The Breeding Machine (Chapters 1 – 3) [OC] [Incest] [Pregnancy risk] [Coercion] [Kidnapping] [Exhibitionism]


We never knew what happened before we awoke in this post-apocalyptic facility, heads burning, hands tied. The floor was cold and mottled, leaving an imprint in my cheek as I struggled to my knees. I’ll always remember that first gasp of stagnant air, the scent of sweat and fear clung to my esophagus like tar. That was four months ago.

When we first arrived here, our minds were swimming with murky recollections of our past, our normal life, and the shores down by the beach at night. It was one of your favourite spots. That last detail was a recent recollection; Waking up on that cold and mottled floor, all I knew was that there was something ominous about the water. And a nameless voice.

“Don’t touch the water” said the voice “Don’t you and your sister go down by the beach at night, I couldn’t bear to lose either of you”. That was our dad, I remember that now. Ever since our cousin Eloise went missing in the water, your favourite spot was off limits. If only dad knew. She never did go missing in the water. She was taken here, six months ago, just one of hundreds of hopeless inmates.

The memories return slowly. There are some of our childhood together – bike rides with our parents, tamagotchems or whatever for christmas, your favourite cereal (which I almost always finished before you could). Memories of a family holiday, but I can’t tell where. Your 19th birthday, but I can’t tell when. Something about school, but the faces are blurred. I hate it. Everything we knew is incomplete, and just out of reach. Not that any of that matters now – it’s all long gone. Everything outside is gone. It’s been four months living inside this industrial human cattle farm, our only time outside being the large circular courtyard at the centre. No contact from the outside world. Why aren’t our parents coming to get us? Do they know where we are? Are they still alive?

One thing we do know is that we have each other, and our name tags definitely share the same last name, so at least our memories aren’t completely erased. Christ.

And then there’s the “breeding machine”.

It’s exactly what it sounds like, and it’s what this facility is all about. Here’s how it works: Two people enter (one male, one female), they’re left alone for an hour, and then they come out again. If the girl doesn’t come out pregnant, you aren’t fed for 48 hours. Either of you. No food, no water, for two whole days. It drives people insane! How inhumane is that? Forced breeding, it’s so fucked up. Oh, but it gets worse. Every single ‘double’, as they’re called, is related. Closely. Related.

We’ve seen so many fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, cousins, and even siblings just like us, enter the breeding machine. Always under the watchful eye of the overseers. Slowly, they all come around; You see them reason with each other, make their decision, and come out to a warm plate of food. There’s one last detail though, and it’s the reason we were waiting in the queue for four months.

Most doubles enter the breeding machine more than once.

“Session successful” notes the voice over the intercom “You will now be escorted to your dorm.”

That’s the voice of an overseer. That’s what you *want* to hear. Calm and clinical, like this whole thing is some kind of scientific laboratory, and we’re all the rats. They watch you do it, they watch through glass as you give in to each other. We never see their faces, but under those masks you’d swear they were smiling. Success means you committed incest with your partner in the chamber. That you used their body to sexually stimulate yourself until you emptied yourself into them. But of course, there’s no way to tell if your partner is pregnant right then and there. Not until they test the pregnancy. The overseers use an accelerated device, taking just 3 post-coital days before it can test for a result.

Maybe you can’t get your sister or your daughter pregnant on the first try, that’s perfectly fine. As long as you mate with each other, cum inside your sister, cum inside your daughter, and present the evidence to your overseer. Then you get dinner, and an all expenses paid trip to try again next week. Some people resist, but going without food or water for 48 hours per week, month after month… it drives people to do interesting things. Some doubles even seem eager to try it the very first time around.

“Session failed” scolds the voice, somehow without a hint of emotion “Nutrition has been cancelled for 48 hours. You will now be escorted to your dorm.”

That’s the one you *don’t* want to hear.

