered. “You like it, eh sweetie? Why don’t you get down and suck it a little then!” I started to protest, tried to be gallant and tough, but it was pretty hard with a semi automatic rifle pointed at my cock. I shouldn’t have bothered; about the time I had started, I felt warm lips around my penis; and it felt amazing. I looked down and saw heaven. Her long brown hair was around her shoulders as she bobbed up and down on my cock. I could see her lower back and the top of her gorgeous ass. It was incredible. “Wait.” The gunman said, a little out of breath. Do it right. “You,” he said, pointing to me, “on the floor on your back.” I did as was told, and he directed the girl to climb on top of me. As I slipped inside of her, I knew instantly that she was as turned on by this as I was; she was dripping wet. And she was so tight; it was heavenly. She started riding me back and forth, and my hands instantly went to her tits. She moaned as I massaged her breasts and pinched her nipples and lowered onto me so I could put one in my mouth. It tasted amazing. Going on like this neither of us lasted very long, and before I knew it I felt myself getting close to cumming. She must have also, because her rhythm increased and she was really moaning now. She started yelling out loud and that was all it took to push me over the edge. I yelled out too, as I filled her tight cunt with my hot cum, load after load. It was the most intense orgasm of my life. As I came down from my high, I realized where we were. I had just had sex in a public bank, surrounded by dozens of people. We stood up sheepishly, and looked around. Everyone was staring at us in stunned silence. The bank robbers were gone. Our stuff was gone. The drawers were empty. They had used us as a distraction and we had performed beautifully (not that I minded too much).

Before long we heard the telltale signs of police sirens, and then it was chaos. I was still in a daze as a blanket was wrapped around my shoulders. I told my story, trying to make it sound like the sex was forced and not like I had wanted it more than anything I had ever wanted ever. I don’t think I was believed. I was given clothes that didn’t fit, and then was loaded into a car that would take me back to my apartment. As it started driving away, it suddenly stopped as a girl ran up to my window. Not a girl, the girl. She still just had a blanket wrapped around her and it had fallen open, exposing her right breast. I got the feeling she had left it that way on purpose. She slipped a paper into my hand and a kiss on my cheek. “Thanks” she whispered. I opened the paper; it simply said “Becky” with a heart and a phone number.



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