They’ll ease you into it though. Every double shares a cell – it’s nicer than a prison cell though, I’ll give them that. Nicer than the ‘admissions office’ we woke up in for sure. Soft carpet, sizable room, pleasant scent, comfy bed. That is *bed*, singular, because every double shares one bed. They also bring us clean clothes every day – the only catch is that I collect your clothes, you collect mine, and we have to dress each other. It’s an odd phenomenon, but seeing each other naked every single day becomes almost… comfortable… faster than either of us thought. Almost. And, obviously, there’s the small but inevitable issue of getting horny, and masturbating in the same room, while your cellmate hears everything. At first, we made a pact; Whenever I needed to get off, you would go and wait in our en-suite bathroom, and vice versa. It felt so wrong, you having to tell your big brother you needed that alone time in our bed. Sometimes, though, you could tell from my joggers when I needed that time to myself.

“Oh! Uh, bro… looks like I need to pay a visit to waaay over here!” you’d laugh as you strode to the bathroom, diffusing the awkward sexual tension. Not the tension between us, of course. I’m pretty sure. But, just to keep things lighthearted, it didn’t hurt to have a sense of humour.

About two months in, we had a heart to heart chat. At that point it didn’t seem like we were getting out of here anytime soon. We somehow agreed to not make such a big deal of hearing each other masturbate, we agreed that it was just human nature. Sometimes you were just a bit too loud, like you were comfortable with me hearing, or more likely just having a really good time. But, you know what? As your loving big brother, I liked the idea you were comfortable enough around me to not feel ashamed about your sexuality. A few weeks after that, even shutting the door between us became a hassle. You’d forgot sometimes, I would stop caring, It just happened too often; We both had a very hungry sex drive, which was something I had hoped to never find out about my cute little sister. Was it frustrating that your quiet little moans would get me hard now and again? Of course, I’d resist every time. But, starved of sex and social interaction, locked in here with you, it was the only feminine energy I had to enjoy. I mean, not enjoy, obviously. You have a cute voice, don’t get me wrong, but I wouldn’t want to hear you while I get off. I’m pretty sure.

Oh trust me, it still feels wrong. Some things will never change – you’ll always be my innocent little sister, no matter what happens. No matter what. I keep telling myself that.

But now, that will be put to the ultimate test. Now, after four months in the queue, it’s our first week. Every week, from this point onwards, we will hold hands and enter the breeding chamber as brother and sister.

And we will have a choice to make…


“Ari! James! Dinner’s ready!”

No sooner had I taken off my headphones and swivelled my chair than I saw you skipping down the hall, with a smug glace through my open doorway. It was roast chicken tonight, and you’d *always* race me to the table just to get the best bits from the sharing plate. Typical. I’d barely even put a foot on the stairs when I heard you clattering the cutlery around in the kitchen downstairs.

It’s been four months since that night. If only I had known, I’d have savoured every piece of that second-choice chicken. I’d have taken deeper breaths of that slightly-too-watered-down gravy, and perhaps I’d even have cared slightly less about that smug look on your face.

“So, how was work?” Dad asked, through mouthfuls of wing, trying his best to take your focus off of the news. People were disappearing. Every time someone went missing it reminded you of Eloise, our 20 year old cousin, lost down by the beach 2 months ago. Tonight, her parents went missing too. It was all over the news, and it was happening fast. Hundreds of families disappearing all over the city, but never families with anyone under the age of 18. Adults don’t just go missing like this, but this isn’t anything like what people first thought. Dad told us that she walked out into the water one night, too scared of what was happening to everyone else… but there was something in his voice that suggested otherwise. He saw your look of grief, not wanting to reply.

“Look, Ari, I know you’re upset…”

“I’m not upset, Dad, I’m terrified” you cut him off “Eloise is gone, my friends are disappearing, whatever you’re about to say isn’t gonna change that”

He sighed before continuing “I just don’t want you looking around, trying to find clues, that only puts you at greater risk. That goes for either of you.” he adds, turning to me “The police will figure this all out soon. Until then, don’t touch the water. Don’t you and your sister go down by the beach at night, I couldn’t bear to lose either of you.”

After dinner, we didn’t sit around long. I made a start head back upstairs while Dad got comfortable back there on the sofa. Clearly you had other plans.

“Hey” you whispered, dipping your head sideways like you were gesturing towards something “Hey, come on. Don’t you wanna know what’s down there?”

You were standing there by the cupboards underneath the stairs. We were never allowed down there, and you were getting more and more curious as time went on. Always nosy, I knew that about you by now. But damn it, so was I, in 22 years I’d never once seen the basement of my own house.

The door creaked open, despite being as quiet as you could. A dusty little staircase lead down to the basement. It was thin, barely wide enough for my shoulders, and dust lined the walls. Odd, because dad had been down here just last week. I guess he didn’t care much for it.

“Kids!?” we heard Dad shift in his seat from the other room “I don’t hear footsteps up the stairs, you still here?”

Shit. He was getting suspicious. I turn to reassure him.

“Yeah dad, you need something?”

I hear a creak. Turning back, I see you heading down the old wooden steps. Another creak as you pass over a loose board. What the fuck Ari, chill out for a sec! Let me diffuse this before he comes looking! But you’re already gone, halfway down into the darkness, looking for a light switch.

“James, what’s that creaking?” comes his voice, stern this time “Ariana, you better not…” he trails off, as I hear him pushing off the sofa to his feet.

Well, now or never. You’re nearly at the bottom, I’d be a rubbish big brother if I didn’t go check you’re safe, and share the blame. I bolt down after you, fully aware Dad was on my heels.

“Kids, please, stop!” He pleads, his stern tone now mixed with a hint of grief “I told you not to go down here!”


Your foot hits the cold cement floor, echoing in the dark. This room is bigger than I thought. I hear dad’s footsteps hurrying closer, as you run your hand over the wall for a light switch.


Light flashes, blinding us for a split second. Everything was white. Then everything went dark.


And so, here we are.

I look across to you, resilience in my eyes. We’re sitting there, on our bed, on our first week of the chamber. The air is still, and warm, but your hand feels cold. I see the worry in your eyes.

“Hey” I whisper “It’s gonna be ok, we don’t have to do anything. We’re gonna be fine”

“You don’t know that” you reply, without turning your head. You just sit there, facing forward at the large metal door, wishing you had the key. And you were right. I didn’t know any of that. Running your fingers through mine, you turn to me.

“I’m scared… that…” you falter, pursing your lips and shaking your head before continuing “I’m scared that we’re going to give in”

The thought had crossed both our minds. The rules were simple. Just play by the rules, and no one gets hurt. But disobey the overseers, and we’d go hungry for days.

“Ari, this is our first time. We can do this, right? Look at me, we can do 48 hours right?”

You look into my eyes, sincere and vulnerable “We *can* do this, James. We can go two days without food. The first time. But the second… the fourth… the tenth” you move in closer, huddling into my chest as if to comfort the both of us “How long do you think, James? How long until I *want* to end this? Until I *want* you to give in?”

*knock knock*

My hand tightens around your shoulder as we look up in shock.

An overseer stands there, peering at us from under a long black plague doctor mask, through the thick metal bars of the hole in the door. We hear the rustle of cloth and jangle of keys as they unlock our door. This is it. Week one.

The door swings open, revealing a black pinstripe suit and similarly black shroud. This was something of a uniform to them, the suit and cloak combo, something that belonged in an issue of Vogue from 1656.

“Come with me”

The overseer guides us through the long grey halls, lined with doors just like ours. Many had already visited the chamber before us, but we wouldn’t be the last. We’re holding hands as we follow him. Back in the outside world, I would never, you’d always been the bratty little sister, teasing me and getting on my nerves whenever you had the chance. In here, though, we’re all we’ve got. At least one thing hadn’t changed. I’m calm and silent in thought, calm enough for the both of us, because I know that the moment I freak out you’ll follow swiftly after. I shoot you a look of reassurance. You glance back with a slight smile.

“I’m glad it’s you I got locked in here with” you admit shyly, squeezing my hand.

The overseer comes to a halt. With another swift jangling off keys, they unlatch an even larger metal door, swinging it open as they stand to one side and gesture us in.

Stepping into the room for the first time, the gravity of our helplessness sinks in. The rear wall stretches maybe fifteen metres ahead of us, and the ceiling almost half as high. At the centre of this great square room lay a hollow glass cube, this time only four metres in every direction. Inside that cube is a rug, a wall-mounted flatscreen TV, a cabinet, and a king size bed. We look at eachother knowingly. This is it, that’s the breeding machine.


The metal door swings shut behind us, and we hear the familiar jangle of keys.

“You must be 0388BR22 and 0389SI19”

A figure steps out from the shadowed side of the room to our right. Looking over, we see a viewing deck jutting out into this hangar-like space, a private sound-proof room hovering halfway up the wall. Inside are four chairs, all seating an overseer. All but one. The figure approaches us, their beak jutting out into the light.

“Please” they gesture across to the centre of the room, towards the glass cube “After you”

Your grip on my hand tightens as we step closer and closer to the cube. The dim lighting glints and flashes across it’s smooth polished surface. As we approach, followed very closely by the beaked figure, the door opens on an electronic hinge. No more keys. This place felt a bit more modern, like an oasis of cleanliness and technology in chasm of concrete and silence. We step inside.

“Please, make yourselves at home”

The door closes behind us.

You’re tense, I can feel it. With good reason of course. I walk across the room and fall into the bed with a comical thump. Digging my elbows into the sheet, I raise my upper back from off the bed to face you.

“So, what brings a lovely lady like you here, zero eight three eight S nineteen?”

I grin with a wink to emphasise the joke. You exhale, shaking your head and rolling your eyes at your silly big brother, and run over, throwing yourself onto me. Anyone would think we were delirious from confinement, but I feel like we used humour as a coping mechanism. Apparently, if you smile enough, you can make yourself happy. I heard that one time.

“You big idiot, that’s not even the right code!” you giggle “It’s zero three eight nine S I nineteen, and youuu Mr” tapping me on the nose “are zero three eight eight B R twenty two!”

“Oh my bad, trust me to get locked in with my sister, the Queen of having a decent memory! We aren’t all as blessed, you know” I retort

You roll off of me to one side with a sigh

“So, this is it eh? The fuck… cube” you snort, forgetting the name and replacing it with words that seemed to escape your mouth involuntarily

“The fuck cube!” I howl “Yeah, that’s definitely what it’s called. Look at them up there” I gesture at the overseers watching from the viewing deck “The whole fuck cube committee”

Our laughter dies into nervousness as we remind ourselves of the situation, of being continually observed. They’re all *waiting* up there. They’re waiting for us to give in to each other, to see you climb onto your big brother. Waiting to watch us have hard, raw, unprotected incestuous sex. Real biologically-related grew-up-together incest.

“Huh… I wonder what they got on here”. Breaking the tension, you get to your feet, and approach the TV. “Where’s… fu- bro, where’s the remote?”

“Hold on” I interject “must be in this cabinet”

I shuffle my way to the end of the bed, and tug on the handle. Oh. Boy. The door swings open to reveal an assortment of items – a vibrator, a tube of lube, handcuffs, four bottles of water, sexy lingerie, a box of chocolates, two bottles of wine with matching glasses, his and hers eau du parfum, a collar, a paddle, and, thank fuck, the remote.

“Woah” I hear you whisper from over my shoulder “They’re expecting us to, um… have a pretty good time in here, aren’t they… ” your whisper evolving turning into a nervous laugh

I grab the remote and hand it to you, swinging the door shut as soon as I can, and before intrusive thoughts corrupt my mind.

‘That was a lot. A couple of horny adults could do a whole lot with what’s in that cabinet. Could anyone blame them? God, shut the fuck up, she’s your sister’

Unbeknownst to me, you were having similar thoughts

‘What the fuck, that was so far from vanilla. Was that a paddle? And a collar? Why would they put those in there if this is just a breeding thing… they’re expecting us to *enjoy* this. Fuck, I want those chocolates though’

You turn to the TV, remote in hand, and it flashes into life.

“Let’s see… Oh shit, ok! Uh… no, yeah it’s all… it’s all porn. All… porn…”

As you flick through the channels it becomes quickly apparent what the TV is for. How naive of us to think they would provide any sort of non-sexual distraction.

“This is… Oh god this is funny, it’s um… a lot of it is incest porn” you note, blushing considerably “There’s so much incest porn, that’s crazy, huh. Wow, ok. There’s some lesbian threesome stuff in here though. I don’t remember, I uh… yeah there’s a few types though… whatever, I’m gonna switch this off”


“Right” I affirm, with a sigh of relief. There was no easy way out of that. “We’re gonna have to entertain ourselves then”

You shoot me an inquisitive look, one eyebrow raised

“So we’ve got wine, some chocolate, and our imagination. I’m sure we can come up with some games to pass the time, Would You Rather or I Spy or something”

“Oh! Yeah, no that’s, yeah”

Your falter almost sounded like you expected me to suggest something else.

“You didn’t think I meant…”

“No!” you reply, shocked “No of course I didn’t think that… you know, that you’d suggest anything else. No, Would You Rather and a glass of wine, that’s perfect.” your expression shifts from embarrasment to a playful grin as you remember something “Oh fuck, lemme get those chocolates”

You jump over me, back onto the bed, reaching for the cabinet.

“Oh no you don’t, those chocolates are mine!”

I pull you back over me, just as your fingertips grazed the handle. Throwing myself to the cabinet, I grasp the door and pull it open. The gust of air shifts something thin and lightweight. A laminated instructions card flutters around inside.

“Oh… hey look, it’s a piece of paper. It’s got something written on it, I think it’s a set of instructions? Some kinda guide maybe…”

Lifting it over the perfume bottles, I read it silently.

‘Welcome to your physical bonding facility. We hope you enjoy each other, as much as you enjoy the amenities provided. You will find a home entertainment system, which has been mounted on the wall for convenient viewing. The remote control can be found within this cabinet. Your system comes customised with the pornographic viewing history of the user, displaying only the most relevant content for each double…’

I look up at you, shifting to sit upright on the edge of the bed with me.

“What does it say?”

“It says… uh, it says where we find the remote. In the cabinet, same place as this, pretty dumb right” I chuckle, waving the paper

“Oh. Yeah, pretty dumb” you chuckle calmly, almost relieved.

I remember watching that threesome video. I don’t remember the others.

“So… look” you sigh, leaning on my shoulder “What happens when we, you know… I’ve just, I’ve been thinking about things, imagining what we’re gonna have to do to each other. And… I just want you to know, I trust you. You’re my protective big brother, and you’ve always done what’s best for me. You get on my nerves, a lot, but… I do, I trust you. And whatever you want to do to me… I’ll understand”

You look up at me with a sincerity I don’t think I’d ever seen before. I pull you in tight for a cuddle, reassuring you with a brotherly kiss on the forehead. You return the affectionate snuggle, burying your head under my chin.

“You got that damn right. We’re brother and sister, that’s a biological bond for life, and that means I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get us out of here. Whatever it takes”

With a final squeeze, you pull away, kissing me on the cheek. At least, I think that’s what you intended before your kiss landed on my neck.

There’s more written on the card.

‘Some participants may choose to dull their senses with the wine provided, in order to increase their willingness or enjoyment. This wine will also reduce the fertility of the participant by an undisclosed amount, for a short period of time. Therefore, reducing your sensation of the experience will also increase the risk of experiencing it again, as you reattempt fertilisation. We hope you enjoy it’s nutty aromas and smoky full-bodied texture.

Our selection of chocolates come with a variety of biological and psychological side effects, in several delicious flavours. Try our dark chocolate praline for increased energy and libido – up to 4x the sexual hunger! Or perhaps you’d prefer the milk chocolate truffle? Last up to five times longer with boosted endurance, for that long-lasting love-making experience. Our white chocolate strawberry will physically enhance the human physique. Would your sister look cuter with a rounder ass and larger boobs? Would you prefer your father’s penis with extra girth or length? This is the one for you!’

The list went on and on. It even came with a handy little guide:

* Pink base – Libido booster
* Brown base – Endurance booster
* White base – Physique enhancer
* Red base – Sensation enhancer
* Green base – Sub / Dom reversal
* Blue base – Gag reflex reducer
* Orange base – Fertility reducer
* Black base – Random effect(s)

There were three of every chocolate in the box, 24 in total, each denoted by a colourful dyed layer across the bottom. And, right at the bottom of the laminated paper, there was one final note:

‘Warning: Up to 3 chocolates in total from this box may have dramatically exaggerated side effects, several times greater than intended.’

“It’s like a game” I laugh, looking up at you “they all do something fun, I mean, not *fun* but sick and weird in a fun kinda way”

“Let me see!” you pout, running up and leaning into my shoulder to look round at it “Ooh. No bro, they do look kinda fun…” trailing off, almost mesmerised in thought, you snap back “but so weeeird! Yeah, so fucking weird, ewww. But… would you mind if I…”

Reaching past me and into the cabinet, you pull out the box. With a toss of the lid, I watch in shock as you take a pink chocolate and place it delicately in your mouth.

“Henhation enhawncer” you explain, with a full mouth. Swallowing it with barely a chew, you continue “I kinda wanna make the most of that vibrator, you don’t mind do you bro? You hear me playing all the time, so…”

My jaw drops in realisation “Sis, that wasn’t the sensation enhancer… that was a libido booster…”

Your eyes widen as a strange, tingly sensation courses through your body, increasing your heart rate, shortening your breath, planting the seed of deep, carnal hunger. You lick your lips, unable to look away. It’s not food rations you’re growing hungry for.

It’s me.


[OOC: Hey everyone! Glad you’re enjoying this story so far! The next instalment will include some real, meaty, depraved fucking. You’ll get your action soon, I promise. There are just a couple things I’d love to include your suggestions on to make this as fun and sexy as possible:

1. What items would you like to see in the cabinet?
2. Are there any other fun chocolate side effects I should include?
3. Who else should I include as a character later on?
4. Which of your favourite kinks could I easily include or play into more?
5. Is there anything else you’d change about the story or writing style?

I realise there’s SO much setup for this story, it’s a slow burn, but this will be less than half of what’s to left to cum, and I plan on multiple detailed sex scenes. They will play Would You Rather, there will be twists and new characters, and I will make more use of sexual tension and flirting – but I’m not going to give spoilers. Just know that I have something planned.

I love hearing about your kinks, so tell me how I can satisfy them please! I also rewrote chapter one just a little bit, let me know if you prefer the updated version and why.

See you fellow perverts soon!]



  1. They run into friends and interact with them sexually as a couple and individually

  2. ooh i like this a lot! it’s so much fun to read the slow burn between two people who are very obviously going to get it on – but at the same time i just want to see them get it on already!

    i’d love, LOVE to see a gender change chocolate where the brother becomes a second sister but she keeps her cock and ari gets to slobber all over it. i love girl girl blowjobs so much and i love the idea of having her pounded by girlcock too. then maybe ari can grow a cock as well and return the favor on a still-genderswapped james. i’d also love a young little girl cousin* (Eloise?) to get involved or mom slaking her lust on her two daughters as she tests out her new cock

    but it’s your story so you can decide. i’m just a thirsty lesbian hungry for more lesbian content

    * just realized this could be read as underage, I meant petite

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